• متطوع - موارد بشرية/ إدارية

    الموعد النهائي: الخميس, 26 أكتوبر, 2023

    متطوع في مجال الموارد البشرية/الإدارية

    تسعى مؤسسة يمن الخير للإغاثة والتنمية (YARD) إلى توظيف:
    الوظيفة: متطوع موارد بشرية/إدارية
    الموقع: صنعاء
    تقارير إلى: مدير الموارد البشرية / المشرف
    الموعد النهائي: 26 / 10 / 2023
    المرجع: HR/YARD/23-0033

      الواجبات والمسؤوليات:
    • توفير الدعم الإداري للموارد البشرية.
    • أداء المهام المتعلقة بتعيين/تأهيل الموظفين وخارجهم كما هو مطلوب.
    • أداء المهام المتعلقة بحضور الموظفين، وجمع ومراجعة الجداول الزمنية وإحالتها إلى المالية.
    • المساعدة في إدارة المؤتمرات وورش العمل والاجتماعات كما هو مطلوب.
    • تقديم المساعدة لطلبات الموظفين كما هو مطلوب.
    • الالتزام بسياسات وإجراءات المنظمة فيما يتعلق بقواعد السلوك وتكافؤ الفرص والأمن والسلامة وغيرها من السياسات والإجراءات ذات الصلة.
    • الالتزام بالمبادئ الإنسانية المتمثلة في الحياد التام وعدم التحيز الديني والسياسي وعدم التمييز.
    • أداء الواجبات الأخرى ذات الصلة كما هو مطلوب والمكلفة من قبل المشرف والإبلاغ عن أي مشاكل على الفور.

    المؤهلات والخبرة:
    • شهادة في الموارد البشرية أو المجالات ذات الصلة أو التدريب ذي الصلة.
    • قادرة على القيام بمهام متعددة.
    • مرنة، ولديها القدرة على التعامل مع المواقف العصيبة.
    • مهارات اللغة الإنجليزية والعربية جيدة (الشفوية والمكتوبة).
    • مهارات الاتصال الكتابية والشفوية الجيدة.
    • معرفة جيدة بتطبيقات Microsoft Office (وخاصة Word وExcel وPowerPoint).
    • مهارات تنظيمية قوية.
    • مهارات قوية في التعامل مع الآخرين والثقافات.

    • الانجليزية والعربية
    كيفية التقديم
    يرجى من المرشحين المهتمين استخدام الرابط أدناه وملء جميع الحقول المطلوبة:


    ملاحظات التقديم:
     يرجى عدم التقديم إلا إذا استوفيت الحد الأدنى من متطلبات التقديم، وإلا فلن يتم النظر في طلبك. سيتم الاتصال فقط قائمة المرشحين المختصرة. قد يُطلب من المرشحين المختارين الجلوس للاختبار.
     هذه الوظيفة مخصصة فقط للمرشحين المؤهلين من مواطني اليمن، بغض النظر عن الإعاقة أو الهوية الجنسية أو الحالة الاجتماعية أو العرق أو اللون أو الأصول العرقية والقومية.
     لا تتقاضى YARD أي رسوم في أي مرحلة من مراحل عملية التوظيف (التقديم، أو مقابلة المقابلة، أو المعالجة أو أي رسوم أخرى).
     يُتوقع من جميع المرشحين المختارين الالتزام بمعايير الاستغلال والاعتداء الجنسي والتحرش الجنسي وإساءة استخدام السلطة والتمييز، وبالتالي سيخضعون لفحوصات مرجعية وخلفية صارمة. ستشمل فحوصات الخلفية التحقق من أوراق الاعتماد الأكاديمية والتاريخ الوظيفي. قد يُطلب من المرشحين المختارين تقديم معلومات إضافية لإجراء فحص الخلفية.

  • مراقب حماية

    الموعد النهائي: السبت, 07 يناير, 2023

    المسمى الوظيفي: مراقب حماية
    مكان العمل: الجوف
    المدير المباشر: ضابط الحماية
    المدة: حتى 31/12/2023
    تاريخ انتهاء الإعلان: 07/01/2023
    مرجع الوظيفة: HR/YARD/UNHCR/INT/23-002
    المهام والمسؤوليات:

    • متابعة وتقييم الحالات للنازحين ومعرفة ما إذا كانت الحالات تتفق مع المعايير أم لا والتأكد من توثيق الحالات وصنع قصص النجاح.
    • التحري التام في تقييم النزوح الجديد من حيث اسباب ومشكلة النزوح بما يتوافق مع خطوات تقييم الحماية.
    • ضمان والتحقق من أن الحالات المحالة إلى خدمات الحماية والمأوى تفي بمعايير الضعف وتستحق خدمتها. على سبيل المثال، حالات الطوارئ.
    • تحديد القائمة النهائية للمستفيدين المؤهلين لخدمات الحماية والملاجئ والمشاركين في المساعدة النقدية بالتعاون مع اعضاء الشبكة المجتمعية والتي وافق عليها ضابط الحماية وتسليمها إلى إدخال البيانات بشكل يومي.
    • كتابة البيانات في نماذج تقييم الاحتياجات الأولية ثم تفريغها في نظام كوبو من خلال الأجهزة الإلكترونية.
    • متابعة وتوثيق وحفظ جميع الوثائق للحالات التي يتم تسليمها إلى خدمات الحماية والمأوى.
    • إرسال تقارير الأداء الشهرية إلى ضابط الحماية.
    • القيام بزيارات ميدانية منتظمة لجميع مواقع البرنامج لدعم وتقييم وتنفيذ البرنامج، وتحديد أي مخاوف والحصول على ردود فعل المستفيدين.
    • التنقل إلى مواقع النازحين لإجراء أحداث شاملة وتشاركية لتحديد الاحتياجات.
    • رتب وإعداد جميع متطلبات التوزيع وتحمل المسؤولية عن جميع أنشطة التوزيع في هذا المجال.
    • القيام بالتقييمات الميدانية بحسب معايير الاستهداف.
    • العمل بكل ما يتعلق بالحالة الميدانية من تقارير وإحالة وتعبئة استمارة الإحالة.
    • ارشفة العمل الخاص بالباحث من الميدان وتوريدها الى ضابط الحماية
    • التقييم وفق المعايير الواضحة والمحددة للمشروع.
    • متابعة الحالات الطارئة ورفعها الى قائد الشبكة عبر الايميل مع نسخة لضابط الحماية.
    • التحقق من ارشفة كافة الحالات المرفوعة بشكل يومي واسبوعي وشهري الكترونيا وورقيا.
    • أي مهام أخرى يكلفها بها ضابط الحماية.
    المؤهلات والخبرات:
    • دبلوم أو شهادة جامعية في أي تخصص ذو صلة.
    • 3 سنوات من الخبرة المهنية ذات الصلة، يفضل أن تكون في حالات الطوارئ و / أو سياق التنمية.
    • خبرة أو معرفة سابقة مع مؤسسة يمن الخير للإغاثة والتنمية و / أو الأشخاص المعنيون (بما في ذلك النازحون واللاجئون-العائدون) ستكون ميزة.
    • خبرة أو معرفة سابقة مع قطاع المنظمات غير الحكومية ستكون ميزة.
    • معرفة الحماية الدولية والمعايير القانونية لحقوق الإنسان.
    • المعرفة والمهارات والخبرة في تنمية المجتمع وحشده.
    • مهارات متميزة في التعامل مع الآخرين وحل المشكلات والإبداع والمرونة.
    • إجادة اللغة العربية واللغة الإنجليزية كتابة ونطقا ومهارات الكمبيوتر ذات الصلة.
    • الاحترام الكامل لسرية العميل / المنظمة.
    • إظهار مهارات التعامل مع الآخرين واحترام ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة وغيرها من نقاط الضعف.
    • العربية ويفضل الإنجليزية
    كيفية التقديم:
    • يُطلب من المرشحين المهتمين استخدام الرابط أدناه وملء جميع الحقول المطلوبة:
    ملاحظات شغل الوظيفة:
    • يرجى عدم التقديم ما لم تستوفي الحد الأدنى من متطلبات الوظيفة، وإلا فلن يتم النظر في طلبك. سيتم الاتصال فقط بقائمة المرشحين المختصرة. قد يُطلب من المرشحين المختارين الحضور للاختبار.
    • يُتوقع من جميع المرشحين المختارين الالتزام بمعايير الاستغلال والاعتداء الجنسيين والتحرش الجنسي وإساءة استخدام السلطة والتمييز، وبالتالي سيخضعون لفحوصات صارمة للمراجع والخلفيات. ستتضمن التحقق من بيانات الاعتماد الأكاديمية والتاريخ الوظيفي. قد يُطلب من المرشحين المختارين تقديم معلومات إضافية لإجراءات الفحص.

  • مهندس تقني

    الموعد النهائي: السبت, 07 يناير, 2023

    المسمى الوظيفي: مهندس تقني
    مكان العمل: الجوف
    المدير المباشر: مدير المشروع
    المدة: حتى 31/12/2023
    تاريخ انتهاء الإعلان: 07/01/2023
    مرجع الوظيفة: HR/YARD/UNHCR/INT/23-006
    المهام والمسؤوليات:
    • إعادة تقييم أعمال إعادة التأهيل قبل التنفيذ.
    • تقديم خطة عمل محددة بالتفاصيل ومعززة بإطار زمني لكل نشاط.
    •  المشاركة في تسليم المواقع للمقاولين وفق الخطة بالتنسيق مع جميع الجهات المعنية.
    • القيام بالإدارة الفنية من حيث الإشراف الميداني.
    • تسليم المخرجات المالية وفق التعليمات المتبعة بالتنسيق مع الجهات المعنية.
    •  تقديم التقارير الأسبوعية وتسهيل أعمال المقاول.
    • إعداد خطة لرفع التقارير وتقديم المخرجات.
    • المشاركة في التنسيق المستمر مع موظفي المشروع وتزويدهم بالمعلومات الحيوية للمشروع.
    • ضمان مراقبة الجودة عند التنفيذ والتأكد من استيفاء المواد المقدمة للمواصفات ومعايير الجودة.
    • توثيق جميع الأعمال المنفذة وتدوين الملاحظات / التعليقات على أساس يومي.
    • رفع التقارير أو الاقتراحات في حالة وجود أي خرق في جودة التنفيذ.
    • تلقي / التعامل مع جميع الرسائل / الطلبات التي قدمها المقاول، وتسليمها / مناقشتها مع المشرف الميداني.
    • يؤدي واجبات أخرى كما تم تعيينه.
    المؤهلات والخبرات:
    • بكالوريوس في الهندسة المدنية أو أي مجال هندسي آخر ذو صلة.
    • المعرفة بالهندسة المدنية (خاصة في إمدادات المياه والضخ والآبار).
    • المعرفة حول مشاريع المياه والضغوط الهيدروليكية والمضخات والمحركات.
    • يجب أن يكون على استعداد لتعلم مهارات وإجراءات جديدة.
    • مهارات اتصال جيدة (اللغة العربية أساسية، اللغة الإنجليزية مرغوب فيها).
    • المرونة والالتزام.
    • القدرة والاستعداد للسفر الى الميدان.
    • القدرة على العمل مع / في فريق، ولكن أيضًا بطريقة مستقلة.
    • القدرة على العمل تحت الضغط والالتزام بالمواعيد.
    • مهارات قوية في التواصل والتعامل مع الاخرين.
    • الإنجليزية والعربية.
    كيفية التقديم:
    • يُطلب من المرشحين المهتمين استخدام الرابط أدناه وملء جميع الحقول المطلوبة:
    • يرجى عدم التقديم ما لم تستوفي الحد الأدنى من متطلبات الوظيفة، وإلا فلن يتم النظر في طلبك. سيتم الاتصال فقط بقائمة المرشحين المختصرة. قد يُطلب من المرشحين المختارين الحضور للاختبار.
    • يُتوقع من جميع المرشحين المختارين الالتزام بمعايير الاستغلال والاعتداء الجنسيين والتحرش الجنسي وإساءة استخدام السلطة والتمييز، وبالتالي سيخضعون لفحوصات صارمة للمراجع والخلفيات. ستتضمن التحقق من بيانات الاعتماد الأكاديمية والتاريخ الوظيفي. قد يُطلب من المرشحين المختارين تقديم معلومات إضافية لإجراءات الفحص.

  • مساعد الخط الساخن

    الموعد النهائي: السبت, 07 يناير, 2023

    المسمى الوظيفي: مساعد الخط الساخن
    مكان العمل: الجوف
    المدير المباشر: ضابط المسائلة
    المدة: حتى 31/12/2023
    تاريخ انتهاء الإعلان: 07/01/2023
    مرجع الوظيفة: HR/YARD/UNHCR/INT/23-008
    المهام والمسؤوليات:
    • الرد على جميع مكالمات المستفيدين عبر الخط الساخن، ومعاملة جميع المتصلين باحترام ولطف وسرية وحساسية.
    • ضمان الاستجابة المباشرة في الوقت المناسب، كلما أمكن ذلك ، للرد على استفسارات المستفيدين ، بناءً على المعرفة والمواد (سؤال وجواب) التي طورتها المفوضية والشريك (حول الموضوعات الهامة المتعلقة بالأنشطة والمساعدة وبرامج المراكز المجتمعية).
    • ضمان التسجيل الدقيق وفي الوقت المناسب لجميع مكالمات الخط الساخن باستخدام النموذج القياسي / السجل وفقًا لإجراءات التشغيل الموحدة لآلية الشكاوى والتغذية الراجعة.
    • عندما لا يمكن تقديم الإجابات مباشرة إلى المتصل ، قم بالتنسيق مع مختلف موظفي مركز المجتمعي للمتابعة المناسبة والإحالات للاستفسارات التي يتم الإبلاغ عنها من خلال الخطوط الساخنة.
    • الاتصال بمسؤول المساءلة لجميع الشكاوى المبلغ عنها من خلال الخطوط الساخنة.
    • استشر أي شكاوى معقدة وخطيرة بما في ذلك الادعاء بانتهاك مدونة قواعد السلوك والاستغلال الجنسي الاستراتيجي والتوصيات والملاحظات مع مسؤول المسائلة في الوقت المناسب ، والذي يحتاج إلى الإبلاغ فورًا عن شكاوى خطيرة إلى إدارة الشركاء و CFM FP التابع للمفوضية.
    • أداء مهام أخرى عند الحاجة ، على سبيل المثال مراقبة توزيع ما بعد المساعدة.
    المؤهلات والخبرات:
    • دبلوم أو بكالوريوس في أي تخصص ذو صلة.
    • مهارات متميزة في التواصل والتعامل مع الاخرين.
    • مهارات متميزة في التيسير، وفهم قوي لكيفية جمع التقييمات بأمان ودقة من جميع أعضاء المجتمع بغض النظر عن العمر أو الجنس أو عوامل التنوع الأخرى.
    • مهارات التنظيم.
    • مهارات الحاسوب وكفاءة استخدام برنامج الوورد وبرنامج الاكسل كحد أدنى.
    • الإنجليزية والعربية.
    كيفية التقديم:
    • يُطلب من المرشحين المهتمين استخدام الرابط أدناه وملء جميع الحقول المطلوبة:
    • يرجى عدم التقديم ما لم تستوفي الحد الأدنى من متطلبات الوظيفة، وإلا فلن يتم النظر في طلبك. سيتم الاتصال فقط بقائمة المرشحين المختصرة. قد يُطلب من المرشحين المختارين الحضور للاختبار.
    • يُتوقع من جميع المرشحين المختارين الالتزام بمعايير الاستغلال والاعتداء الجنسيين والتحرش الجنسي وإساءة استخدام السلطة والتمييز، وبالتالي سيخضعون لفحوصات صارمة للمراجع والخلفيات. ستتضمن التحقق من بيانات الاعتماد الأكاديمية والتاريخ الوظيفي. قد يُطلب من المرشحين المختارين تقديم معلومات إضافية لإجراءات الفحص.

  • مساعد مدخل بيانات

    الموعد النهائي: السبت, 07 يناير, 2023

    المسمى الوظيفي: مساعد مدخل بيانات
    مكان العمل: الجوف
    المدة: حتى 31/12/2023
    تاريخ انتهاء الإعلان: 07/01/2023
    مرجع الوظيفة: HR/YARD/UNHCR/INT/23-005
    المهام والمسؤوليات:
    • إنشاء قواعد البيانات بشكل صحيح على أساس المعلومات اللازمة وإعداد الوثائق وفرزها لإدخال البيانات.
    • إدخال البيانات في برنامج قاعدة البيانات بدقة وضمان دقة المعلومات ومنع الازدواجية مع تحمل المسؤولية ذلك
    • حل التناقضات في المعلومات والحصول على مزيد من المعلومات للمستندات غير المكتملة.
    • إنشاء نسخ احتياطية للبيانات كجزء من خطة للطوارئ.
    • الاستجابة لطلبات المعلومات وتوفير تحليل البيانات الأساسية والنتائج على أساس أسبوعي وشهري للموظفين المعتمدين.
    • تجميع وفرز المعلومات وفقًا لأولويات إعداد البيانات المصدر لإدخال الكمبيوتر.
    • مراجعة والتحقق من البيانات وإجراء التصحيحات عند الضرورة.
    • اعداد تقارير منتظمة، وتخزين العمل المنجز في المواقع المعينة.
    • مسح المستندات وملفات الطباعة، عند الاقتضاء.
    • الحفاظ على سجلات أو سجلات الأنشطة والمهام.
    • تأكد من أن يتم إدخال البيانات إلى النظام على أساس يومي
    • إعداد قوائم المستفيدين وكشوفات الصرف والبصمة وتجهيز القسائم.
    • أن يتصرف / يتصرف بنفسه مهنيًا وشخصيًا بطريقة تجعل ائتمان المؤسسة وعدم تعريض مهمتها الإنسانية للخطر.
    • ضمان احترام مبدأ السرية وعدم الكشف عن أي معلومات يتم الحصول عليها عن طريق أداء واجباتها.
    • العمل على إيجاد قاعدة بيانات شاملة تحوي جميع قوائم المستفيدين
    • تحليل القوائم وإزالة التكرارات التحقق من عدم تعارض التعديلات مع ما هو في النظام
    • الالتزام بفورمات المانح بجميع البيانات سواء للرفع او لإعطاء المبررات
    • الالتزام التام بمنهجية العمل وفقا لسياسات ادارة المركز والمؤسسة
    • المرونة التامة في تنفيذ المهام الموكلة واي مهام أخرى في حال طلب الإدارة.
    • الالتزام بتنفيذ المهام المناطة وفقا لنظام السلم الوظيفي دون التجاوزات في أي مهمة الا بتكليف رسمي من الادارة المباشرة
    • حضور الاجتماعات الدورية بالمركز والمشاركة الفاعلة في وضع المبادرات والمقترحات الجديدة التي تسعى الى تطوير وتحسين جودة الاداء.
    • اي مهام اخرى يتم تكليفها من قبل الإدارة او المسئول المباشر
    المؤهلات والخبرات:
    • دبلوم أو بكالوريوس علوم الحاسوب أو تخصص ذو صلة.
    • خبرة سابقة لا تقل عن سنتين في إدارة البيانات، يفضل في المنظمات الإنسانية غير الحكومية.
    • كفاءة في كتابة التقارير باللغتين العربية والإنجليزية.
    • خبرة في قطاعات بيانات الحماية.
    • إجادة اللغة الإنجليزية (كتابة ونطقا).
    • خبرة في استخدام نظام الـــكوبو وأنظمة أخرى.
    • مختص في استخدام برامج مايكروسوفت اوفيس، اكسل، وخبير في قواعد البيانات.
    • خبرة في تحليل البيانات.
    • الإنجليزية والعربية.
    كيفية التقديم:
    • يُطلب من المرشحين المهتمين استخدام الرابط أدناه وملء جميع الحقول المطلوبة:
    • يرجى عدم التقديم ما لم تستوفي الحد الأدنى من متطلبات الوظيفة، وإلا فلن يتم النظر في طلبك. سيتم الاتصال فقط بقائمة المرشحين المختصرة. قد يُطلب من المرشحين المختارين الحضور للاختبار.
    • يُتوقع من جميع المرشحين المختارين الالتزام بمعايير الاستغلال والاعتداء الجنسيين والتحرش الجنسي وإساءة استخدام السلطة والتمييز، وبالتالي سيخضعون لفحوصات صارمة للمراجع والخلفيات. ستتضمن التحقق من بيانات الاعتماد الأكاديمية والتاريخ الوظيفي. قد يُطلب من المرشحين المختارين تقديم معلومات إضافية لإجراءات الفحص.

  • مختص تواصل وإعلام

    الموعد النهائي: السبت, 07 يناير, 2023

    المسمى الوظيفي: مختص تواصل وإعلام
    مكان العمل: صنعاء - الجوف
    المدير المباشر: مدير المشروع
    المدة: حتى 31/12/2023
    تاريخ انتهاء الإعلان: 07/01/2023
    مرجع الوظيفة: HR/YARD/UNHCR/INT/23-001
    المهام والمسؤوليات:
    • رسم الخرائط المطلوبة في المحافظات المستهدفة
    • تدريب بناء القدرات المهنية للإعلاميين والمواد الإعلامية
    • تصميم المحتوى المشترك – و ورش عمل لتبادل الأفكار حول محتوى الوسائط.
    • زيادة المعايير الاجتماعية الإيجابية حول بناة السلام يتم تعميمها في المجتمعات اليمنية المحلية.
    • عمل المناقشات حول المواضيع المتعلقة وتحت مظلة الموضوعات الرئيسية للمشروع
    • يطور ويحافظ على خطوط اتصال جيدة مع الإعلاميين.
    • يضمن الحفاظ على طرق اتصالات المشروع والمعايير والعمليات المتفق عليها طوال دورة حياة المشروع
    • يعمل كجزء من فريق لتطوير حملات وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي الكبيرة
    • يشرف على إنتاج الوثيقة النهائية للمشروع.
    • ينتج محتوى رقميًا لوسائل الإعلام الاجتماعية للمشروع (منشورات وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي الأسبوعية عبر قنوات متعددة وقصص الصور وعروض الشرائح والتنزيلات الرقمية وما إلى ذلك)
    • إدارة وتحديث وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي للمشروع (قبول الطلبات والمناقشات المعتدلة وما إلى ذلك)
    • يجمع ويتتبع بيانات التحليلات الاجتماعية على أساس شهري ويقدم تقريرًا شهريًا عن الأنشطة والإبلاغ الفوري عن أي قضايا مهمة ذات صلة.
    • عمل مع فريق المشروع لمواءمة أنشطة وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي مع أنشطة المشروع الجارية.
    • ينتج صورة معلوماتية لأنشطة المشروع.
    • يضمن جودة أنظمة تقديم التقارير والإبلاغ للأنشطة الإعلامية ، وتغذية التقارير إلى الجهات المانحة حول التقدم المحرز في التنفيذ والنتائج المحققة.
    • يضمن جودة أنظمة تقديم التقارير والإبلاغ للأنشطة الإعلامية ، وتغذية التقارير إلى الجهات المانحة حول التقدم المحرز في التنفيذ والنتائج المحققة.
    • إعداد كتيبات ونشرات ومواد أخرى ذات صلة باللجنة الانتخابية المستقلة حول تعزيز إشراك المرأة في بناء السلام.
    • لقيام بزيارات ميدانية متكررة إلى المناطق المستهدفة لإدارة أنشطة المشروع والإشراف عليها وتقديم التعليقات والتوجيه للإعلاميين المحترفين
    • إبقاء مدير المشروع على اطلاع بالتقدم المحرز والتحديات المواجهة (من خلال التقارير المنتظمة)
    • ضمان بيئة عمل آمنة لجميع الأشخاص المشاركين في تنفيذ المشروع والحفاظ على أعلى معايير السلوك عند العمل مع المجتمع المستهدف.
    • الالتزام بجميع السياسات والإجراءات التنظيمية على النحو المبين في سياسات البحث وكتيبات الإجراءات.
    • الالتزام بجميع السياسات والإجراءات التنظيمية على النحو المبين في سياسات ادارة الموارد البشرية
    المؤهلات والخبرات:
    • شهادة جامعية أو ما يعادلها / دبلوم أو مؤهل مشابه من مؤسسة معترف بها أو خبرات معادلة.
    • خبرة مهنية لا تقل عن 4 سنوات في منصب مشابه بما في ذلك العمل الميداني المكثف.
    • خبرة في تنسيق وتخطيط أنشطة التوعية المجتمعية.
    • القدرة على تحليل وتقديم المعلومات بطريقة واضحة.
    • معرفة جيدة بسياق الصراع اليمني والخبرة الميدانية السابقة.
    • معرفة قوية بالسياق المحلي والديناميكيات في المحافظات المستهدفة.
    • الإنجليزية والعربية.
    كيفية التقديم:
    • يُطلب من المرشحين المهتمين استخدام الرابط أدناه وملء جميع الحقول المطلوبة:
    • يرجى عدم التقديم ما لم تستوفي الحد الأدنى من متطلبات الوظيفة، وإلا فلن يتم النظر في طلبك. سيتم الاتصال فقط بقائمة المرشحين المختصرة. قد يُطلب من المرشحين المختارين الحضور للاختبار.
    • يُتوقع من جميع المرشحين المختارين الالتزام بمعايير الاستغلال والاعتداء الجنسيين والتحرش الجنسي وإساءة استخدام السلطة والتمييز، وبالتالي سيخضعون لفحوصات صارمة للمراجع والخلفيات. ستتضمن التحقق من بيانات الاعتماد الأكاديمية والتاريخ الوظيفي. قد يُطلب من المرشحين المختارين تقديم معلومات إضافية لإجراءات الفحص.

  • ضابط مسائلة

    الموعد النهائي: السبت, 07 يناير, 2023

    المسمى الوظيفي: ضابط مساءلة
    مكان العمل: الجوف
    المدير المباشر: مدير المشروع
    المدة: حتى 31/12/2023
    تاريخ انتهاء الإعلان: 07/01/2023
    مرجع الوظيفة: HR/YARD/UNHCR/INT/23-007
    المهام والمسؤوليات:
    • ضمان تشغيل الشكاوى وآلية الاستجابة، من خلال الجمع الفعال للشكاوى بما في ذلك الزيارات الميدانية وإدارة الخط الساخن للمستفيدين وصناديق الشكاوى.
    • ضمان الاتصال المستمر مع السكان المتضررين في منطقة التدخل والمساهمة في تحسين مشاركة المجتمع في البرمجة.
    • المساهمة في تحديد استراتيجية المساءلة لكل مشروع باتباع خطة المساءلة والتوجيهات المقدمة من مدير المشروع.
    • المساهمة في مراقبة رضا المستفيدين، من خلال القيادة في إجراء متابعات حول رضا المستفيدين مع ردود مديري المشاريع في هذا المجال.
    • الإشراف على مساعد الخط الساخن للتأكد من أنهم يقدمون استجابة مناسبة ومتماسكة وفي الوقت المناسب للمستفيدين وأنهم يسجلون بشكل صحيح الاستعلام / التعليقات / الشكاوى في ورقة تسجيل آلية الشكاوى والتغذية الراجعة.
    • التأكد من أن المستفيدين يتلقون معلومات محدثة عن الخدمات المتاحة التي يقدمها شريك الحماية التابع للمفوضية وأن المعلومات يتم تقديمها بشكل صحيح إلى مساعد الخط الساخن
    • اقتراح تغييرات / تحسينات على آلية الشكاوى والتغذية الراجعة للمفوضية، على أساس رصد فعاليتها
    • فريق دعم ومتابعة تطبيق التوصيات المنفذة بناءً على نتائج أي أنشطة مساءلة
    • الرفع إلى مسؤول الحماية بشأن الشكاوى الجادة أو المتعلقة بالشكاوى المتلقاة والتحديات وأي قضايا أخرى ذات صلة تتطلب اهتمام ضابط الحماية. إذا كانت الشكاوى خطيرة للغاية في طبيعتها، فقم بإبلاغ المفوضية السامية للاجئين (CFM FP)
    • دعم الفريق ومتابعة تطبيق التوصيات المنفذة بناءً على نتائج أي أنشطة تتعلق بالمساءلة.
    • متابعة الشكاوى أولا بأول وتعبئتها في الاستمارات المخصصة لذلك وتقديم التغذية الراجعة كل خمسة عشر يوماً
    • ارشفة جميع الوثائق من جميع المكاتب بشكل شهري وبالتنسيق مع المتابعة والتقييم.
    • العمل على تطوير وتحسين الأداء الوظيفي
    • أي أنشطة أخرى يتم تكليفها من قبل المدير المباشر
    المؤهلات والخبرات:
    • بكالوريوس إدارة أو معلومات وإدارة البيانات أو تخصص ذو صلة.
    • مهارات متقدمة في إدارة البيانات (اكسل / اكسس متقدم).
    • خبرة سابقة لا تقل عن سنتين في المنظمات غير الحكومية وإدارة البيانات.
    • إجادة الكتابة باللغة الإنجليزية والقدرة على كتابة تقارير بجودة جيدة.
    • القدرة على تحفيز الذات، تحقيق النتائج مع مهارة التنظيم المتميز.
    • القدرة على اتخاذ القرارات المناسبة لحل المشكلات وتحديد أولويات العمل.
    • تحمل المسؤولية والمبادرة لاكتشاف الأشياء وتوسيع المعرفة الخاصة.
    • الإنجليزية والعربية.
    يجب أن يجيد شاغل الوظيفة اللغتين (القراءة والكتابة والتحدث والاستماع).
    كيفية التقديم:
    • يُطلب من المرشحين المهتمين استخدام الرابط أدناه وملء جميع الحقول المطلوبة:
    • يرجى عدم التقديم ما لم تستوفي الحد الأدنى من متطلبات الوظيفة، وإلا فلن يتم النظر في طلبك. سيتم الاتصال فقط بقائمة المرشحين المختصرة. قد يُطلب من المرشحين المختارين الحضور للاختبار.
    • يُتوقع من جميع المرشحين المختارين الالتزام بمعايير الاستغلال والاعتداء الجنسيين والتحرش الجنسي وإساءة استخدام السلطة والتمييز، وبالتالي سيخضعون لفحوصات صارمة للمراجع والخلفيات. ستتضمن التحقق من بيانات الاعتماد الأكاديمية والتاريخ الوظيفي. قد يُطلب من المرشحين المختارين تقديم معلومات إضافية لإجراءات الفحص.

  • ضابط إدارة بيانات

    الموعد النهائي: السبت, 07 يناير, 2023

    المسمى الوظيفي: ضابط إدارة بيانات
    مكان العمل: الجوف
    المدير المباشر: مدير المشروع
    المدة: حتى 31/12/2023
    تاريخ انتهاء الإعلان: 07/01/2023
    مرجع الوظيفة: HR/YARD/UNHCR/INT/23-004
    المهام والمسؤوليات:
    • دعم إدارة البيانات والعمليات اليومية للفريق الميداني، مما يضمن تناسق وجودة البيانات من جمع المعلومات المنتظم (مثل تقارير الشركاء، ورسم خرائط الخدمة، ومراقبة مؤشر الخدمة / مراقبة الموقع، CRM).
    • تجميع البيانات الواردة من الفرق الميدانية، وإجراء تنظيف البيانات حسب الضرورة.
    • تحديث وصيانة قواعد البيانات.
    • التعاون مع مسؤول المأوى وادارة والمخيمات والفرق الميدانية لتصميم وتحسين الأدوات والعمليات لأنشطة الرسائل الفورية المنتظمة والدورية، حسب الحاجة.
    • قم بإنشاء أدوات باستخدام ODK / Kobo، أو على نماذج ورقية، حسب الحاجة.
    • إجراء تحليل للبيانات حسب الحاجة، والعمل مع مسؤول المأوى وادارة المخيمات والفرق الميدانية لضمان استخدام المعلومات.
    • إنتاج مخرجات وتقارير منتظمة لفرق البرامج وتقديم تقارير منتظمة إلى مجموعة المأوى / المواد غير الغذائية / تنسيق وإدارة المخيمات و / أو الجهة المانحة.
    • تصميم وإنتاج منتجات للاستخدام الداخلي والخارجي.
    • تأكد من وجود آليات لتدفق المعلومات إلى سكان المواقع (على سبيل المثال من خلال منتجات المعلومات التي يمكن الوصول إليها، والتواصل اللفظي من فرق تنسيق وإدارة المخيمات).
    • ضمان تدفق البيانات بشكل منتظم ومتسق من فرق البرامج وفقًا للعمليات القائمة.
    • ضمان تحديث قواعد البيانات الخاصة بآليات الشكاوى وآليات الاستجابة (CRM) بانتظام من قبل الفرق الميدانية، وإجراء تنظيف وتحليل قواعد البيانات حسب الحاجة، وضمان تتبع أهداف وقت استجابة CRM.
    • العمل عن كثب مع قسم البرامج في إدارة علاقات العملاء، لضمان آلية نقل الحالة بين البرامج وقسم تنسيق وإدارة المخيمات. وظيفية وتحترم السرية.
    • التعاون مع الفريق الميداني في تمارين التقييم أو المراقبة، حسب الحاجة.
    • تقديم الدعم لفرق CCCM وShelter التي تعمل في مواقع النازحين إلى جانب فرق الحماية، حسب الضرورة. قد يشمل ذلك دعمًا لبناء أدوات التقييم أو المراقبة في ODK / Kobo، وتنظيف قواعد البيانات وصيانتها، أو التأكد من وجود عمليات المراسلة الفورية للمراقبة المنتظمة للبنية التحتية للموقع
    • تعاون مع قسم البرامج حول إنشاء المنتجات والخرائط على النحو المطلوب من قبل ضابط الايواء وادارة المخيمات
    • اي مهام اخرى يتم تكليفكم بها من قبل الادارة او المدير المباشر
    المؤهلات والخبرات:
    • شهادة جامعية في اللغة الإنجليزية أو ما يعادله في أي مجال تعليمي مع سنتين من الخبرة في مجال مشابه، حيث يفضل العمل سابقًا مع الوكالات الإنسانية.
    • القدرة على العمل بشكل مستقل والعمل مع الفريق.
    • المرونة والالتزام.
    • القدرة والاستعداد للسفر إلى الميدان.
    • القدرة على العمل تحت الضغط والالتزام بالمواعيد.
    • مهارات قوية في التواصل والتعامل مع الاخرين.
    • الإنجليزية والعربية.
    كيفية التقديم:
    • يُطلب من المرشحين المهتمين استخدام الرابط أدناه وملء جميع الحقول المطلوبة:
    • يرجى عدم التقديم ما لم تستوفي الحد الأدنى من متطلبات الوظيفة، وإلا فلن يتم النظر في طلبك. سيتم الاتصال فقط بقائمة المرشحين المختصرة. قد يُطلب من المرشحين المختارين الحضور للاختبار.
    • يُتوقع من جميع المرشحين المختارين الالتزام بمعايير الاستغلال والاعتداء الجنسيين والتحرش الجنسي وإساءة استخدام السلطة والتمييز، وبالتالي سيخضعون لفحوصات صارمة للمراجع والخلفيات. ستتضمن التحقق من بيانات الاعتماد الأكاديمية والتاريخ الوظيفي. قد يُطلب من المرشحين المختارين تقديم معلومات إضافية لإجراءات الفحص.

  • موظف اجتماعي

    الموعد النهائي: الخميس, 05 يناير, 2023

    المسمى الوظيفي: موظف اجتماعي
    مكان العمل: الجوف
    المدة: حتى 31/12/2023
    تاريخ انتهاء الإعلان: 07/01/2023
    مرجع الوظيفة: HR/YARD/UNHCR/INT/23-003
    المهام والمسؤوليات:
    • الإشراف على الأنشطة الخاصة بالنازحين في المجتمعات المضيفة.
    • تحديد الحالات ذات الاحتياجات الخاصة واستلامها في الوقت المناسب من خلال الزيارات المنزلية أو الإحالات الذاتية، بواسطة مراقبي الحماية والفرق المتنقلة، الذين قد يحتاجون إلى مزيد من التقييم والتدخل والدعم.
    • إجراء تقييمات لاحتياجات المستفيدين الضعفاء: يجب أن تتضمن المقابلات تقييمًا للعوامل البيئية والعاطفية والسلوكية والاجتماعية بالإضافة إلى الموارد ونقاط القوة التي تؤثر على رفاهية الفرد. يجب إعطاء الأولوية للحالات الطبية والأمنية.
    • تقديم دعم نفسي فردي عالي الجودة ومناسب للعمر لتحسين مرونة الأشخاص المحتاجين الذين يتعاملون مع المركز المجتمعي بما يتماشى مع المبادئ التوجيهية الأساسية (الموافقة المستنيرة والسلامة والأمن والسرية والاحترام وعدم التمييز)؛
    • عقد جلسات توعية حول الموضوعات ذات الصلة المتعلقة بحماية المجتمع المتضرر، ورفاهية الأطفال، وغيرها من الموضوعات التي تدعم تطوير الأنشطة التي يملكها المجتمع.
    • بموافقة نقاط الاتصال ، قم بإحالتهم إلى الخدمات المقدمة داخل المركز المجتمعي مثل المساعدة القانونية والدعم النفسي الاجتماعي أو إدارة الحالة ومقدمي الخدمات الخارجيين عند الحاجة ، وفقًا لخريطة إحالة / خدمة مقدمي الخدمة وضمان متابعة القضايا المحالة؛
    • مساعدة مسؤول الحماية لتحديث خريطة الإحالة / الخدمة بشكل دوري بالتنسيق الوثيق مع هيكل التنسيق الحالي.
    • المشاركة، بناءً على طلب مسؤول الحماية أو مدير الحالة / عامل الحالة، في اجتماعات المفوضية والشركاء المنفذين وأنشطة التدريب وبناء القدرات.
    • توفير تحديثات منتظمة لمدير الحالة / عامل الحالة في حالات PSN المحددة (الأشخاص ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة) بشكل عام إلى مسؤول الحماية.
    • مساعدة مدير الحالة / ضابط الحالة وموظف الحماية في إعداد التقارير الأسبوعية والشهرية؛
    • إدارة وملئ وأرشفة نماذج محددة لتحديد السمات والإحالة والتقارير الأسبوعية ضمان السرية والدقة وحسن التوقيت.
    • أي مهمة أخرى غير مدرجة هنا وضرورية لتنفيذ المشروع.
    المؤهلات والخبرات:
    • بكالوريوس في العمل الاجتماعي أو أي مجالات ذات صلة.
    • خبرة لا تقل عن سنتين في العمل الاجتماعي خاصة في الميدان وفي بيئة معقدة.
    • مهارات استماع وتواصل ممتازة وحل المشكلات ومهارات التعامل مع الآخرين.
    • العربية ويفضل الإنجليزية
    كيفية التقديم:
    • يُطلب من المرشحين المهتمين استخدام الرابط أدناه وملء جميع الحقول المطلوبة:
    • يرجى عدم التقديم ما لم تستوفي الحد الأدنى من متطلبات الوظيفة، وإلا فلن يتم النظر في طلبك. سيتم الاتصال فقط بقائمة المرشحين المختصرة. قد يُطلب من المرشحين المختارين الحضور للاختبار.
    • يُتوقع من جميع المرشحين المختارين الالتزام بمعايير الاستغلال والاعتداء الجنسيين والتحرش الجنسي وإساءة استخدام السلطة والتمييز، وبالتالي سيخضعون لفحوصات صارمة للمراجع والخلفيات. ستتضمن التحقق من بيانات الاعتماد الأكاديمية والتاريخ الوظيفي. قد يُطلب من المرشحين المختارين تقديم معلومات إضافية لإجراءات الفحص.

