Camp Coordination and Camp Management Project - 2020

Camp Coordination and Camp Management Project - 2020

Al-Jawf Governorate - 32 Sites in 5 Districts (Al-Humaydat, Al-Matammah, Barat Al-Anan, Kharab Al-Marashi and Barat Rajuzah) UNHCR 2077 From May till Dec 2020
About the Project

YARD is implementing a CCCM Project, funded by UNHCR, in 32 sites in 5 districts (Al-Humaydat, Al-Matammah, Barat Al-Anan, Kharab Al-Marashi and Barat Rajuzah) for 2077 households and a total of 16999 individuals from May till Dec 2020. The project aims to manage all sites that host the displaced in the aforementioned districts and the implementation of aid and protection programs in light of the internationally agreed laws and standards in order to allow the displaced to enjoy their basic human rights. Among the implemented activities are the following:

A. Training of SMC teams on data collection, information management and survey collection of sites.

B. Establish regular site related coordination meetings with site level stakeholders in coordination with UNHCR & Local Authorities.

C. Identify or establish community committees.

D. Conducting awareness-raising activities.

E. Conducting multi sectoral need assessments.  

Separated assessment to identify the gaps and the requirements of sites maintenance, support the simple needs through cash for work modality.

G. Site improvement through maintenance activities.

H. Identify the number of IDPs and the present and available Humanitarian Agencies, along with creating geographical maps.

I. Conduct coordination meetings with the service providers and activate the referral system.

J. Activating the complaint mechanism and feedback through the complaint boxes in the sites.


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