YARD Management Accompanying YHF Team in a Field Monitoring Visit to Baihan District
Sunday, 28 April, 2024

YARD Management Accompanying YHF Team in a Field Monitoring Visit to Baihan District

On Sunday, 28th April, 2024, YARD management team implemented a field visit to Baihan district in Shabwah governorate to accompany Education cluster coordinator of Al Mukala hub. The visit aimed at monitoring the progress of activities and standing at the achievements within education program YARD is implementing in 3 targeted schools in Baihan district.
During the visit, YARD Executive Director provided a detailed description about key achievements ensured during the previous period of project implementation which include the construction of 12 classrooms, rehabilitation of 8 others and construction of 6 sanitation facilities among other activities in targeted schools of Raiden, Az Zahra and Basques.
At the end of the visit, that was in participation of representatives of education office of Shabwah at governorate and district levels, the visiting team showed appreciation for the achievements ensured by YARD emphasizing the importance of meeting the plans and indicated specifications in aim to reach the desired outcomes.


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