  • Field Coordinator

    الموعد النهائي: الإثنين, 06 سبتمبر, 2021

    Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development (YARD) is seeking to recruit:
    Position: Field coordinator
    Location: Al Jawf Governorate
    Reports to: Project Manager
    Duration: 3 Months
    Deadline:  6th September, 2021
    Reference: HR/YARD/21-016
    Brief Overview: Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development Foundation (YARD) is a National/Local Non-Government Foundation established for providing humanitarian assistance to individuals and community development and disaster relief, since 2013. YARD has been implementing various emergency, relief and development projects, as it has presence in 4 governorates in Yemen. Its programs are supported by UNHCR, UNICEF, UNFPA and UNOCHA. YARD is undertaking programs in the fields of CCCM, Shelter/NFIs, Protection, Cash Assistance, Education, WASH and Livelihood Programming, targeting IDPs, host communities and the most vulnerable individuals.
    Duties and Responsibilities:

    • Follow-up on different project’s stakeholders during the implementation process of the project.
    • Ensure smooth coordination with all relevant stakeholders to ensure efficient implementation of all the project activities.
    • Coordinating and supervising YARD’ project-related activities, including performance indicator/target tracking, internal and external capacity building and awareness raising activities.
    • Ensure all project’s activities are being fulfilled by project’s stakeholders.
    • Provide project manager with feedback on project implementation and provide problem solving recommendations when needed
    • Ensure project budget spending is as plan and notify management during any deviations
    •  Follow-up with stakeholders for monthly reports and develop monthly progress reports
    •  Contact beneficiaries directly for data verification
    • Develop & Implement project’s M&E plan
    • Conduct regular field visits to targeted areas and BNFs to evaluate their status in response to the project requirement.
    •  Conduct impact assessment field visit.
    • Archive all project’s files and documents both hard copies and soft.
    • Perform other duties assigned by YARD Management.
    Qualifications and Experience:
    1. University degree in management, education, social sciences or other related discipline. Advanced university degree would be an advantage;
    2. Relevant professional experience in this field.
    3. Prior experience with NGO;
    4. Knowledge of and experience in project planning, project cycle management and logical framework;
    5. Prior experience with persons of concern (including internally displaced persons, conflict-affected host communities, extremely vulnerable individuals);
    • English and Arabic
    The incumbent MUST be fluent in both languages (Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening)
    How to Apply
    Interested candidates are requested to use the below link and fill in all required fields:
    Application Remarks:
    • Please do not apply unless you meet minimum application requirements, otherwise you will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Shortlisted candidates may be required to sit for a test.
    • This job is for only Yemen National qualified candidates, regardless of disability, gender identity, marital status, race, color or ethnic and national origins.    
    • YARD does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing or any other fees).

  • Finance Assistant

    الموعد النهائي: الإثنين, 06 سبتمبر, 2021

    Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development (YARD) is seeking to recruit:
    Position: Finance Assistant
    Location: Sana’a with possibility for field visits
    Reports to: Finance Manager
    Duration: 4 Months
    Deadline:  6th September, 2021
    Reference: HR/YARD/21-017
    Brief Overview: Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development Foundation (YARD) is a National/Local Non-Government Foundation established for providing humanitarian assistance to individuals and community development and disaster relief, since 2013. YARD has been implementing various emergency, relief and development projects, as it has presence in 4 governorates in Yemen. Its programs are supported by UNHCR, UNICEF, UNFPA and UNOCHA. YARD is undertaking programs in the fields of CCCM, Shelter/NFIs, Protection, Cash Assistance, Education, WASH and Livelihood Programming, targeting IDPs, host communities and the most vulnerable individuals.
    Duties and Responsibilities:

    • Managing and recording the cash flow up to date and ensure that cash is available at all times for implementation of the activities or any surprise cash count.
    • Review all approved payment documents with authorized signatures for proper and adequate backup before bank or cash disbursement.
    • Prepare all payments vouchers and cheques/bank TRFs while ensuring adequacy and accuracy of supporting documentation.
    • Ensure that all cash/bank transactions have been recorded up to date.
    • Keeping a bank balance-tracking sheet up to date and coordinate with Finance Officer / Senior Finance Officer for bank balance in local and foreign currency.
    • Responsible of field office bank on all banking issues.
    • Assist in bank accounts and cashboxes reconciliations.
    • Maintain proper filling system for all financial and accounting documents up-to-date.
    • Scan all vouchers, contracts and other financial documents as well as supporting documents on regular basis.
    • Assist in the implementation of finance policies, procedures and regulations of YARD.
    • Due to the nature of the program’s activities, the above-mentioned tasks are indicative only and are subject to change. Others/additional tasks may be delegated to meet programmatic objectives.
    • Other duties as assigned by supervisor.
    Qualifications and Experience:
    • A minimum Bachelor degree in Financing or Accounting.
    • A least three (3) years of experience in humanitarian context; e.g. International/UN Agencies, Local Institutions/NGOs and CSOs/CBOs.
    • Team and friendly work with ability to work under pressure.
    • Ability to use computer Microsoft: (WORD, Excel, PowerPoint), this includes ability to use other financial programs.
    • English and Arabic
    The incumbent MUST be fluent in both languages (Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening)
    How to Apply
    Interested candidates are requested to use the below link and fill in all required fields:
    Application Remarks:
    • Please do not apply unless you meet minimum application requirements, otherwise you will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Shortlisted candidates may be required to sit for a test.
    • This job is for only Yemen National qualified candidates, regardless of disability, gender identity, marital status, race, color or ethnic and national origins.    
    • YARD does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing or any other fees).

  • Procurement & Logistics Assistant

    الموعد النهائي: الإثنين, 06 سبتمبر, 2021

    Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development (YARD) is seeking to recruit:
    Position: Procurement & Logistics Assistant
    Location: Sana’a with possibility field visits to Al Jawf
    Reports to: Operation Manager
    Duration: 4 Months
    Deadline:  6th September, 2021
    Reference: HR/YARD/21/019
    Brief Overview: Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development Foundation (YARD) is a National/Local Non-Government Foundation established for providing humanitarian assistance to individuals and community development and disaster relief, since 2013. YARD has been implementing various emergency, relief and development projects, as it has presence in 4 governorates in Yemen. Its programs are supported by UNHCR, UNICEF, UNFPA and UNOCHA. YARD is undertaking programs in the fields of CCCM, Shelter/NFIs, Protection, Cash Assistance, Education, WASH and Livelihood Programming, targeting IDPs, host communities and the most vulnerable individuals.
    Duties and Responsibilities:

    • Receive materials and supplies, store them in assigned locations and distribute them according to YARD procedures
    • Maintain records of all incoming and outgoing materials
    • Supervise packing, loading and unloading of all materials
    • Informs suppliers on short supplies and ensures all over/wrongly consigned goods are returned to suppliers.
    • Ensure availability of storage space and maintain orderliness and cleanliness of the warehouse at all times
    • Ensure safety and security of materials
    • Ensure that only authorized staff are allowed to enter the warehouse and receive supplies or materials
    • Maintains an up-to-date electronic record of all correspondence related to purchase orders, requisitions and Good Received Notes (GRN) and records.
    • Prepare periodic stock reports and assist in carrying out periodic physical inventory checks.
    • Conduct the Logistic Function to ensure timely and accurate processing and documentation of Procurement as described in the Field Procurement Manual. Support & Supervise    future Procurement Officer/Assistant.
    • Oversee use of the Electronic Operation System found in the Office in a Box.
    • Conduct random Checks to ensure accuracy and quality.
    • Monitor service contracts and overall contract management in Aljawf.
    • Facilitate tender openings, as necessary.
    • Work together with finance to ensure compliance and timely processing of payment according to Schedule.
    • Oversee procurement of goods, commodities and services against fully approved and financially reviewed purchase request.
    • Daily coordination with operations and program staff on procurement activities;
    • Ensure that the procurement department supports the programs efficiently and compliantly.
    • Full understanding of YARD Logistic policies and formats.
    • Provide training to staff on these policies;
    • Ensure that YARD’s Logistic activities are legal and moral.
    Job Requirement:
    • Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration or any relevant field is required.
    • Minimum of 3 years’ relevant experience.
    • Prior working experience with NGOs.
    • Very Good communication and reporting skills in written and spoken English.
    • Excellent in using Microsoft including (word, excel, power point and emails).
    • English and Arabic
    The incumbent MUST be fluent in both languages (Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening)
    How to Apply
    Interested candidates are requested to use the below link and fill in all required fields:
    Application Remarks:
    • Please do not apply unless you meet minimum application requirements, otherwise you will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Shortlisted candidates may be required to sit for a test.
    • This job is for only Yemen National qualified candidates, regardless of disability, gender identity, marital status, race, color or ethnic and national origins.    
    • YARD does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing or any other fees).

  • M & E Assistant

    الموعد النهائي: الإثنين, 06 سبتمبر, 2021

    Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development (YARD) is seeking to recruit:
    Position: M&E Assistant
    Location: Al Jawf Governorate
    Reports to: Project Manager
    Duration: 4 Months
    Deadline:  6th  September, 2021
    Reference: HR/YARD/21-018
    Brief Overview: Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development Foundation (YARD) is a National/Local Non-Government Foundation established for providing humanitarian assistance to individuals and community development and disaster relief, since 2013. YARD has been implementing various emergency, relief and development projects, as it has presence in 4 governorates in Yemen. Its programs are supported by UNHCR, UNICEF, UNFPA and UNOCHA. YARD is undertaking programs in the fields of CCCM, Shelter/NFIs, Protection, Cash Assistance, Education, WASH and Livelihood Programming, targeting IDPs, host communities and the most vulnerable individuals.
    Duties and Responsibilities:

    • Frequent field visits to conduct an on-going data collection process through interviews with beneficiary households and other stakeholders and ensure high-quality data collected in accordance with the agreed time plan and data collection strategy.
    • Participate in baseline, midline, and end line surveys as required.
    • Enter monitoring data into computer-based data collection system according to schedule, and or supervise this process.
    • Support an on-going process of beneficiary verification.
    • Monitor distributions and submit field visit report to the M&E Officer as requested.
    • Conduct PDM, after each distribution and collect beneficiaries' feedback, and train the field Enumerator on different M&E tools.
    • She/he Works with M&E Officer to track that program-based monitoring activities are perform according to schedule.
    • Watch and report on any new needs arising in the project target areas.
    • Ensure proper filing and management of documents.
    •  Other duties as assigned.
    Qualifications and Experience:
    • University Degree in (Social Science- Statistics - IT) or relevant field.
    • One year Experience working within an NGO is preferred.  
    • Understanding of the social, political and economic context of Yemen.  
    • Advanced computer skills in MS Office programs, particularly Excel, SPSS.
    • Strong oral and written English skills.
    • Ability to think independently and problem solving.
    • Ability to interpret figures.
    • Strong organizational skills and ability to multi-task.
    • Honest, hardworking and committed to community development
    • Very Good communication and reporting skills in written and spoken English.
    • Excellent in using Microsoft including (word, excel, power point and emails).
    • English and Arabic
    The incumbent MUST be fluent in both languages (Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening)
    How to Apply
    Interested candidates are requested to use the below link and fill in all required fields:
    Application Remarks:
    • Please do not apply unless you meet minimum application requirements, otherwise you will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Shortlisted candidates may be required to sit for a test.
    • This job is for only Yemen National qualified candidates, regardless of disability, gender identity, marital status, race, color or ethnic and national origins.    
    • YARD does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing or any other fees).

  • مدير مشروع

    الموعد النهائي: الثلاثاء, 31 أغسطس, 2021

    Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development (YARD) is seeking to recruit:
    Position: Project Manager
    Location: Sana’a with possibility for field visits
    Reports to: Program Manager
    Duration: 5 Months
    Deadline:  6th September, 2021
    Reference: HR/YARD/21-015
    Brief Overview: Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development Foundation (YARD) is a National/Local Non-Government Foundation established for providing humanitarian assistance to individuals and community development and disaster relief, since 2013. YARD has been implementing various emergency, relief and development projects, as it has presence in 4 governorates in Yemen. Its programs are supported by UNHCR, UNICEF, UNFPA and UNOCHA. YARD is undertaking programs in the fields of CCCM, Shelter/NFIs, Protection, Cash Assistance, Education, WASH and Livelihood Programming, targeting IDPs, host communities and the most vulnerable individuals.
    Duties and Responsibilities:

    • Leading the project staff members and defining the tasks according to the project organogram.
    • submitting implementation plan for the project and bounded with specific time.
    • following up the project technically and administratively and following up the whole team and stakeholders.
    • holding periodical meetings with the team members to evaluate the performance on the ground and solving the problems
    • observing the submitting of the weekly report through the continuous observation.
    • Updating the time table periodically in all the projects aspects and handling any deviations.
    • Maintain open lines of communications with all field staff   
    • Attends coordination meetings
    • Working effectively as team member and solve staff problems whenever occur.
    • Maintain flexibility to take an added responsibility as and when needed
    • Perform any other duties requested by the management.
    Qualifications and Experience:
    1. University degree in management, education, social sciences or other related discipline. Advanced university degree would be an advantage;
    2. Relevant professional experience in this field.
    3. Prior experience with NGO;
    4. Knowledge of and experience in project planning, project cycle management and logical framework;
    5. Prior experience with persons of concern (including internally displaced persons, conflict-affected host communities, extremely vulnerable individuals);
    • English and Arabic
    The incumbent MUST be fluent in both languages (Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening)
    How to Apply
    Interested candidates are requested to use the below link and fill in all required fields:
    Application Remarks:
    • Please do not apply unless you meet minimum application requirements, otherwise you will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Shortlisted candidates may be required to sit for a test.
    • This job is for only Yemen National qualified candidates, regardless of disability, gender identity, marital status, race, color or ethnic and national origins.    
    • YARD does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing or any other fees).

  • ضابط تعزيز نظافة

    الموعد النهائي: الإثنين, 23 أغسطس, 2021

    ضابط تعزيز النظافة
    المسمى الوظيفي: ضابط تعزيز النظافة
    الموقع: محافظة الجوف
    يقدم تقاريره إلى: مدير مشروع الـ WASH
    المدة: 7 شهور
    الموعد النهائي: 29 أغسطس 2021
    المرجع: HR/YARD/21-014
    نظرة عامة موجزة: مؤسسة يمن الخير للإغاثة والتنمية (YARD) هي مؤسسة محلية غير حكومية تأسست لتقديم المساعدة الإنسانية للأفراد وتنمية المجتمع والإغاثة في حالات الكوارث، منذ عام 2013. تقوم YARD بتنفيذ العديد من حالات الطوارئ والإغاثة والتنمية. مشاريع تنموية، حيث يتواجد في 4 محافظات في اليمن. وتدعم برامجها مفوضية الأمم المتحدة السامية لشؤون اللاجئين واليونيسيف وصندوق الأمم المتحدة للسكان ومكتب الأمم المتحدة لتنسيق الشؤون الإنسانية. تقوم YARD بتنفيذ برامج في مجالات تنسيق وإدارة المخيمات، والمأوى / المواد غير الغذائية، والحماية، والمساعدة النقدية، والتعليم، والمياه والصرف الصحي، وبرمجة سبل العيش، وتستهدف النازحين والمجتمعات المضيفة والأفراد الأكثر ضعفاً.

    المهام والمسؤوليات
    تحت إشراف مدير المشروع ، إجراء / المشاركة في تقييمات كمية / نوعية لتحديد السلوكيات الصحية المحفوفة بالمخاطر للعمل عليها والتقاط الإنجازات الرئيسية في إطار المشروع / المشاريع.
    إجراء تقييمات لتحديد احتياجات النظافة المناسبة وضمان توزيعها.  
    تدريب المتطوعين العاملين على أساسيات تعزيز النظافة / التعليم ، وتعزيز النظافة / طرق / مناهج التعليم ، ومهارات الاتصال والتيسير.
    إعداد خطة تنفيذ تفصيلية لأنشطة تعزيز النظافة بالتنسيق مع مدير المشروع.   
    ضمان تنفيذ أنشطة تعزيز النظافة حسب الأساليب / الأساليب المخطط لها.   
    العمل عن كثب مع موظف WASH بشأن التطوير والاختبار والطباعة وتحديد المواقع لمواد IEC المناسبة ثقافيًا وأدوات الرصد والتأكد من الاستخدام السليم لها.
    إعداد تقارير / تحديثات أسبوعية وشهرية عن التقدم المحرز.
    توثيق وتبادل الدروس المستفادة وقصص النجاح فيما يتعلق بالنظافة لتنوير البرمجة المستقبلية.
    ضمان التنفيذ السليم لعنصر النظافة والصرف الصحي في مشاريع المياه والصرف الصحي والنظافة الصحية مع تخصيص ميزانية وجدول زمني يفي بالمعايير الدولية.
    زيارة المخيم بانتظام وتقديم التوجيه في الموقع لفريق النظافة والصرف الصحي في المخيم.
    التأكد من بدء عمليات الشراء في الوقت المناسب ومراقبتها وتحديد أولوياتها من قبل فريق اللوجستيات.
    حضور اجتماع فريق العمل والتنسيق في المعسكر حسب تعليمات المشرف.
    تخطيط ومراقبة توزيع مجموعات النظافة.
    عقد جلسات محددة لبائعي المياه أو المسؤولين عن نقل المياه بالشاحنات والبيع ومراقبة جمع المياه على رسائل الوقاية من الكوليرا ، وأهمية معالجة المياه الآمنة ، وبغرض المعالجة بالكلور.
    إدارة جميع متطوعي الصحة المجتمعية / موعي النظافة وجمع التقارير المطلوبة منهم.
    أي مهمة أخرى غير مدرجة هنا وضرورية لإنجاز المشاريع في القطاع ومجال التكليف.

    المؤهلات والخبرة:

    • الحصول على درجة البكالوريوس على الأقل في الصحة العامة أو إدارة الأعمال أو التنمية الدولية أو المجالات المماثلة.
    • ما لا يقل عن ثلاث (3) سنوات من الخبرة في تعزيز النظافة في السياق الإنساني؛ على سبيل المثال الوكالات الدولية / التابعة للأمم المتحدة، المؤسسات المحلية / المنظمات غير الحكومية ومنظمات المجتمع المدني / منظمات المجتمع المحلي.
    • مهارات دبلوماسية وشخصية واتصالات قوية. تدريبات مثبتة حضرت إلى النظافة المحلية و / أو الدولية نسبيًا.
    • الالتزام بالمبادئ الإنسانية المتمثلة في الحياد وعدم التحيز والاستقلال والإنسانية.
    • العمل الجماعي والودي مع القدرة على العمل تحت الضغط.
    • القدرة على استخدام تطبيقات الكمبيوتر Microsoft: (WORD، Excel، PowerPoint)، وهذا يشمل القدرة على استخدام برامج أخرى لتحليل البيانات.

    الانجليزية والعربية يجب أن يجيد شاغل الوظيفة اللغتين (القراءة والكتابة والتحدث والاستماع)

    كيفية التقديم:
    يُطلب من المرشحين المهتمين استخدام الرابط أدناه وملء جميع الحقول المطلوبة:
    ملاحظات التطبيق:
    • يرجى عدم التقديم ما لم تستوفي الحد الأدنى من متطلبات التطبيق، وإلا فلن يتم النظر في طلبك. سيتم الاتصال فقط قائمة المرشحين المختصرة. قد يُطلب من المرشحين المختارين الجلوس للاختبار.
    • هذه الوظيفة مخصصة فقط للمرشحين المؤهلين من مواطني اليمن، بغض النظر عن الإعاقة أو الهوية الجنسية أو الحالة الاجتماعية أو العرق أو اللون أو الأصول العرقية والقومية.
    • لا تفرض مؤسسة يمن الخير للإغاثة والتنمية (YARD) رسوماً في أي مرحلة من مراحل عملية التوظيف (التقديم أو مقابلة المقابلة أو المعالجة أو أي رسوم أخرى).


  • ضابط مشروع الإيواء والمأوى

    الموعد النهائي: الخميس, 05 أغسطس, 2021

    ضابط مشروع الإيواء والمأوى

    المسمى الوظيفي: ضابط مشروع الإيواء والمأوى

    الموقع: محافظة الجوف

    يقدم تقاريره إلى: مدير المركز المجتمعي للنازحين

    المدة: 5 شهور

    الموعد النهائي: 5 أغسطس 2021

    المرجع: HR / YARD / 21-013

    نظرة عامة موجزة: مؤسسة يمن الخير للإغاثة والتنمية (YARD) هي مؤسسة محلية غير حكومية تأسست لتقديم المساعدة الإنسانية للأفراد وتنمية المجتمع والإغاثة في حالات الكوارث، منذ عام 2013. تقوم YARD بتنفيذ العديد من حالات الطوارئ والإغاثة والتنمية. مشاريع تنموية، حيث يتواجد في 4 محافظات في اليمن. وتدعم برامجها مفوضية الأمم المتحدة السامية لشؤون اللاجئين واليونيسيف وصندوق الأمم المتحدة للسكان ومكتب الأمم المتحدة لتنسيق الشؤون الإنسانية. تقوم YARD بتنفيذ برامج في مجالات تنسيق وإدارة المخيمات، والمأوى / المواد غير الغذائية، والحماية، والمساعدة النقدية، والتعليم، والمياه والصرف الصحي، وبرمجة سبل العيش، وتستهدف النازحين والمجتمعات المضيفة والأفراد الأكثر ضعفاً.


    مسؤوليات وواجبات:

    • دعم موظفي المشروع لضمان التنفيذ السلس لأنشطة المشروع.
    • ضمان الحفاظ على المعايير الفنية المناسبة لجميع الخدمات المقدمة.
    • ضمان التنفيذ المناسب لخطة المشروع.
    • التأكد من أن الأنشطة المنفذة قد حققت مخرجاتها.
    • ضمان الإنفاق الحكيم في الميزانية.
    • ضمان تحقيق النتائج بنجاح.
    • البقاء على اتصال وثيق مع الجهة المانحة (المفوضية السامية للأمم المتحدة لشؤون اللاجئين).
    • حضور اجتماعات الكتلة / التنسيق ذات الصلة بالمشروع.
    • المساهمة في تكوين صورة إيجابية ومصداقية عامة للمؤسسة.
    • متابعة عملية الاتصال بالموظفين الميدانيين ومراجعة أداء الموظفين مع فريق الموارد البشرية.
    • الحفاظ على خطوط اتصالات مفتوحة مع جميع الموظفين الميدانيين والمستفيدين وأصحاب المصلحة والسلطات.
    • حضور اجتماعات التنسيق.
    • سيتم طلب أي أعمال ومهام إضافية تتعلق بالعمل.

    المؤهلات والخبرة:

    • بكالوريوس في إدارة الأعمال أو أي مجال ذي صلة
    • خبرة لا تقل عن عام واحد في العمل مع منظمة غير حكومية أو منظمة غير حكومية دولية في توزيع المواد غير الغذائية / الطرائق البيئية والعينية النقدية والعينية، أو تنسيق وإدارة المخيمات أو برامج المأوى، وكذلك في التنفيذ المباشر للمساعدة الإنسانية على المستوى الميداني للنازحين داخليًا، والخبرة في المأوى العمل وتعبئة المجتمع.
    • خبرة سابقة في مشروع التيسير المجتمعي.
    • فهم قوي للإجراءات الإدارية.
    • المعرفة والفهم لإدارة البناء.
    • مهارات تنظيمية جيدة، والاهتمام بالتفاصيل وإعداد التقارير في الوقت المناسب.
    • مهارات الاتصال اللفظي / الكتابي ممتازة وبناء العلاقات.
    • إتقان استخدام الكمبيوتر، لا سيما مع برامج مايكروسوفت Microsoft Office: Ward & Excel
    • معرفة جيدة بالقطاع العام و / أو خدمات الطوارئ.
    • معرفة جيدة بالبيئة المخصصة جغرافياً
    • يفضل أن تكون قادرًا على التواصل وتطوير الروابط مع المنظمات غير الحكومية والمنظمات الدولية غير الحكومية والوكالات الحكومية والمجتمعات المحلية.
    • الطلاقة في تحدث وكتابة اللغتين العربية والإنجليزية
    • المهارات الشخصية والتنظيمية القوية والقدرة على العمل تحت الضغط


    الانجليزية والعربية

    يجب أن يجيد شاغل الوظيفة اللغتين (القراءة والكتابة والتحدث والاستماع)


    كيفية التقديم:

    يُطلب من المرشحين المهتمين استخدام الرابط أدناه وملء جميع الحقول المطلوبة:


    ملاحظات التطبيق:

    • يرجى عدم التقديم ما لم تستوفي الحد الأدنى من متطلبات التطبيق، وإلا فلن يتم النظر في طلبك. سيتم الاتصال فقط قائمة المرشحين المختصرة. قد يُطلب من المرشحين المختارين الجلوس للاختبار.
    • هذه الوظيفة مخصصة فقط للمرشحين المؤهلين من مواطني اليمن، بغض النظر عن الإعاقة أو الهوية الجنسية أو الحالة الاجتماعية أو العرق أو اللون أو الأصول العرقية والقومية.
    • لا تفرض مؤسسة يمن الخير للإغاثة والتنمية  (YARD) رسومًا في أي مرحلة من مراحل عملية التوظيف (التقديم أو مقابلة المقابلة أو المعالجة أو أي رسوم أخرى).

  • مساعد إدارة الحالة

    الموعد النهائي: الإثنين, 26 يوليو, 2021

    مساعد إدارة الحالة

    تسعى مؤسسة يمن الخير للإغاثة والتنمية (YARD) إلى توظيف:

    المسمى الوظيفي: مساعد إدارة الحالة

    الموقع: محافظة الجوف

    تقارير إلى: مسؤول إدارة الحالة

    المدة: 5 أشهر قابلة للتجديد بناءً على توافر الأموال والأداء

    الموعد النهائي: 26 يوليو 2021

    المرجع: HR / YARD / 21-010


    نظرة عامة موجزة: مؤسسة يمن الخير للإغاثة والتنمية (YARD) هي مؤسسة وطنية / محلية غير حكومية تأسست لتقديم المساعدة الإنسانية للأفراد وتنمية المجتمع والإغاثة في حالات الكوارث، منذ عام 2013. تقوم YARD بتنفيذ العديد من حالات الطوارئ والإغاثة والتنمية. مشاريع تنموية، حيث يتواجد في 4 محافظات في اليمن. وتدعم برامجها مفوضية الأمم المتحدة السامية لشؤون اللاجئين واليونيسيف وصندوق الأمم المتحدة للسكان ومكتب الأمم المتحدة لتنسيق الشؤون الإنسانية. تقوم YARD بتنفيذ برامج في مجالات تنسيق وإدارة المخيمات، والمأوى / المواد غير الغذائية، والحماية ، والمساعدة النقدية ، والتعليم ، والمياه والصرف الصحي ، وبرمجة سبل العيش ، وتستهدف النازحين والمجتمعات المضيفة والأفراد الأكثر ضعفاً.

    مسؤوليات وواجبات:

    • مساعدة مسؤول إدارة الحالة في الإشراف على العملية الكاملة لإدارة حالة حماية المرأة (GBV) والمساعدة في ضمان أن إدارة الحالة تتوافق مع الإجراءات المحددة والمبادئ التوجيهية، لا سيما تلك التي وضعتها "نساء مجالس المسؤولية"
    • تلقي الإحالات من مراقبي الحماية والأخصائيين الاجتماعيين والمستشارين القانونيين لقضايا النساء والفتيات المحتاجات للدعم ومراجعتها وإجراء الإحالات الداخلية والخارجية لمقدمي الخدمات المعنيين ومتابعة تقديم الخدمات.
    • المشاركة في الترتيب لبناء قدرات / تدريب الأخصائيين الاجتماعيين بما في ذلك جلسات التوجيه والتدريب أثناء العمل بشأن الكشف الآمن عن حوادث العنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي، والإحالة المناسبة في الوقت المناسب والالتزام بالمبادئ التوجيهية وإجراءات التشغيل الموحدة.
    • المساعدة في تنظيم اجتماعات منتظمة لإدارة الحالات مع الأخصائيين الاجتماعيين لمناقشة التحديثات بشأن الإنجازات والتحديات ومع مقدمي الخدمات الآخرين ذوي الصلة عند الحاجة.
    • الحفاظ على علاقة عمل فعالة مع أصحاب المصلحة بما في ذلك الوكالات الشريكة وقادة المجتمع ومقدمي الخدمات والسلطات الحكومية المحلية للإحالة والمتابعة الفورية.
    • المساعدة في إبلاغ مسؤول الحماية لدى الشريك بظروف الحالات الفردية و / أو تقديم تقارير فورية ولفت الانتباه الفوري لموظف الحماية إلى أي حالة معقدة والتأكد من معالجة جميع حالات الطوارئ على الفور ومشاركتها مع مسؤول الحماية حسب الاقتضاء التدخلات.
    • المشاركة مع "موظف التقارير" في إعداد التقرير الشهري وأي مستندات أخرى ذات صلة، وفقًا للمواعيد النهائية المحددة. معلومات النشاط دقيقة وفي الوقت المناسب.
    • المشاركة في اجتماعات المجموعة الفرعية لحماية المرأة على المستوى الميداني، والتأكد من تحديثها بشكل كامل مع التوجيه / المناقشة على مستوى المجموعة الفرعية من أجل مواءمة أنشطة العنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي الخاصة بهم.
    • أي مهام أخرى ذات صلة يكلفها المدير المباشر.


    المؤهلات والخبرة:

    • بكالوريوس في العمل الاجتماعي أو أي قضايا ذات صلة
    • المعرفة حول حماية النساء والفتيات (GBV) وأسبابه وعواقبه والفهم الجيد "للنهج الذي يركز على الناجين"
    • معرفة وفهم الأعراف الاجتماعية وكيفية تأثيرها في طلب المساعدة واتخاذ القرار لدى الناجين
    • معرفة الخطوات الأساسية والمهام التي تنطوي عليها إدارة حالة العنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي.
    • معرفة ما هي الخدمات والدعم المتوفرة وما يمكن أن يتوقعه الناجون منهم ، والنظام الصحي والقانوني على وجه الخصوص
    • مهارات الاتصال والعرض التقديمي وحل المشكلات ومهارات التعامل مع الأشخاص بشكل ممتاز
    • القدرة على استخدام مهارات الاستماع النشط ، والتواصل دون إصدار أحكام ، وإظهار التعاطف ، وتمكين الناجين من اتخاذ قراراتهم بأنفسهم حول ما هو الأفضل لهم ، لحل المشكلات المتعلقة برعاية الناجي
    • التنسيق وإدارة أصحاب المصلحة
    • المهارات الإدارية والتنظيمية
    • مهارات الحاسوب الصلبة والكفاءة في الكلمة ، والإكسل كحد أدنى.
    • يوصى بشدة أن يكون هناك مدير حالة من الإناث ، مع الأخذ في الاعتبار أن التركيز سيكون على إدارة الحالة



    الانجليزية والعربية

    يجب أن يجيد شاغل الوظيفة اللغتين (القراءة والكتابة والتحدث والاستماع)

    كيفية التقديم:

    يُطلب من المرشحين المهتمين استخدام الرابط أدناه وملء جميع الحقول المطلوبة:


    ملاحظات التطبيق:

    • يرجى عدم التقديم ما لم تستوفي الحد الأدنى من متطلبات التطبيق، وإلا فلن يتم النظر في طلبك. سيتم الاتصال فقط قائمة المرشحين المختصرة. قد يُطلب من المرشحين المختارين الجلوس للاختبار.
    • هذه الوظيفة مخصصة فقط للمرشحين المؤهلين من مواطني اليمن، بغض النظر عن الإعاقة أو الهوية الجنسية أو الحالة الاجتماعية أو العرق أو اللون أو الأصول العرقية والقومية.
    • لا تفرض YARD رسومًا في أي مرحلة من مراحل عملية التوظيف (التقديم أو مقابلة المقابلة أو المعالجة أو أي رسوم أخرى).

  • مهندس موقع (2)

    الموعد النهائي: الإثنين, 26 يوليو, 2021

    مهندس موقع (2)

    تسعى يمن الخير للإغاثة والتنمية (يارد) إلى توظيف:

    المسمى الوظيفي: مهندس موقع

    الموقع: محافظة الجوف

    يقدم تقاريره إلى: مسؤول تنسيق وإدارة المخيمات / مدير مركز المجتمع

    المدة: 5 أشهر قابلة للتجديد بناءً على الأداء

    الموعد النهائي: 26 يوليو 2021

    المرجع: HR / YARD / 21-011

    نظرة عامة موجزة: مؤسسة يمن الخير للإغاثة والتنمية (YARD) هي مؤسسة وطنية / محلية غير حكومية تأسست لتقديم المساعدة الإنسانية للأفراد وتنمية المجتمع والإغاثة في حالات الكوارث، منذ عام 2013. تقوم YARD بتنفيذ العديد من حالات الطوارئ والإغاثة والتنمية. مشاريع تنموية، حيث يتواجد في 4 محافظات في اليمن. وتدعم برامجها مفوضية الأمم المتحدة السامية لشؤون اللاجئين واليونيسيف وصندوق الأمم المتحدة للسكان ومكتب الأمم المتحدة لتنسيق الشؤون الإنسانية. تقوم YARD بتنفيذ برامج في مجالات تنسيق وإدارة المخيمات، والمأوى / المواد غير الغذائية، والحماية، والمساعدة النقدية، والتعليم، والمياه والصرف الصحي، وبرمجة سبل العيش، وتستهدف النازحين والمجتمعات المضيفة والأفراد الأكثر ضعفاً.


    مسؤوليات وواجبات:

    • إعادة تقييم أعمال التأهيل قبل التنفيذ
    • تقديم خطة عمل محددة بالتفاصيل ومعززة بإطار زمني لكل نشاط
    • المشاركة في تسليم المواقع للمقاولين حسب الخطة بالتنسيق مع جميع الجهات المعنية
    • القيام بالإدارة الفنية في مجال الإشراف الميداني
    • تقديم المخرجات المالية وفق التعليمات المتبعة بالتنسيق مع الجهات المعنية
    • تقديم التقارير الأسبوعية وتسهيل أعمال المنشئ
    • عداد خطة لرفع التقارير وتقديم المخرجات
    • المشاركة في التنسيق المستمر مع موظفي المشروع وتزويدهم بالمعلومات الحيوية للمشروع
    • ضمان مراقبة الجودة على التنفيذ والتأكد من أن المواد المقدمة مطابقة للمواصفات ومعايير الجودة.
    • توثيق جميع الأعمال المنفذة وتدوين الملاحظات / التعليقات على أساس يومي.
    • رفع التقارير أو الاقتراحات في حالة حدوث أي إخلال بجودة التنفيذ
    • تلقي / التعامل مع جميع الرسائل / الطلبات المقدمة من قبل المقاول، وتسليمها / مناقشتها مع المشرف الميداني
    • يؤدي واجبات أخرى كما تم تعيينها.


    المؤهلات والخبرة:

    • بكالوريوس في الهندسة المدنية
    • المعرفة بالهندسة المدنية (خاصة في إمدادات المياه والضخ والآبار)
    • المعرفة حول مشاريع المياه والضغوط الهيدروليكية والمضخات والمحركات.
    • يجب أن تكون على استعداد لتعلم مهارات وإجراءات جديدة
    • يجب أن يكون لاعب فريق جيد مع مهارات اتصال جيدة.
    • قادرة على العمل بشكل مستقل ووجود فريق جيد.
    • المرونة والالتزام
    • القدرة والاستعداد للسفر إلى الميدان
    • القدرة على العمل مع / في فريق، ولكن أيضًا بطريقة مستقلة
    • القدرة على العمل تحت الضغط والوفاء بالمواعيد النهائية
    • مهارات شخصية ومهارات تواصل قوية



    الانجليزية والعربية

    يجب أن يجيد شاغل الوظيفة اللغتين (القراءة والكتابة والتحدث والاستماع)


    كيفية التقديم:

    يُطلب من المرشحين المهتمين استخدام الرابط أدناه وملء جميع الحقول المطلوبة:



    ملاحظات التطبيق:

    • يرجى عدم التقديم ما لم تستوفي الحد الأدنى من متطلبات التطبيق، وإلا فلن يتم النظر في طلبك. سيتم الاتصال فقط قائمة المرشحين المختصرة. قد يُطلب من المرشحين المختارين الجلوس للاختبار.
    • هذه الوظيفة مخصصة فقط للمرشحين المؤهلين من مواطني اليمن، بغض النظر عن الإعاقة أو الهوية الجنسية أو الحالة الاجتماعية أو العرق أو اللون أو الأصول العرقية والقومية.
    • لا تفرض مؤسسة يمن الخير للإغاثة والتنمية YARD رسومًا في أي مرحلة من مراحل عملية التوظيف (التقديم أو مقابلة المقابلة أو المعالجة أو أي رسوم أخرى).

  • مساعد الخط الساخن

    الموعد النهائي: الإثنين, 26 يوليو, 2021

    مساعد الخط الساخن

    تسعى مؤسسة يمن الخير للإغاثة والتنمية (YARD) إلى توظيف:

    المسمى الوظيفي: مساعد الخط الساخن

    الموقع: محافظة الجوف

    يقدم تقاريره إلى: ضابط المساءلة

    المدة: 5 أشهر قابلة للتجديد على أساس الأداء

    الموعد النهائي: 26 يوليو 2021

    المرجع: HR / YARD / 21-009

    نظرة عامة موجزة: مؤسسة يمن الخير للإغاثة والتنمية (YARD) هي مؤسسة وطنية / محلية غير حكومية تأسست لتقديم المساعدة الإنسانية للأفراد وتنمية المجتمع والإغاثة في حالات الكوارث، منذ عام 2013. تقوم YARD بتنفيذ العديد من حالات الطوارئ والإغاثة والتنمية. مشاريع تنموية، حيث تتواجد في 4 محافظات في اليمن. وتدعم برامجها مفوضية الأمم المتحدة السامية لشؤون اللاجئين واليونيسيف وصندوق الأمم المتحدة للسكان ومكتب الأمم المتحدة لتنسيق الشؤون الإنسانية. تقوم مؤسسة يمن الخير للإغاثة والتنميةYARD بتنفيذ برامج في مجالات تنسيق وإدارة المخيمات، والمأوى / المواد غير الغذائية، والحماية، والمساعدة النقدية، والتعليم، والمياه والصرف الصحي، وبرمجة سبل العيش، وتستهدف النازحين والمجتمعات المضيفة والأفراد الأكثر ضعفاً.

    مسؤوليات وواجبات:

    •  الرد على جميع مكالمات المستفيدين عبر الخط الساخن لمركز المجتمع التابع للشريك، ومعاملة جميع المتصلين باحترام ومجاملة وسرية وحساسية.
    • ضمان الاستجابة المباشرة في الوقت المناسب والمناسبة، كلما أمكن ذلك، للرد على استفسارات المستفيدين، بناءً على المعرفة والمواد (سؤال وجواب) التي طورتها المفوضية والشريك (حول الموضوعات الهامة المتعلقة بالأنشطة والمساعدة وبرامج المراكز المجتمعية).
    •  ضمان التسجيل الدقيق وفي الوقت المناسب لجميع مكالمات الخط الساخن باستخدام النموذج / السجل القياسي وفقًا لإجراءات التشغيل الموحدة CFM
    •  عندما لا يمكن تقديم الإجابات مباشرة إلى المتصل، قم بالتنسيق مع مختلف موظفي مركز المجتمع للمتابعة المناسبة والإحالات للاستفسارات التي يتم الإبلاغ عنها من خلال الخطوط الساخنة.
    • الاتصال بمسؤول المساءلة لجميع الشكاوى المبلغ عنها من خلال الخطوط الساخنة.
    •  استشر أي شكاوى معقدة وخطيرة بما في ذلك الادعاء بانتهاك مدونة قواعد السلوك والاستغلال الجنسي الاستراتيجي والتوصيات والملاحظات مع مسؤول المساءلة في الوقت المناسب، والذي يحتاج إلى الإبلاغ فورًا عن شكاوى خطيرة إلى إدارة الشركاء وCFM FP في المفوضية.
    •  أداء مهام أخرى إذا / عند الاقتضاء، على سبيل المثال مراقبة توزيع ما بعد المساعدة.

