YARD and SCMCHA Representative of Al-Khalaq District Inaugurate the Training Course to Empower Women with Income-Generating Handicrafts
Tuesday, 14 September, 2021

YARD and SCMCHA Representative of Al-Khalaq District Inaugurate the Training Course to Empower Women with Income-Generating Handicrafts

On Tuesday, 11/09/2021, Yemen Al-Khair Foundation for Relief and Development (YARD) inaugurated the implementation of a training course to empower women in income-generating crafts, in coordination with the Secretariat of the Supreme Council for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and International Cooperation of Al-Jawf Governorate. The course targeted 15 female trainees who wish to be trained in handicrafts, such as making simple bread containers and plates made of bamboos and palm stalks.


IDPs CC manager, CC staff SCMSHA representative attended this occasion as the CC manager urged the trainees to pay attention to the discipline and commitment during training, to take the benefits and apply training material during the specified period and to come up with a professional benefit that the trainees can improve their income and living level through creativity in the production of plastic arts and marketing to the local market.


This intervention comes within the activities of the IDPs Community Center that is funded by UNHCR. It is illustrated by holding focus Group discussions with those targeted by the activity, choosing the most appropriate intervention that is in line with the culture of the community and rejuvenates the cultural and popular heritage in the governorate.


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