    والمؤهلات والمهارات:

    •  اتصالات ممتازة ومهارات التعامل مع الآخرين
    • مهارات تيسير ممتازة، وفهم قوي لكيفية جمع التعليقات بأمان ودقة من جميع أعضاء المجتمع بغض النظر عن العمر أو الجنس أو عوامل التنوع الأخرى.
    • مهارات التنظيم
    • مهارات الحاسوب والكفاءة في كلمة وExcel كحد أدنى.


    الانجليزية والعربية

    يجب أن يجيد شاغل الوظيفة اللغتين (القراءة والكتابة والتحدث والاستماع)

    كيفية التقديم

    يُطلب من المرشحين المهتمين استخدام الرابط أدناه وملء جميع الحقول المطلوبة:



    ملاحظات التطبيق:

    • يرجى عدم التقديم ما لم تستوفي الحد الأدنى من متطلبات التطبيق، وإلا فلن يتم النظر في طلبك. سيتم الاتصال فقط قائمة المرشحين المختصرة. قد يُطلب من المرشحين المختارين الجلوس للاختبار.
    • هذه الوظيفة مخصصة فقط للمرشحين المؤهلين من مواطني اليمن، بغض النظر عن الإعاقة أو الهوية الجنسية أو الحالة الاجتماعية أو العرق أو اللون أو الأصول العرقية والقومية.
    •  لا تفرض YARD رسومًا في أي مرحلة من مراحل عملية التوظيف (التقديم أو مقابلة المقابلة أو المعالجة أو أي رسوم أخرى).

  • ضابط تقارير ومتابعة وتقييم

    الموعد النهائي: الأحد, 20 يونيو, 2021

    ضابط تقارير ومتابعة وتقييم
    المنصب: ضابط تقارير ومتابعة وتقييم
    الموقع: محافظة الجوف
    يقدم تقاريره إلى: مدير المركز المجتمعي للنازحين
    المدة: 6 شهور
    الموعد النهائي: 20 يونيو 2021
    المرجع: HR / Protection & CCCM – UNHCR / 21-008
    نظرة عامة موجزة: مؤسسة يمن الخير للإغاثة والتنمية (YARD) هي مؤسسة محلية غير حكومية تأسست لتقديم المساعدة الإنسانية للأفراد وتنمية المجتمع والإغاثة في حالات الكوارث، منذ عام 2013. تقوم YARD بتنفيذ العديد من حالات الطوارئ والإغاثة والتنمية. مشاريع تنموية، حيث يتواجد في 4 محافظات في اليمن. وتدعم برامجها مفوضية الأمم المتحدة السامية لشؤون اللاجئين واليونيسيف وصندوق الأمم المتحدة للسكان ومكتب الأمم المتحدة لتنسيق الشؤون الإنسانية. تقوم YARD بتنفيذ برامج في مجالات تنسيق وإدارة المخيمات، والمأوى / المواد غير الغذائية، والحماية، والمساعدة النقدية، والتعليم، والمياه والصرف الصحي، وبرمجة سبل العيش، وتستهدف النازحين والمجتمعات المضيفة والأفراد الأكثر ضعفاً.
     مسؤوليات وواجبات:
    • تجميع المعلومات على المستوى الميداني المطلوبة لإنتاج تحديثات التقدم الأسبوعية ونصف الشهرية، وتقارير الحالة الشهرية، ونداءات المانحين، والتحديثات المتعلقة بالمساعدة الإنسانية في الدولة باتباع تنسيق / مخطط قياسي لإعداد التقارير، وتقارير المؤشرات الفصلية، والتقارير نصف السنوية، والتقارير السنوية وغيرها التقارير السردية التي تم تعيينها من قبل الإدارات ذات الصلة.
    • الإشراف على إعداد التقارير وجودة البيانات بطريقة دقيقة وفي الوقت المناسب.
    • فحص ومراجعة التقارير الداخلية والخارجية وتقارير الحالة والمعلومات ومواد الاتصال بشكل منهجي للتأكد من دقتها واتساقها.
    • تحافظ على تعاون وثيق مع فريق الرصد والتقييم، والفرق الميدانية والفنية لضمان التبادل السلس للمعلومات.
    • تقديم الدعم الفني والتدريب والتوضيح بشأن سياسات إعداد التقارير.
    • مراقبة ومراجعة المصادر المنتظمة للمعلومات والبيانات المطلوبة لإعداد التقارير، على سبيل المثال، المعلومات من الموظفين الميدانيين، والدراسات الاستقصائية، والمعلومات من المراقبين الميدانيين، وتقارير إحصاءات الحماية.
    • تدريب الفريق الفني على متطلبات قوالب تقارير المانحين.
    • ضمان المتابعة المستمرة لأنشطة المشروع والحفاظ على اتصال منتظم مع مشرفي المشروع للتحديثات اليومية والدعم
    • دعم متابعة مؤشرات المشروع بالتنسيق مع الإدارة
    • ضمان إعداد تقارير دقيقة وفي الوقت المناسب باستخدام ورقة تتبع أداء الفهرس الشهرية.
    • تصميم قصص نجاح بعد التواصل مع مسؤولي المشروع والمنسقين الميدانيين
    • دعم اجتماعات الفريق الميداني وتجميع / متابعة الإجراءات التي تقدم ردود فعل إيجابية وفي الوقت المناسب.
    • القيام بزيارات منتظمة إلى المواقع الميدانية لدعم مراقبة تنفيذ الأنشطة.
    • بناء قدرات الموظفين الميدانيين في الإبلاغ عن المعايير الإنسانية ومراقبتها وتطبيقها.
    • اقتراح طرق لتسهيل جمع البيانات وتدفق البيانات داخل فرق البرنامج الميدانية.
    • استخدام قوائم مراجعة الجودة لإجراء زيارات ميدانية شهرية على الأقل لرصد جودة التنفيذ وتحديث قاعدة بيانات المشاريع بالمعلومات والبيانات ذات الصلة.
    • التأكد من أن جميع موظفي المشروع يفهمون ويلتزمون بإطار عمل المشروع المنطقي والمؤشرات والأهداف.
    • متابعة خطة المؤشرات لكل مكون من مكونات أنشطة المشروع والإبلاغ عن أي انحرافات.
    • تعزيز المساءلة أمام المستفيدين من خلال تقييمات المساءلة ودعم الموظفين الميدانيين لتطوير مواد تبادل المعلومات.
    • الإشراف والإشراف على تصميم وتنفيذ الدراسات الأساسية والتقييمات بالتنسيق مع الفريق الميداني.
    • تصميم خطط M&E للمشاريع والجداول الزمنية لإجراء ومتابعة تقييمات M&E والدراسات الاستقصائية وخطوط الأساس للبرامج.
    • إعداد سجل للدروس المستفادة ودراسات الحالة المتعلقة بالممارسات الجيدة من المراجعات والتقييمات وعرضها على الفريق الميداني.
    • تقارير أسبوعية وشهرية عن الإنجازات والتحديات التي تواجه مدير المشروع.
    • متابعة الأرشفة لكل مكون والتحقق من أرشفته
    • إعداد نموذج التقييم وإجراء دراسة تقويم الأثر (قبل وبعد)
    • أي مهام أخرى يطلبها مدير المشروع
    المؤهلات والخبرة:
    • شهادة جامعية في اللغة الإنجليزية أو أي مجال تعليمي معادل مع 2 سنوات من الخبرة في مجال مشابه، حيث يفضل العمل سابقًا مع الوكالات الإنسانية.
    • قادرة على العمل بشكل مستقل ووجود فريق جيد.
    • المرونة والالتزام
    • القدرة والاستعداد للسفر إلى الميدان
    • القدرة على العمل مع / في فريق، ولكن أيضًا بطريقة مستقلة
    • القدرة على العمل تحت الضغط والوفاء بالمواعيد النهائية
    • مهارات شخصية ومهارات تواصل قوية
    المهارات واللغات:
    الانجليزية والعربية
    كيفية التقديم:
    يُطلب من المرشحين المهتمين استخدام الرابط أدناه وملء جميع الحقول المطلوبة:
    ملاحظات التطبيق:
    • يرجى عدم التقديم ما لم تستوفي الحد الأدنى من متطلبات التطبيق، وإلا فلن يتم النظر في طلبك. سيتم الاتصال فقط قائمة المرشحين المختصرة. قد يُطلب من المرشحين المختارين الجلوس للاختبار.
    • هذه الوظيفة مخصصة فقط للمرشحين المؤهلين من مواطني اليمن، بغض النظر عن الإعاقة أو الهوية الجنسية أو الحالة الاجتماعية أو العرق أو اللون أو الأصول العرقية والقومية.
    • لا تفرض مؤسسة يمن الخير للإغاثة والتنمية  (YARD) رسومًا في أي مرحلة من مراحل عملية التوظيف (التقديم أو مقابلة المقابلة أو المعالجة أو أي رسوم أخرى).

  • أخصائي نفسي (2)

    الموعد النهائي: الجمعة, 30 أبريل, 2021

    أخصائي نفسي (2)
    المسمى الوظيفي: أخصائي نفسي
    الموقع: محافظة الجوف
    يقدم تقاريره إلى: مدير مركز المجتمع
    المدة: 8 أشهر قابلة للتجديد بناءً على توافر الأموال والأداء
    الموعد النهائي: 30 أبريل 2021 - في أسرع وقت ممكن
    الشروط: ربما يتم اختيار المرشحين المؤهلين قبل الموعد النهائي.
    المرجع: HR / YARD / 21-007
    نظرة عامة موجزة: مؤسسة يمن الخير للإغاثة والتنمية (YARD) هي مؤسسة وطنية / محلية غير حكومية تأسست لتقديم المساعدة الإنسانية للأفراد وتنمية المجتمع والإغاثة في حالات الكوارث ، منذ عام 2013. تقوم YARD بتنفيذ العديد من حالات الطوارئ والإغاثة والتنمية. مشاريع تنموية ، حيث يتواجد في 4 محافظات في اليمن. وتدعم برامجها مفوضية الأمم المتحدة السامية لشؤون اللاجئين واليونيسيف وصندوق الأمم المتحدة للسكان ومكتب الأمم المتحدة لتنسيق الشؤون الإنسانية. تقوم YARD بتنفيذ برامج في مجالات تنسيق وإدارة المخيمات ، والمأوى / المواد غير الغذائية ، والحماية ، والمساعدة النقدية ، والتعليم ، والمياه والصرف الصحي ، وبرمجة سبل العيش ، وتستهدف النازحين والمجتمعات المضيفة والأفراد الأكثر ضعفاً.
    مسؤوليات وواجبات:
    • إجراء المقابلات وتقديم الإرشاد النفسي للنازحين داخلياً الذين يأتون إلى المركز المجتمعي بشكل يومي عند الضرورة وحسب الحاجة.
    • فتح ملف وتسجيل بيانات جميع الحالات التي تحتاج إلى دعم نفسي في المركز المجتمعي وتوثيقها.
    • إدخال البيانات الخاصة بالحالات المستقبلية المحالة إلى قاعدة البيانات وإرسالها إلى مسؤول قاعدة البيانات بشكل أسبوعي.
    • إحالة نقاط الاتصال إلى الخدمات الخارجية والعيادات ومقدمي خدمات الصحة العقلية للعلاج والأدوية حسب الضرورة ومتابعة الإحالات.
    • إجراء رسم خرائط للخدمات الحالية للصحة النفسية والدعم النفسي الاجتماعي ، وتحديثها بانتظام والحفاظ على علاقة عمل مثمرة مع الجهات الفاعلة في مجال الصحة النفسية والدعم النفسي الاجتماعي.
    • دعم تطوير الوثائق الإرشادية ومواد التدريب والتوعية وإجراء دورة تدريبية حول PFA لموظفي المركز المجتمعي وأعضاء CPBN.
    • توفير احتياجات الأطفال والأسر الذين يعانون من مشاكل نفسية تحولت من أعضاء المشروع أو التي يتم رصدها خلال الزيارات الميدانية
    • التأكد من استكمال وحفظ جميع المستندات اللازمة للحالة التي تحتاج إلى دعم نفسي في نظام أرشفة منتظم.
    • إشراك الأطفال والأسر المستهدفة في جميع خطوات إدارة الإحالة والتدخلات ، بما في ذلك فعالية هذه الخطوات للقضاء على مخاطر الإحالة.
    • تقييم القدرات النفسية والعقلية حسب حاجة الموقف ، باستخدام القياسات والاختيارات اللازمة.
    • تقديم الدعم النفسي للأطفال والأسر المعرضة لاضطرابات الصراع.
    • السرية التامة والمحافظة على خصوصية القضية عند كتابة الملاحظات والتقارير.
    • العمل على تقديم الدعم الإرشادي الأسري وتوعية الوالدين بالمشكلات التي يعانون منها والعمل على تحسين إدارتهم لها.
    • إعداد جدول أسبوعي لخطة التوعية المجتمعية للمشروع مع تنويع الأنشطة التوعوية الفعالة والإيجابية.
    • إعداد وتنفيذ خطط التدخل للأطفال والأسر المستهدفة.
    • زيارة ميدانية وتنظيم ومتابعة الجلسات الاستشارية وأرشفة محدثة
    • الإحالات بالتنسيق مع جميع الإدارات داخل المركز (الحماية - القانونية - شبكة المجتمع - إدارة الحالة - إدارة البيانات) وعبر إدارة المركز بشكل مستمر وينعكس في التقارير الأسبوعية والشهرية
    • تحديث مسؤول الحماية في المركز المجتمعي بانتظام بشأن دعم PSS والإنجاز والثغرات والتنسيق الوثيق مع مدير الحالة بشأن حالات العنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي ومع الأخصائيين الاجتماعيين الذين يعانون من حالات الشلل الدماغي والأشخاص الآخرين ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة
    • متابعة الإحالات في نظام إدارة الحالة بالقسم النفسي لكل حالة حتى إغلاقها مع كافة المستندات المؤيدة للإغلاق.
    • تقديم التقارير الأسبوعية: كل يوم خميس في نهاية الدوام الرسمي كحد أقصى بالإضافة إلى التقارير الشهرية
    • أي مهام أخرى يكلف بها من قبل المدير المباشر.
    المؤهلات والخبرة:
    • بكالوريوس في علم النفس مع تدريب سريري معتمد
    • خبرة لا تقل عن سنتين
    • خبرة العمل في توفير PSS المباشر والعمل مع المستفيدين من المساعدات الإنسانية. خبرة في العمل مع الأطفال أحد الأصول
    • القدرة على التعامل مع المعلومات السرية والحساسة
    • مهارات الكتابة والاستماع والتواصل ممتازة
    • مهارات قوية في التعامل مع الآخرين وبين الثقافات
    • يوصى بوجود أخصائية نفسية واحدة على الأقل، مع مراعاة العمل على حالات العنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي
    • سيكون طبيب نفساني ذو خبرة للعمل مع الأطفال أحد الأصول.
    المتطلبات المهنية:
    • مهارات قوية في إدارة المشاريع والتخطيط: التقييمات، التصميم ، التنفيذ ، المراقبة ، التقييم والإبلاغ ، مع مهارات جيدة في إدارة تحليل البيانات ذات الصلة.
    • مهارات ممتازة في التعامل مع الآخرين والقدرة على التفاعل المهني مع المانحين وأصحاب المصلحة في المشروع والمتعاونين داخل الدولة والموظفين على جميع مستويات المنظمة.
    • معرفة الأساليب والأدوات التشاركية للتخطيط المجتمعي والرصد والتقييم.
    • إظهار القدرة على التفكير الإبداعي والعملي لتحسين جودة المشاريع وحل المشكلات.
    • مهارات قوية في MS Office ، بما في ذلك Word و Excel و Power Point.
    الانجليزية والعربية
    يجب أن يجيد شاغل الوظيفة اللغتين (القراءة والكتابة والتحدث والاستماع)
    كيفية التقديم:
    يُطلب من المرشحين المهتمين استخدام الرابط أدناه وملء جميع الحقول المطلوبة:
    ملاحظات التطبيق:
    • يرجى عدم التقديم ما لم تستوفي الحد الأدنى من متطلبات التطبيق، وإلا فلن يتم النظر في طلبك. سيتم الاتصال فقط قائمة المرشحين المختصرة. قد يُطلب من المرشحين المختارين الجلوس للاختبار.
    • هذه الوظيفة مخصصة فقط للمرشحين المؤهلين من اليمنيين، بغض النظر عن الإعاقة أو الهوية الجنسية أو الحالة الاجتماعية أو العرق أو اللون أو الأصل العرقي والقومي.
    • لا تتقاضى YARD أي رسوم في أي مرحلة من مراحل عملية التوظيف (التقديم أو مقابلة المقابلة أو المعالجة أو أي رسوم أخرى).

  • ضابط خدمات لوجستية

    الموعد النهائي: السبت, 09 يناير, 2021

    Logistics Officer

    Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development Foundation (YARD) is seeking to recruit:

    Project: Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM)

    Donor: UNFPA

    Position: Logistics Officer

    Reports to: Operation Manager

    Duration: 12 Months

    Deadline:  09 January, 2021

    Duty Station: Sana’a

    Reference: HR/RRM–UNFPA/21-006

    Brief Overview: Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development Foundation (YARD) is a Non-Profit Local Non-Government Foundation, established in 2013, to providing humanitarian assistance to affected communities and individuals, including community development programs. YARD has been implementing various emergency, relief and development projects, as it has presence in 4 governorates in Yemen. Its programs are supported by UNHCR, UNICEF, UNFPA and UNOCHA. YARD is undertaking programs in the fields of CCCM, Shelter/NFIs, Protection, Cash Assistance, Education, WASH and Livelihood Programming, targeting IDPs, host communities and the most vulnerable individuals.

    Duties and Responsibilities:

    Logistics and Coordination

    • Managing of all logistics operations related to programme activities including but not limited to: procurement, transport, distribution, warehousing, management of vehicles and assets
    • Implementing emergency preparedness operations in scope of logistics
    • Coordinating closely with security and access personnel in planning and managing of daily ground movement
    • Developing working relations within the field of logistics

    Procurement and Tenders

    • Ensuring strict compliance of procurement and tender activities with YARD and its donors policies, regulations and procedures
    • Developing best practices to improve the quality and transparency of procurement processes in YARD
    • Development, implementation and monitoring of annual and project procurement plans
    • procurement documentation
    • Negotiating conditions of contracts
    • Verifying that purchases are cost effective and based on market prices
    • Preparing weekly procurement tracker
    • Developing and maintaining the list of pre-qualified suppliers and monitoring their performance
    • Analyzing the procurement processes including identification of challenges in operations and developing lessons learned
    • Ensuring timely delivery of procured supplies and materials, including tracking procurement status, payments and warehouse work (when applicable)
    • Organizing  procurement   and   tender   processes  including   preparation   of procurement documentation

    Qualifications and Experience:

    A University Degree in Business Administration, Logistics or any equivalent field of education with minimum 3 years of experience in Logistics & Operation department, as working previously with humanitarian agencies would be preferable;

    • Strong sense of personal and professional integrity;
    • Strong planning and organizational skills;
    • Outstanding communication skills;
    • Coaching skills regarding running trainings and briefings;
    • Good interpersonal skills, both in bilateral and multilateral contacts;
    • Proficiency in use of MS Office (Office, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint etc.);
    • Ability to handle multiple tasks simultaneously;
    • Being a self-starter and exhibiting initiative;
    • Ability to perform well under high pressure,
    • High attention to detail;
    • Ability to work in a multi-cultural environment, with a high degree of respect for varying cultures and backgrounds.


    • Punctual and Committed
    • Computer Program Skills (Microsoft Office)


    • English à Preferable for this position.
    • Arabic à Fluency is necessary and a must.
    How to Apply

    Interested candidates are requested to use the below link and fill in all required fields:


    Application Remarks:

    • Please do not apply unless you meet minimum application requirements, otherwise you will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Shortlisted candidates may be required to sit for a test.
    • This job is for only Yemen National qualified candidates, regardless of disability, gender identity, marital status, race, color or ethnic and national origins.    
    • YARD does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting, and any other related recruitment process).

  • محلل بيانات

    الموعد النهائي: السبت, 09 يناير, 2021

    Information Management Analysis

    Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development Foundation (YARD) is seeking to recruit:
    Project: Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM)
    Donor: UNFPA
    Position: Information Management Analysis
    Reports to: Project Manager
    Duration: 12 Months
    Deadline:  09 January 2021
    Duty Station: Sa’dah Governorate
    Reference: HR/RRM–UNFPA/21-001
    Brief Overview: Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development Foundation (YARD) is a National/Local Non-Government Foundation established for providing humanitarian assistance to individuals and community development and disaster relief, since 2013. YARD has been implementing various emergency, relief and development projects, as it has presence in 4 governorates in Yemen. Its programs are supported by UNHCR, UNICEF, UNFPA and UNOCHA. YARD is undertaking programs in the fields of CCCM, Shelter/NFIs, Protection, Cash Assistance, Education, WASH and Livelihood Programming, targeting IDPs, host communities and the most vulnerable individuals.
     Duties and Responsibilities:
    • Verification of the intake forms and standard formats on completeness of documentation before inserting in relevant data base
    • Resolving discrepancies in information and obtaining further information for incomplete documents.
    • Conduct Field visits alongside with the project/program team which may include over nights in the field to conduct an on-going data collection process, interviews with beneficiary households and other stakeholders, and ensure high-quality data is collected in accordance with the agreed time plan and data collection strategy.
    • Assist the project/program team in collecting success stories, lessons learned, and photos for experience sharing internally, with donors and for publication.
    • Creating data backups as part of a contingency plan.
    • Review, verify data and make corrections where necessary.
    • Ensure that the assisted list of BNFs is posted to the RRM Dashboard system on daily basis.
    • Write the monthly Figure report that describes the activities implemented in the field.
    • Ensure the respect of the principle of confidentially and not to disclose any information acquire by performing her/his duties.
    • Preparing Stock tracking matrix reports.
    • Collecting the photo of each distribution and archive them.
    • Ensure to generate the learned lessons and project success stories.
    • Any other tasks might be delegated by Project Manager or YARD Management
    Qualifications and Experience:
    A University or Diploma Degree in Information Technology /or any equivalent field of experience, as working previously with humanitarian agencies would be preferable;
    •    Able to work independently and good team player.
    •    Reliable and punctual
    •    Flexible and committed 
    •    Ability & willingness to travel to the field
    •    Ability to work with/in a team, but also in an autonomous way
    •    Ability to work under pressure and in meeting deadlines
    •    Strong interpersonal and communication skills
    • Good Management Skills
    • Punctual and Committed
    • Computer Program Skills (Microsoft Office)
    • English à Preferable for this position.
    • Arabic à Fluency is necessary and a must.
    How to Apply
    Interested candidates are requested to use the below link and fill in all required fields:
    Application Remarks:
    • Please do not apply unless you meet minimum application requirements, otherwise you will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Shortlisted candidates may be required to sit for a test.
    • This job is for only Yemen National qualified candidates, regardless of disability, gender identity, marital status, race, color or ethnic and national origins.    
    • YARD does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting, and any other related recruitment process).

  • ضابط موارد بشرية

    الموعد النهائي: السبت, 09 يناير, 2021

    HR Officer

    Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development Foundation (YARD) is seeking to recruit:

    Project: Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM)

    Donor: UNFPA

    Position: HR Officer

    Reports to: HR & Admin Manager

    Duration: 12 Months

    Deadline:  09 January 2021

    Duty Station: Sana’a

    Reference: HR/RRM–UNFPA/21-005

    Brief Overview: Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development Foundation (YARD) is a Non-Profit Local Non-Government Foundation, established in 2013, to providing humanitarian assistance to affected communities and individuals, including community development programs. YARD has been implementing various emergency, relief and development projects, as it has presence in 4 governorates in Yemen. Its programs are supported by UNHCR, UNICEF, UNFPA and UNOCHA. YARD is undertaking programs in the fields of CCCM, Shelter/NFIs, Protection, Cash Assistance, Education, WASH and Livelihood Programming, targeting IDPs, host communities and the most vulnerable individuals.

     Duties and Responsibilities:

    • Manage end-to-end recruitment processes.
    • Preparation of time sheets, attendance lists, payrolls, and other employment documents.
    • Ensuring proper and accurate tracking of all kind of leave (sick leave, vacations, delegations).
    • Assistance in timely processing of new contracts, contracts extension.
    • Assist in the periodic salary review and analysis, and review and revision of new salary structure, as appropriate.
    • Participate in preparing, implementing, reviewing, updating HR policies, employment policies and procedures in compliance to YARD’s standards and local labor law.
    • Overseeing the maintenance of accurate personnel records, tables and files; management and storage of all HR files.  
    • Provision of support to personnel development plans, staff training & capacity building activities
    • Management of employee medical insurance.
    • Preparation of onboarding for new staff.
    • Ensuring that HR files are auditable at all times as per YARD standards and any relevant donors’ requirements and actively participating in the audits
    • Management of staff grievance procedure
    • Any other HR related tasks, as assigned by the supervisor.

    Qualifications and Experience:

    A University Degree in Business Administration or any equivalent field of education with minimum 3 years of experience in HR department, as working previously with humanitarian agencies would be preferable;

    • Strong sense of personal and professional integrity;
    • Strong planning and organizational skills;
    • Outstanding communication skills;
    • Coaching skills regarding running trainings and briefings;
    • Good interpersonal skills, both in bilateral and multilateral contacts;
    • Proficiency in use of MS Office (Office, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint etc.);
    • Ability to handle multiple tasks simultaneously;
    • Being a self-starter and exhibiting initiative;
    • Ability to perform well under high pressure,
    • High attention to detail;
    • Ability to work in a multi-cultural environment, with a high degree of respect for varying cultures and backgrounds.


    • Punctual and Committed
    • Computer Program Skills (Microsoft Office)


    • English à Required.
    • Arabic à Fluency is necessary and a must.
    How to Apply

    Interested candidates are requested to use the below link and fill in all required fields:


    Application Remarks:

    • Please do not apply unless you meet minimum application requirements, otherwise you will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Shortlisted candidates may be required to sit for a test.
    • This job is for only Yemen National qualified candidates, regardless of disability, gender identity, marital status, race, color or ethnic and national origins.    
    • YARD does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting, and any other related recruitment process).

  • قائد فريق التوزيع (6)

    الموعد النهائي: السبت, 09 يناير, 2021

    Distribution Team Leader (6)

    Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development Foundation (YARD) is seeking to recruit:

    Project: Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM)

    Donor: UNFPA

    Position: Distribution Team Leader

    Reports to: Project Coordinator

    Duration: 8 Months

    Deadline:  09 January 2021

    Duty Station: 3 in Al-Jawf and 3 in Sa’dah

    Reference: HR/RRM–UNFPA/21-004

    Brief Overview: Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development Foundation (YARD) is a Non-Profit Local Non-Government Foundation, established in 2013, to providing humanitarian assistance to affected communities and individuals, including community development programs. YARD has been implementing various emergency, relief and development projects, as it has presence in 4 governorates in Yemen. Its programs are supported by UNHCR, UNICEF, UNFPA and UNOCHA. YARD is undertaking programs in the fields of CCCM, Shelter/NFIs, Protection, Cash Assistance, Education, WASH and Livelihood Programming, targeting IDPs, host communities and the most vulnerable individuals.

     Duties and Responsibilities:

    • Ensuring close follow-up influx of IDPs within YARD’s coverage area and with coordination with the local authorities.
    • Collecting regularly basic information on IDPs movements (newly displaced, IDPs already displaced, but changing displacement locations, and returnees).
    • Providing proactively good guidance to the team members, in terms of:
    • Getting to IDP sites to conduct comprehensive and participatory assessments to identify needs;
    • New IDPs registration and verification based on the locations they settled in;
    • Beneficiaries’ documentations are correctly recorded;
    • Checking of quality and the quantity of the delivered/distributed  kits/items;
    • PoCs are receiving the granted assistance hand to hand, and
    • Women, hence all generation, have safe and equal access to assistance.
    • Monitoring and reviewing the overall RRM Kits movements such as deliveries, storage, transport and distribution at the sites and verify if the amounts received have been properly matching the total number of Households planned to be assisted and distributed.
    • Checking and ensuring the quality and the quantity of the humanitarian kits/items delivered by the Donor to YARD warehouses, yet keeping frequent tracking and reporting on those items to be distributed among beneficiaries.
    • Overseeing the distribution of RRM kits/items at the site and ensuring proper distribution of entitlements.
    • Coordinating and monitoring the implementation of the RRM activities at the local levels and in close collaboration with the participation of beneficiaries.
    • Ensuring good implementation of the provided Distribution Plan.
    • Providing technical support to the casual labors and monitoring them through the distribution.
    • Arranging and preparing all the distribution requirement and take the responsibility for all the distribution activities in the field
    • Ensuring accurate and timely photos of the project activities, with keeping good filing the good quality photos.
    • Representing YARD in the field in suitable manner.
    • Ensuring provision of good quality success stories in a monthly basis.
    • Any other tasks assigned by the Coordinator or the Project Manager.  

    Qualifications and Experience:


    A University or Diploma Degree in any equivalent field of education with, at least, 1 year of experience, if found in a similar field, or minimum two-year-experience working previously with humanitarian agencies. The incumbent should also be:-



    •    Able to work independently and good team player.
    •    Flexible and committed 
    •    Ability & willingness to travel to the field
    •    Ability to work with/in a team, but also in an autonomous way
    •    Ability to work under pressure and in meeting deadlines
    •    Strong interpersonal and communication skills


    • Good management skills
    • Punctual and Committed
    • Computer Program Skills (Microsoft Office)


    • English à Not mandatory for this position.
    • Arabic à Fluency is necessary and a must.
    How to Apply

    Interested candidates are requested to use the below link and fill in all required fields:


    Application Remarks:

    • Please do not apply unless you meet minimum application requirements, otherwise you will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Shortlisted candidates may be required to sit for a test.
    • This job is for only Yemen National qualified candidates, regardless of disability, gender identity, marital status, race, color or ethnic and national origins.    
    • YARD does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting, and any other related recruitment process).

  • مدخل بيانات

    الموعد النهائي: السبت, 09 يناير, 2021

    Data Entry

    Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development Foundation (YARD) is seeking to recruit:

    Project: Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM)

    Donor: UNFPA

    Position: Data Entry

    Reports to: Project Manager

    Duration: 10 Months

    Deadline:  09 January, 2021

    Duty Station: Sa’dah Governorate

    Reference: HR/RRM–UNFPA/21-002

    Brief Overview: Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development Foundation (YARD) is a Non-Profit Local Non-Government Foundation, established in 2013, to providing humanitarian assistance to affected communities and individuals, including community development programs. YARD has been implementing various emergency, relief and development projects, as it has presence in 4 governorates in Yemen. Its programs are supported by UNHCR, UNICEF, UNFPA and UNOCHA. YARD is undertaking programs in the fields of CCCM, Shelter/NFIs, Protection, Cash Assistance, Education, WASH and Livelihood Programming, targeting IDPs, host communities and the most vulnerable individuals.

     Duties and Responsibilities:

    • Establishes proper Data Bases, hence based on the needed information and preparing and sorting documents for data entry.
    • Compiles and enters beneficiaries and project information into the database on daily/weekly/Monthly basis from regularly collected (handwritten) data collection forms and lists of the project; update and revise data when details change.
    • Format and clean data collected (by the project/program team) and entered, highlight inconsistencies or errors in data collection and report back to the direct supervisor.
    • Provide easy to read information with proper formatting and consolidation of accurate and quality data, and report back to the direct supervisor.
    • Entering of baseline, midline, end-line, and PDM surveys data collected that come received from field team
    • Scan documents and print files, when required.
    • Prepare the beneficiaries fingerprint lists and tokens.
    • Assist in the establishment and day-to-day management of databases and monitoring system.
    • Assist in the development of databases & formatting documents if needed
    • Participate in-field assessments and surveys whenever requested.
    • Assist in the process to ensure data is collected and analyzed regularly (with associated reporting) to respond to agreed indicators in a standardized manner.
    • Ensure to generate the learned lessons and project success stories.
    • Any other tasks might be delegated by project manager or YARD management

    Qualifications and Experience:


    A University or Diploma Degree in Information Technology, Computer Science /or any equivalent field of qualification with 2 years of experience in similar field, as working previously with humanitarian agencies would be preferable;
    •    Able to work independently and good team player.
    •    Reliable and punctual
    •    Flexible and committed 
    •    Ability & willingness to travel to the field
    •    Ability to work with/in a team, but also in an autonomous way
    •    Ability to work under pressure and in meeting deadlines
    •    Strong interpersonal and communication skills


    • Professional in Computer Skills, specifically programs related to Data Entry
    • Punctual, Committed and Creative


    • English à Preferable for this position.
    • Arabic à Fluency is necessary and a must.
    How to Apply

    Interested candidates are requested to use the below link and fill in all required fields:


    Application Remarks:

    • Please do not apply unless you meet minimum application requirements, otherwise you will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Shortlisted candidates may be required to sit for a test.
    • This job is for only Yemen National qualified candidates, regardless of disability, gender identity, marital status, race, color or ethnic and national origins.    
    • YARD does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting, and any other related recruitment process).

  • منسق مشروع

    الموعد النهائي: السبت, 09 يناير, 2021


    Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development Foundation (YARD) is seeking to recruit:

    Project: Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM)

    Donor: UNFPA

    Position: Coordinator

    Location: Sa’dah Governorate

    Reports to: Project Manager

    Duration: 8 Months

    Deadline:  09 January 2021

    Duty Station: Sa’dah Governorate

    Reference: HR/RRM–UNFPA/21-003

    Brief Overview: Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development Foundation (YARD) is a Non-Profit Local Non-Government Foundation, established in 2013, to providing humanitarian assistance to affected communities and individuals, including community development programs. YARD has been implementing various emergency, relief and development projects, as it has presence in 4 governorates in Yemen. Its programs are supported by UNHCR, UNICEF, UNFPA and UNOCHA. YARD is undertaking programs in the fields of CCCM, Shelter/NFIs, Protection, Cash Assistance, Education, WASH and Livelihood Programming, targeting IDPs, host communities and the most vulnerable individuals.

     Duties and Responsibilities:

    • Conducts proper coordination of the project related activities with all stakeholders, including SCMCHA and local authorities in Sa’dah governorate.
    • Conducts coordination related to the translation and sighing up the agreements with SCMCHA and local authorities in Sa’ada governorate.
    • Liaises and coordinates for Field Assessments in coordination with SCAMCHA.
    • Following up the list of IDPs and getting the approval from SCMCHA to be assisted with RRM Kits then to be reported to Project Manager.
    • Ensures good coordination between the YARD, UNFPA, and SCMCHA with regard any urgent cases requires meetings and discussions or field visits.
    • Ensures good coordination with SCMCHA and local authorities with regard to RRM assistances distribution points.
    • Ensures timely clearness for transporting RRM kits from YARD warehouses to the distribution points, and that the distribution team is timely available.
    • Coordinates with the directors and representatives of the governorate to ensure the operation of the project unconstrained.
    • Monitors and facilitate the work of any supervisory visit in the district by donors in coordination with the concerned authorities and SCMCHA in Sa’dah governorate.
    • Ensures to keep good quality archiving of all documents and permits related to the project, with a special attention that all files are handed-over to YARD RRM Project Manager.
    • Shows high sense of punctuality with the concerned authorities, representing YARD in all field coordinated meetings/presence during project implementation activities.
    • Any other tasks might be delegated by Project Manager and/or YARD Management

    Qualifications and Experience:


    A University Degree in Business Administration or any equivalent field of education with 2 years of experience in similar field. Working previously with humanitarian agencies would be preferable. The incumbent should also be:-
    •    Able to work independently and good team player.
    •    Flexible and committed 
    •    Ability & willingness to travel to the field
    •    Ability to work with/in a team, but also in an autonomous way
    •    Ability to work under pressure and in meeting deadlines
    •    Strong interpersonal and communication skills


    • Strong management skills
    • Strong coordination skills
    • Punctual and Committed
    • Computer Program Skills (Microsoft Office)


    • English à Not mandatory, but preferable for this position.
    • Arabic à Fluency is necessary and a must
    How to Apply

    Interested candidates are requested to use the below link and fill in all required fields:


    Application Remarks:

    • Please do not apply unless you meet minimum application requirements, otherwise you will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Shortlisted candidates may be required to sit for a test.
    • This job is for only Yemen National qualified candidates, regardless of disability, gender identity, marital status, race, color or ethnic and national origins.    
    • YARD does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting, and any other related recruitment process).

  • موظف قانوني لشؤون اللاجئين

    الموعد النهائي: السبت, 29 أغسطس, 2020

    Refugees legal Officer
    Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development (YARD) is seeking to recruit:
    Position: Refugees legal Officer
    Location: Al-Jawf
    Reports to: Project Manager
    Duration: 4 Months
    Deadline:  29 August, 2020
    Reference: HR/Protection–UNHCR/20-31
    Brief Overview: Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development Foundation (YARD) is a National/Local Non-Government Foundation established for providing humanitarian assistance to individuals and community development and disaster relief, since 2013. YARD has been implementing various emergency, relief and development projects, as it has presence in 4 governorates in Yemen. Its programs are supported by UNHCR, UNICEF, UNFPA and UNOCHA. YARD is undertaking programs in the fields of CCCM, Shelter/NFIs, Protection, Cash Assistance, Education, WASH and Livelihood Programming, targeting IDPs, host communities and the most vulnerable individuals.
    Duties and Responsibilities:
    • Responsible to follow up the refugee’s movement with CBPNs members in each district.
    • Responsible to write all the required reports requested by the donor daily, Monthly, and annual.
    • Open a file, record and record cases according to the type of service provided, and archive data electronically and hardly
    • Provide legal support to the target population through legal advice and provision of legal information sessions.
    • Ensure that protection for human rights and refugee rights is monitored.
    • Provide legal requirements periodically with ID cards, family cards, and birth certificates in coordination with the SRA.
    • In coordination with the supervisor, support and lead the implementation of project activities, including monitoring protection, providing cash transfers, distributing non-food items, and providing legal and psychosocial assistance in accordance with the project work plan;
    • Work closely with the IDP community, to identify particularly vulnerable individuals and with a supervisor to develop strategies and means to assist them.
    • Ensure that there is a wide dissemination of the risks faced by IDPs in Yemen and with community members, identify possible solutions to these problems.
    • Carrying out field visits to assess protection needs and concerns of the target population, with particular attention to persons at particular risk;
    • Regular reporting on protection trends and incidents faced by internally displaced persons and local communities;
    • Maintaining the excel database to ensure the production of statistics and other reports in a timely manner while supporting them with success stories;
    • Collecting weekly and monthly accounts and data reports on the risks faced by IDPs in Yemen.
    • Perform other tasks assigned by the supervisor (s).
    • Assist in all steps of case management with the researcher.
    • Full compliance with the work methodology in accordance with the policies of the center and the institution
    • Preparing a weekly and monthly work plan in accordance with the center’s administration to ensure that it is linked to the rest of the plans of other offices in the center.
    • Full flexibility in carrying out the assigned tasks and any other tasks in the event of the administration's request.
    • Adherence to data protection and confidentiality.
    • Commitment to carry out the tasks assigned in accordance with the career ladder system without excesses in any task except with an official mandate from the direct administration
    • Attending regular meetings at the center and active participation in developing new initiatives and proposals that seek to develop and improve the quality of performance.
    • Any other tasks assigned by line manager
    Qualifications and Experience :
    • A university degree in Law or any other relevant field.
    • At least 2 years of experience with NGOs in the protection field.
    • Experience in coordinating and planning community outreach activities.
    • Ability to analyze and present information in a clear manner.
    • Good knowledge of Yemeni conflict context and previous field experience (preferably in southern Yemen).
    • Strong knowledge of local context and dynamics in the target governorates.
    skills and languages:
    • English
    • Arabic
    How to Apply
    Interested candidates are requested to use the below link and fill in all required fields:
    Application Remarks:
    • Please do not apply unless you meet minimum application requirements, otherwise you will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Shortlisted candidates may be required to sit for a test.
    • This job is for only Yemen National qualified candidates, regardless of disability, gender identity, marital status, race, color or ethnic and national origins.    
    • YARD does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing or any other fees).

  • مدير مشروع

    الموعد النهائي: السبت, 08 أغسطس, 2020

    Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development (YARD) is seeking to recruit:

    Position: Project Manager

    Location: Sana’a and Al-Jawf Governorate

    Reports to: Program Manager

    Duration: 5 Months

    Deadline:  08 August, 2020

    Reference: HR/CCCM–UNHCR/20-024

    Brief Overview: Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development Foundation (YARD) is a National/Local Non-Government Foundation established for providing humanitarian assistance to individuals and community development and disaster relief, since 2013. YARD has been implementing various emergency, relief and development projects, as it has presence in 4 governorates in Yemen. Its programs are supported by UNHCR, UNICEF, UNFPA and UNOCHA. YARD is undertaking programs in the fields of CCCM, Shelter/NFIs, Protection, Cash Assistance, Education, WASH and Livelihood Programming, targeting IDPs, host communities and the most vulnerable individuals.

    Duties and Responsibilities:


    •    Work on developing and reviewing the project strategy in partnership with the concerned   government authorities, local governorate authorities, directorates and beneficiaries.
    •    Oversee the implementation of CCCM  projects in coordination with the other Project staff.
    •    Ensure project implementation is according to the required standards/specifications and corresponding timetable of the project.
    •    Oversee the development of field staff trainings.
    •    Supervise the maintenance and archiving of reports, records, and technical documents 
    •    Oversee CCCM  situational analyses, assessments, and studies in the areas targeted by the institution.
    •    Supervise, plan, organize, and monitor all   activities carried out by the field coordinator.
    •    Supervise and submit periodic studies, reports, and evaluation around CCCM  project. 
    •    Prepare evidence-based awareness IEC materials and get them approved by relevant authorities.
    •    Develop CCCM project under the supervision of Program Manager and donor organizations.
    •    Oversee project monitoring and evaluation, ensuring the achievement of project indicators and results at all stages of implementation 
    •    Evaluate staff performance and make recommendations.



    •    Coordinate and communicate along with the relevant government and local authorities within the project framework, ensuring their meaningful participation to respond to the local community’s needs.
    •    Represent YARD in several meetings and events related to the relevant sector and cluster, prepare and present minutes from these meetings to the Program Manager.



    •    Prepare and send news reports to the Media Officer on field project activities and field needs for beneficiaries on a regular basis (weekly, monthly).
    •    Help to prepare project reports and data in coordination with the M&E Officer for Program Manager.


    Qualifications and Experience:


    •    University degree in  Administration Business specialization, or a related subject, 
    •    At least 5 years’ experience working development and humanitarian project .
    •    Experience with project management cycle, budgets, and donor requirements
    •    Previous experience in a humanitarian setting
    •    Excellent interpersonal and representative skills(written, oral, cross - cultural)
    •    Experience working with governments, UN bodies, INGOs and local NGOs
    •    Experience in donor relation
    •    Ability to take initiative where appropriate to deal with difficulties encountered in daily work
    •    Ability to adapt, change priorities according to the changing situation within a mission or the organization
    •    Ability to work within a fluid situation (changes within the team, location of programs, etc.)
    •    Ability to conduct work in a professional and mature manner
    •    Ability to deal with relations with local authorities as a representative of YARD
    •    Ability to manage local staff in a mature and impartial manner
    •    Commitment to the aims and principles of YARD. 
    •    English and Arabic language proficiency (speaking, reading, writing)


    Professional requirements:

    • Strong project management and planning skills: assessments, design, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and reporting, with good skills in managing related data analysis;
    • Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to interact professionally with donor, project stakeholders, in-country collaborators and staff at all levels of the organization;
    • Knowledge of participatory approaches and tools to community planning, monitoring and evaluation;
    • Demonstrate ability in thinking creatively and practically to improve the quality of projects and problem solving;
    • Strong MS Office skills, including Word, Excel and Power Point.


    • English and Arabic

    The incumbent MUST be fluent in both languages (Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening)

    How to Apply

    Interested candidates are requested to use the below link and fill in all required fields:


    Application Remarks:

    • Please do not apply unless you meet minimum application requirements, otherwise you will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Shortlisted candidates may be required to sit for a test.
    • This job is for only Yemen National qualified candidates, regardless of disability, gender identity, marital status, race, color or ethnic and national origins.    
    • YARD does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing or any other fees).

  • مدخل بيانات

    الموعد النهائي: السبت, 08 أغسطس, 2020

    The Job

    Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development (YARD) is seeking to recruit:

    Position:  Data Entry

    Location: Sana’a – Al Jawf

    Reports to: Project Manager

    Duration: 5 Months

    Deadline:  08 August, 2020

    Reference: HR/CCCM–UNHCR/20-29

    Brief Overview: Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development Foundation (YARD) is a National/Local Non-Government Foundation established for providing humanitarian assistance to individuals and community development and disaster relief, since 2013. YARD has been implementing various emergency, relief and development projects, as it has presence in 4 governorates in Yemen. Its programs are supported by UNHCR, UNICEF, UNFPA and UNOCHA. YARD is undertaking programs in the fields of CCCM, Shelter/NFIs, Protection, Cash Assistance, Education, WASH and Livelihood Programming, targeting IDPs, host communities and the most vulnerable individuals.

    Duties and Responsibilities:

    • Establishing data bases properly based on the IDP’s information and sorting them on basis of Districts.
    • verification of the intake forms and standard formats on completeness of documentation before inserting in relevant data base
    • Entering data into database software precisely and ensure the accuracy of information and prevent duplication.
    • Resolving discrepancies in information and obtaining further information for incomplete documents.
    • Ensure that the assisted list of BNFs are posted to the RRM Dashboard system on daily basis.
    • Creating data backups as part of a contingency plan.
    • Responding to information requests and provide basic data analysis and findings on a weekly and monthly basis to authorized staff.
    • ensure the respect of the principle of confidentially and do not disclose any information related to work.
    • write the monthly Figure report that describes the activities implemented in the field.
    • Compile and sort information according to priorities to prepare source data for computer entry.
    • Review, verify data and make corrections where necessary.
    • Generate regular reports, store completed work in designated locations.
    • Scan documents and print files, when required.
    • Maintain logbooks or records of activities and tasks.
    • Preparing List of beneficiaries and the list of fingerprints and the tokens.
    • Ensure the respect of the principle of confidentially and not to disclose any information acquire by performing her/his duties.
    • Preparing Stock tracking matrix reports.
    • Collecting the photo of each distribution and archive them.
    • Ensure to generate the learned lessons and project success stories
    • Any other responsibilities required by the Project Manager.

    Qualifications and Experience :

    • University degree in information management or any other related field.
    • Two years of relevant work experience.
    • Experience working within NGOs is preferred.
    • Advanced computer skills in MS Office programs, particularly Excel.
    • Experience in data collection tools (KoboCollect – ODK – ONA) is an asset
    • Strong organizational skills and ability to multi-task.
    • Previous experience of managing a team and managing projects
    • Ability to write clear and well-argued assessment and project reports
    • Politically and culturally sensitive with qualities of patience, tact and diplomacy
    • Ability to think independently and problem solve.

    skills and languages:

    • English
    • Arabic
    How to Apply

    Interested candidates are requested to use the below link and fill in all required fields:


    Application Remarks:

    • Please do not apply unless you meet minimum application requirements, otherwise you will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Shortlisted candidates may be required to sit for a test.
    • This job is for only Yemen National qualified candidates, regardless of disability, gender identity, marital status, race, color or ethnic and national origins.    
    • YARD does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing or any other fees).

  • مسؤول شكاوى

    الموعد النهائي: السبت, 08 أغسطس, 2020

    The Job

    Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development (YARD) is seeking to recruit:

    Position: Compliant Supervisor        

    Location: Sana’a

    Reports to: Project Manager

    Duration: 5 Months

    Deadline:  08 August, 2020

    Reference: HR/CCCM–UNHCR/20-28

    Brief Overview: Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development Foundation (YARD) is a National/Local Non-Government Foundation established for providing humanitarian assistance to individuals and community development and disaster relief, since 2013. YARD has been implementing various emergency, relief and development projects, as it has presence in 4 governorates in Yemen. Its programs are supported by UNHCR, UNICEF, UNFPA and UNOCHA. YARD is undertaking programs in the fields of CCCM, Shelter/NFIs, Protection, Cash Assistance, Education, WASH and Livelihood Programming, targeting IDPs, host communities and the most vulnerable individuals.

    Duties and Responsibilities:

    • Identify complaint and other feedback trends which indicate where the response can improve.
    • Ensure regular analyze and maintenance of complaints and feedback database/information System and ensure information is shared on a regular basis
    • Support to ensure complaints are closed within the appropriate timeframe
    • Ensure CFM database is forwarded to programs/ MEAL department on monthly basis.
    • Ensure confidentiality of complaint data is respected
    • Submit internal, and accurate reports to the concerned programs/projects. The reports will be submitted weekly, or daily according to the urgency of the complaint; include monthly recommendations, if needed, to projects/programs and program managers as received.
    • Accurately refer complaints internally within programs/projects staff at field level.
    • Follow-up and receive weekly feedback, and complaint status progress related to the internal complaint referred to the programs/projects staff at field level. Ensure all documents and actions taken are documented, and feedback is given back to the complainant.
    • Assist in design and implementation of accountability and complaints reporting mechanisms.
    • Ensure regular sharing accountability and complaint response mechanism reports during awareness sessions or monthly meeting with affected people in targeted area.
    • Ensure that accountability and complaint response mechanisms are effective and working efficiently.

    Qualifications and Experience :

    • Bachelor’s Degree in Management, Social Research, or a related field
    • At least with 2 years relevant experience in humanitarian work
    • Demonstrated knowledge of accountability especially feedback mechanisms concepts and international humanitarian quality standards
    • Strong understanding of HAP, and other relevant global standards
    • Experience of carrying out design and implementation of accountability and complaints reporting mechanisms.
    • Ethical, focused on treating complainants/ community fairly and culturally sensitive
    • Excellent computer skills especially developing databases.
    • Sound analytical and conceptual skills.
    • Excellent communication skills and experience in report writing

    skills and languages:

    • English
    • Arabic
    How to Apply

    Interested candidates are requested to use the below link and fill in all required fields:


    Application Remarks:

    • Please do not apply unless you meet minimum application requirements, otherwise you will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Shortlisted candidates may be required to sit for a test.
    • This job is for only Yemen National qualified candidates, regardless of disability, gender identity, marital status, race, color or ethnic and national origins.    
    • YARD does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing or any other fees).

  • أخصائي اتصالات وإعلام

    الموعد النهائي: السبت, 08 أغسطس, 2020

    The Job

    Communication & media specialist

    Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development (YARD) is seeking to recruit:

    Position: Communication & media specialist

    Location: Sana’a

    Reports to: Project Manager

    Duration: 5 Months

    Deadline:  08 August, 2020

    Reference: HR/CCCM–UNHCR/20-27

    Brief Overview: Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development Foundation (YARD) is a National/Local Non-Government Foundation established for providing humanitarian assistance to individuals and community development and disaster relief, since 2013. YARD has been implementing various emergency, relief and development projects, as it has presence in 4 governorates in Yemen. Its programs are supported by UNHCR, UNICEF, UNFPA and UNOCHA. YARD is undertaking programs in the fields of CCCM, Shelter/NFIs, Protection, Cash Assistance, Education, WASH and Livelihood Programming, targeting IDPs, host communities and the most vulnerable individuals.

    Duties and Responsibilities:

    • Overall management of social media (Facebook page, Twitter and google+) in coordination with the project manager
    • Mapping media professionals in the targeted governorates.
    • Media Professional Capacity Building training for the media professionals.
    • Joint Content Design – workshops to jointly brainstorm concepts for media content.
    • Increase positive social norms around peacebuilders are mainstreamed in local Yemeni communities.
    • Drives discussions around topics relate to and under the umbrella of the project’s main topics.
    • Develops and maintains good lines of communication with media professionals.
    • Ensures the agreed project communications methods, standards, and processes are maintained throughout the project lifecycle.
    • Works as part of a team to develop large social media campaigns.
    • Supervises the production of the final project documentary.
    • Produces digital content for the project social media (weekly social media posts across multiple channels, photo stories, and slideshows, digital downloads etc.)
    • Manages and update the project social media (accept requests, moderate discussions etc.)
    • Gathers and tracks social analytics data on a monthly basis and provide monthly report on activities and the immediate reporting of related any significant issues.
    • Works with project team to align social media activities with ongoing project’s activities.
    • Produces infographic photo for the project activities.
    • Ensures quality filing and reporting systems for media activities, feeding into reports to donors on implementation progress and achieved results.
    • Prepare manuals, brochure and other relevant IEC materials on promoting women’s inclusion in peacebuilding.
    • Carries out frequent field visits to targeted districts to manage and supervise project’s activities and gives feedback and guidance to media professionals.
    • Keeps Project Manager informed of progress achieved and challenges faced (through regular reports).
    • Ensure a safe working environment for all people involved in project implementation and maintain the highest standards of behavior when working with the community targeted.
    • Adherence to all organizational policies and procedures as outlined in Search policies and procedure manuals.
    • Follow all organizational protocols and regulations according to guidance provided by HR department.

    Qualifications and Experience :

    • A university degree or equivalent certificate/diploma or similar qualification from a recognized establishment or equivalent experiences.
    • At least 4 years’ professional experience in a comparable position including extensive fieldwork.
    • Experience in coordinating and planning community outreach activities.
    • Ability to analyze and present information in a clear manner.
    • Good knowledge of Yemeni conflict context and previous field experience (preferably in southern Yemen).
    • Strong knowledge of local context and dynamics in the target governorates.

    skills and languages:

    • English
    • Arabic
    How to Apply

    Interested candidates are requested to use the below link and fill in all required fields:


    Application Remarks:

    • Please do not apply unless you meet minimum application requirements, otherwise you will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Shortlisted candidates may be required to sit for a test.
    • This job is for only Yemen National qualified candidates, regardless of disability, gender identity, marital status, race, color or ethnic and national origins.    
    • YARD does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing or any other fees).

  • محاسب مشروع

    الموعد النهائي: السبت, 08 أغسطس, 2020

    The Job

    Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development (YARD) is seeking to recruit:

    Position: Accountant

    Location: Sana’a

    Reports to: Project Manager/Finance Manager

    Duration: 5 Months

    Deadline:  08 August, 2020

    Reference: HR/CCCM–UNHCR/20-26

    Brief Overview: Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development Foundation (YARD) is a National/Local Non-Government Foundation established for providing humanitarian assistance to individuals and community development and disaster relief, since 2013. YARD has been implementing various emergency, relief and development projects, as it has presence in 4 governorates in Yemen. Its programs are supported by UNHCR, UNICEF, UNFPA and UNOCHA. YARD is undertaking programs in the fields of CCCM, Shelter/NFIs, Protection, Cash Assistance, Education, WASH and Livelihood Programming, targeting IDPs, host communities and the most vulnerable individuals.

    Main Task

    Assisting in the planning and preparation of budgets and ensuring close monitoring. Also, being a key point of contact for other departments on financial and accounting matters, yet within her/his project.

    Duties and Responsibilities:

    • Carry out all the accounting operations related to the project on a daily basis and submit financial invoices
    • Managing and restrict petty expenses and ensure that cash is available in the Fund at all times to carry out activities or any sudden monetary operation
    • Reviewing all approved expenses with the signatures approved before the disbursement process.
    • Preparing all bonds of exchange and checks with the guarantee and accuracy of supporting documents.
    • Assists YARD in submission of all Internal & external financial reports.
    • Assist & ensure that petty cash is used only for authorized transactions.
    • Following up the allowances of loading and offloading the kits in daily basis.
    • Following up the bank account and coordination with the head office in Sanaa to know the balance of the bank in local and foreign currency.
    • Responsible for all field expenditures.
    • Preparing all the financial reports.
    • Responsible for all field monitoring visits expenses.
    • Providing assistance in preparing and reviewing project budget
    • Providing assistance in the preparation of transportation vouchers and all its documents related to transportation and activity expenses.
    • Escalate any noted financial risks / fraud activities directly to Project manager
    • Check that the exchange process is subject to all financial and accounting documents.
    • Examination of all contracts and financial documents.
    • Fully comply with all RRM procedures and policy.
    • obligation to perform any other tasks required by the project manager.
    • Review the official e-mails on a daily basis, respond to queries from suppliers and colleagues in a timely and appropriate manner, also ensures that any critical issues should be raised with the line manager at the earliest opportunity.
    • obligation to perform any other tasks required by the project manager.

    Qualifications and Experience:

    1. Advance University Degree in Accounting or Finance.
    2. At least 3 years' experience in , accounting/finance. Preferable with /NGOs .
    3. Understanding of full range of financial processes including management and accounts, and attention to detail.
    4. Familiar with industry-specific software like Yemen Soft, QuickBooks and Focus;
    5. Experience of budget preparations, cash-flow statements & financial plans; Experience of writing financial reports;
    6. Good command of spoken and written English


    • English and Arabic

    The incumbent MUST be fluent in both languages (Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening)

    How to Apply

    Interested candidates are requested to use the below link and fill in all required fields:


    Application Remarks:

    • Please do not apply unless you meet minimum application requirements, otherwise you will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Shortlisted candidates may be required to sit for a test.
    • This job is for only Yemen National qualified candidates, regardless of disability, gender identity, marital status, race, color or ethnic and national origins.    
    • YARD does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing or any other fees).

  • مدير الإمتثال

    الموعد النهائي: السبت, 25 يوليو, 2020

    Compliance Manager

    The Job

    Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development (YARD) is seeking to recruit:

    Position: Compliance Manager

    Location: Sana’a Governorate

    Reports to: Head Of trustee

    Type of position: Fixed

    Duration: 5 Months renewable based on performance

    Deadline:  25 July, 2020

    Reference: HR/YARD/20-05

    Brief Overview: Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development Foundation (YARD) is a National/Local Non-Government Foundation established for providing humanitarian assistance to individuals and community development and disaster relief, since 2013. YARD has been implementing various emergency, relief and development projects, as it has presence in 4 governorates in Yemen. Its programs are supported by UNHCR, UNICEF, UNFPA and UNOCHA. YARD is undertaking programs in the fields of CCCM, Shelter/NFIs, Protection, Cash Assistance, Education, WASH and Livelihood Programming, targeting IDPs, host communities and the most vulnerable individuals.

    Main Task

    Compliance Manager is Monitor, follow up, and review of all the work carried out by the Organization and examination of all acts and activities, ensuring the safety of the implementation of these actions, in accordance with the rules and regulations and instructions march to the work of the Organization.

    Duties and Responsibilities:

    • Preparation and approval of the Audit and Compliance Plan by the Chairman of the Board appointed by the Board of Trustees.
    • Ensure that all staff in the organization have sufficient knowledge of the approved evidence and identify the risks and controls to be followed in coordination with all department managers (mural paintings, seminars, awareness presentations, ...)
    • Conduct compliance procedures and special reviews, in accordance with the approved plan and special requests, including, but not limited to:
      • Review and follow up the departments and analyze compliance with the internal guidelines and guidelines of the organization.
      • Ensure the adequacy and effectiveness of the internal regulations of the organization’s subcontractors on the availability of internal controls and adequate protection against error, fraud, loss or non-compliance.
      • Discuss the issues observed with the relevant managers at the various administrative levels of the organization to take their input until the root causes of every issue are identified.
      • Summarize audit results in compliance reports according to approved models, noting the corresponding evidence and guidelines and recommend corrective action.
    • Continuous review and evaluation of adherence to the policies and procedures of YARD and donors in regards to procurement, financial management, human resources, administrative matters, logistics and programs, as set out in the relevant manuals and guidelines.
    • Follow-up of closed projects in coordination with finance, MEAL, programs and projects.
    • Ensuring an appropriate electronic documentation system, and providing strong supporting evidence and documentation for all audits conducted by the Department.
    • Working and updating operational manuals, policies and procedures in coordination with various departments.
    • Develop compliance mechanisms to ensure implementation of agreed plans and guidelines.
    • Prepare the monthly achievement report and submit it to the head of the administrative body.
    • Assist in the formulation and updating of relevant departmental documents, including, but not limited to: appropriate tools, relevant policies and procedures, training materials and assessments, etc., particularly from the perspective of compliance.
    • Follow-up on compliance and risk officer for site visits, vendor (s), repositories and other related tasks in line with the existing methodology to achieve the objectives of compliance audits and, if necessary, to undertake such visits.
    • Ensuring the archiving of materials and documents for projects and financiers.
    • Monthly reporting.
    • Follow-up on daily operations.
    • Control and internal audit on compliance and risk auditor actions.
    • Monitor and analyze risks and propose appropriate solutions.
    • Ensure that a high level of confidentiality and security of assigned data is maintained at all times.
    • Keep documents, records, files and reports of his work and work to update and maintain them continuously.
    • Ensure the flow of information and data from the field to senior management.
    • Any other job-related tasks requested by the Chairman of the Administrative Body

    Qualifications and Experience:

    • University degree (Bachelor’s or equivalent) in relevant field (e.g. Audit, Finance, Management, International Development, etc.) CIA (Certified Internal Auditor), and/or Master’s degree in relevant field is preferred
    • 4-5 years’ experience in Audit, Compliance and/or Risk experience is preferred with background in Risk Analysis.

    Professional requirements:

    • Strong project management and planning skills: assessments, design, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and reporting, with good skills in managing related data analysis;
    • Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to interact professionally with donor, project stakeholders, in-country collaborators and staff at all levels of the organization;
    • Knowledge of participatory approaches and tools to community planning, monitoring and evaluation;
    • Demonstrate ability in thinking creatively and practically to improve the quality of projects and problem solving;
    • Strong MS Office skills, including Word, Excel and Power Point.


    • English and Arabic

    The incumbent MUST be fluent in both languages (Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening)

    How to Apply

    How to Apply

    Interested candidates are requested to use the below link and fill in all required fields:


    Application Remarks:

    • Please do not apply unless you meet minimum application requirements, otherwise you will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Shortlisted candidates may be required to sit for a test.
    • This job is for only Yemen National qualified candidates, regardless of disability, gender identity, marital status, race, color or ethnic and national origins.    
    • YARD does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing or any other fees).

  • مساعد موارد بشرية

    الموعد النهائي: الأحد, 05 يوليو, 2020

    The Job

    Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development (YARD) is seeking to recruit:

    Position: HR Assistant

    Location: Sana’a

    Reports to: Project Manager/HR & Admin Manager

    Duration: 6 Months

    Deadline:  05 July, 2020

    Reference: HR/WASH–UNICEF/018-20

    Brief Overview: Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development Foundation (YARD) is a National/Local Non-Government Foundation established for providing humanitarian assistance to individuals and community development and disaster relief, since 2013. YARD has been implementing various emergency, relief and development projects, as it has presence in 4 governorates in Yemen. Its programs are supported by UNHCR, UNICEF, UNFPA and UNOCHA. YARD is undertaking programs in the fields of CCCM, Shelter/NFIs, Protection, Cash Assistance, Education, WASH and Livelihood Programming, targeting IDPs, host communities and the most vulnerable individuals.

    Duties and Responsibilities:

    1. Frequent field visits to conduct an on-going data collection process through interviews with beneficiary households and other stakeholders and ensure high-quality data collected in accordance with the agreed time plan and data collection strategy.
    2. Participate in baseline, midline, and end line surveys as required.
    3. Enter monitoring data into computer-based data collection system according to schedule, and or supervise this process.
    4. Support an on-going process of beneficiary verification.
    5. Monitor distributions and submit field visit report to the M&E Officer as requested.
    6. Conduct PDM, after each distribution and collect beneficiaries' feedback, and train the field Enumerator on different M&E tools.
    7. She/he Works with M&E Officer to track that program-based monitoring activities are perform according to schedule.
    8. Watch and report on any new needs arising in the project target areas.
    9. Ensure proper filing and management of documents.
    10.  Other duties as assigned.

    Qualifications and Experience :


    1.    university degree Business Administration or relevant field.
    2.   One year Experience working within an NGO is preferred especially in HR department.  
    3.    Understanding of the social, political and economic context of Yemen.  
    4.    Advanced computer skills in MS Office programs, particularly Excel, SPSS.
    5.    Strong oral and written English skills.
    6.    Ability to think independently and problem solve.
    7.    Ability to interpret figures.
    8.    Strong organizational skills and ability to multi-task.
    9.    Honest, hardworking and committed to community development.


    skills and languages:

    • English
    • Arabic
    How to Apply

    Interested candidates are requested to use the below link and fill in all required fields:


    Application Remarks:

    • Please do not apply unless you meet minimum application requirements, otherwise you will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Shortlisted candidates may be required to sit for a test.
    • This job is for only Yemen National qualified candidates, regardless of disability, gender identity, marital status, race, color or ethnic and national origins.    
    • YARD does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing or any other fees).

  • مهندس تقني لمشروع المياه والإصحاح البيئي - عدد 3

    الموعد النهائي: الأحد, 05 يوليو, 2020

    The Job

    Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development (YARD) is seeking to recruit:

    Position: WASH Technical Engineer

    Location: Al-Jawf Governorate

    Reports to: Project Manager/WASH Specialist

    Duration: 6 Months

    Deadline:  05 July, 2020

    Reference: HR/WASH–UNICEF/014-20

    Brief Overview: Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development Foundation (YARD) is a National/Local Non-Government Foundation established for providing humanitarian assistance to individuals and community development and disaster relief, since 2013. YARD has been implementing various emergency, relief and development projects, as it has presence in 4 governorates in Yemen. Its programs are supported by UNHCR, UNICEF, UNFPA and UNOCHA. YARD is undertaking programs in the fields of CCCM, Shelter/NFIs, Protection, Cash Assistance, Education, WASH and Livelihood Programming, targeting IDPs, host communities and the most vulnerable individuals.

    Main Task:

    The WASH Engineer is responsible for leading the planning and implementation of water and sanitation service improvements in the targeted areas to ensure access to safe water to low- income urban and rural consumers. An important component of that is developing the technical capacity of other colleges/partners.

    Duties and Responsibilities:

    • Reassessing the rehabilitation works pre the implementation.
    • Submitting an action plan defined with details and enhanced with time frame for every activity.
    • Participating in handing over the sites to the contractors according to the plan in coordination with all the stakeholders.
    • Conducting the technical management in term of the field supervision.
    • Submitting the financial deliverables according to the followed instructions in coordination with the stakeholders.
    • Submitting the weekly reports and facilitating the constructor works.
    • Preparing a plan to raise reports and submitting deliverables.
    • Participating in constant coordination with the project staff and providing them with the vital info of the project.
    • Ensure quality control on implementation and ensure that the provided materials are met the specifications and quality standards.
    • Documenting all implemented works and take notes/comments on daily basis.
    • Raising reports or suggestions in case of any breaching in the quality of implementation
    • Receiving/dealing with all the letters/requests that provided by the contractor, and deliver/discuss them with the YARD WASH Specialist.
    • Performs other duties as assigned.

    Qualifications and Experience:

    • Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering.
    • Civil engineering knowledge (particularly in water supply, pumping, boreholes)
    • Knowledge about water projects, hydraulic pressures, pumps and engines.
    • Must be willing to learn new skills and procedures
    • Strong oral and written English skills.
    • Ability to interpret figures.
    • Strong organizational skills and ability to multi-task.
    • Honest, hardworking and committed to community development.
    • Very Good communication and reporting skills in written and spoken English.
    • Excellent in using Microsoft including (word, excel, power point and emails).


    • English and Arabic

    The incumbent MUST be fluent in both languages (Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening)

    How to Apply

    Interested candidates are requested to use the below link and fill in all required fields:


    Application Remarks:

    • Please do not apply unless you meet minimum application requirements, otherwise you will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Shortlisted candidates may be required to sit for a test.
    • This job is for only Yemen National qualified candidates, regardless of disability, gender identity, marital status, race, color or ethnic and national origins.    
    • YARD does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing or any other fees).

  • مساعد مراقبة وتقييم

    الموعد النهائي: الأحد, 05 يوليو, 2020

    The Job

    Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development (YARD) is seeking to recruit:

    Position: M&E Assistant

    Location: Sana’a Governorate

    Reports to: Project Manager

    Duration: 6 Months

    Deadline:  05 July, 2020

    Reference: HR/WASH–UNICEF/020-20

    Brief Overview: Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development Foundation (YARD) is a National/Local Non-Government Foundation established for providing humanitarian assistance to individuals and community development and disaster relief, since 2013. YARD has been implementing various emergency, relief and development projects, as it has presence in 4 governorates in Yemen. Its programs are supported by UNHCR, UNICEF, UNFPA and UNOCHA. YARD is undertaking programs in the fields of CCCM, Shelter/NFIs, Protection, Cash Assistance, Education, WASH and Livelihood Programming, targeting IDPs, host communities and the most vulnerable individuals.

    Duties and Responsibilities:

    • Frequent field visits to conduct an on-going data collection process through interviews with beneficiary households and other stakeholders and ensure high-quality data collected in accordance with the agreed time plan and data collection strategy.
    • Participate in baseline, midline, and end line surveys as required.
    • Enter monitoring data into computer-based data collection system according to schedule, and or supervise this process.
    • Support an on-going process of beneficiary verification.
    • Monitor distributions and submit field visit report to the M&E Officer as requested.
    • Conduct PDM, after each distribution and collect beneficiaries' feedback, and train the field Enumerator on different M&E tools.
    • She/he Works with M&E Officer to track that program-based monitoring activities are perform according to schedule.
    • Watch and report on any new needs arising in the project target areas.
    • Ensure proper filing and management of documents.
    •  Other duties as assigned.

    Qualifications and Experience:

    • University Degree in (Social Science- Statistics - IT) or relevant field.
    • One year Experience working within an NGO is preferred.  
    • Understanding of the social, political and economic context of Yemen.  
    • Advanced computer skills in MS Office programs, particularly Excel, SPSS.
    • Strong oral and written English skills.
    • Ability to think independently and problem solving.
    • Ability to interpret figures.
    • Strong organizational skills and ability to multi-task.
    • Honest, hardworking and committed to community development
    • Very Good communication and reporting skills in written and spoken English.
    • Excellent in using Microsoft including (word, excel, power point and emails).


    • English and Arabic

    The incumbent MUST be fluent in both languages (Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening)

    How to Apply

    Interested candidates are requested to use the below link and fill in all required fields:


    Application Remarks:

    • Please do not apply unless you meet minimum application requirements, otherwise you will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Shortlisted candidates may be required to sit for a test.
    • This job is for only Yemen National qualified candidates, regardless of disability, gender identity, marital status, race, color or ethnic and national origins.    
    • YARD does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing or any other fees).

  • حارس وأمين مخزن (2)

    الموعد النهائي: الأحد, 05 يوليو, 2020

    The Job

    Guard and Warehouse Keeper – (2 Posts)

    Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development (YARD) is seeking to recruit:

    Position: Guards

    Location: Al-Jawf Governorate

    Reports to: Project Manager/Operation Manager

    Duration: 6 Months

    Deadline:  05 July, 2020

    Reference: HR/WASH–UNICEF/022-20

    Brief Overview: Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development Foundation (YARD) is a National/Local Non-Government Foundation established for providing humanitarian assistance to individuals and community development and disaster relief, since 2013. YARD has been implementing various emergency, relief and development projects, as it has presence in 4 governorates in Yemen. Its programs are supported by UNHCR, UNICEF, UNFPA and UNOCHA. YARD is undertaking programs in the fields of CCCM, Shelter/NFIs, Protection, Cash Assistance, Education, WASH and Livelihood Programming, targeting IDPs, host communities and the most vulnerable individuals.

    Duties and Responsibilities:

    Security and Control:

    • Perform regular rounds around the enclosure of YARD premises to prevent any external intrusion.
    • Informed as quickly as those in danger in case of intrusion and contacted his supervisor as soon as possible with the available means of communication.
    • Open and close the gate for inputs/outputs of individuals or vehicles.
    • Perform/Check the Entry and Exit Book of visitors in the secure area according of YARD premises.
    • Make sure that nobody enters the enclosure without permission and respect YARD rules (no weapon, registration…).
    • Check that the access doors are closed during non- working hours.
    • Ensure that no YARD material comes out of the compound without permission from logistician.
    • Report any incident occurring during the shift and, in general, report any information relating to the safety of the mission.
    • Maintain fully aware of awarding shift, carries a relief information by a physical inspection of the base to be note on notebook. Do not leave the base if the succession not arrived.
    • Always wait for the next shift guard before leaving and never leave workplace and the premises unattended for any reason.
    • Performs a safety device control so that it is firmly in place (closed doors, lights, fire extinguishers, radios, flashlights, generators, fuel reserves, water ...), and if not, notify the line supervisor.
    • Ensure compound maintenance (e.g. compound cleaning, garden maintenance, garbage management, etc ...)
    • Manage the start-up and stop of generator (diesel refuel before each start, check the oil level and record hours of start and stop the generator in the logbook).
    • Ensure proper functioning of lighting (replacing defective light) and the portal
    • Assist the driver and the team for loading / unloading vehicle.
    • Support for various small -time logistics work (arrangement / moving chairs, small furniture or boxes, repairing).

    Other duties:

    • Be flexible in performing his duties
    • Inform immediately the security focal point in case of any security problem
    • Perform other additional duties on request of the Admin/Log Officer PROFIL REQUIRED:


    • High School Diploma.
    • Minimum 2 years’ experience in similar position.
    • Excellent Communication Skills.
    • Ability to work under pressure.
    • Diligent attention to detail and safety.


    • Arabic
    • English will be an asset
    How to Apply

    Interested candidates are requested to use the below link and fill in all required fields:


    Application Remarks:

    • Please do not apply unless you meet minimum application requirements, otherwise you will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Shortlisted candidates may be required to sit for a test.
    • This job is for only Yemen National qualified candidates, regardless of disability, gender identity, marital status, race, color or ethnic and national origins.    
    • YARD does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing or any other fees).

  • ضابط مالي

    الموعد النهائي: الأحد, 05 يوليو, 2020

    The Job

    Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development (YARD) is seeking to recruit:

    Position: Finance Officer

    Location: Sana’a  Governorate

    Reports to: Project Manager/Finance Manager/Program Manager

    Duration: 6 Months

    Deadline:  05 July, 2020

    Reference: HR/WASH–UNICEF/015-20

    Brief Overview: Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development Foundation (YARD) is a National/Local Non-Government Foundation established for providing humanitarian assistance to individuals and community development and disaster relief, since 2013. YARD has been implementing various emergency, relief and development projects, as it has presence in 4 governorates in Yemen. Its programs are supported by UNHCR, UNICEF, UNFPA and UNOCHA. YARD is undertaking programs in the fields of CCCM, Shelter/NFIs, Protection, Cash Assistance, Education, WASH and Livelihood Programming, targeting IDPs, host communities and the most vulnerable individuals.

    Main Task

    Assisting in the planning and preparation of budgets and ensuring close monitoring. Also, being a key point of contact for other departments on financial and accounting matters, yet within her/his project.

    Duties and Responsibilities:

    • Maintain complete books of accounts, as per YARD’s Finance Manual.
    • Checking all payment claims to ensure compliance of YARD’s policy & procedures, donors requirements, Yemeni laws and regulations.
    • Ensure all payments are properly coded to record against active grant and complete authorization of respective budget holder as per YA thresholds of approval.
    • Ensure that all financial transactions are supported by documents for disbursement of cash to suppliers, contractors, beneficiaries.
    • Assist senior finance officer and compliance officer to strengthen internal controls & controls environment.
    • Ensure appropriate segregation of duties for each & every financial management task.
    • Actively participate in Budget vs. Actual review meetings.
    • Prepare/review bank and cash, financial data entry on a daily basis.
    • On monthly basis follow-up prepayments and accruals such as (rent, Internet service. etc.) and manage schedule on Quick books accounting system.
    • Ensure preparation of staff monthly salary cost allocations in close coordination with Human Resource (HR) and senior finance officer.
    • Ensure that monthly bank reconciliations for all bank accounts are prepared on regularly basis.
    • Ensure all vouchers are kept properly in both hard and soft copies.
    • Assist senior finance officer in tracing of all balance sheets accounts on monthly basis and at the end of each grant.
    • Maintain asset & liabilities monthly schedules & reconciliations & ensure that all balances are reconciled with QuickBooks accounting system.
    • Ensure that daily financial matters are handled in a systematic, accurate and transparent manner.
    • Monitor cash & bank flows on a daily basis and maintain close coordination with financial institutions to ensure smooth cash flows. Safe guard of RDP cash from assessed / known risks.
    • If due to unforeseen reasons institutional banking system services not available any alternative arrangements should be arrange with prior consent of respective program manager or senior finance officer.
    • Assist field office & finance teams during Internal & external audit, donor specific audit, any authorized third party review of financial records.
    • Closely work with program coordinator to fully understand financial & compliance aspects of donor funded portfolio and understand donor financial compliance requirements.
    • Maintain working relationship with RDP partners and support offices to ensure smooth financial implementation of projects.
    • Submit all Internal & external financial reports in a timely manner.
    • Review the official e-mails on a daily basis, respond to queries from colleagues and suppliers in a timely and appropriate manner, and ensure any problematic issues are raised with the program coordinator at the earliest opportunity.
    • Any other related duties as assigned by direct supervisor.

    Qualifications and Experience:

    • A minimum Bachelor degree in Financing.
    • A least three (3) years of experience in humanitarian context; e.g. International/UN Agencies, Local Institutions/NGOs and CSOs/CBOs.
    • Team and friendly work with ability to work under pressure.
    • Ability to use computer Microsoft: (WORD, Excel, PowerPoint), this includes ability to use other financial programs.


    • English and Arabic

    The incumbent MUST be fluent in both languages (Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening)

    How to Apply

    Interested candidates are requested to use the below link and fill in all required fields:


    Application Remarks:

    • Please do not apply unless you meet minimum application requirements, otherwise you will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Shortlisted candidates may be required to sit for a test.
    • This job is for only Yemen National qualified candidates, regardless of disability, gender identity, marital status, race, color or ethnic and national origins.    
    • YARD does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing or any other fees).

  • مساعد لوجستي

    الموعد النهائي: الأحد, 05 يوليو, 2020

    The Job

    Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development (YARD) is seeking to recruit:

    Position: Logistic Assistant

    Location: Sana’a Governorate

    Reports to: Project Manager/Operation Manager

    Duration: 6 Months

    Deadline:  05 July, 2020

    Reference: HR/WASH–UNICEF/019-20

    Brief Overview: Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development Foundation (YARD) is a National/Local Non-Government Foundation established for providing humanitarian assistance to individuals and community development and disaster relief, since 2013. YARD has been implementing various emergency, relief and development projects, as it has presence in 4 governorates in Yemen. Its programs are supported by UNHCR, UNICEF, UNFPA and UNOCHA. YARD is undertaking programs in the fields of CCCM, Shelter/NFIs, Protection, Cash Assistance, Education, WASH and Livelihood Programming, targeting IDPs, host communities and the most vulnerable individuals.

    Duties and Responsibilities:

    • Receive materials and supplies, store them in assigned locations and distribute them according to YARD procedures
    • Maintain records of all incoming and outgoing materials
    • Supervise packing, loading and unloading of all materials
    • Informs suppliers on short supplies and ensures all over/wrongly consigned goods are returned to suppliers.
    • Ensure availability of storage space and maintain orderliness and cleanliness of the warehouse at all times
    • Ensure safety and security of materials
    • Ensure that only authorized staff are allowed to enter the warehouse and receive supplies or materials
    • Maintains an up-to-date electronic record of all correspondence related to purchase orders, requisitions and Good Received Notes (GRN) and records.
    • Prepare periodic stock reports and assist in carrying out periodic physical inventory checks.
    • Conduct the Logistic Function to ensure timely and accurate processing and documentation of Procurement as described in the Field Procurement Manual. Support & Supervise    future Procurement Officer/Assistant.
    • Oversee use of the Electronic Operation System found in the Office in a Box.
    • Conduct random Checks to ensure accuracy and quality.
    • Monitor service contracts and overall contract management in Aljawf.
    • Facilitate tender openings, as necessary.
    • Work together with finance to ensure compliance and timely processing of payment according to Schedule.
    • Oversee procurement of goods, commodities and services against fully approved and financially reviewed purchase request.
    • Daily coordination with operations and program staff on procurement activities;
    • Ensure that the procurement department supports the programs efficiently and compliantly.
    • Full understanding of YARD Logistic policies and formats.
    • Provide training to staff on these policies;
    • Ensure that YARD’s Logistic activities are legal and moral.

    Job Requirement:

    • Bachelor’s Degree in accounting is required.
    • Minimum of 3 years’ relevant experience.
    • Knowledge of computerized accounting software, preferably QuickBooks accounting system and high-level of Microsoft Excel.
    • Prior working experience with NGOs.
    • Very Good communication and reporting skills in written and spoken English.
    • Excellent in using Microsoft including (word, excel, power point and emails).


    • English and Arabic

    The incumbent MUST be fluent in both languages (Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening)

    How to Apply

    Interested candidates are requested to use the below link and fill in all required fields:


    Application Remarks:

    • Please do not apply unless you meet minimum application requirements, otherwise you will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Shortlisted candidates may be required to sit for a test.
    • This job is for only Yemen National qualified candidates, regardless of disability, gender identity, marital status, race, color or ethnic and national origins.    
    • YARD does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing or any other fees).

  • ضابط تعزيز النظافة

    الموعد النهائي: الأحد, 05 يوليو, 2020

    The Job

    Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development (YARD) is seeking to recruit:

    Position: Hygiene Promotion Officer

    Location: Al-Jawf Governorate

    Reports to: Project Manager

    Duration: 6 Months

    Deadline:  05 July, 2020

    Reference: HR/WASH–UNICEF/017-20

    Brief Overview: Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development Foundation (YARD) is a National/Local Non-Government Foundation established for providing humanitarian assistance to individuals and community development and disaster relief, since 2013. YARD has been implementing various emergency, relief and development projects, as it has presence in 4 governorates in Yemen. Its programs are supported by UNHCR, UNICEF, UNFPA and UNOCHA. YARD is undertaking programs in the fields of CCCM, Shelter/NFIs, Protection, Cash Assistance, Education, WASH and Livelihood Programming, targeting IDPs, host communities and the most vulnerable individuals.

    Main Task

    Under the direct supervision of the Project Manager, the Hygiene Promotion Officer will be responsible to organize community awareness on hygiene related issues, community mobilization and monitoring and reporting of all the activities concerning hygiene communities’ awareness campaigns, sessions and needs identifications.

    Duties and Responsibilities:

    • Under the supervision of Project Manager, undertake/take part in quantitative/qualitative assessments to identify key risky hygiene behaviors to work on and to capture key achievements with-in the framework of project/s,
    • Undertake assessments to identify appropriate hygiene needs and ensure distribution of the same
    • Train volunteers workers on the basics of hygiene promotion/education, hygiene promotion/education methods/approaches, communication and facilitation skills,
    • Prepare detail implementation plan for hygiene promotion activities in coordination with the Project Manager,
    • Ensure implementation of hygiene promotion activities as per planned approaches/methods,
    • Work closely with WASH Officer on  development, testing, printing and positioning of culturally appropriate IEC materials, and monitoring tools and ensure proper use of the same,
    • Prepare weekly and monthly progress reports/updates,
    • Document and share lessons learned and success stories in relation to hygiene to inform future programming 
    • Ensure  proper  implementation of hygiene and sanitation component of  WASH projects with-in allocated budget and timeline meeting international standards;
    • Visit the camp regularly and provide on-site mentoring to hygiene and sanitation team in the camp.
    • Ensure that   procurements are timely initiated, monitored and prioritized by the logistics team.
    • Attend Task force and coordination meeting at Camp as instructed by the supervisor.
    • Plan and monitor the distribution of Hygiene Kits.
    • Hygiene Promoter will conduct specific sessions to water vendors or those responsible for trucking, selling, and monitoring water collection on cholera prevention messages, on the importance of safe water handling, and on the purpose of chlorination.
    • Managing all the Community Health Volunteers/Hygiene Promoters and collecting the required reports from them.
    • Any other task not here listed and necessary to the projects achievement in the sector and area of assignment.

    Qualifications and Experience:

    • A minimum Bachelor degree in Public Health, Business Administration, International Development or similar fields is highly desirable.
    • A least three (3) years of Hygiene Promotion experience in humanitarian context; e.g. International/UN Agencies, Local Institutions/NGOs and CSOs/CBOs.
    • Strong diplomatic, interpersonal and communications skills.
    • Proven trainings attended to relatively local and/or International Hygiene.
    • Adherence to Humanitarian principles of Neutrality, Impartiality, Independence and Humanity.
    • Team and friendly work with ability to work under pressure.
    • Ability to use computer Microsoft: (WORD, Excel, PowerPoint), this includes ability to use other programs of data analysis.


    • English and Arabic

    The incumbent MUST be fluent in both languages (Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening)

    How to Apply

    Interested candidates are requested to use the below link and fill in all required fields:


    Application Remarks:

    • Please do not apply unless you meet minimum application requirements, otherwise you will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Shortlisted candidates may be required to sit for a test.
    • This job is for only Yemen National qualified candidates, regardless of disability, gender identity, marital status, race, color or ethnic and national origins.    
    • YARD does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing or any other fees).

  • ضابط التقارير

    الموعد النهائي: الأحد, 05 يوليو, 2020

    The Job

    Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development (YARD) is seeking to recruit:

    Position: Reporting Officer

    Location: Sana’a

    Reports to: Project Manager

    Duration: 6 Months

    Deadline:  05 July, 2020

    Reference: HR/WASH–UNICEF/016-20

    Brief Overview: Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development Foundation (YARD) is a National/Local Non-Government Foundation established for providing humanitarian assistance to individuals and community development and disaster relief, since 2013. YARD has been implementing various emergency, relief and development projects, as it has presence in 4 governorates in Yemen. Its programs are supported by UNHCR, UNICEF, UNFPA and UNOCHA. YARD is undertaking programs in the fields of CCCM, Shelter/NFIs, Protection, Cash Assistance, Education, WASH and Livelihood Programming, targeting IDPs, host communities and the most vulnerable individuals.

    Duties and Responsibilities:

    • Compile field level information required to produce weekly and biweekly progress updates, monthly Situation Reports donor appeals, and updates related to the humanitarian assistance in the country following the standard reporting format/scheme, quarterly indicator reports, bi-annual, annual reports and other narrative reports as assigned by the relevant departments;
    • Overseeing reporting and data quality in an accurate and timely manner;
    • Systematically screens and cross-checks internal and external reports, situational reports, information and communication material for accuracy and consistency;
    • Maintains a close collaboration with the Monitoring and Evaluation team, field and technical Teams to ensure a smooth exchange of information.
    • Provide technical support, training and clarification on reporting policies;
    • Monitor and review regular sources of information and data required for preparation of reports, e.g., information from field staff, surveys, information from field monitors, protection statistics reports;
    • Train The Technical Team on the requirements of the donor reporting templates.
    • Perform other related duties as required.

    Qualifications and Experience :

    • University degree with relevant experience and advanced training/courses in journalism, English, social sciences, international relations, communications, or other related fields.
    • Minimum 2 years of experience in Reporting and Data Analysis;
    • Excellent fluency in written English and Arabic is required;
    • Proven writing and design skills and ability to present information clearly and concisely visually and narratively;
    • Strong communication and interpersonal skills;
    • Excellent organizational skills and ability to deliver reports according to strict donor requirements;
    • Knowledge of report writing software such as Microsoft Publisher, Excel, and PowerPoint are required.
    • Experience in graphic design is an advantage;
    • Proactive, motivated, innovative and adaptable individual, who can take initiative;
    • Ability to work well in a team environment, handle multiple assignments and meet deadlines;
    • Ability to travel to the field if needed.

    skills and languages:

    • English
    • Arabic
    How to Apply

    Interested candidates are requested to use the below link and fill in all required fields:


    Application Remarks:

    • Please do not apply unless you meet minimum application requirements, otherwise you will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Shortlisted candidates may be required to sit for a test.
    • This job is for only Yemen National qualified candidates, regardless of disability, gender identity, marital status, race, color or ethnic and national origins.    
    • YARD does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing or any other fees).

  • ضابط مشروع المياه والإصحاح البيئي

    الموعد النهائي: الأحد, 05 يوليو, 2020

    The Job

    Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development (YARD) is seeking to recruit:

    Position: WASH Officer

    Location: Al-Jawf Governorate/ Sana’a

    Reports to: Project Manager

    Duration: 6 Months

    Deadline:  05 July, 2020

    Reference: HR/WASH–UNICEF/012-20

    Brief Overview: Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development Foundation (YARD) is a National/Local Non-Government Foundation established for providing humanitarian assistance to individuals and community development and disaster relief, since 2013. YARD has been implementing various emergency, relief and development projects, as it has presence in 4 governorates in Yemen. Its programs are supported by UNHCR, UNICEF, UNFPA and UNOCHA. YARD is undertaking programs in the fields of CCCM, Shelter/NFIs, Protection, Cash Assistance, Education, WASH and Livelihood Programming, targeting IDPs, host communities and the most vulnerable individuals.


    Under the close supervision of the Project Manager, the incumbents will contribute to planning, administration, implementation, monitoring and the evaluation of project activities, including teamwork, capacity building, and coordination. The incumbent is expected to work under the technical guidance of the WASH Specialist in Sana’a Country Office.

     Duties and Responsibilities:

    Implementation & Supervision of Water & Sanitation Activities:

    • Produce technical files (BoQs, Drawing, .. etc.) according to the identified needs, standards and available resources.
    • Ensure the construction and/or the maintenance of construction works using Solidarities International tools.
    • Supervise contractors and engage with communities, and ensure the best use of available resources
    • Anticipate any problems associated with the management of their activities and propose solutions to the WASH PM to avoid them
    • Manage the supply of worksite materials as instructed by the WASH PM by collaborating with the logistics department
    • Report periodically on the state of ‘field’ stock on his/her sites.
    • Establish safety and security measures for each activity and ensure that these rules are respected by the workforce under his/her supervision.
    • Collaborate with local authorities and administration to ensure access and authorized works as requested by the WASH PM.
    • Collaborate with other WASH actor field staff as needed to facilitate the smooth implementation of activities as instructed by the WASH PM.
    • Any other tasks assigned by YARD Management

    Reporting/Communication /Representation:

    • Keep his/her monitoring tools and files archived and accessible to the Project Manager and Program Manager.
    • Take part in the drafting of project progress reports under the supervision of the WASH PM
    • Take part in seminars and workshops related to the carrying-out of activities and to project objectives
    • Report to the WASH PM regarding the development of activities and specific tasks that they been assigned, any problems encountered and the quality of relations with the beneficiaries
    • Report back all information or problems linked to his/her activity, Solidarities programs or safety issues
    • Analyze the humanitarian situation by taking into account protection issues/Do No Harm to the population
    • Take part in lessons learned workshops and other program evaluation activities
    • Take part in WASH-specific inter-agency meetings as well as other bi-lateral meetings as instructed by the WASH PM

    Qualifications and Experience:

    • Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Geology, Hydrology, Sanitation Engineering.
    • Knowledge of/in Water projects: Pumping Stations, Boreholes, Solar Power Systems, Hydraulic Pressures, and Engines.
    • Additional training in Water or Environmental Engineering, Health Education or Communication for Development (Programme Communication) is an asset.
    • Must be willing to learn new skills and procedures
    • Must be a good team player with good communication skills (Arabic essential, English is desirable)

    Skills and languages:

    • English and Arabic

    The incumbent MUST be fluent in both languages

    How to Apply

    Interested candidates are requested to use the below link and fill in all required fields:


    Application Remarks:

    • Please do not apply unless you meet minimum application requirements, otherwise you will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Shortlisted candidates may be required to sit for a test.
    • This job is for only Yemen National qualified candidates, regardless of disability, gender identity, marital status, race, color or ethnic and national origins.    
    • YARD does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing or any other fees).

  • مساعد الموارد البشرية

    الموعد النهائي: الأحد, 05 يوليو, 2020

    The Job

    Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development (YARD) is seeking to recruit:

    Position: HR Assistant

    Location: Sana’a

    Reports to: Project Manager/HR & Admin Manager

    Duration: 6 Months

    Deadline:  05 July, 2020

    Reference: HR/WASH–UNICEF/018-20

    Brief Overview: Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development Foundation (YARD) is a National/Local Non-Government Foundation established for providing humanitarian assistance to individuals and community development and disaster relief, since 2013. YARD has been implementing various emergency, relief and development projects, as it has presence in 4 governorates in Yemen. Its programs are supported by UNHCR, UNICEF, UNFPA and UNOCHA. YARD is undertaking programs in the fields of CCCM, Shelter/NFIs, Protection, Cash Assistance, Education, WASH and Livelihood Programming, targeting IDPs, host communities and the most vulnerable individuals.

    Duties and Responsibilities:

    1. Frequent field visits to conduct an on-going data collection process through interviews with beneficiary households and other stakeholders and ensure high-quality data collected in accordance with the agreed time plan and data collection strategy.
    2. Participate in baseline, midline, and end line surveys as required.
    3. Enter monitoring data into computer-based data collection system according to schedule, and or supervise this process.
    4. Support an on-going process of beneficiary verification.
    5. Monitor distributions and submit field visit report to the M&E Officer as requested.
    6. Conduct PDM, after each distribution and collect beneficiaries' feedback, and train the field Enumerator on different M&E tools.
    7. She/he Works with M&E Officer to track that program-based monitoring activities are perform according to schedule.
    8. Watch and report on any new needs arising in the project target areas.
    9. Ensure proper filing and management of documents.
    10.  Other duties as assigned.

    Qualifications and Experience :


    1.    university degree Business Administration or relevant field.
    2.   One year Experience working within an NGO is preferred especially in HR department.  
    3.    Understanding of the social, political and economic context of Yemen.  
    4.    Advanced computer skills in MS Office programs, particularly Excel, SPSS.
    5.    Strong oral and written English skills.
    6.    Ability to think independently and problem solve.
    7.    Ability to interpret figures.
    8.    Strong organizational skills and ability to multi-task.
    9.    Honest, hardworking and committed to community development.

    skills and languages:

    • English
    • Arabic
    How to Apply

    Interested candidates are requested to use the below link and fill in all required fields:


    Application Remarks:

    • Please do not apply unless you meet minimum application requirements, otherwise you will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Shortlisted candidates may be required to sit for a test.
    • This job is for only Yemen National qualified candidates, regardless of disability, gender identity, marital status, race, color or ethnic and national origins.    
    • YARD does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing or any other fees).

  • المشرف الميداني

    الموعد النهائي: الأحد, 05 يوليو, 2020

    The Job

    Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development (YARD) is seeking to recruit:

    Position: Field Supervisor

    Location: Al-Jawf Governorate

    Reports to: Project Manager

    Duration: 6 Months

    Deadline:  05 July, 2020

    Reference: HR/WASH–UNICEF/013-20

    Brief Overview: Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development Foundation (YARD) is a National/Local Non-Government Foundation established for providing humanitarian assistance to individuals and community development and disaster relief, since 2013. YARD has been implementing various emergency, relief and development projects, as it has presence in 4 governorates in Yemen. Its programs are supported by UNHCR, UNICEF, UNFPA and UNOCHA. YARD is undertaking programs in the fields of CCCM, Shelter/NFIs, Protection, Cash Assistance, Education, WASH and Livelihood Programming, targeting IDPs, host communities and the most vulnerable individuals.

     Duties and Responsibilities:

    • Manage and oversee the field work for a variety of projects, which can involve either engineering, construction, or the maintenance of existing landscapes and buildings.
    • Coordinates workload of crews; prioritizes job assignments; generate records and reports of activities supervised.
    • Ensure a close follow-up of IDPs influx in YARD’s coverage area with coordination with the local authorities.
    • Guarantee the checking of quality and the quantity of the items to be distributed to beneficiaries. This includes keeping up good recording and documentation.
    • Assist and cooperate with the Project Officer in reviewing the overall Project’s Plan, as to ensure safely and timely implementation.
    • Checking the BNFs information through the distribution progress.
    • Ensure the checking of quality and the quantity of the items to be distributed to beneficiaries.
    • Effectively participate in any required IDPs’ field assessment/s to identify the needs.
    • Ensure timely required reports with photos of the various project activities.
    • Represent YARD in the field.
    • Ensure to generate lessons learned and project success stories in a monthly basis.
    • Any other tasks assigned by WASH Officer and/or the Project Manager.

    Qualifications and Experience:


    A University or Diploma Degree in Business Administration, Engineering and/or any equivalent field of experience, as working previously with humanitarian agencies would be preferable;
    •    Able to work independently and good team player.
    •    Reliable and punctual
    •    Flexible and committed 
    •    Ability & willingness to travel to the field
    •    Ability to work with/in a team, but also in an autonomous way
    •    Ability to work under pressure and in meeting deadlines
    •    Strong interpersonal and communication skills


    Skills and languages:

    • English and Arabic
    How to Apply

    Interested candidates are requested to use the below link and fill in all required fields:


    Application Remarks:

    • Please do not apply unless you meet minimum application requirements, otherwise you will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Shortlisted candidates may be required to sit for a test.
    • This job is for only Yemen National qualified candidates, regardless of disability, gender identity, marital status, race, color or ethnic and national origins.    
    • YARD does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing or any other fees).

  • منسق المشروع (2)

    الموعد النهائي: الأحد, 05 يوليو, 2020

    The Job

    Project Coordinator – (2 Posts)

    Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development (YARD) is seeking to recruit:

    Position: Project Coordinator

    Location: Al-Jawf Governorate

    Reports to: Project Manager

    Duration: 6 Months

    Deadline:  05 July, 2020

    Reference: HR/WASH–UNICEF/011-20

    Brief Overview: Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development Foundation (YARD) is a National/Local Non-Government Foundation established for providing humanitarian assistance to individuals and community development and disaster relief, since 2013. YARD has been implementing various emergency, relief and development projects, as it has presence in 4 governorates in Yemen. Its programs are supported by UNHCR, UNICEF, UNFPA and UNOCHA. YARD is undertaking programs in the fields of CCCM, Shelter/NFIs, Protection, Cash Assistance, Education, WASH and Livelihood Programming, targeting IDPs, host communities and the most vulnerable individuals.

    Main Task:

    Under the dirstct supervision of the Project Manager, the Project Coordinator is an administrative professional who will assists the project manager with organizing, controlling and monitoring the project activities through communicating risks, opportunities and current state of the project. They fulfill their obligations by coordinating meetings, resources, equipment and information

    Duties and Responsibilities:

    • Provide guidance to the YARD WASH team, including staff and volunteers, while working on operational issues related to the implementation of activities.
    • Planning and coordinating with the team for all activities.
    • Conducting frequent monitoring field visits to closely supervise the YARD WASH team and ensure proper implementation of project activities.
    • Monthly reporting to the PM, and other Authorized Managers and Donor, on the implementation progress, and providing recommendations for activities quality improvement and project sustainability.
    • Coordinating and supervising YARD’ project-related activities, including performance indicator/target tracking, internal and external capacity building and awareness raising activities.
    • Ensuring high quality of YARD’ services/outputs and related records and overall due project implementation in conformity with local laws, organizational regulations, donor agreement and the thereby stipulated goals, objectives and deadlines.
    • Coordinate all administrative and financial issues related to the area of responsibility as to ensure that all are in accordance with YARD’ guidelines and requirements.
    • Reporting, on a regular/periodic and ad hoc basis, on WASH activities and events in the area of responsibility, in accordance with the YARD’ and UNICEF requirements.
    • Performs other duties as assigned by YARD Management.

    Qualifications and Experience:

    • University degree in Management, Education, Psychology, Social Sciences or other related discipline. Advanced university degree would be an advantage;
    • Relevant professional experience in protection of not less than two (2) years, preferably at a coordinator or management level and/or in humanitarian context.
    • Prior experience with any International NGO is preferable.
    • Knowledge of and experience in project planning, project cycle management and logical framework.
    • Prior experience with persons of concern (including internally displaced persons, conflict-affected host communities, extremely vulnerable individuals);
    • Familiarity with overall protection concepts and principles;
    • Strong oral and written English skills.
    • Ability to think independently and problem solving.
    • Strong organizational skills and ability to multi-task.
    • Honest, hardworking and committed to community development.
    • Excellent in using Microsoft including (word, excel, power point and emails).


    • English and Arabic

    The incumbent MUST be fluent in both languages (Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening)

    How to Apply

    Interested candidates are requested to use the below link and fill in all required fields:


    Application Remarks:

    • Please do not apply unless you meet minimum application requirements, otherwise you will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Shortlisted candidates may be required to sit for a test.
    • This job is for only Yemen National qualified candidates, regardless of disability, gender identity, marital status, race, color or ethnic and national origins.    
    • YARD does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing or any other fees).

  • أمين مخزن

    الموعد النهائي: الأحد, 05 يوليو, 2020

    The Job

    Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development (YARD) is seeking to recruit:

    Position: Store Keeper

    Location: Al-Jawf Governorate

    Reports to: Project Manager/Operation Manager

    Duration: 6 Months

    Deadline:  05 July, 2020

    Reference: HR/WASH–UNICEF/021-20

    Brief Overview: Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development Foundation (YARD) is a National/Local Non-Government Foundation established for providing humanitarian assistance to individuals and community development and disaster relief, since 2013. YARD has been implementing various emergency, relief and development projects, as it has presence in 4 governorates in Yemen. Its programs are supported by UNHCR, UNICEF, UNFPA and UNOCHA. YARD is undertaking programs in the fields of CCCM, Shelter/NFIs, Protection, Cash Assistance, Education, WASH and Livelihood Programming, targeting IDPs, host communities and the most vulnerable individuals.

    Duties and Responsibilities:

    • Ensure that all items are stored in a way to be counted, and packed correctly considering ACF standard.
    • Ensure the record of the stock movement, keeping update on a daily basis (in/out movement).
    • Update the stock report on a weekly basis.
    • Conduct the overall monthly inventory to prepare the monthly stock report.
    • control the expiry dates of the items, applying the FIFO international rule (first in/first out)
    • Advise the Supply Manager before the stock of the consumables items run out.
    • Ensure that always the store is secure and the doors are properly locked.
    • Ensure that the stores are hygienic and clean
    • Check daily that the store is clean and is regularly disinfected and ventilated;
    • Check the temperature and humidity of the store;
    • Check the sanitary conditions of new products (absence of parasites)
    • Make sure that you have the required document to check the items upon delivery
    • Complete the various dispatch documents
    • Supervise and organize the loading and the unloading of the vehicles/trucks.
    • Examine the deliveries: quantity, quality, documentation;
    • Check the sanitary conditions of the products entering; Report any problem with the quality
    • Any other tasks assigned by wash Coordinator or the Project Manager.


    • Minimum of diploma graduation and at least one year of experience working in the field of emergency assistance with humanitarian organization (INGOs/NGOs).
    • Good computer skills in word, excel and e-mail applications.
    • Good written and spoken Arabic and English skills is an Added advantage.
    • Good communication and interpersonal skills.
    • Ability to work effectively in a team work environment and with a minimal supervision.


    • Arabic
    • English will be an asset
    How to Apply

    Interested candidates are requested to use the below link and fill in all required fields:


    Application Remarks:

    • Please do not apply unless you meet minimum application requirements, otherwise you will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Shortlisted candidates may be required to sit for a test.
    • This job is for only Yemen National qualified candidates, regardless of disability, gender identity, marital status, race, color or ethnic and national origins.    
    • YARD does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing or any other fees).

  • مدير مشروع

    الموعد النهائي: الأحد, 05 يوليو, 2020

    The Job

    Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development (YARD) is seeking to recruit:

    Position: Project Manager

    Location: Sana’a and Al-Jawf Governorate

    Reports to: Program Manager

    Duration: 6 Months

    Deadline:  05 July, 2020

    Reference: HR/WASH–UNICEF/010-20

    Brief Overview: Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development Foundation (YARD) is a National/Local Non-Government Foundation established for providing humanitarian assistance to individuals and community development and disaster relief, since 2013. YARD has been implementing various emergency, relief and development projects, as it has presence in 4 governorates in Yemen. Its programs are supported by UNHCR, UNICEF, UNFPA and UNOCHA. YARD is undertaking programs in the fields of CCCM, Shelter/NFIs, Protection, Cash Assistance, Education, WASH and Livelihood Programming, targeting IDPs, host communities and the most vulnerable individuals.

    Main Task

    Under the direct supervision of the Program Manager, the Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH) Project Manager (PM) is responsible for running and supervising water, sanitation and hygiene programs at all stages of the project management cycle. He/she is also responsible for accomplishing the program objectives and outcomes within the contextual constraints. The PM ensures the overall success of the project by making sure that WASH team completes the defined activities while adhering to internal standards and contractual obligations; and that the project is completed on time, within the budget and with acceptable quality.

    Duties and Responsibilities:

    • Develop projects strategies, tools and work plans appropriate to the local context;
    • Ensure that the YARD WASH project is implemented on time and in a cohesive and integrated manner;
    • Assess, plan, implement, monitor all WASH project activities;
    • Lead the development and implementation of necessary field assessments and the collection of all the data related to the WASH project in the targeted area;
    • Coordinate and supervise the work of the WASH team;
    • Supervise the all WASH related construction activities at field level, ensuring the quality of works;
    • Liaise and coordinate all the project activities with the local authorities and the beneficiaries engaged in the projects;
    • Participate in relevant sector meetings at local and national level and meeting with local authorities;
    • Develop projects reports using the appropriate tools and templates;
    • Manage the WASH projects budget, in close collaboration with the Finance Unit.
    • Manage all related project equipment and materials in close consultation with the logistic/procurement officer;
    • Participate in staff training, helping to build technical capacity of staff, operators and partners in the area of WASH
    • Review, in coordination with Program Manager that monthly progress is performed according to the plan, as to ensure long-term and short-term priorities are on track;
    • Support the implementation of a common monitoring, evaluation, and learning system among all partners and analyze the technical data it generates to inform projects management;

    Specific technical WASH tasks:

    • Develop and participate in community consultations in order to better identify the communities’ needs;
    • Develop and participate in Technical assessments at field level;
    • Review technical designs and specification and BOQs;
    • Perform site supervision and inspection of the works during implementation and at completion of WASH activities;
    • Ensure safety procedures and rules are respected in the field by all workers;
    • Resolve any conflicts on construction sites;
    • Supervise the hand-over of the WASH infrastructure to local municipalities;
    • Ensure compliance with YARD administrative and logistical procedures;


    • Monthly reporting to Program Manager;
    • Contribute to the projects reporting and new proposals;


    • Ensure maintaining high confidentiality of information, up to date documents, including processes and verification.

    Working Relationships:

    • Proactively engage with your supervisor and key staff.
    • Proactively engage on a regular basis with your supervisor to develop working networks to seek advice where needed.


    • Represent YARD in a positive and professional manner to contribute to the creation of a positive image and overall credibility of the organization, notably through the application of YARD Code of Conduct with regard to other actors.

    Qualifications and Experience:

    • Bachelor degree in Business Administration, WASH/Civil/Environmental. Engineering, International Development or similar fields is highly desirable.
    • A least four (4) years of senior-level management experience in the development sector, including at least three (3) years of experience in managing WASH, water infrastructure and / or economic recovery programming; or experience in integrated program development and management.
    • Experience working in Consortia with international partners and local institutions and local actors, including local NGOs and CSOs/CBOs.
    • Must be Yemeni and have the ability to adapt with the site circumstances.

    Professional requirements:

    • Strong project management and planning skills: assessments, design, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and reporting, with good skills in managing related data analysis;
    • Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to interact professionally with donor, project stakeholders, in-country collaborators and staff at all levels of the organization;
    • Knowledge of participatory approaches and tools to community planning, monitoring and evaluation;
    • Demonstrate ability in thinking creatively and practically to improve the quality of projects and problem solving;
    • Strong MS Office skills, including Word, Excel and Power Point.


    • English and Arabic

    The incumbent MUST be fluent in both languages (Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening)

    How to Apply

    Interested candidates are requested to use the below link and fill in all required fields:


    Application Remarks:

    • Please do not apply unless you meet minimum application requirements, otherwise you will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Shortlisted candidates may be required to sit for a test.
    • This job is for only Yemen National qualified candidates, regardless of disability, gender identity, marital status, race, color or ethnic and national origins.    
    • YARD does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing or any other fees).

  • مشرف ميداني

    الموعد النهائي: الأحد, 05 يوليو, 2020

    Field Supervisor
    The Job

    Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development (YARD) is seeking to recruit:

    Position: Field Supervisor

    Location: Al-Jawf Governorate

    Reports to: Project Manager

    Duration: 6 Months

    Deadline:  05 July, 2020

    Reference: HR/WASH–UNICEF/013-20

    Brief Overview: Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development Foundation (YARD) is a National/Local Non-Government Foundation established for providing humanitarian assistance to individuals and community development and disaster relief, since 2013. YARD has been implementing various emergency, relief and development projects, as it has presence in 4 governorates in Yemen. Its programs are supported by UNHCR, UNICEF, UNFPA and UNOCHA. YARD is undertaking programs in the fields of CCCM, Shelter/NFIs, Protection, Cash Assistance, Education, WASH and Livelihood Programming, targeting IDPs, host communities and the most vulnerable individuals.

     Duties and Responsibilities:

    • Manage and oversee the field work for a variety of projects, which can involve either engineering, construction, or the maintenance of existing landscapes and buildings.
    • Coordinates workload of crews; prioritizes job assignments; generate records and reports of activities supervised.
    • Ensure a close follow-up of IDPs influx in YARD’s coverage area with coordination with the local authorities.
    • Guarantee the checking of quality and the quantity of the items to be distributed to beneficiaries. This includes keeping up good recording and documentation.
    • Assist and cooperate with the Project Officer in reviewing the overall Project’s Plan, as to ensure safely and timely implementation.
    • Checking the BNFs information through the distribution progress.
    • Ensure the checking of quality and the quantity of the items to be distributed to beneficiaries.
    • Effectively participate in any required IDPs’ field assessment/s to identify the needs.
    • Ensure timely required reports with photos of the various project activities.
    • Represent YARD in the field.
    • Ensure to generate lessons learned and project success stories in a monthly basis.
    • Any other tasks assigned by WASH Officer and/or the Project Manager.

    Qualifications and Experience:

    A University or Diploma Degree in Business Administration, Engineering and/or any equivalent field of experience, as working previously with humanitarian agencies would be preferable;
    •    Able to work independently and good team player.
    •    Reliable and punctual
    •    Flexible and committed 
    •    Ability & willingness to travel to the field
    •    Ability to work with/in a team, but also in an autonomous way
    •    Ability to work under pressure and in meeting deadlines
    •    Strong interpersonal and communication skills

    Skills and languages:

    • English and Arabic

    How to Apply

    Interested candidates are requested to use the below link and fill in all required fields:


    Application Remarks:

    • Please do not apply unless you meet minimum application requirements, otherwise you will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Shortlisted candidates may be required to sit for a test.
    • This job is for only Yemen National qualified candidates, regardless of disability, gender identity, marital status, race, color or ethnic and national origins.    
    • YARD does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing or any other fees).

  • ضابط مالي

    الموعد النهائي: الأحد, 05 يوليو, 2020

    Finance Officer
    The Job

    Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development (YARD) is seeking to recruit:

    Position: Finance Officer

    Location: Sana’a  Governorate

    Reports to: Project Manager/Finance Manager/Program Manager

    Duration: 6 Months

    Deadline:  05 July, 2020

    Reference: HR/WASH–UNICEF/015-20

    Brief Overview: Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development Foundation (YARD) is a National/Local Non-Government Foundation established for providing humanitarian assistance to individuals and community development and disaster relief, since 2013. YARD has been implementing various emergency, relief and development projects, as it has presence in 4 governorates in Yemen. Its programs are supported by UNHCR, UNICEF, UNFPA and UNOCHA. YARD is undertaking programs in the fields of CCCM, Shelter/NFIs, Protection, Cash Assistance, Education, WASH and Livelihood Programming, targeting IDPs, host communities and the most vulnerable individuals.

    Main Task

    Assisting in the planning and preparation of budgets and ensuring close monitoring. Also, being a key point of contact for other departments on financial and accounting matters, yet within her/his project.

    Duties and Responsibilities:

    • Maintain complete books of accounts, as per YARD’s Finance Manual.
    • Checking all payment claims to ensure compliance of YARD’s policy & procedures, donors requirements, Yemeni laws and regulations.
    • Ensure all payments are properly coded to record against active grant and complete authorization of respective budget holder as per YA thresholds of approval.
    • Ensure that all financial transactions are supported by documents for disbursement of cash to suppliers, contractors, beneficiaries.
    • Assist senior finance officer and compliance officer to strengthen internal controls & controls environment.
    • Ensure appropriate segregation of duties for each & every financial management task.
    • Actively participate in Budget vs. Actual review meetings.
    • Prepare/review bank and cash, financial data entry on a daily basis.
    • On monthly basis follow-up prepayments and accruals such as (rent, Internet service. etc.) and manage schedule on Quick books accounting system.
    • Ensure preparation of staff monthly salary cost allocations in close coordination with Human Resource (HR) and senior finance officer.
    • Ensure that monthly bank reconciliations for all bank accounts are prepared on regularly basis.
    • Ensure all vouchers are kept properly in both hard and soft copies.
    • Assist senior finance officer in tracing of all balance sheets accounts on monthly basis and at the end of each grant.
    • Maintain asset & liabilities monthly schedules & reconciliations & ensure that all balances are reconciled with QuickBooks accounting system.
    • Ensure that daily financial matters are handled in a systematic, accurate and transparent manner.
    • Monitor cash & bank flows on a daily basis and maintain close coordination with financial institutions to ensure smooth cash flows. Safe guard of RDP cash from assessed / known risks.
    • If due to unforeseen reasons institutional banking system services not available any alternative arrangements should be arrange with prior consent of respective program manager or senior finance officer.
    • Assist field office & finance teams during Internal & external audit, donor specific audit, any authorized third party review of financial records.
    • Closely work with program coordinator to fully understand financial & compliance aspects of donor funded portfolio and understand donor financial compliance requirements.
    • Maintain working relationship with RDP partners and support offices to ensure smooth financial implementation of projects.
    • Submit all Internal & external financial reports in a timely manner.
    • Review the official e-mails on a daily basis, respond to queries from colleagues and suppliers in a timely and appropriate manner, and ensure any problematic issues are raised with the program coordinator at the earliest opportunity.
    • Any other related duties as assigned by direct supervisor.

    Qualifications and Experience:

    • A minimum Bachelor degree in Financing.
    • A least three (3) years of experience in humanitarian context; e.g. International/UN Agencies, Local Institutions/NGOs and CSOs/CBOs.
    • Team and friendly work with ability to work under pressure.
    • Ability to use computer Microsoft: (WORD, Excel, PowerPoint), this includes ability to use other financial programs.


    • English and Arabic

    The incumbent MUST be fluent in both languages (Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening)

    How to Apply

    Interested candidates are requested to use the below link and fill in all required fields:


    Application Remarks:

    • Please do not apply unless you meet minimum application requirements, otherwise you will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Shortlisted candidates may be required to sit for a test.
    • This job is for only Yemen National qualified candidates, regardless of disability, gender identity, marital status, race, color or ethnic and national origins.    
    • YARD does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing or any other fees).

  • حارس وأمين مخزن (2)

    الموعد النهائي: الأحد, 05 يوليو, 2020

    Guard and Warehouse Keeper - 2
    The Job

    Guard and Warehouse Keeper – (2 Posts)

    Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development (YARD) is seeking to recruit:

    Position: Guards

    Location: Al-Jawf Governorate

    Reports to: Project Manager/Operation Manager

    Duration: 6 Months

    Deadline:  05 July, 2020

    Reference: HR/WASH–UNICEF/022-20

    Brief Overview: Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development Foundation (YARD) is a National/Local Non-Government Foundation established for providing humanitarian assistance to individuals and community development and disaster relief, since 2013. YARD has been implementing various emergency, relief and development projects, as it has presence in 4 governorates in Yemen. Its programs are supported by UNHCR, UNICEF, UNFPA and UNOCHA. YARD is undertaking programs in the fields of CCCM, Shelter/NFIs, Protection, Cash Assistance, Education, WASH and Livelihood Programming, targeting IDPs, host communities and the most vulnerable individuals.

    Duties and Responsibilities:

    Security and Control:

    • Perform regular rounds around the enclosure of YARD premises to prevent any external intrusion.
    • Informed as quickly as those in danger in case of intrusion and contacted his supervisor as soon as possible with the available means of communication.
    • Open and close the gate for inputs/outputs of individuals or vehicles.
    • Perform/Check the Entry and Exit Book of visitors in the secure area according of YARD premises.
    • Make sure that nobody enters the enclosure without permission and respect YARD rules (no weapon, registration…).
    • Check that the access doors are closed during non- working hours.
    • Ensure that no YARD material comes out of the compound without permission from logistician.
    • Report any incident occurring during the shift and, in general, report any information relating to the safety of the mission.
    • Maintain fully aware of awarding shift, carries a relief information by a physical inspection of the base to be note on notebook. Do not leave the base if the succession not arrived.
    • Always wait for the next shift guard before leaving and never leave workplace and the premises unattended for any reason.
    • Performs a safety device control so that it is firmly in place (closed doors, lights, fire extinguishers, radios, flashlights, generators, fuel reserves, water ...), and if not, notify the line supervisor.
    • Ensure compound maintenance (e.g. compound cleaning, garden maintenance, garbage management, etc ...)
    • Manage the start-up and stop of generator (diesel refuel before each start, check the oil level and record hours of start and stop the generator in the logbook).
    • Ensure proper functioning of lighting (replacing defective light) and the portal
    • Assist the driver and the team for loading / unloading vehicle.
    • Support for various small -time logistics work (arrangement / moving chairs, small furniture or boxes, repairing).

    Other duties:

    • Be flexible in performing his duties
    • Inform immediately the security focal point in case of any security problem
    • Perform other additional duties on request of the Admin/Log Officer PROFIL REQUIRED:


    • High School Diploma.
    • Minimum 2 years’ experience in similar position.
    • Excellent Communication Skills.
    • Ability to work under pressure.
    • Diligent attention to detail and safety.


    • Arabic
    • English will be an asset

    How to Apply

    Interested candidates are requested to use the below link and fill in all required fields:


    Application Remarks:

    • Please do not apply unless you meet minimum application requirements, otherwise you will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Shortlisted candidates may be required to sit for a test.
    • This job is for only Yemen National qualified candidates, regardless of disability, gender identity, marital status, race, color or ethnic and national origins.    
    • YARD does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing or any other fees).

  • مساعد موارد بشرية

    الموعد النهائي: الأحد, 05 يوليو, 2020

    HR Assistant
    The Job

    Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development (YARD) is seeking to recruit:

    Position: HR Assistant

    Location: Sana’a

    Reports to: Project Manager/HR & Admin Manager

    Duration: 6 Months

    Deadline:  05 July, 2020

    Reference: HR/WASH–UNICEF/018-20

    Brief Overview: Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development Foundation (YARD) is a National/Local Non-Government Foundation established for providing humanitarian assistance to individuals and community development and disaster relief, since 2013. YARD has been implementing various emergency, relief and development projects, as it has presence in 4 governorates in Yemen. Its programs are supported by UNHCR, UNICEF, UNFPA and UNOCHA. YARD is undertaking programs in the fields of CCCM, Shelter/NFIs, Protection, Cash Assistance, Education, WASH and Livelihood Programming, targeting IDPs, host communities and the most vulnerable individuals.

    Duties and Responsibilities:

    1. Frequent field visits to conduct an on-going data collection process through interviews with beneficiary households and other stakeholders and ensure high-quality data collected in accordance with the agreed time plan and data collection strategy.
    2. Participate in baseline, midline, and end line surveys as required.
    3. Enter monitoring data into computer-based data collection system according to schedule, and or supervise this process.
    4. Support an on-going process of beneficiary verification.
    5. Monitor distributions and submit field visit report to the M&E Officer as requested.
    6. Conduct PDM, after each distribution and collect beneficiaries' feedback, and train the field Enumerator on different M&E tools.
    7. She/he Works with M&E Officer to track that program-based monitoring activities are perform according to schedule.
    8. Watch and report on any new needs arising in the project target areas.
    9. Ensure proper filing and management of documents.
    10.  Other duties as assigned.

    Qualifications and Experience :

    1.    university degree Business Administration or relevant field.
    2.   One year Experience working within an NGO is preferred especially in HR department.  
    3.    Understanding of the social, political and economic context of Yemen.  
    4.    Advanced computer skills in MS Office programs, particularly Excel, SPSS.
    5.    Strong oral and written English skills.
    6.    Ability to think independently and problem solve.
    7.    Ability to interpret figures.
    8.    Strong organizational skills and ability to multi-task.
    9.    Honest, hardworking and committed to community development.

    skills and languages:

    • English
    • Arabic

    How to Apply

    Interested candidates are requested to use the below link and fill in all required fields:


    Application Remarks:

    • Please do not apply unless you meet minimum application requirements, otherwise you will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Shortlisted candidates may be required to sit for a test.
    • This job is for only Yemen National qualified candidates, regardless of disability, gender identity, marital status, race, color or ethnic and national origins.    
    • YARD does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing or any other fees).

  • ضابط تعزيز النظافة

    الموعد النهائي: الأحد, 05 يوليو, 2020

    Hygiene Promotion Officer
    The Job

    Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development (YARD) is seeking to recruit:

    Position: Hygiene Promotion Officer

    Location: Al-Jawf Governorate

    Reports to: Project Manager

    Duration: 6 Months

    Deadline:  05 July, 2020

    Reference: HR/WASH–UNICEF/017-20

    Brief Overview: Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development Foundation (YARD) is a National/Local Non-Government Foundation established for providing humanitarian assistance to individuals and community development and disaster relief, since 2013. YARD has been implementing various emergency, relief and development projects, as it has presence in 4 governorates in Yemen. Its programs are supported by UNHCR, UNICEF, UNFPA and UNOCHA. YARD is undertaking programs in the fields of CCCM, Shelter/NFIs, Protection, Cash Assistance, Education, WASH and Livelihood Programming, targeting IDPs, host communities and the most vulnerable individuals.

    Main Task

    Under the direct supervision of the Project Manager, the Hygiene Promotion Officer will be responsible to organize community awareness on hygiene related issues, community mobilization and monitoring and reporting of all the activities concerning hygiene communities’ awareness campaigns, sessions and needs identifications.

    Duties and Responsibilities:

    • Under the supervision of Project Manager, undertake/take part in quantitative/qualitative assessments to identify key risky hygiene behaviors to work on and to capture key achievements with-in the framework of project/s,
    • Undertake assessments to identify appropriate hygiene needs and ensure distribution of the same
    • Train volunteers workers on the basics of hygiene promotion/education, hygiene promotion/education methods/approaches, communication and facilitation skills,
    • Prepare detail implementation plan for hygiene promotion activities in coordination with the Project Manager,
    • Ensure implementation of hygiene promotion activities as per planned approaches/methods,
    • Work closely with WASH Officer on  development, testing, printing and positioning of culturally appropriate IEC materials, and monitoring tools and ensure proper use of the same,
    • Prepare weekly and monthly progress reports/updates,
    • Document and share lessons learned and success stories in relation to hygiene to inform future programming 
    • Ensure  proper  implementation of hygiene and sanitation component of  WASH projects with-in allocated budget and timeline meeting international standards;
    • Visit the camp regularly and provide on-site mentoring to hygiene and sanitation team in the camp.
    • Ensure that   procurements are timely initiated, monitored and prioritized by the logistics team.
    • Attend Task force and coordination meeting at Camp as instructed by the supervisor.
    • Plan and monitor the distribution of Hygiene Kits.
    • Hygiene Promoter will conduct specific sessions to water vendors or those responsible for trucking, selling, and monitoring water collection on cholera prevention messages, on the importance of safe water handling, and on the purpose of chlorination.
    • Managing all the Community Health Volunteers/Hygiene Promoters and collecting the required reports from them.
    • Any other task not here listed and necessary to the projects achievement in the sector and area of assignment.

    Qualifications and Experience:

    • A minimum Bachelor degree in Public Health, Business Administration, International Development or similar fields is highly desirable.
    • A least three (3) years of Hygiene Promotion experience in humanitarian context; e.g. International/UN Agencies, Local Institutions/NGOs and CSOs/CBOs.
    • Strong diplomatic, interpersonal and communications skills.
    • Proven trainings attended to relatively local and/or International Hygiene.
    • Adherence to Humanitarian principles of Neutrality, Impartiality, Independence and Humanity.
    • Team and friendly work with ability to work under pressure.
    • Ability to use computer Microsoft: (WORD, Excel, PowerPoint), this includes ability to use other programs of data analysis.


    • English and Arabic

    The incumbent MUST be fluent in both languages (Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening)

    How to Apply

    Interested candidates are requested to use the below link and fill in all required fields:


    Application Remarks:

    • Please do not apply unless you meet minimum application requirements, otherwise you will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Shortlisted candidates may be required to sit for a test.
    • This job is for only Yemen National qualified candidates, regardless of disability, gender identity, marital status, race, color or ethnic and national origins.    
    • YARD does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing or any other fees).

  • مساعد مشتريات

    الموعد النهائي: الأحد, 05 يوليو, 2020

    Logistic Assistant
    The Job

    Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development (YARD) is seeking to recruit:

    Position: Logistic Assistant

    Location: Sana’a Governorate

    Reports to: Project Manager/Operation Manager

    Duration: 6 Months

    Deadline:  05 July, 2020

    Reference: HR/WASH–UNICEF/019-20

    Brief Overview: Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development Foundation (YARD) is a National/Local Non-Government Foundation established for providing humanitarian assistance to individuals and community development and disaster relief, since 2013. YARD has been implementing various emergency, relief and development projects, as it has presence in 4 governorates in Yemen. Its programs are supported by UNHCR, UNICEF, UNFPA and UNOCHA. YARD is undertaking programs in the fields of CCCM, Shelter/NFIs, Protection, Cash Assistance, Education, WASH and Livelihood Programming, targeting IDPs, host communities and the most vulnerable individuals.

    Duties and Responsibilities:

    • Receive materials and supplies, store them in assigned locations and distribute them according to YARD procedures
    • Maintain records of all incoming and outgoing materials
    • Supervise packing, loading and unloading of all materials
    • Informs suppliers on short supplies and ensures all over/wrongly consigned goods are returned to suppliers.
    • Ensure availability of storage space and maintain orderliness and cleanliness of the warehouse at all times
    • Ensure safety and security of materials
    • Ensure that only authorized staff are allowed to enter the warehouse and receive supplies or materials
    • Maintains an up-to-date electronic record of all correspondence related to purchase orders, requisitions and Good Received Notes (GRN) and records.
    • Prepare periodic stock reports and assist in carrying out periodic physical inventory checks.
    • Conduct the Logistic Function to ensure timely and accurate processing and documentation of Procurement as described in the Field Procurement Manual. Support & Supervise    future Procurement Officer/Assistant.
    • Oversee use of the Electronic Operation System found in the Office in a Box.
    • Conduct random Checks to ensure accuracy and quality.
    • Monitor service contracts and overall contract management in Aljawf.
    • Facilitate tender openings, as necessary.
    • Work together with finance to ensure compliance and timely processing of payment according to Schedule.
    • Oversee procurement of goods, commodities and services against fully approved and financially reviewed purchase request.
    • Daily coordination with operations and program staff on procurement activities;
    • Ensure that the procurement department supports the programs efficiently and compliantly.
    • Full understanding of YARD Logistic policies and formats.
    • Provide training to staff on these policies;
    • Ensure that YARD’s Logistic activities are legal and moral.

    Job Requirement:

    • Bachelor’s Degree in accounting is required.
    • Minimum of 3 years’ relevant experience.
    • Knowledge of computerized accounting software, preferably QuickBooks accounting system and high-level of Microsoft Excel.
    • Prior working experience with NGOs.
    • Very Good communication and reporting skills in written and spoken English.
    • Excellent in using Microsoft including (word, excel, power point and emails).


    • English and Arabic

    The incumbent MUST be fluent in both languages (Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening)

    How to Apply

    Interested candidates are requested to use the below link and fill in all required fields:


    Application Remarks:

    • Please do not apply unless you meet minimum application requirements, otherwise you will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Shortlisted candidates may be required to sit for a test.
    • This job is for only Yemen National qualified candidates, regardless of disability, gender identity, marital status, race, color or ethnic and national origins.    
    • YARD does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing or any other fees).

  • مساعد مراقبة وتقييم

    الموعد النهائي: الأحد, 05 يوليو, 2020

    M & E Assistant
    The Job

    Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development (YARD) is seeking to recruit:

    Position: M&E Assistant

    Location: Sana’a Governorate

    Reports to: Project Manager

    Duration: 6 Months

    Deadline:  05 July, 2020

    Reference: HR/WASH–UNICEF/020-20

    Brief Overview: Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development Foundation (YARD) is a National/Local Non-Government Foundation established for providing humanitarian assistance to individuals and community development and disaster relief, since 2013. YARD has been implementing various emergency, relief and development projects, as it has presence in 4 governorates in Yemen. Its programs are supported by UNHCR, UNICEF, UNFPA and UNOCHA. YARD is undertaking programs in the fields of CCCM, Shelter/NFIs, Protection, Cash Assistance, Education, WASH and Livelihood Programming, targeting IDPs, host communities and the most vulnerable individuals.

    Duties and Responsibilities:

    • Frequent field visits to conduct an on-going data collection process through interviews with beneficiary households and other stakeholders and ensure high-quality data collected in accordance with the agreed time plan and data collection strategy.
    • Participate in baseline, midline, and end line surveys as required.
    • Enter monitoring data into computer-based data collection system according to schedule, and or supervise this process.
    • Support an on-going process of beneficiary verification.
    • Monitor distributions and submit field visit report to the M&E Officer as requested.
    • Conduct PDM, after each distribution and collect beneficiaries' feedback, and train the field Enumerator on different M&E tools.
    • She/he Works with M&E Officer to track that program-based monitoring activities are perform according to schedule.
    • Watch and report on any new needs arising in the project target areas.
    • Ensure proper filing and management of documents.
    •  Other duties as assigned.

    Qualifications and Experience:

    • University Degree in (Social Science- Statistics - IT) or relevant field.
    • One year Experience working within an NGO is preferred.  
    • Understanding of the social, political and economic context of Yemen.  
    • Advanced computer skills in MS Office programs, particularly Excel, SPSS.
    • Strong oral and written English skills.
    • Ability to think independently and problem solving.
    • Ability to interpret figures.
    • Strong organizational skills and ability to multi-task.
    • Honest, hardworking and committed to community development
    • Very Good communication and reporting skills in written and spoken English.
    • Excellent in using Microsoft including (word, excel, power point and emails).


    • English and Arabic

    The incumbent MUST be fluent in both languages (Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening)

    How to Apply

    Interested candidates are requested to use the below link and fill in all required fields:


    Application Remarks:

    • Please do not apply unless you meet minimum application requirements, otherwise you will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Shortlisted candidates may be required to sit for a test.
    • This job is for only Yemen National qualified candidates, regardless of disability, gender identity, marital status, race, color or ethnic and national origins.    
    • YARD does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing or any other fees).

  • منسق مشروع

    الموعد النهائي: الأحد, 05 يوليو, 2020

    Project Coordinator -2
    The Job

    Project Coordinator – (2 Posts)

    Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development (YARD) is seeking to recruit:

    Position: Project Coordinator

    Location: Al-Jawf Governorate

    Reports to: Project Manager

    Duration: 6 Months

    Deadline:  05 July, 2020

    Reference: HR/WASH–UNICEF/011-20

    Brief Overview: Yemen Al-Khair for Relief and Development Foundation (YARD) is a National/Local Non-Government Foundation established for providing humanitarian assistance to individuals and community development and disaster relief, since 2013. YARD has been implementing various emergency, relief and development projects, as it has presence in 4 governorates in Yemen. Its programs are supported by UNHCR, UNICEF, UNFPA and UNOCHA. YARD is undertaking programs in the fields of CCCM, Shelter/NFIs, Protection, Cash Assistance, Education, WASH and Livelihood Programming, targeting IDPs, host communities and the most vulnerable individuals.

    Main Task:

    Under the dirstct supervision of the Project Manager, the Project Coordinator is an administrative professional who will assists the project manager with organizing, controlling and monitoring the project activities through communicating risks, opportunities and current state of the project. They fulfill their obligations by coordinating meetings, resources, equipment and information

    Duties and Responsibilities:

    • Provide guidance to the YARD WASH team, including staff and volunteers, while working on operational issues related to the implementation of activities.
    • Planning and coordinating with the team for all activities.
    • Conducting frequent monitoring field visits to closely supervise the YARD WASH team and ensure proper implementation of project activities.
    • Monthly reporting to the PM, and other Authorized Managers and Donor, on the implementation progress, and providing recommendations for activities quality improvement and project sustainability.
    • Coordinating and supervising YARD’ project-related activities, including performance indicator/target tracking, internal and external capacity building and awareness raising activities.
    • Ensuring high quality of YARD’ services/outputs and related records and overall due project implementation in conformity with local laws, organizational regulations, donor agreement and the thereby stipulated goals, objectives and deadlines.
    • Coordinate all administrative and financial issues related to the area of responsibility as to ensure that all are in accordance with YARD’ guidelines and requirements.
    • Reporting, on a regular/periodic and ad hoc basis, on WASH activities and events in the area of responsibility, in accordance with the YARD’ and UNICEF requirements.
    • Performs other duties as assigned by YARD Management.

    Qualifications and Experience:

    • University degree in Management, Education, Psychology, Social Sciences or other related discipline. Advanced university degree would be an advantage;
    • Relevant professional experience in protection of not less than two (2) years, preferably at a coordinator or management level and/or in humanitarian context.
    • Prior experience with any International NGO is preferable.
    • Knowledge of and experience in project planning, project cycle management and logical framework.
    • Prior experience with persons of concern (including internally displaced persons, conflict-affected host communities, extremely vulnerable individuals);
    • Familiarity with overall protection concepts and principles;
    • Strong oral and written English skills.
    • Ability to think independently and problem solving.
    • Strong organizational skills and ability to multi-task.
    • Honest, hardworking and committed to community development.
    • Excellent in using Microsoft including (word, excel, power point and emails).


    • English and Arabic

    The incumbent MUST be fluent in both languages (Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening)

    How to Apply

    Interested candidates are requested to use the below link and fill in all required fields:


    Application Remarks:

    • Please do not apply unless you meet minimum application requirements, otherwise you will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Shortlisted candidates may be required to sit for a test.
    • This job is for only Yemen National qualified candidates, regardless of disability, gender identity, marital status, race, color or ethnic and national origins.    
    • YARD does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing or any other fees).

  • مدير عمليات

    الموعد النهائي: الاربعاء, 15 أبريل, 2020


    Operations Manager​





    Location: Sana’a

    Reference code : Operation manager# 20 -yard


    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development-(YARD)

    Yemen AlKhair relief and development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation that was established in 2013, to implement various projects in relief and development. the foundation announces the need to hire an  Operation manager. The employee can be stationed in either in field office or in head office as needed

    Duties and Responsibilities:

    The Operations manager will have the following tasks – all in accordance with YARD rules, procedures and standards:

    • Advise on operational policies pertaining to project implementation and management
    • Compliant financial resources management
    • Provision of advice on operational policies pertaining to project implementation and management focusing on achievement of the following results:
    • Ensure compliance of the project’s operational implementation process.
    • Review annual/quarterly work and budget plans and detailed implementation plans in coordination with the project team
    • Ensure effective and accurate financial resources management focusing on achievement of the following results:
    • Financial activities, financial recording/reporting system
    • Implementation of effective internal controls such as maintenance of the internal expenditures control system
    • Ensure provision of efficient procurement and logistical services, and supervision of team focusing on achievement of the following results:
    • Procurement strategies including sourcing strategy, supplier selection and evaluation, and quality management
    • Review terms of reference to ensure the quality of inputs to be procured
    • Ensure efficient human resource management and general administration of the project focusing on achievement of the following results:
    • Compliance with YARD rules and regulations for recruitment and human resource management for the project
    • Preparation of recruitment plan and elaboration of job descriptions for required elections staffing
    • Support to recruitment process and work closely with the HR unit of YARD.
    • He/she must be aware of Yemen tender law.

    The role of the Operation Manager is not limited to the specific duties mentioned above. It is subject to change with the evolution of the conflict and in accordance with YARD’s vision and mission. As such, the Operation Manager is required to manage all unforeseen issues and circumstances in relation to the monitoring and evaluation and should remain adaptable to perform responsibilities that may not be mentioned above, as and when required.

    Qualifications and Experience :

    •  Advanced University Degree (Masters or equivalent) in Business Administration, Operations Management, Social Sciences, International Development, Economics or related fields;
    • 3 years relevant work experience, at least 2 of which involve similar senior experience of operational management of projects or programmes
    •  3 years of relevant experience in relation to electoral management (preferred);
    •  Experience of sustaining high level professional relations with leading Government officials in sensitive political environments;
    •  Substantive project operational management experience, including detailed working knowledge of human resources, procurement, ICT, finance, asset management and logistics;
    •  A sound track record of experience in an international setting with the UN or with international organizations, or similar context;
    •  Experience of managing financial resources;
    •  Worked in a post-conflict environment;
    •  Computer proficiency, including working knowledge of MS Office products (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Front Page, Adobe In-Design and web-based management systems. Good knowledge of Atlas is a must;
    • in English and Arabic definitely an asset
    How to Apply

    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with a cover letter to


    with the job title as the email subject. The code reference must be indicated in the email.

  • مدير مشروع (حماية)

    الموعد النهائي: الإثنين, 02 مارس, 2020

    Project Manager

    Job Details

    About YARD foundation:
    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development-(YARD)
    Yemen AlKhair  for  Relief and Development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation established in 2013, to implement various projects in relief and development. The foundation announces the need to hire a Project Manager . 
    Duties and Responsibilities:
    ·         Leading the project staff members and defining the tasks according to the project organogram.
    ·         Submitting implementation plan for the project and bounded with specific time.
    ·         Following up the project technically and administratively and following up the whole team and stakeholders.
    ·         Holding periodical meetings with the team members to evaluate the performance on the ground and solving the problems
    ·        Observing the submitting of the weekly report through the continuous observation.
    ·         Updating the time table periodically in all the projects aspects and handling any deviations.
    ·         Maintain open lines of communications with all field staff    
    ·         Attends coordination meetings
    ·         Working effectively as team member and solve staff problems whenever occur.
    ·         Maintain flexibility to take an added responsibility as and when needed
    Qualifications and Experience :
     1.    Bachelor degree in administration
    2.    3 years’ experience in humanitarian work.
    3.     Experience in project management
    4.     Experience in observing the performance and the indicators to take the right decisions
    5.    Experience in preparing the time table for the activities and complete plan of implantation
    6.    Using the computer professionally
    7.    Experience in preparing reports
    8.    Preparing the time tables and updating them
    9.     Experience in selecting the project indicators and methodology of following up the indicators
    10. Must be Yemeni and have the ability to adapt with the site circumstances
    11. Ability to create line of communication among the team members
    12. Ability to use the electronic maps and GPS coordinates
    13. Ability to create a line of communication among the team member

    How To Apply

    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with a cover letter to
    hr@yard-yemen.org with the job title as the email subject. The code reference must be indicated in the email

  • مدير عمليات

    الموعد النهائي: الإثنين, 02 مارس, 2020

    Operation manager

    Job Details

    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development-(YARD)
    Yemen AlKhair relief and development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation that was established in 2013, to implement various projects in relief and development. the foundation announces the need to hire an  Operation manager. The employee can be stationed in either in field office or in head office as needed
    Duties and Responsibilities:
    The Operations manager will have the following tasks – all in accordance with YARD rules, procedures and standards:
    ·         Advise on operational policies pertaining to project implementation and management
    ·         Compliant financial resources management
    ·         Provision of advice on operational policies pertaining to project implementation and management focusing on achievement of the following results:
    ·         Ensure compliance of the project’s operational implementation process.
    ·         Review annual/quarterly work and budget plans and detailed implementation plans in coordination with the project team
    ·         Ensure effective and accurate financial resources management focusing on achievement of the following results:
    ·         Financial activities, financial recording/reporting system
    ·         Implementation of effective internal controls such as maintenance of the internal expenditures control system
    ·         Ensure provision of efficient procurement and logistical services, and supervision of team focusing on achievement of the following results:
    ·         Procurement strategies including sourcing strategy, supplier selection and evaluation, and quality management
    ·         Review terms of reference to ensure the quality of inputs to be procured
    ·         Ensure efficient human resource management and general administration of the project focusing on achievement of the following results:
    ·         Compliance with YARD rules and regulations for recruitment and human resource management for the project
    ·         Preparation of recruitment plan and elaboration of job descriptions for required elections staffing
    ·         Support to recruitment process and work closely with the HR unit of YARD.
    ·         He/she must be aware of Yemen tender law.
    The role of the Operation Manager is not limited to the specific duties mentioned above. It is subject to change with the evolution of the conflict and in accordance with YARD’s vision and mission. As such, the Operation Manager is required to manage all unforeseen issues and circumstances in relation to the monitoring and evaluation and should remain adaptable to perform responsibilities that may not be mentioned above, as and when required.
    Qualifications and Experience :
    ·          Advanced University Degree (Masters or equivalent) in Business Administration, Operations Management, Social Sciences, International Development, Economics or related fields;
    ·         3 years relevant work experience, at least 2 of which involve similar senior experience of operational management of projects or programmes
    ·          3 years of relevant experience in relation to electoral management (preferred);
    ·          Experience of sustaining high level professional relations with leading Government officials in sensitive political environments;
    ·          Substantive project operational management experience, including detailed working knowledge of human resources, procurement, ICT, finance, asset management and logistics;
    ·          A sound track record of experience in an international setting with the UN or with international organizations, or similar context;
    ·          Experience of managing financial resources;
    ·          Worked in a post-conflict environment;
    ·          Computer proficiency, including working knowledge of MS Office products (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Front Page, Adobe In-Design and web-based management systems. Good knowledge of Atlas is a must;
              in English and Arabic definitely an asset

    How To Apply

    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with a cover letter to
    hr@yard-yemen.org with the job title as the email subject. The code reference must be indicated in the email.

  • مدير برامج

    الموعد النهائي: الاربعاء, 26 فبراير, 2020

    Programme Manager

    Deadline: Feb 26, 2020 (As soon as possible).
    Duration: 12 months renewable based on funding availability
    Location: Based in Sana’a with regular visits to the field
    Reporting to: Executive Director

    Reference code : project manager# 20-yard


    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development-(YARD)

    Yemen AlKhair relief and development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation that was established in 2013, to implement various projects in relief and development.

    Job Description

    • Responsible for the overall YARD programs management, and technical guidance to projects’ staff.
    • Proven local knowledge, planning, assessment and analytical skills. Proven excellent report and proposal writing skills, supported by a high level of attention to detail and the ability to compile comprehensive reports for donors.
    • Formulate, organize and monitor projects within all YARD programs.
    • Lead and evaluate program coordinators and other staff under YARD programs
    • Apply change, risk and resource management.
    • Resolve projects’ higher scope issues.
    • Responsible for program financial management, and that all expenditures are in line with YARD and donor compliance standards.
    • Ensure projects are in line with YARD strategy and consequently follow YARD vision and mission.
    • Manage monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning systems and processes, ensuring projects’ staff is clear on what is required, and that quality is maintained as per agreed standards, lessons learnt are documented and applied for current and future projects.
    • Review and finalize  all programs reports, both narrative & quantitative.
    • Be directly responsible for fundraising opportunities to expand projects under YARD programs.
    • Develop productive working relationships with all stakeholders including; community leaders and representatives, Government officials, Non-Governmental Organizations both local and international, and donor.
    • As and when requested, represent YARD in external forums, ensuring the YARD profile is positively maintained as per YARD values, objectives, strategy and advocacy plan. This includes proactively representing in cluster coordination, donors meetings and maintaining contact with relevant local authorities other agencies; ensuring that YARD mandate, vision, approach an activity is understood and accepted.
    • Responsible for reporting and communication of progress and achievement of the specific assigned task including field visits to other governorates to supervise, implement YARD projects.
    • Comply with YARD policies and procedures with respect to code of conduct, child protection, equal opportunities, security and safety, and other relevant policies and procedures.
    • Commit to the humanitarian principles of strict neutrality, religious and political impartiality and non-discrimination.
    • Represent YARD in the clusters meetings and other relevant meetings with the local authorities.
    • manages incoming and outgoing correspondence (email) and replies to and looks after correspondence (replies)
    • Any other related duties as assigned by direct supervisor.

    Job Requirement

    • A recognized bachelor degree or professional qualification in: business administration and management; development studies; or a related field.
    • At least Three year’s proven experience as a Program Manager or other managerial position.
    • Experience of monitoring, evaluation accountability and learning.
    • Prior working experience with NGOs.
    • Outstanding leadership and organizational skills.
    • Good understanding economic environment, challenges and opportunities.
    • Excellent analytical skills.
    • Have strong orientation about humanitarian and development programs in Yemen.
    • A good understanding of gender aspects.
    • Willingness and ability to undertake frequent travel to the field.
    • Ability to manage multiple tasks effectively with attention to details and an orderly approach to tasks.
    • Fluency in English and Arabic (written and spoken).
    • Excellent interpersonal skills and team working skills.
    • Flexibility in working diverse situations with unpredictable working hours.
    • A positive problem-solving approach and enthusiasm to learn and apply new skills.
    • Excellent level of computer proficiency.

    How to Apply

    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with a cover letter to:


    with the job title as the email subject. The code reference must be indicated in the email.

  • متطوع

    الموعد النهائي: السبت, 22 فبراير, 2020

    Volunteer in humanitarian Interventions in Yemen 2020

    Yemen AlKhair for Relief and Development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation established in 2013, to implement various projects in relief and development.

    Position required: Volunteers Numbers are not specified.

    Deadline 22-Feb-2020.

    Reference code Volunteers # 20 –yard

    Job Purpose

    Volunteers will assist the main staff in providing help for affected communities inside and outside office.

    Main tasks in the office

    • Delivery of the organization's programs and services.
    • Help in arranging projects and Activities.
    • Print, photocopy, type and sort stuff and materials which concern each event.
    • Keep office tools in a good condition.
    • Liaise with beneficiaries, whatever their categories are and inform them about the campaigns, places and times of distributions and other important details.
    • Good knowledge of beneficiaries needs.
    • Ability to deal with affected people in good manner.

    Main tasks outside office

    • Travels frequently happened inside and outside Sana'a.
    • Help and arrange equipment and materials in the field.
    • Sort and arrange beneficiaries' queue.
    • Inspect the beneficiaries' IDs and make sure of their identities.
    • Distribute beneficiaries' coupons.
    • Others.

    Character must be:

    • Good knowledge of the principles of humanitarian work.
    • Creative and has the ability of adapting new ideas and concepts.
    • Flexible in dealing with people
    • Capable in working for long periods.
    • Tolerant and patient.
    • Good Health condition.


    • Certificate in any relevant field.
    • Good command in Computer "Microsoft".
    • Fluent in Arabic and Good in English language.
    • Basic information of Media works and programs drafting
    • Age required between 20 till 35.


    • Minimum one year of experience
    • Volunteered in INGOs and Local NGOs

    Note: the tasks above are included but not limited.

    How to Apply

    interested candidates should send their CVs in English with a cover letter to

    hr@yard-yemen.org with the job title as the email subject. The code reference must be indicated in the email.

  • مدير موارد بشرية

    الموعد النهائي: السبت, 22 فبراير, 2020

    Job Title: HR & Admin Manager

    No of position:  1 Position


    Deadline: February 22, 2020

    Contract Type: Fixed

    Duration: One year renewable based on the result of the performance appraisal

    Duty Station: Based in Sana’a with regular field visits to YARD’s offices

    Probationary Period:  Six months

    Department: HR Dep.

    Reporting to: Executive Director

    Reference code :  HR & Admin Manager # 20 YARD

    Yemen AlKhair for Relief and Development Foundation (YARD)

    Yemen AlKhair relief and development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation that was established in 2013, It is mainly working in field of Education, Wash & Sanitation, Food Security, Nutrition, Health, Protection, Shelter and social empowerment in all the Governorates of Yemen.


    This is a full-time position

    Job profile

    The Human Resources / Administration Manager is responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of HR/Admin Department, the HR and Administration Manager will work closely and under supervision of the Executive Director. This individual will also serve as a mentor to the HR/Admin team.

    HR Tasks

    General HR Tasks

    • Build and maintain employee confidence by promptly responding to their requests and protecting the confidentiality of HR operations;
    • Oversee day-to-day activities for employee leaves, short-term disability, field visit/mission permit requests, administration, staff/worker’s compensation issues, unemployment claims and other employee leaves issues;
    • Ensure the employee personnel files and human resource system are completed;
    • Manage employment contracts/service contracts/ special service contracts;
    • Update/develop of HR and admin policies and procedures manual and ensure its implementation;
    • Prepare and maintain employee handbook;
    • Participate in the coordination and accurate administration of employee benefits through the full process cycle (assists and liaises with brokers and carriers to resolve insurance claims, employee enrollment, and general administration of benefits, pension and bank accounts, ensures appropriate billing of insurances, and submits payments to Finance in a timely fashion);
    • Carry out all required tasks relating to employee recruitment/onboarding (posting job descriptions, diversifying recruitment strategies, interviewing, administering background and reference checks, conducting onboarding for new hires, including gathering all legally required new hire documents and relaying information about YARD and its benefits);
    • Carry out all off boarding responsibilities, including conducting exit interviews;
    • Support the Finance team with the HR tasks relating to payroll (maintain and audit time and attendance data, timely enter and verify all employee data entered, answer employee questions, produce accurate reports);
    • Monitor and advise staff on all changes in labor laws and ensure compliance;
    • Keep track of the annual performance appraisals submission, and updates performance evaluation system as deemed necessary;
    • Update the organizational salary scale on an annual basis;
    • Prepare and analyze reports that are necessary to carry out the functions of the department;
    • Responsible for mentoring the Human Resources teams and Interns;

    Administration Tasks

    Management & Control of assets

    • Ensure that all assets are recorded and accounted for in the asset register;
    • Reconcile asset categories to the relevant general ledger accounts;
    • Regularly verify the existence and condition of assets by performing asset counts during the year;
    • Ensure that all assets are tagged and numbered according to the asset register and as per YARD and donor requirements;
    • Ensure that supporting documentation exist for all entries in the asset register;
    • Maintain system that tracks the movement of assets between agreed locations and/or use by current staff or visiting delegates from other offices;
    • Ensure that the office has adequate insurance cover for its assets.

    Management of administration procurement

    • Review procurement packs including completion of checklists, purchase requisitions, quotations, justifications memos and other documentation to ensure that YARD policy was adhered to, the necessary quality checks and confirmations where done;
    • Ensure that the goods and services required are accurately described on the purchase order as per requirements and that all the relevant approvals are in place, prior to send the purchase order to the vendor;
    • Ensure that no goods are delivered and/or services rendered without the necessary procurement process followed;
    • Maintain a file wherein all signed purchase orders and supporting quotations are filed for easy reference and to facilitate future audits;
    • Keep a list of all purchase orders issues and send the update to Finance monthly, to keep track of commitments;
    • Ensure that contractors fulfil all requirements in the scope of work as agreed before payment of fees;
    • Ensure that the necessary procurement plan is in place, updated and planned for in time and that the procurement committee meets in time to ensure that the processes and approvals are transparent;

    Administration of leases and rental agreements

    • Ensure that rental agreements are properly maintained and amended where necessary;
    • Liaise with the landlord and building agent to ensure that the building is maintained to guarantee a conducive working environment;
    • Regularly review and renew office machine rental agreements where necessary;
    • Maintaining lease agreement files and keeping these agreements in a safe place for reference purposes;
    • Issue and maintain lease agreements for tenants;
    • Ensure tenants are invoiced on a monthly basis as per signed lease agreements;

    Renewal and maintenance of short term insurance

    • Ensure that insurance cover is renewed annually on all assets;
    • Inform the insurance company of additions and/or scrapping/sale of assets;
    • Ensure that insurance company holds sufficient cover for all assets;
    • Negotiate annual increases with insurance company;
    • Keep policy documents in a safe place for reference purposes;
    • Complete annual insurance return forms;

    Process requisitions for the office

    • Supervise monthly provision of office supplies;
    • Ensure that the organizational stationery requirements are catered for;

    Travel Management and workshops

    • Oversee and coordinate travel authorization submissions and travel bookings for staff;
    • Regularly liaise with the preferred travel vendors and attend to service delivery issues or complaints from staff;
    • Facilitate efficient coordination of conferences, workshops, meetings and travel in accordance with YARD policy;
    • Authorize hire vehicles for staff;

    Cell Phone Billing and Management

    • Ensure that the 3G and cell phone bill is updated regularly with names of all the users;
    • Analyze the cell phone bill account monthly and ensure that staff are billed for private usage and send the analysis to Finance monthly;
    • All cell phones and 3G cards needs to be recorded when issued and proper records of cell phones coming back must be kept;
    • Send out regular guidance and communication on how cell phone and 3G cards must be used to ensure that users manage their bills correctly;

    Management of Staff

    • Supervise the activities of the administrative staff and receptionist;
    • Setting of goals, management of mid-year and annual performance appraisals;
    • Development and coaching of Admin staff;
    • Ensure that job descriptions of staff are reviewed annually and updated and discussed, if needed;
    • Ensure that staff are develop so they can serve a s a backup for each other on the department;

    Safety and Security

    • Ensure that the office complies with safety and security regulations and ensure that tasks teams are formed and responsible for office security and first aid;
    • Ensure that regular safety drills take place;
    • Ensure that the alarm system is maintained and a rotating schedule is shared for Admin/HR Department to respond to armed response call outs;
    • Liaise with senior management to ensure that security information is regularly updated;


    • Weekly reporting to the Executive Director: HR and Admin on all activities and deliverables;
    • Induction of new staff;
    • Lead the Strategic Planning Workshop/training.
    • Develop HR and Admin strategies.
    • Develop staff capacity building plan, training calendar and coordinate internal and external training.
    • Month end reporting of all HR and Admin aspects to the finance department.
    • Develop Administrative systems and actively participate in policy development as needed;
    • Keep informed of all policy and process changes within finance, procurement, logistics and administration and communicating the changes / information to staff;
    • Liaise and arrange with the various suppliers to maintain the office equipment in working condition;
    • Provide technical assistance to Admin staff, Management, staff for compliance issues and problem resolutions;
    • Perform other related duties as required and assigned by direct supervisor.


    • A Bachelor Degree in Human Resources, Business Administration or related field or related combination of education and experience;
    • A minimum of (5) years of full life cycle experience supporting both national and international hires, with at least 2 years of working experience at NGOs in both humanitarian and development context.
    • HR/Admin certification preferred;
    • Extensive experience with performance management systems;
    • Knowledge of Human Resources and general HR/ practice including recruitment, selection, compensation and benefits, in an international setting strongly preferred;
    • Knowledge of labor laws, government regulations including Yemeni Labor law, international employment law in diverse markets;
    • Excellent interpersonal and listening skills.
    • Ability to interact with all levels of staff in a professional way;
    • Fluency in English required (written and verbal);
    • Experience in a multi-cultural or international setting highly desirable;
    • Excellent planning, organizational and analytical skills. Attention to detail a must;
    • Strong research, writing, and public speaking skills;
    • Comfortable with technologies;
    • Strong user of Microsoft Office 365 applications (MS Excel, Word, Power point)
    • Ability to thrive in a fast-paced environment;
    • Ability to handle competing deadlines.

    How to Apply
    • interested candidates should send their CVs in English with a cover letter to
    • hr@yard-yemen.org with the job title as the email subject. The code reference must be indicated in the email.

  • نقطة تواصل CBI

    الموعد النهائي: السبت, 22 فبراير, 2020

    Job Title: Cash Based Intervention CBI Focal Point

    Location: Al-Jowf

    Duration: 4 Months

    Dead line: 22/2/2020

    Reference code : CBI Focal Point #20-UNHCR


    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development-(YARD)

    Yemen AlKhair  for relief and development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation that was established in 2013, It is mainly working in field of Education, Wash & Sanitation, Food Security, Nutrition, Health, Protection, Shelter and social empowerment in all the Governorates of Yemen. We are seeking a national, highly qualified individual, to fill in Cash Based

    Intervention position to lead the foundation and implement its vision and strategy.

    Responsibility: (process and functions undertaken to achieve results)

    • Manage the use, maintenance and technical support of databases used in the cash based interventions.
    • Generate statistical reports based on the standard reporting formats and ad-hoc reports, charts and tables as required by the management.
    • Prepare and administer accurate lists of beneficiaries for the regular assistance through bank system in line with the procedures established by the office.
    • Assist in developing and administering UNHCR Regular Cash based Intervention database.
    • Assist in the monthly reconciliation and refund process for the cash assistance project.
    • Cross-check databases to ensure that all beneficiaries are active cases.
    • Keep cash lists updated and free of duplications and ensure delivery of cash assistance to beneficiaries in a timely manner.
    • Troubleshoot issues with the database and work with internal teams to provide technical fixes,
    • Inform and act on the reports and messages that are received from various units on different vulnerable cases in respect to financial assistance.
    • Support in the co-ordination with different IPs, Ops and focal points on lists of beneficiaries reflecting situation of cash assistance.
    • Undertake missions and field visits to bank service provider to monitor the cash project.
    • Make sure to sign and Stamp all the beneficiaries list from all relevant authorities.
    • Undertake other relevant duties as required.

    Authority: (decisions made in executing responsibilities and to achieve results)

    • Represent YARD at the cash-assistance related meetings.
    • Liaise with internal stakeholders and partners.
    • Develop improvements to the database and related workflows.
    • Direct incidents and problems to the supervisor when they cannot be resolved at their level.


    Essential minimum qualifications, professional experience and required competencies:

    • Completion of secondary education with certificate/training in Information Technology & Database Management.
    • Minimum years of previous data management experience, preferable in CBI context.
    • Excellent knowledge of computer software and database applications.
    • Fluency in English and working knowledge of another relevant UN language or local language.

    Required Competencies

    • Analytical Thinking
    • Technological Awareness
    • Planning and organizing

    Desirable qualifications and competencies:

    • Experience in cash-based interventions
    • University level course in Computer Science or related fields with components related directly to data management.

    How to Apply

    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with a cover letter to


    with the job title as the email subject. The code reference must be indicated in the email.

  • مدير للمركز المجتمعي

    الموعد النهائي: السبت, 22 فبراير, 2020

    Community Center Manager:

    Project of (provision of protection and sheltering assistance for IDPs and vulnerable population.

    Duration: 4 months renewable based on fund availability .

    Location: AlJawf governorate.

    Deadline: 22/2/2020

    Reference code : Community Center Manager #20-UNHCR


    Yemen AlKhair relief and development foundation known as (YARD)   is a national and nongovernmental foundation that was established in 2013, to implement various projects in relief and development.

    Currently YARD in partnership with UNHCR is implementing a protection project in AlJawf governorate. The objective of the project is to offer protection assistance for IDPs and hosting community through the community center in AlJawf governorate.

    The community center will offer multi protection assistance including PSS activities, legal assistance and referral cases. Thus the foundation announces the need to hire a manger for the community Centre to achieve the following tasks and responsibilities:

    Tasks and responsibilities

    1. Create an implementation plan in accordance with the signed project memorandum.
    2. Following up the implemented activities at the Centre on a daily basis.
    3. Discussing an obstacles that may arise and working on finding solutions to overcome the designated difficulties.
    4. Defining the project to the decision makers and stakeholders.
    5. Supervision and following up the information that submitted to the data base before sending them to the higher level at the foundation.
    6. Presiding the urgent and periodical meetings with the staff at the community center.
    7. Representing the project at the events or meetings with the stakeholders.
    8. Following up the financial and operational plans to avoid any deviation in the financial plan and reporting to the project manager.
    9. Evaluation the performance of the project staff.
    10. Ensuring timely submission of requested reports in English.
    11. Performing any other duties requested by the project manager.


    1. Bachelor degree in administration or social science or any other related field.
    2. Fluency in English.
    3. 4 years of experience in administration.
    4. Experience in working with IDPs and vulnerable groups.
    5. Report writing experience.
    6. Full commitment to protections principle code of conduct.


    1. Time management skills.
    2. Team spirit work.
    3. Computer skills.
    4. Fast response to fulfill requested assignments.


    1-The applicant must sign on the protection code of conduct of YARD and UNHCR, more over the full commitment to the information confidentiality.


    Avoiding using  YARD and UNHCR logo in any way that might reflect upon the foundation negatively.

    How to Apply

    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with a cover letter to


    with the job title as the email subject. The code reference must be indicated in the email.

  • ضابط موارد بشرية

    الموعد النهائي: السبت, 22 فبراير, 2020

    Human Resources & Admin Officer:

    Job Title: HR and Admin Officer

    No of position: 1 Position

    Deadline: 22/2/2020

    Duration: 4 Months renewable based on funding availability

    Duty Station: Based in Sana’a with regular field visits to YARD’s field offices.

    Department: HR department

    Reference code : HR and Admin Officer #20-UNHCR


    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development-(YARD)

    Yemen AlKhair  for relief and development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation that was established in 2013, It is mainly working in field of Education, Wash & Sanitation, Food Security, Nutrition, Health, Protection, Shelter and social empowerment in all the Governorates of Yemen. We are seeking a national, highly qualified individual, to fill in HR and Admin Officer . position to lead the foundation and implement its vision and strategy.

    Duties and responsibilities:

    • Respond to staff requests and maintain the confidentiality of HR operations.
    • Administer day-to-day activities for employee leaves, field visit/mission permit requests, administration, compensation, staff clearance upon exits.
    • Maintain personnel files ensuring that all required documents are collected upon recruitment.
    • Ensure the implementation of YARD’s HR and Admin manual and sharing policies with staff on a regular basis.
    • Handel the onboarding process including performing the HR and Admin inductions to new hires and distributing handbooks.
    • Carry out all required tasks relating to employee recruitment/onboarding and off boarding.
    • Perform tasks related to the preparation of Payroll including verifying staff attendance, collecting and reviewing timesheets and forwarding them to the HR and Finance.
    • Administer the process of assets control including tagging them and inserting them in the designated system.
    • Participate in the annual physical count of assets along with maintain and archiving all assets’ supporting documents and be responsible of maintaining documents regarding receiving assets.
    • Handel all paper work regarding handing sim/cards, phones and 3G devices to staff and updating records related to that.
    • Process the monthly bill of phone carrier service and 3G devices on a monthly basis.
    • Keep track of records of office supplies needed on a regular basis.
    • Be in charge of all paper work related to office supplies purchases in close coordination with Logistics and Finance department making sure that all polices are followed and requirements are fulfilled.
    • Be in charge of the overall administration of lease agreements including arranging  for rent payments, maintenance of YRAD’s head and field offices and filing all paper work related to those.
    • Arrange for travel authorization submissions and travel bookings for staff.
    • Mange conferences, workshops, meetings and travel efficiently and as required.
    • Supervise the admin support staff including but not limited to receptionists, Office Boys, Cleaners, Security Staff, Janitors and Gardeners.
    • Ensure that the office complies with safety and security regulations.
    • Arrange for and administer the furnishing of offices and providing them with all required supplies and required services.
    • Provide assistance to staff in compliance issues and problem resolutions.
    • Comply with YARD policies and procedures with respect to code of conduct, equal opportunities, security and safety, and other relevant policies and procedures.
    • Commit to the humanitarian principles of strict neutrality, religious and political impartiality and non-discrimination.
    • Perform other related duties as required and assigned by direct supervisor.


    • A bachelor’s degree in Human Resources, or related field or related combination of education and experience.
    • Minimum of (1) years of full life cycle experience.
    • Prior experience in a non-profit organization NGO.
    • Knowledge of Human Resources and general HR/ practice including recruitment.
    • Knowledge of labor laws, government regulations.
    • Excellent interpersonal skills. Ability to interact with all levels of staff in a professional way.
    • Fluency in English required (written and verbal).
    • Excellent planning, organizational and analytical skills. Attention to details is a must.
    • Excellent computer skills.
    • Key flexibility for a roving role in a demanding, complex and insecure environment.
    • Ability to meet deadlines and manage time effectively under pressure.
    • High sense of ethics and responsibility.

    How to Apply

    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with a cover letter to


    with the job title as the email subject. The code reference must be indicated in the email.

  • استشاري قانوني

    الموعد النهائي: السبت, 22 فبراير, 2020

    Legal Counselor Officer:

    Location: Al-Jowf

    Duration: 4 Months

    Deadline: 22/2/2020

    Reference code : Legal Counselor Officer #20-UNHCR


    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development-(YARD)

    Yemen AlKhair  for relief and development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation that was established in 2013, It is mainly working in field of Education, Wash & Sanitation, Food Security, Nutrition, Health, Protection, Shelter and social empowerment in all the Governorates of Yemen. We are seeking a national, highly qualified individual, to fill in legal officer  position to lead the foundation and implement its vision and strategy.


    The legal officer position is critical to YARD humanitarian response to internal displacement in Yemen. It is a key YARD position, with YARD expecting that the post holder with be qualified and possess protection skills, knowledge and attitude to be immediately effective in the field. These include the active involvement and the full participation by all community members, paying special attention to women.

    Key responsibilities

    • Provide legal support to the target population through legal counselling and providing legal information sessions.
    • Assure the protection monitoring of human rights violations and refugees’ rights.
      • Providing legal needs periodically with personal IDs and family cards and birth certificate in coordination with SRA.
    • In coordination with the supervisor, support and lead the implementation of project’s activities, including protection monitoring, provision of cash transfer, NFIs distribution, provision of legal and psychosocial assistance as per the project work plan;
    • Working closely with the IDPs community, to identify particularly vulnerable individuals and together with the supervisor develop strategies and means to assist them.
    • Ensure that there is a wide dissemination of the risks faced by IDPs in Yemen and together with members of the community, define possible solutions to these problems.
    • Conduct field visits to assess the protection needs and concerns of the target population, with particular attention to especially vulnerable persons;
    • Regularly send reports on protection trends and incidents faced by IDPs and local communities;
    • Maintain an excel database to ensure that statistics and other reports are produced on a timely basis;
    • Compile weekly, monthly narratives and data reports on the risks faced by IDPs in Yemen.
    • Perform other tasks as assigned by the supervisor(s).
    • AOB as requested by the supervisor.

    Personal Specifications

    • University Degree in Law, Human Rights, International Law or related field.
    • 2 years working experience in this field.
    • Experience in supervising staff in challenging situations, carrying out interviews and focus group discussions, analyzing information provided and drafting reports.
    • Ability to work effectively as part of a team; supporting a team in coordinating complex projects.
    • Ability to communicate professionally and effectively with diverse members and groups including IDPs, members of the host communities, local council members etc.
    • Strong writing and editing skills.
    • Ability to collect and monitor data and generate relevant and accurate reports for a range of audiences
    • Excellent knowledge of Microsoft Office applications (particularly Word, Excel and PowerPoint), web based communication systems.
    • Excellent written and spoken English is an asset.

    Terms and Conditions

    The proposed employment conditions are based on YARD policy and Yemeni labor law. The selected candidate shall perform his/her duties in compliance with the YARD Code of Conduct and procedures at all times

    How to Apply

    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with a cover letter to


    with the job title as the email subject. The code reference must be indicated in the email.

  • محاسب داخلي

    الموعد النهائي: السبت, 22 فبراير, 2020


    Deadline:  February 22 , 2020
    Duration: 10 Months
    Location: Sanaa
    Reference code : internal Audit # 20- YARD


    About YARD foundation:

    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development-(YARD)

    Yemen AlKhair  for  Relief and Development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation established in 2013, to implement various projects in relief and development. The foundation announces the need to hire a internal Audit. 

    Duties and Responsibilities:

    1- Ensuing that the accounting system monitored, followed and completed sufficiently and accurately.

    2- Determine the extent of accuracy in the financial information.

    3- Ensuring that the Financial policies and procedures are sufficient to complete the work properly.

    4- Ensuring that the employees do not deviate from the policies and procedures drawn up to serve the purpose of the institution.

    5- Ensuring that there is protection and control over the organization’s assets.

    6- Ensuring that the data and statistics provided to the administration summarize the work of the organization and can be relied upon.

    7- Ensuring that the expenses are spent only for the necessary purposes related to the business of the organization and all revenues are included in the accounts.

    8- Determine the extent of compliance with the donors’ requirements.

    9- Participating in the policy of reducing costs and setting the necessary procedures for it.

    10- Propose measures to correct imbalances and raise work efficiency and effectiveness.

    11- Financial performance evaluation of the finance department staff.

    12- Cooperate with the external auditors to define the areas of the external audit.

    13- Any other duties assigned from YARD management.


    How to Apply

    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with a cover letter to


    with the job title as the email subject. The code reference must be indicated in the email.

  • مساعد عمليات ومشريات

    الموعد النهائي: السبت, 22 فبراير, 2020

    Logistics and Procurement Assistant:

    Location: Sana'a

    Duration: 4 Months

    Dead line: 22/2/2020

    Reference code : Logistics and Procurement Assistant #20-UNHCR


    About YARD foundation:

    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development-(YARD)

    Yemen AlKhair for relief and development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation that was established in 2013, It is mainly working   in field of Education, Wash & Sanitation, Food Security, Nutrition, Health, Protection, Shelter and social empowerment in all the Governorates of Yemen. We are seeking     a national, highly qualified individual, to fill in The Logistics and Procurement Assistant position to lead the foundation and implement its vision and strategy

    Job purpose:

    The Logistics and Procurement Assistant reports administratively to the Logistics and Procurement Officer. The Logistics and Procurement Assistant is an integral member of the YARD team and provide support to YARD staff through Procurement and Logistics Officer in respect of following distinct areas:

    1. Logistics and procurement Including warehouse and fleet management;
    2. Capacity Development in respect of logistics and procurement.

    The assistant will be based in Sana’a and he/she will travel to YARD branches to provide support as and when needed.

    Job duties and responsibilities:

    Assist Procurement and Logistics Officer undertake the Logistics & Procurement tasks:

    • Assist Procurement and Logistics Officer to ensure efficient and effective delivery of logistics, procurement, and administration services.
    • Initiate annual and periodic procurement plan, including budget in coordination with the Programme teams.
    • Support and maintain a well-functioning YARD logistics and procurement operation.
    • Support and follow-up procurement processes with (international and local) suppliers; and document the procurements accordingly.
    • Update tracking record of the procurement items/materials and transportation of the same.
    • Support the timely transport of relief goods to the respective branches in coordination with the YARD.
    • Support local procurement processes for YARD in close coordination with YARD team.
    • Ensure proper maintenance and services of equipment, vehicles, guest houses, warehouses and other essential installation.
    • Maintain proper record of drivers’ performance, fuel consumption and report monthly vehicles use.
    • Maintain records of all procurements related documents and keep an inventory and post in appropriate locations and update regularly.
    • Maintain records of all outstanding purchase orders with external vendors, and arrange transportation and forwarding services for all orders to ensure delivery on schedule.
    • Maintain records of YARD stock at YARD warehouses and reporting on stock levels to the YARD Head of Office.
    • Prepare reports on personnel and material movement and ensure that reporting requirements are fulfilled in an accurate and timely manner.
    • Ensure compliance with YARD movement logistics standards and regulations.
    • Support Procurement and Logistics Officer to develop and update the logistics and procurement guidelines and also support YARD staff to develop relevant essential guidelines.
    • Assist Procurement and Logistics Officer (P&LO) to develop warehouse and fleet management guidelines.

    Capacity Development:

    • Assist P&LO to identify procurement and logistics capacity development needs and subsequently suggest, design and assist YARD in building the logistics and procurement capacity of YARD, where applicable.
    • Initiate management of relevant training and support P& LO to conduct training to build capacity of YARD staff and volunteers on logistics and procurement.
    • Visit YARD branches to supervise and provide on-site support for procurement and logistics capacity development and, support Supervisor to orient the YARD Teams as appropriate.


    • Assist in ensure compliance with YARD procedures (SOPs) and procurement guidelines.
    • Stay abreast of new YARD and/or partner procurement guidelines and inform the YARD Teams accordingly.
    • Participate in relevant internal YARD meetings, development forums, workshops, courses or external meetings,
    • Take acting responsibility when P&LO is absent
    • Provide backup for other YARD staff, as required.
    • Perform any other tasks assigned by the YARD management.

    Duties applicable to all staff:

    • Actively work towards the achievement of the YARD goals.
    • Abide by and work in accordance with the YARD principles.
    • Perform any other work related duties and responsibilities that may be assigned by the line manager.

    Required Qualifications and Experience

    • Degree or Equivalent in related   field;
    • Minimum 2 years relevant work experience; Experience in the Humanitarian Field will be an advantage;

    Languages: English and Arabic


    How to Apply

    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with a cover letter to


    with the job title as the email subject. The code reference must be indicated in the email.

  • ضابط تقارير

    الموعد النهائي: السبت, 22 فبراير, 2020

    Position: Reporting Officer

    Location: Sana’a

    Reports to: Project Manager

    Duration: 10 Months and renewable if possible.

    Deadline :22/02/2020

    Reference code :  # 20 -OCHA


    The Role of the Reporting Officer Reporting Officer:

    The Reporting Officer will play a leading role in the development of the communication of findings from YARD-funded Projects. Under the supervision of the Project Manager, the Reporting Officer will be the primary channel through which communications between OCHA Yemen and its IP YARD.


    The Reporting Officer will be responsible but not limited to:

    • Compile field level information required to produce weekly and biweekly progress updates, monthly Situation Reports donor appeals, and updates related to the humanitarian assistance in the country following the standard reporting format/scheme, quarterly indicator reports, bi-annual, annual reports and other narrative reports as assigned by the relevant departments;
    • Overseeing reporting and data quality in an accurate and timely manner;
    • Systematically screens and cross-checks internal and external reports, situational reports, information and communication material for accuracy and consistency;
    • Maintains a close collaboration with the Monitoring and Evaluation team, field and technical Teams to ensure a smooth exchange of information.
    • Provide technical support, training and clarification on reporting policies;
    • Monitor and review regular sources of information and data required for preparation of reports, e.g., information from field staff, surveys, information from field monitors, protection statistics reports;
    • Train The Technical Team on the requirements of the donor reporting templates.
    • Perform other related duties as required.


    • University degree with relevant experience and advanced training/courses in journalism, English, social sciences, international relations, communications, or other related fields.
    • Minimum 2 years of experience in Reporting and Data Analysis;
    • Excellent fluency in written English and Arabic is required;
    • Proven writing and design skills and ability to present information clearly and concisely visually and narratively;
    • Strong communication and interpersonal skills;
    • Excellent organizational skills and ability to deliver reports according to strict donor requirements;
    • Knowledge of report writing software such as Microsoft Publisher, Excel, and PowerPoint are required.
    • Experience in graphic design is an advantage;
    • Proactive, motivated, innovative and adaptable individual, who can take initiative;
    • Ability to work well in a team environment, handle multiple assignments and meet deadlines;
    • Ability to travel to the field if needed.
    How to Apply

    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with a cover letter to


    with the job title as the email subject. The code reference must be indicated in the email.

  • مدير مشروع مأوى

    الموعد النهائي: السبت, 22 فبراير, 2020

    Shelter project Manager

    Location: Al-Jowf

    Duration: 4 Months.

    Deadline: 22/2/2020

    Reference code : Shelter project Manager #20-UNHCR


    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development-(YARD)

    Yemen AlKhair relief and development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation that was established in 2013, It is mainly working in field of Education, Wash & Sanitation, Food Security, Nutrition, Health, Protection, Shelter and social empowerment in all the Governorates of Yemen. We are seeking a national, highly qualified individual, to fill in Shelter project Manager director to lead the foundation and implement its vision and strategy throughout the upcoming phase

    Position Responsibilities and Duties:

    • Supporting project staff to ensure smooth implementation of the project activities
    • Ensure that adequate technical standards are maintained for all the services provided……
    • Ensuring the adequate implementation of the project plan.
    • Ensuring that implemented activities achieved its outputs.
    • Ensuring wise budget spending.
    • Ensuring the successful achievement of the outcome.
    • Keep in close touch with the donor (UNHCR)
    • Attend cluster/coordination meetings relevance to the project
    • Contribute to the creation of a positive image and overall credibility of the foundation.
    • Follow the contacting process of the field staff plus reviewing staff performance with HR and YARD SMT.
    • Maintain open lines of communications with all field staff, beneficiaries, stakeholders and authorities.
    • Attends coordination meetings.
    • Any additional works and tasks related to the work will be requested.

    Personal Qualities:

    • Professional comprehensive reporting qualities and flawless use of computer software and applications
    • Very good knowledge of Microsoft Office applications (particularly Word, Excel and PowerPoint).
    • Professional English desired and preferred.

    Other Qualities:

    • Strong ability to communicate with beneficiaries, stakeholders and colleagues at different levels.
    • Strong interpersonal skills and works well in a team
    How to Apply

    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with a cover letter to


    with the job title as the email subject. The code reference must be indicated in the email.

  • Accountant

    الموعد النهائي: الأحد, 19 يناير, 2020

    Deadline:  19-1, 2020
    Duration: One year
    Location: AlJowf
    Reference: Accountant#20-UNFPA
    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development-(YARD)
    Yemen AlKhair for relief and development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation that was established in 2013, it is mainly working in field of Education, Wash & Sanitation, Food Security, Nutrition, Health, Protection, Shelter and social empowerment in all the Governorates of Yemen. We are seeking a national, highly qualified individual, to fill in The Project Accountant to lead the foundation and implement its vision and strategy
    Duties and Responsibilities:
    • Carry out all the accounting operations related to the project on a daily basis and submit financial invoices
    • Managing and restrict petty expenses and ensure that cash is available in the Fund at all times to carry out activities or any sudden monetary operation
    • Reviewing all approved expenses with the signatures approved before the disbursement process.
    • Preparing all bonds of exchange and checks with the guarantee and accuracy of supporting documents.
    • Assists YARD in submission of all Internal & external financial reports.
    • Assist & ensure that petty cash is used only for authorized transactions.
    • Following up the allowances of loading and offloading the kits in daily basis.
    • Following up the bank account and coordination with the head office in Sanaa to know the balance of the bank in local and foreign currency.
    • Responsible for all field expenditures.
    • Preparing all the financial reports.
    • Responsible for all field monitoring visits expenses.
    • Providing assistance in preparing and reviewing project budget
    • Providing assistance in the preparation of transportation vouchers and all its documents related to transportation and activity expenses.
    • Escalate any noted financial risks / fraud activities directly to Project manager
    • Check that the exchange process is subject to all financial and accounting documents.
    • Examination of all contracts and financial documents.
    • Fully comply with all RRM procedures and policy.
    • Obligation to perform any other tasks required by the project manager.
    • Review the official e-mails on a daily basis, respond to queries from suppliers and colleagues in a timely and appropriate manner, also ensures that any critical issues should be raised with the line manager at the earliest opportunity.
    • Obligation to perform any other tasks required by the project manager.
    Job Requirement (Qualification and Experience)
    • Work experience in data management for humanitarian programming in Yemen is required. Experience in this field.
    • Experience using, KOBO,server, Access, excel for data management and analysis is required.
    • Strong inter-personal skills and the ability to build trust and develop and maintain effective work relationships with sensitivity and respect for diversity and inclusive participation.
    • Demonstrated ability to coordinate multiple activities and work with teams across several different locations.
    • Ability to travel as necessary throughout Yemen, including to insecure areas.
    • Excellent analytical skills and demonstrated ability to identify problems and propose and implement solutions in challenging implementation environments.
    • Conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and achieving results.
    1. Advance University Degree in Accounting or Finance.
    2. At least 3 years' experience in , accounting/finance. Preferable with /NGOs .
    3. Understanding of full range of financial processes including management and accounts, and attention to detail.
    4. Familiar with industry-specific software like Yemen Soft, QuickBooks and Focus;
    5. Experience of budget preparations, cash-flow statements & financial plans; Experience of writing financial reports;
    6. Good command of spoken and written English
    Skills and languages:
    • English
    • Arabic
    Terms and Conditions
    The proposed employment conditions are based on YARD policy and Yemeni labor law. The selected candidate shall perform his/her duties in compliance with the YARD Code of Conduct and procedures at all times
    How to Apply
    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with a cover letter to
    hr@yard-yemen.org with the job title as the email subject. The code reference must be indicated in the email.

  • Coordinator  2

    الموعد النهائي: الأحد, 19 يناير, 2020

    Coordinator  2

    Deadline:  19-1-2020
    Duration: One year
    Location: AlJowf
    Reference : Coordintor#20-UNFPA

    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development-(YARD)

    Yemen AlKhair for relief and development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation that was established in 2013, It is mainly working in field of Education, Wash & Sanitation, Food Security, Nutrition, Health, Protection, Shelter and social empowerment in all the Governorates of Yemen. We are seeking a national, highly qualified individual, to fill in Coordinator to lead the foundation and implement its vision and strategy

    Duties and Responsibilities

    • Conducting activities related coordination's with SCAMCHA and local authorities.
    • Conducting coordination related to the translation and sighing up the agreements with SCAMCHA and local authorities.
    • Liaise and coordinate for the Field assessments in coordination with SCAMCHA.
    • Following up the list of IDPs and getting the approval from SCAMCHA to be assisted with RRM Kits then to be reported to the UNFPA.
    • Coordinator provides a bridge between the YARD, UNFPA, and SCAMCHA with regard any urgent cases requires meetings and discussions or visits.
    • Conducting coordination with SCAMCHA and local authorities with regard to RRM assistances distribution points.
    • Ensure that clearness for transporting RRM kits from the warehouses to the distribution points or for the Distribution team is issued in time.
    • Coordination with the directors and representatives of the governorate to ensure the operation of the project unconstrained.
    • Monitor and facilitate the work of any supervisory visit in the district by donors in coordination with the concerned authorities and SCAMCHA.
    • Archiving all documents and permits related to the project in special files, a copy of which is kept in the organization.
    • Punctuality with the concerned authorities and presence in place of project implementation activities.
    • Any other tasks might be delegated by project manager or YARD management

    Job Requirement (Qualification and Experience)

    1- University degree in management, education, psychology, social sciences or other related discipline. Advanced university degree would be an advantage;

    2- Relevant professional experience in protection of not less than three (1) years, preferably at a coordinator or management level and/or in humanitarian context;

    3- Prior experience with an international NGO;

    4- Knowledge of and experience in project planning, project cycle management and logical framework;

    5- Prior experience with persons of concern (including internally displaced persons, conflict-affected host communities, extremely vulnerable individuals);

    6- Familiarity with overall protection and protection concepts and principles;

    skills and languages:

    • English
    • Arabic

    The proposed employment conditions are based on YARD policy and Yemeni labor law. The selected candidate shall perform his/her duties in compliance with the YARD Code of Conduct and procedures at all times

    How to Apply

    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with a cover letter to

    hr@yard-yemen.org with the job title as the email subject. The code reference must be indicated in the email.

  • Data Entry 2

    الموعد النهائي: الأحد, 19 يناير, 2020

    Data Entry 2
    Deadline: 19-1-2020
    Duration: One year
    Location: AlJowf
    Reference: Data Entry#20-UNFPA
    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development-(YARD)
    Yemen AlKhair for relief and development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation that was established in 2013, It is mainly working in field of Education, Wash & Sanitation, Food Security, Nutrition, Health, Protection, Shelter and social empowerment in all the Governorates of Yemen. We are seeking a national, highly qualified individual, to fill in data entry to lead the foundation and implement its vision and strategy
    Data Entry, IM, and Reporting Tasks
    • Establishing data bases properly based on the IDP’s information and sorting them on basis of Districts.
    • verification of the intake forms and standard formats on completeness of documentation before inserting in relevant data base
    • Entering data into database software precisely and ensure the accuracy of information and prevent duplication.
    • Resolving discrepancies in information and obtaining further information for incomplete documents.
    • Ensure that the assisted list of BNFs are posted to the RRM Dashboard system on daily basis.
    • Creating data backups as part of a contingency plan.
    • Responding to information requests and provide basic data analysis and findings on a weekly and monthly basis to authorized staff.
    • Ensure the respect of the principle of confidentially and do not disclose any information related to work.
    • Write the monthly Figure report that describes the activities implemented in the field.
    • Compile and sort information according to priorities to prepare source data for computer entry.
    • Review, verify data and make corrections where necessary.
    • Generate regular reports, store completed work in designated locations.
    • Scan documents and print files, when required.
    • Maintain logbooks or records of activities and tasks.
    • Preparing List of beneficiaries and the list of fingerprints and the tokens.
    • Ensure the respect of the principle of confidentially and not to disclose any information acquire by performing her/his duties.
    • Preparing Stock tracking matrix reports.
    • Collecting the photo of each distribution and archive them.
    • Ensure to generate the learned lessons and project success stories
    • Any other responsibilities required by the Project Manager.
    • University degree in information management or any other related field.
    • Two years of relevant work experience.
    • Experience working within NGOs is preferred.
    • Advanced computer skills in MS Office programs, particularly Excel.
    • Experience in data collection tools (KoboCollect – ODK – ONA) is an asset
    • Strong organizational skills and ability to multi-task.
    • Previous experience of managing a team and managing projects
    • Ability to write clear and well-argued assessment and project reports
    • Politically and culturally sensitive with qualities of patience, tact and diplomacy
    • Ability to think independently and problem solve.
    Skills and languages:
    • English
    • Arabic
    The proposed employment conditions are based on YARD policy and Yemeni labor law. The selected candidate shall perform his/her duties in compliance with the YARD Code of Conduct and procedures at all times
    How to Apply
    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with a cover letter to
    hr@yard-yemen.org with the job title as the email subject. The code reference must be indicated in the email.

  • Field Monitor 2

    الموعد النهائي: الأحد, 19 يناير, 2020

    Field Monitor 2
    Deadline:  19-1-2020
    Duration: One year
    Location: AlJowf
    Reference: Field monitor#20-UNFPA
    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development-(YARD)
    Yemen AlKhair for relief and development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation that was established in 2013, It is mainly working in field of Education, Wash & Sanitation, Food Security, Nutrition, Health, Protection, Shelter and social empowerment in all the Governorates of Yemen. We are seeking a national, highly qualified individual, to fill in Field monitor to lead the foundation and implement its vision and strategy
    Duties and Responsibilities
    • Proactively participate in new IDPs registration and verification based on the locations they settled in.
    • Monitor and review the overall RRM Kits movements such as deliveries, storage, transport and distribution at the sites and verify if the amounts received have been properly matching the total number of Households planned to be assisted and distributed.
    • Oversee the distribution of RRM items at the site sand ensure proper distribution of entitlements. Verify appropriate entitlements are distributed and provide feedback to the team leaders.
    • Co-ordinate and monitor the implementation of the emergency response assistance at the local level, in close collaboration with the emergency response team and with the participation of beneficiaries.
    • In consultation with the Emergency Response Security Assistants ensure women access to their entitled assistance.
    • Receive complaints and feedback and ensure that the complaints are addressed either by themselves or channelling them to the relevant party to address.
    • Report periodically to the Project manager on relevant events regarding RRM management, distribution and other related issues.
    • Assist in conducting regular meetings with community leaders, IDPs representatives and, distribution arrangements, RRM kits entitlements and other relevant issues.
    • Identify potential problems in the distribution and discuss remedial action with project authorities or report to appropriate personnel.
    • Supervise and train RRM distributors (who will be casual workers).
    • ‎Ensure RRM kits distribution teams compliance with all YARD administrative and operational procedures and policies, as well as ‎donors regulations.
    • Assist in managing beneficiary data as required.
    • ‎‎Ensure that the distribution security plan is adhered to in all distribution points.
    • ‎Actively monitor and report to the Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM Manager) on the on-going security environment within the ‎operational area.
    • Perform any other related duties as required.
    • Actively participate in monthly planning of Emergency activities and weekly review of achievements and constraints; and ‎provide feedback accordingly.
    • Carry out emergency activities in the target locations according to the plan, including RRM three kits.
    • Lead the beneficiaries’ selection and verification process as per the selection criteria, update beneficiary database if required. Make sure that beneficiary selection is done appropriately.
    • Hold project orientation sessions for beneficiaries following a participatory approach.
    • Organize and lead distributions (Registration, verification, data entry, three granted kits distribution); make sure all distributions are done timely and effective manner, ensure the safety and protection of beneficiaries.
    • Make sure registration/ verification list and distribution list and other project documents are safely kept and archived.
    • Any other responsibilities required by Project Manager
    Qualifications and Experience:
    1. University degree in management, education, social sciences or other related discipline. Advanced university degree would be an advantage;
    2. Relevant professional experience in this field.
    3. Prior experience with NGO;
    4. Knowledge of and experience in project planning, project cycle management and logical framework;
    5. Prior experience with persons of concern (including internally displaced persons, conflict-affected host communities, extremely vulnerable individuals);
    Skills and languages:
    • English
    • Arabic
    How to Apply
    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with a cover letter to
    hr@yard-yemen.org with the job title as the email subject. The code reference must be indicated in the email.

  • Logistic assistant

    الموعد النهائي: الأحد, 19 يناير, 2020

    Logistic assistant

    Deadline:  19-1-2020
    Duration: One year
    Location: AlJowf
    Reference : logistic ass#20-UNFPA

    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development-(YARD)

    Yemen AlKhair for relief and development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation that was established in 2013, It is mainly working in field of Education, Wash & Sanitation, Food Security, Nutrition, Health, Protection, Shelter and social empowerment in all the Governorates of Yemen. We are seeking a national, highly qualified individual, to fill in logistic assistant to lead the foundation and implement its vision and strategy

    Duties and Responsibilities

    • Receive materials and supplies, store them in assigned locations and distribute them according to YARD procedures
    • Maintain records of all incoming and outgoing materials
    • Supervise packing, loading and unloading of all materials
    • Informs suppliers on short supplies and ensures all over/wrongly consigned goods are returned to suppliers.
    • Ensure availability of storage space and maintain orderliness and cleanliness of the warehouse at all times
    • Ensure safety and security of materials
    • Ensure that only authorized staff are allowed to enter the warehouse and receive supplies or materials
    • Maintains an up-to-date electronic record of all correspondence related to purchase orders, requisitions and Good Received Notes (GRN) and records.
    • Prepare periodic stock reports and assist in carrying out periodic physical inventory checks.
    • Conduct the Logistic Function to ensure timely and accurate processing and documentation of Procurement as described in the Field Procurement Manual. Support & Supervise    future Procurement Officer/Assistant.
    • Oversee use of the Electronic Operation System found in the Office in a Box.
    • Conduct random Checks to ensure accuracy and quality.
    • Monitor service contracts and overall contract management in Aljawf.
    • Facilitate tender openings, as necessary.
    • Work together with finance to ensure compliance and timely processing of payment according to Schedule.
    • Oversee procurement of goods, commodities and services against fully approved and financially Reviewed purchase request.
    • Daily coordination with operations and program staff on procurement activities;
    • Ensure that the procurement department supports the programs efficiently and compliantly.
    • full understanding of YARD Logistic policies and formats?
    •  Provide training to staff on these policies;
    • Ensure that YARD’s Logistic activities are legal and moral.

    Qualifications and Experience

    • Degree or Equivalent in related field;
    • Minimum 2 years relevant work experience; Experience in the Humanitarian Field will be an advantage

    skills and languages:

    • English
    • Arabic

    How to Apply

    interested candidates should send their CVs in English with a cover letter to

    hr@yard-yemen.org with the job title as the email subject. The code reference must be indicated in the email.

  • Project Manager

    الموعد النهائي: الأحد, 19 يناير, 2020

    Project Manager

    Deadline:  19-1-2020
    Duration: One year
    Location: AlJowf and Sanaa
    Reference : project manager#20-UNFPA

    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development-(YARD)

    Yemen AlKhair for relief and development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation that was established in 2013, It is mainly working in field of Education, Wash & Sanitation, Food Security, Nutrition, Health, Protection, Shelter and social empowerment in all the Governorates of Yemen. We are seeking a national, highly qualified individual, to fill in project manager to lead the foundation and implement its vision and strategy

    Tasks and Responsibilities

    • Supervise the Implementation of the RRM project according to the project plan.
    • Prepare and develop status reports when needed.
    • Ensure proper filing of documents.
    • Provide the way how activity progress reports are written to Project Data, information Management Reporting officer.
    • Ensure that projects target the newly displaced families who need RRM Kits.
    • Explore new and better ways to assist and to have a creative modality to track the new IDPs and their settlements.
    • Promote and share ideas for technical plans.
    • Ensure capacity building of project staff & field monitors and transfer key skills to them.
    • Liaise and collaborate with SCAMCHA and relevant local authorities and other key stakeholders at the field level.
    • Supervise the implementation of all RRM activities with the technical support of the Distribution Team leaders.
    • Develop timely and detailed implementation plan of RRM activities in close coordination with the RRM Team and supporting departments.
    • Review achievements and constraints in a weekly basis; and ‎provide feedback accordingly.
    • In charge of the day to day guidance of the RRM field staff making sure that the project implementations are in line with YARD technical guideline and donor regulations and are done on time with quality.
    • Follow up on a daily basis with the support department (finance, logistics, HR and administration) to guarantee the smooth running of RRM activities that include movement planning, internal request, payments, HR, etc.
    • Ensure that the security plan and procedure is adhered to in all operations, including staff ‎movements, Distribution Activities etc.
    • Consolidate weekly and monthly activity progress reports to Donor.
    • Identify training needs of RRM teams, community Key informative and all the service providers, and organize/facilitate training events as needed.
    • In close coordination with Supervisor team and Field Monitors, ensure that all the implemented activities are monitored and evaluated regularly, and data are collected on a weekly, monthly and quarterly basis.
    •  Lessons learnt are shared and capitalized on.
    • Regularly visit the project sites to ensure that the implementation of activities is closely monitored and filed Monitor are appropriately supporting the process.
    • Any other responsibilities required by the Executive Director.

    Qualifications and Experience :

    • Bachelor degree in administration

    - 3  years’ experience in designing studies and supervision

    -  experience in project management

    -  experience in observing the performance and the indicators to take the right decisions

    - Experience in preparing the time table for the activities and complete plan of implantation

    - Using the computer professionally

    - Experience in preparing reports

    -  Preparing the time tables and updating them

    -  Experience in selecting the project indicators and methodology of following up the indicators

    - Must be Yemeni and have the ability to adapt with the site circumstances

    - Ability to create line of communication among the team members

    skills and languages:

    • English
    • Arabic

    The proposed employment conditions are based on YARD policy and Yemeni labor law. The selected candidate shall perform his/her duties in compliance with the YARD Code of Conduct and procedures at all times

    How to Apply

    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with a cover letter to

    hr@yard-yemen.org with the job title as the email subject. The code reference must be indicated in the email.

  • Distribution Team Leader

    الموعد النهائي: الأحد, 19 يناير, 2020

    Distribution Team Leader 6
    Deadline:  19-1-2020
    Duration: One year
    Location: AlJowf
    Reference: Team leader#20-UNFPA
    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development-(YARD)
    Yemen AlKhair for relief and development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation that was established in 2013, It is mainly working in field of Education, Wash & Sanitation, Food Security, Nutrition, Health, Protection, Shelter and social empowerment in all the Governorates of Yemen. We are seeking a national, highly qualified individual, to fill in Team Leader to lead the foundation and implement its vision and strategy
    Tasks and Responsibilities
    • Ensure a close follow-up of IDPs influx in YARD’s coverage area with coordination with the local authorities.
    • Collecting on a regular basis information on IDPs movements (newly displaced, IDPs already displaced but changing of displacement’ area, IDPs returning) and check them.
    • Ensure the checking of quality and the quantity of the items to be distributed to beneficiaries
    • Implement all the Distribution plans provided by Project manager.
    • Checking the BNFs information through the distribution progress.
    • Implementing all the Distribution plans provided by RRM supervisor and RRM manager.
    • Ensure that all the beneficiaries’ documentations are correctly recorded.
    • Ensure the checking of quality and the quantity of the items to be distributed to beneficiaries.
    • Ensure that the PoCs are receiving the granted assistance hand to hand
    • Providing technical support to the casual labours and monitoring them through the distribution.
    • Getting to IDP sites to conduct comprehensive and participatory assessments to identify needs.
    • Arranging and preparing all the distribution requirement and take the responsibility for all the distribution activities in the field
    • Ensure accurate and timely photos of the project activities.
    • Representing YARD in the field in suitable manner.
    • Ensure to generate lessons learned and project success stories in a monthly basis.
    • Any other tasks assigned by RRM supervisor or the Project Manager.  
    Required Personal Characteristics (fitting into the team, suitability for the job and assignment)
    •   Degree or Equivalent in related   field;
    •    Able to work independently and good team player.
    •    Reliable and punctual
    •    Flexible and committed 
    •    Ability & willingness to travel to the field
    •    Ability to work with / in a team, but also in an autonomous way
    •    Works well under pressure and in meeting deadlines
    •    Strong interpersonal and communication skills
    •    highly organized with excellent ability to coherently lead diverse spread out teams. 
    Skills and languages:
    • English
    • Arabic
    The proposed employment conditions are based on YARD policy and Yemeni labor law. The selected candidate shall perform his/her duties in compliance with the YARD Code of Conduct and procedures at all times
    How to Apply
    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with a cover letter to
    hr@yard-yemen.org with the job title as the email subject. The code reference must be indicated in the email.

  • Project Manager

    الموعد النهائي: الخميس, 16 يناير, 2020

    Project Manager (1)          
    Deadline: January 16, 2020
    Duration: 10 Months
    Location: Sana’a
    Reference code: project manager# 20 wash -OCHA
    About YARD foundation:
    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development-(YARD)
    Yemen AlKhair for Relief and Development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation established in 2013, to implement various projects in relief and development. The foundation announces the need to hire a project manager
    Duties and Responsibilities:
    • Leading the project staff members and defining the tasks according to the project organogram.
    • Submitting implementation plan for the project and bounded with specific time.
    • Following up the project technically and administratively and following up the whole team and stakeholders.
    • holding periodical meetings with the team members to evaluate the performance on the ground and solving the problems
    • Observing the submitting of the weekly report through the continuous observation.
    • Updating the time table periodically in all the projects aspects and handling any deviations.
    • Maintain open lines of communications with all field staff    
    • Attends coordination meetings
    • Working effectively as team member and solve staff problems whenever occur.
    • Maintain flexibility to take an added responsibility as and when needed
    Qualifications and Experience:
    1. Bachelor degree in administration
    2. 3 years’ experience in humanitarian work.
    3.  experience in project management
    4.  experience in observing the performance and the indicators to take the right decisions
    5. Experience in preparing the time table for the activities and complete plan of implantation
    6. Using the computer professionally
    7. Experience in preparing reports
    8.  Preparing the time tables and updating them
    9.  Experience in selecting the project indicators and methodology of following up the indicators
    10. Must be Yemeni and have the ability to adapt with the site circumstances
    11. Ability to create line of communication among the team members
    12. Ability to use the electronic maps and GPS coordinates
    13.  Ability to create a line of communication among the team member
    Skills and languages:
    • English
    • Arabic
    How to Apply
    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with a cover letter to
    hr@yard-yemen.org with the job title as the email subject. The code reference must be indicated in the email.

  • Field Coordinator

    الموعد النهائي: الخميس, 16 يناير, 2020

    Field Coordinator (1)     
    Deadline: January 16, 2020
    Duration: 10 Months
    Location: roaming between AlJawf and Dhamar
    Reference code: field coordinator# 20 -OCHA
    About YARD foundation:
    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development-(YARD)
    Yemen AlKhair for Relief and Development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation established in 2013, to implement various projects in relief and development. The foundation announces the need to hire a field coordinator
    Duties and Responsibilities:
    • Follow-up on different project(s) stakeholders during the implementation process of the project(s).
    • Ensure smooth coordination with all relevant stakeholders to ensure efficient implementation of all the project activities.
    • Ensure all project(s) activities are being fulfilled by project(s) stakeholders
    • Provide project manager with feedback on project implementation and provide problem solving recommendations when needed
    • Ensure project(s) budget spending is as plan and notify management during any deviations
    •  Follow-up with stakeholders for monthly reports and develop monthly progress reports
    •  Contact beneficiaries directly for data verification
    • Develop & Implement project(s) M&E plan
    • Conduct regular field visits to targeted areas and BNFs to evaluate their status in response to the project requirement.
    •  Conduct impact assessment field visit(s).
    • Archive all project(s) files and documents both hard copies and soft.
    • Perform other duties assigned by YARD Management.
    Qualifications and Experience:
    1. University degree in management, education, social sciences or other related discipline. Advanced university degree would be an advantage;
    2. Relevant professional experience in this field.
    3. Prior experience with NGO;
    4. Knowledge of and experience in project planning, project cycle management and logical framework;
    5. Prior experience with persons of concern (including internally displaced persons, conflict-affected host communities, extremely vulnerable individuals);
    Skills and languages:
    • English
    • Arabic
    How to Apply
    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with a cover letter to
    hr@yard-yemen.org with the job title as the email subject. The code reference must be indicated in the email.

  • WASH Engineer officer

    الموعد النهائي: الخميس, 16 يناير, 2020

    WASH Engineer officer (1)     
    Deadline: January 16, 2020
    Duration: 10 Months
    Location: roaming between AlJawf and Dhamar
    Reference code: WASH Engineer officer# 20 WASH -OCHA
    About YARD foundation:
    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development-(YARD)
    Yemen AlKhair for Relief and Development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation established in 2013, to implement various projects in relief and development. The foundation announces the need to hire a WASH Engineer officer
     The aim of the job
    WASH Officer will lead and supervise the implementation of works, respecting deadlines and provide technical assistance and ensure minimum quality requirements are met.
    Duties and Responsibilities:
    List of main tasks:
    Setting up the activities /control and supervision
    Implementation & Supervision of Water & Sanitation Activities
    • Under the supervision of the WASH PM, take part in logistical and administrative organization and the planning and preparation of activities
    • Produce technical files (BoQs, Scope of work, drawing, etc.) according to the identified needs, standards and available resources.
    • Ensure the construction and/or the maintenance of construction works using Solidarities International tools.
    • Supervise contractors and engage with communities, and ensure the best use of available resources
    • Organize, plan and supervise community/institutional participation
    • Anticipate any problems associated with the management of their activities and propose solutions to the WASH PM to avoid them
    • Manage the supply of worksite materials as instructed by the WaSH PM by collaborating with the logistics department
    • Report to the WASH PM on the state of ‘field’ stock on his/her sites.
    • Take part in the evaluation of the technical competence of contractors/plumbers
    • Respect Solidarities administrative procedures before, during and after each work project
    • Establish safety and security measures for each activity and ensure that these rules are respected by the workforce under his/ her supervision and by the population
    • Provide training to all relevant beneficiaries (health facility workers, daily labourers, beneficiaries) to ensure the safe and appropriate use of facilities installed.
    • Enough knowledge at medical waste management (sorting, transporting, storing, treatment and disposal), also knowledge at different types of incinerators
    • Collaborate with local authorities and administration to ensure access and authorized works as requested by the WASH PM.
    • Collaborate with other WASH actor field staff as needed to facilitate the smooth implementation of activities as instructed by the WASH PM.
    • Any other tasks assigned by YARD Management
    Reporting/communication /representation
    • Keep his/her monitoring tools and files archived in the Solidarities office, accessible to the WASH PM or PM
    • Take part in the drafting of project progress reports under the supervision of the WASH PM
    • Take part in seminars and workshops related to the carrying-out of activities and to project objectives
    • Report to the WASH PM regarding the development of activities and specific tasks that they been assigned, any problems encountered and the quality of relations with the beneficiaries
    • Report back all information or problems linked to his/her activity, Solidarities programs or safety issues
    • Listen to and coordinate with the local population and authorities in order to identify any needs, complaints, or major events which could affect the activities of Solidarities
    • Analyse the humanitarian situation by taking into account protection issues/Do No Harm to the population
    • Take part in lessons learned workshops and other program evaluation activities
    • Take part in WASH-specific inter-agency meetings as well as other bi-lateral meetings as instructed by the WASH PM
    Qualifications and Experience:
    • Bachelor degree at civil engineering
    • Civil engineering knowledge (particularly in water supply, pumping, boreholes)
    • Knowledge about water projects, hydraulic pressures, pumps and engines.
    • Must be willing to learn new skills and procedures
    • Must be a good team player with good communication skills (Arabic essential, English is desirable)
    Skills and languages:
    • English
    • Arabic
    How to Apply
    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with a cover letter to
    hr@yard-yemen.org with the job title as the email subject. The code reference must be indicated in the email.

  • Site Technician Engineers

    الموعد النهائي: الخميس, 16 يناير, 2020

    Site Technician Engineers (2)     
    Deadline: January 16, 2020
    Duration: 6 Months
    Location: AlJawf and Dhamar
    Reference code: Site Technician Engineers# 20 wash -OCHA
    About YARD foundation:
    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development-(YARD)
    Yemen AlKhair for Relief and Development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation established in 2013, to implement various projects in relief and development. The foundation announces the need to hire a Site Technician Engineers.
    . The aim from the job
    The field engineer will follow up the planning and the implementation of the infrastructure activities planned to be implemented in target areas. The role will specifically be to ensure that the contracted services are implemented following national and international best standards and best practices.  
    Duties and Responsibilities:
    • . Reassessing the rehabilitation works pre the implementation
    • Submitting an action plan defined with details and enhanced with time frame for every activity
    •  Participating in handing over the sites to the contractors according to the plan in coordination with all the stakeholders
    • Conducting the technical management in term of the field supervision
    • Submitting the financial deliverables according to the followed instructions in coordination with the stakeholders
    •  submitting the weekly reports and facilitating the constructor works
    • Preparing a plan to raise reports and submitting deliverables
    • Participating in constant coordination with the project staff and providing them with the vital info of the project
    • Ensure quality control on implementation and ensure that the provided materials are met the specifications and quality standards.
    • Documenting all implemented works and take notes/comments on daily basis.
    • Raising reports or suggestions in case of any breaching in the quality of implementation
    • Receiving/dealing with all the letters/requests that provided by the contractor, and deliver/discuss them with the YARD WASH Engineer.
    • Performs other duties as assigned.
    Qualifications and Experience:
    • Bachelor degree at civil engineering
    • Civil engineering knowledge (particularly in water supply, pumping, boreholes)
    • Knowledge about water projects, hydraulic pressures, pumps and engines.
    • Must be willing to learn new skills and procedures
    • Must be a good team player with good communication skills (Arabic essential, English is desirable)
    Skills and languages:
    • English
    • Arabic
    How to Apply
    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with a cover letter to
    hr@yard-yemen.org with the job title as the email subject. The code reference must be indicated in the email.

  • Shelter NFIs CCCM Officer

    الموعد النهائي: الخميس, 16 يناير, 2020

    Shelter NFIs CCCM Officer (1)     

    Deadline: January 16, 2020
    Duration: 10  Months

    Location: AlJawf

    Reference code : Shelter NFIs CCCM Officer # 20 -OCHA

    About YARD foundation:

    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development-(YARD)

    Yemen AlKhair  for  Relief and Development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation established in 2013, to implement various projects in relief and development. The foundation announces the need to hire a Shelter NFIs CCCM Officer.

    . The aim from the job

    ShelterNFICCCM officer responsibility is to coordinate the implementation of project/intervention, ensure that project activity and outputs are implemented in a timely manner and according to the Operational Plan and M&E Plan., ensure high quality reports are submitted in a timely manner and work closely with the project manager to ensure reports meet project requirements, plan and follow the activities of the project with the team such as beneficiaries satisfaction assessments, and the success stories, ensure the involvement and inform communities and community leaders about the project activities and work on the partnership between local authority, partner  and the project.

    .Duties and Responsibilities:

    • Conduct technical needs assessments, focus group discussions, community meetings, and other community mobilization activities.
    • Participate in field level coordination with community stakeholders in areas of project implementation as directed by the PM.
    • Produce site level Scope of Work in accordance with YARD Technical minimum standards. Document existing condition of site/unit.
    • Technical Supervision of Daily Workers and Incentive Volunteers.
    • Prepare and develop status reports as required by management.
    • Ensure proper filing of documents related to the project.
    • Ensure that projects target beneficiaries most in need, and explore and asses’ new and better ways to assist.
    • Supervise and monitor the beneficiary selection for Shelter related activities and ensuring that it is within the strategy
    • Facilitate in community meetings and support community mobilization; communicate with community leaders, on key community interventions
    • Coordinate and collaborate with Governorate, District and other governance structures at community level for communication and intervention clarity.
    • plan and carry out needs assessments, baseline studies and surveys, and provide feedback on the findings from the various project stakeholders.
    • Coordinate/share plans with the cluster partners, NGOs/INGOs/UN agencies and Govt Line agencies to avoid any duplication of project activities or service provision.
    • Liaise with community leaders and other sectors and agencies working locally in order to coordinate within all the service providers.
    • Preparation of reports, supervise data collection within beneficiary communities to ensure impartiality and clarity of information collected.
    • Accomplish the other necessary activities related to the office and project tasks.

    Qualifications and Experience :

    • Technical background in Shelter and a University Degree in Engineering, Social Sciences or extensive training or experience in shelter work and community mobilization
    •  A minimum of one year of experience working with a NNGO or INGO in emergency setting implementing cash, CCCM or shelter programming.
    •  Previous experience with community facilitation project.
    • Solid understanding of administrative procedures.
    • Knowledge and understanding of construction management.
    • Good organizational skills, attention to detail and reporting in a timely manner.
    • Excellent verbal/written communication and relationship building skills.
    • Strong computer proficiency, particularly with Microsoft Excel and Word.
    • Good knowledge of public sector and/or emergency services.
    • Good knowledge of geographically assigned environment
    • Prefer to be able to communicate and develop linkages with NGOs & INGOs, Government agencies, local communities.
    • Good knowledge of written and spoken English.
    • Strong interpersonal and organizational skills, and ability to work under pressure.

    Skills and languages:

    • English
    • Arabic

    How to Apply

    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with a cover letter to

    hr@yard-yemen.org with the job title as the email subject. The code reference must be indicated in the email.

  • Monitoring & Evaluation Officer

    الموعد النهائي: الخميس, 16 يناير, 2020

    Monitoring & Evaluation Officer (1)     
    Deadline: January 16, 2020
    Duration: 10 Months
    Location: Sana’a
    Reference code: Monitoring & Evaluation Officer # 20 -OCHA
    About YARD foundation:
    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development-(YARD)
    Yemen AlKhair for Relief and Development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation established in 2013, to implement various projects in relief and development. The foundation announces the need to hire a Monitoring & Evaluation Officer
    . The aim from the job
    The Monitoring and Evaluation Officer will be responsible for monitoring the implementation of the projects’ activities and ensuring the overall program quality. S/he will monitor and evaluate the implementation of all project activities; and work closely with the program’s team to provide any feedback and observations as well as reporting the achieved results. S/he will also lead on collecting all the required data from the field and report on the program’s framework and the required project’s donor reports.
    .Duties and Responsibilities:
    1. Grant and/or Program Management Support
    • Support all M&E initiatives for assigned grant(s)/project(s) including monitoring data quality, tracking the progress of activities.
    2. System Development
    • Creating a framework and procedures for the monitoring and evaluation of project activities.
    •  Defining and implementing the key project performance indicators as well as monitoring them throughout the duration of the projects.
    • Assist Program staff and the Project Manager in clarifying project information needs.
    • Support project/program staff on ways to properly document, organize and capture program progress.
    • Draft tools and their revisions as well as data collection procedures under the supervision of the PM (eg. logical framework, project performance tracking, indicators)
    3. Data Management and Analysis
    • Keep tracking the developments in the program changes and progress in order to advise and recommend tools and strategies to increase program performances and results.
    • Suggest ways to facilitate data collection and the flow of data within Program field teams.
    • Identify strengths and weaknesses in existing data collection and management systems and the propose solutions.
    • Perform regular field visits to ensure the quality of data collected by Programs and to verify the accuracy of reported data.
    • Conduct surveys when necessary, collect surveys data, and provide analysis to the PM and The donor. 
    • Support the Project Manager to ensure that donor, partner, and Senior Management data queries are addressed in an accurate and timely manner.
    • Support and participate in program and project evaluations
    4. Communication and Reporting
    • Submitting all the required reports to the donor.
    • Assist Program Development/Grants Management in establishing log frames, M&E work plans, and targets during the drafting donor project proposals as well as throughout project implementation
    Qualifications and Experience:
    • University degree in Social Development, Development, Economics or Performance Management or another relevant field.
    • Three years of professional experience at the national and/or international level in related fields of work within Non-Governmental Organizations
    • Excellent writing skills.
    • Good interpersonal and communication skills.
    • Ability to adapt message to culturally diverse audiences.
    •  Knowledge of the organization’s mandate and its programs and activities.
    • Good analytical skills.
    • Very good knowledge of computer applications for information collection, management and dissemination. Ability to work on own initiative as well as a member of a team.
    Skills and languages:
    • Excellent command in English and Arabic languages
    How to Apply
    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with a cover letter to
    hr@yard-yemen.org with the job title as the email subject. The code reference must be indicated in the email.

  • Hygiene Promoter

    الموعد النهائي: الخميس, 16 يناير, 2020

    Hygiene Promoter (1)     
    Deadline: January 16, 2020
    Duration: 6 Months
    Location: roaming between AlJawf and Dhamar
    Reference code:  Hygiene Promoter # 20 wash -OCHA
    About YARD foundation:
    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development-(YARD)
    Yemen AlKhair for Relief and Development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation established in 2013, to implement various projects in relief and development. The foundation announces the need to hire a Hygiene Promoter.
    . The aim from the job
    The Hygiene Promoter will be responsible to organize community awareness on hygiene related issues, community mobilization and monitoring and reporting of all the activities concerning hygiene communities’ awareness campaigns, sessions and needs identifications.
    Duties and Responsibilities:
    1. Under the supervision of the WASH officer deliver effective and appropriate Hygiene sensitization/awareness to help the IDP and host communities to mitigate health risks;
    2. Ensure that quality standards are considered during the planning and implementation of the Hygiene Promotion sessions as required;
    3. Participate in the distribution of Hygiene Kits
    4. Sensitize people on How to use Hygiene Kit (so how to easy use Aqua-tabs)
    5. Hygiene Promoter will conduct specific sessions to water vendors or those responsible for trucking, selling, and monitoring water collection on cholera prevention messages, on the importance of safe water handling, and on the purpose of chlorination.
    6. Conduct sessions in the WASH intervention locations to provide the targeted population with technical inputs and guidance on water, solid waste and sanitation facilities management, use and maintenance.
    7. Manage the Hygiene promotion related logistics, equipment and material;
    8. Ensure that community/beneficiary feedback are collected and reported on regular basis;
    9. Supervise and monitoring of awareness activities in the targeted areas.
    10. Managing all the CV and collecting the required reports from them.
    11. Any other task not here listed and necessary to the projects achievement in the sector and area of assignment.
    Qualifications and Experience:
    • A minimum Bachelor’s degree in social sciences or similar fields high desirable;
    • Strong diplomatic, interpersonal and communications skills;
    • Prior experience as hygiene promoter will be considered as an advantage
    • Adherence to Humanitarian principles of Neutrality, Impartiality, Independence and Humanity
    • Excellent communication skills with different population groups (age, gender, social status, etc.)
    • Clear & timely communications to line management
    Skills and languages:
    • Native Arabic speaker with basic knowledge of English.
    How to Apply
    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with a cover letter to
    hr@yard-yemen.org with the job title as the email subject. The code reference must be indicated in the email.

  • CCCM Protection Monitor

    الموعد النهائي: الخميس, 16 يناير, 2020

    CCCM Protection Monitor (1)     
    Deadline: January 16, 2020
    Duration: 10 Months
    Location: AlJawf
    Reference code: CCCM Protection Monitor # 20 -OCHA
    About YARD foundation:
    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development-(YARD)
    Yemen AlKhair for Relief and Development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation established in 2013, to implement various projects in relief and development. The foundation announces the need to hire a CCCM Protection Monitor.
    . The aim from the job
    The Protection Monitor is responsible for ensuring YARD’s protection mandate is being considered and mainstreamed within all YARD project and programs. Under the supervision of NFI/CCCM Officer, the protection capacity of YARD staff, partners, community organizations, volunteers and other stakeholder will be executed in accordance with the organizational mandate, priorities, and donor agreement.
    Duties and Responsibilities:
    • Coordinate with YARD colleagues to ensure key protection elements, standards and mandates are being considered and implemented throughout the project management cycle in the respective sector,
    • Identify, refer, and follow up for individuals, families, communities with protection concerns and needs
    • Ensure linkages between the protection team and the respective sector
    • Contribute to the identification and reduction of vulnerabilities and/or exposure to threats, thereby creating a safer, more protective environment to the populations of concern,
    • Develop/compile training packages on selected Protection and Protection project related topics,
    • Provide trainings utilizing developed training packages and other materials to YARD staff, community groups, and stakeholders, in coordination with the Shelter/NFI/CCCM Officer,
    • Facilitate trainings related to protection mainstreaming, as well as general protection principles to YARD’s partners and internal staff,
    • Coordinate the provision of trainings with respective staff (sector staff, HR, Logistics, Finance, M&E) and Shelter/NFI/CCCM Officer,
    • Monitor application of skills gained in trainings by staff, partner organizations, community groups, and stakeholders,
    • Produce monthly reports on the progression of protection mainstreaming in all YARD programmes,
    • Develop and maintain effective working relationship with colleagues and relevant stakeholders including partner agencies, community leaders and service providers;
    • Other
    • Any other duties as may be assigned by the Shelter/NFI/CCCM Officer
    • Conduct duties in accordance with YARD Yemen programme Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs);
    • Conduct duties in accordance with YARD Code of Conduct
    • Ensure transparency and YARD’s positive regard and reputation within communities
    Qualifications and Experience:
    • University degree in law, human rights, refugee studies, social sciences or other related discipline;
    • Relevant professional experience of three (3) years, preferably in emergency and/or development context;
    • Prior experience or familiarity with NGO and/or persons of concern (including internally displaced persons and refugees-returnees) would be a distinct advantage;
    • Prior experience or familiarity with NGO sector would be an advantage;
    • Knowledge of international protection and human rights legal standards
    • Knowledge, skills and experience in community development and mobilization.
    • Excellent interpersonal and problem-solving skills, creativity and flexibility.
    • Excellent spoken and written English/Arabic and relevant computer skills.
    • Full respect for client/organization confidentiality.
    • Demonstrated interpersonal skills and respect for people with special needs and other vulnerability.
    • Ability to work in a multicultural context as a flexible and respectful team player.
    Skills and languages:
    • English
    • Arabic
    How to Apply
    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with a cover letter to
    hr@yard-yemen.org with the job title as the email subject. The code reference must be indicated in the email.

  • Information management 

    الموعد النهائي: الخميس, 16 يناير, 2020

    Information management (1)     
    Deadline: January 16, 2020
    Duration: 10 Months
    Location: AlJawf
    Reference code:  information management # 20 -OCHA
    About YARD foundation:
    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development-(YARD)
    Yemen AlKhair for Relief and Development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation established in 2013, to implement various projects in relief and development. The foundation announces the need to hire an information management
    . The aim from the job
    In response to the critical and constantly evolving humanitarian situation in Yemen, YARD has assumed a leading role in the development and implementation of Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) sector activities. Working in the CCCM sector involves working at IDP hosting sites and working together with other international and local organizations to coordinate implementation of humanitarian activities, support community-based site management mechanisms, and monitor IDP hosting sites for international standards as well as service related needs and gaps.
    Working under the overall supervision of the Shelter/NFI/CCCM Officer the incumbent will be responsible for implementing the activities related to information management and reporting required by YARD programs. Specifically, the incumbent is expected to perform the following functions:
    Duties and Responsibilities:
    Data quality and management
    • Support CCCM teams’ day-to-day management of data and processes, ensuring consistency and quality of data from regular information collection (e.g. partner reporting, service mapping, service indicator monitoring/site monitoring, CRM)
    • Compile data received from field teams, conducting data cleaning as necessary
    • Update and maintain databases
    • Collaborate with Shelter/NFI/CCCM Officer and field teams to design and improve tools and processes for regular and periodic IM activities, as needed
    • Build tools using ODK/Kobo, or on paper forms, as required
    Analysis, reporting, and communication
    • Conduct analysis on data as needed, and work with Shelter/NFI/CCCM Officer and CCCM field teams to ensure information is used inform programming
    • Produce regular outputs and reports for programs teams and submit regular reporting to the Shelter/NFI/CCCM Cluster and/or the donor
    • Design and produce products for internal and external use
    • Ensure mechanisms are in place for information flow back to residents of the sites (e.g. through accessible information products, verbal communication from CCCM teams)
    • Ensure regular and consistent data flow from Programs teams according to the processes in place
    Accountability and IM support
    • Ensure Complaints and Response Mechanism (CRM) databases are regularly updated by field teams, conduct cleaning and analysis of databases as needed, ensure targets for CRM response time are tracked
    • Work closely with program Department on the CRM, to ensure the mechanism for case transferal between Programs and CCCM dept. is functional and confidentiality is respected
    • Collaborate with field team on assessment or monitoring exercises, as needed
    • Provide support to YARD WASH and Shelter teams working in the IDP sites alongside the CCCM teams, as necessary. This might include support to build assessment or monitoring tools in ODK/Kobo, clean and maintain databases, or ensure IM processes are in place for regular monitoring of site infrastructure
    • Collaborate with YARD program dept. on creation of products and maps, as requested by Shelter/NFI/CCCM Officer
    Quality & capacity-building
    • Conduct capacity-building of CCCM teams in data collection and data management, as needed
    • Ensure data confidentiality protocols are in place, and all staff are trained
    • Ensure collection of sex and age disaggregated data
    • Organize translation of information by CCCM teams, or conduct translation, as needed
    • Any additional task as requested
    Qualifications and Experience:
    1. University degree in a relevant subject is preferred
    2. At least 2 years’ experience in an information management role
    3. At least 1 years’ experience in an NGO is preferred
    4. Proficient in use of ODK/Kobo for mobile data collection
    5. Excellent IM software skills, including Microsoft Excel
    6. Experience in GIS is beneficial
    7. Excellent team-working and communication skills;
    8. Excellent written and oral English and Arabic skills;
    9. Good capacity to plan, prioritize, and multi-task;
    10. Knowledge of multi-sectoral humanitarian response, including CCCM, Protection, WASH, Shelter, and emergency distribution is beneficial
    Skills and languages:
    • English
    • Arabic
    How to Apply
    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with a cover letter to
    hr@yard-yemen.org with the job title as the email subject. The code reference must be indicated in the email.

  • Finance Assistant

    الموعد النهائي: الخميس, 16 يناير, 2020

    Finance Assistant (1)     
    Deadline: January 16, 2020
    Duration: 10 Months
    Location: Sana’a
    Reference code: finance Assistant # 20 -OCHA
    About YARD foundation:
    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development-(YARD)
    Yemen AlKhair for Relief and Development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation established in 2013, to implement various projects in relief and development. The foundation announces the need to hire a finance Assistant
    . The aim from the job
    The Finance Assistant will support all accounting processes related to the project on a daily basis. He/She will ensure that proper financial and programmatic documentation related to expenditures is submitted and filed
    Duties and Responsibilities:
    • Managing and recording the petty cash up to date and ensure that cash is available at all times for implementation of the activities or any surprise cash count.
    • Review all approved payment documents with authorized signatures for proper and adequate backup before bank or cash disbursement.
    • Prepare all payments vouchers and cheques/bank TRFs while ensuring adequacy and accuracy of supporting documentation.
    • Ensure that all cash/bank transactions have been recorded up to date.
    • Keeping a bank balance-tracking sheet up to date and coordinate with Finance Office / Senior Finance Officer for bank balance in local and foreign currency.
    • Responsible of field office bank on all banking issues.
    • Assist in bank accounts and cashboxes reconciliations.
    • Maintain proper filling system for all financial and accounting documents up-to-date.
    • Scan all vouchers, contracts and other financial documents as well as supporting documents on regular basis.
    • Assist in the implementation of finance policies, procedures and regulations of YARD.
    • Due to the nature of the program’s activities, the above-mentioned tasks are indicative only and are subject to change. Others/additional tasks may be delegated to meet programmatic objectives.
    • Other duties as assigned by supervisor.
    Qualifications and Experience:
    • University degree preferably in (Finance assistant) and/or related field and 2- years of relevant professional experience in a similar setting and capacity
    • Excellent organizational and communication skills and teamwork-oriented.
    • Excellent analytical, problem solving and organization skills.
    • Fluency in written and verbal English and Arabic is required. Must be able to read and interpret   documents, and communicate with others as necessary to perform job duties effectively
    • Proficient in standard Microsoft Office package (Word, Excel, Outlook) and typing.
    • Ability to travel as required within Yemen.
    • Ability to work under pressure and manage personal stress levels.
    • Sense of neutrality and ability to work across Yemen, in cooperation with all parties to the conflict.
    • Previous experience in field offices is a plus.
    Skills and languages:
    • English
    • Arabic
    How to Apply
    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with a cover letter to
    hr@yard-yemen.org with the job title as the email subject. The code reference must be indicated in the email.

  • Finance Manager

    الموعد النهائي: الجمعة, 15 نوفمبر, 2019

    The Job
    Finance Manager
    Deadline: 15-11,2019
    Location: Sana’a
    Reference code: finance Manger# Yard 2019
    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development-(YARD)
    Yemen AlKhair for relief and development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation that was established in 2013, to implement various
    projects in relief and development. The foundation announces the need to hire a finance manager. The employee can be stationed in either in field office or in head office as needed.
    Job Duties and Responsibilities:
    Main Tasks
    Technical Support and Management:
    • Maintain complete books of accounts, as per YARD Finance Manual.
    • Check all payment claims to ensure compliance with: YARD policies and procedures, valid scheme of delegation, YARD donor compliance requirements, incountry laws and any other official regulatory authority.
    • Ensure that all payments are properly coded to record against active awards and to complete authorization of respective budget holders as per YARD Scheme of delegation.
    • Ensure that all program implementation activities that require direct or indirect disbursement of hard cash to suppliers, contractors, and beneficiaries are safeguarded by segregation of duty.
    • Ensure appropriate segregation of duties for each and every financial management task
    • Maintain assets and liabilities monthly schedules and reconciliations with Financial Management system (FMS).
    • Ensure that daily financial matters are handled in a systematic, accurate and transparent manner.
    • Signal HM of any financial risks / fraud activities.
    • Ensure that positions reporting to you fully comply with YARD policies and procedures and arrange trainings around financial management.
    • Oversee the professional direction / delegation / supervision / accountability of reporting staff as per their job descriptions or any official documentation.
    • Follow-up and confirmation of the date of eligibility of grants and demands
    • Liquidation of the financial payment sent by the first donor and according to the dates specified by the donor.
    • Preparing and processing salaries according to the date of maturity without delay and according to the regulations of the Foundation
    • Ensure the tax benefits of all transactions
    • Prepare the financial spending plan for the project period based on the logistics plan and follow up continuously and the extent of implementation and submit a monthly report
    • Complete and insert all the documents in the system monthly in QuickBooks without delay and issue a report
    Coordination and Representation:
    • Assist FC to strengthen internal controls and the environment around it.
    • Ensure preparation of employees’ monthly salary cost allocations in close coordination with Human Resource (HR).
    • Assist FC in tracing all account balance sheets on a monthly basis and at the end of each award.
    • Monitor cash and bank flows on a daily-basis and maintain close coordination with financial institutions to ensure smooth transactions, while safeguarding YARD’s cash from assessed / known risks.
    • If, for unforeseen reasons, institutional banking system services are not available, arrange an alternative arrangement with consent from a respective Field Manager or HM.
    • Assist the Field and Country Office Finance teams during internal/ external audits, donor specific audits, and authorized third-party reviews of financial records.
    • Closely work with Field Office Awards Coordinator to fully understand financial and compliance aspects of donor funded portfolios and use Award Management
    • System (AMS) to understand donor financial compliance requirements.
    • Maintain working relationship with YARD partners and support Field and Country Offices to ensure smooth financial implementation of projects through partners.
    Administrative Duties
    • Actively participate in budgetary review meetings.
    • Submit all Internal and external financial reports in a timely manner.
    • Prepare/review Bank and cash, and financial data entry on a daily-basis.
    • Follow-up prepayments (like rent, Internet service, etc.) and manage schedule on FMS monthly.
    • Ensure that monthly bank reconciliations for all accounts are prepared on a regularly basis.
    • Review official e-mails on a daily-basis, respond to queries from suppliers and colleagues in a timely and appropriate manner, and ensure any problematic issues are raised with the line manager at the earliest opportunity.
    • Other duties as assigned.
    The role of the Finance Manager is not limited to the specific duties mentioned above. It is subject to change with the evolution of the conflict and in accordance with
    YARD’s vision and mission. As such, the Finance Manager is required to manage all unforeseen issues and circumstances in relation to the monitoring and evaluation
    and should remain adaptable to perform responsibilities that may not be mentioned above, as and when required.
    Job Requirement (Qualification and Experience)
    • Bachelor’s degree in Finance, Accounting
    • Minimum 2 years working experience as a Finance Manager or similar role in a humanitarian/development context
    • Solid knowledge of financial and accounting procedures
    • Experience using financial software and advances MS Excel skills
    • Knowledge of financial regulations
    • Excellent analytical and numerical skills
    • Sharp time-management sills
    • Strong ethics, with an ability to manage confidential data
    • Commitment to the aims and principles of YARD.
    • English and Arabic language proficiency (speaking, reading, writing)
    How to Apply
    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with a cover letter to
    With the job title as the email subject.
    The code reference must be indicated in the email.

  • CCCM Protection Monitor (10)

    الموعد النهائي: الإثنين, 14 أكتوبر, 2019

    The Job
    CCCM Protection Monitor (10)
    Location: AL-jawf
    Duration: 3 Months
    Deadline: 14/10/2019
    Reference code: CCCM Ass# 19 CCCM –UNHCR
    About YARD foundation
    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development foundation -(YARD)
    Yemen AlKhair for relief and development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation that was established in 2013, It is mainly working in field of Education, Wash & Sanitation, Food Security, Nutrition, Health, Protection, Shelter and social empowerment in all the Governorates of Yemen. We are seeking a national, highly qualified individual, to fill in The Civil Engineer position to lead the foundation and implement its vision and strategy.
    The aim of the job
    Aim: The Protection Monitor is responsible for ensuring YARD’s protection mandate is being considered and mainstreamed within all YARD project and programs.
    Under the supervision of CCCM Officer, the protection capacity of YARD staff, partners, community organizations, volunteers and other stakeholder will be executed in accordance with the organizational mandate, priorities, and donor agreement.
    Functions and duties of the job :
    • Coordinate with YARD colleagues to ensure key protection elements, standards and mandates are being considered and implemented throughout the project management cycle in the respective sector,
    • Identify, refer, and follow up for individuals, families, communities with protection concerns and needs
    • Ensure linkages between the protection team and the respective sector
    • Contribute to the identification and reduction of vulnerabilities and/or exposure to threats, thereby creating a safer, more protective environment to the populations of concern.
    • Develop/compile training packages on selected Protection and Protection project related topics.
    • Provide trainings utilizing developed training packages and other materials to YARD staff, community groups, and stakeholders, in coordination with the CCCM Officer.
    • Facilitate trainings related to protection mainstreaming, as well as general protection principles to YARD’s partners and internal staff,
    • Coordinate the provision of trainings with respective staff (sector staff, HR, Logistics, Finance, M&E) and CCCM Officer.
    • Monitor application of skills gained in trainings by staff, partner organizations, community groups, and stakeholders.
    • Produce monthly reports on the progression of protection mainstreaming in all YARD programmes,
    • Develop and maintain effective working relationship with colleagues and relevant stakeholders including partner agencies, community leaders and service providers.
    • Any other duties as may be assigned by the CCCM Officer
    • Conduct duties in accordance with YARD Yemen programme Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).
    • Conduct duties in accordance with YARD Code of Conduct
    • Ensure transparency and YARD’s positive regard and reputation within communities.
    Job Requirements (Qualifications and Experience):
    1. University degree in law, human rights, refugee studies, social sciences or other related discipline;
    2. Relevant professional experience of three (3) years, preferably in emergency and/or development context.
    3. Prior experience or familiarity with YARD and/or persons of concern (including internally displaced persons and refugees-returnees) would be a distinct advantage.
    4. Prior experience or familiarity with NGO sector would be an advantage;
    5. Knowledge of international protection and human rights legal standards
    6. Knowledge, skills and experience in community development and mobilization.
    7. Excellent interpersonal and problem-solving skills, creativity and flexibility.
    8. Excellent spoken and written English/Arabic and relevant computer skills.
    9. Full respect for client/organization confidentiality.
    10. Demonstrated interpersonal skills and respect for people with special needs and other vulnerability.
    11. Ability to work in a multicultural context as a flexible and respectful team player.
    Required languages:
    • English
    • Arabic
    The proposed employment conditions are based on YARD policy and Yemeni labour law. The selected candidate shall perform his/her duties in compliance with the YARD Code of Conduct and procedures at all times
    How to Apply
    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with a cover letter to hr@yard-yemen.org with the job title as the email subject. The code reference must be indicated in the email.

  • CCCM Officer

    الموعد النهائي: الإثنين, 14 أكتوبر, 2019

    The Job
    CCCM Officer
    Location: AL-jawf
    Duration: 3 Months
    Deadline: 14/10/2019
    Reference code: CCCM Officer # 19 CCCM –UNHCR
    About YARD foundation:
    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development foundation -(YARD)
    Yemen AlKhair for relief and development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation that was established in 2013. It is mainly working in field of Education, Wash & Sanitation, Food Security, Nutrition, Health, Protection, Shelter and social empowerment in all the Governorates of Yemen. We are seeking a national, highly qualified individual, to fill in The Civil Engineer position to lead the foundation and implement its vision and strategy.
    The aim of the job
    In response to the critical and constantly evolving humanitarian situation in Yemen, YARD has assumed a leading role in the development and implementation of camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) sector activities. Working in the CCCM sector involves working at IDP hosting sites and working together with other international and local organizations to coordinate implementation of humanitarian activities, support community-based site management mechanisms, and monitor IDP hosting sites for international standards as well as service related needs and gaps.
    The CCCM Officer is responsible for district level coordination, IDP hosting site management, local stakeholder capacity building, information management, and assisting other YARD field teams with project implementation. This is a field-based position and may require spending extended periods of time in the field.
    Functions and duties:
    Liaison & coordination
    • Represent YARD with communities, local authorities, site partners, and other stakeholders
    • Build and maintain mutually respectful relationships with site management, service providers, local authorities, IDP community members as well as host community members
    • Foster collaborative relationships with local authorities to facilitate implementation of activities
    • Attend and facilitate meetings with stakeholders, such as local authorities, Clusters, NGOs, INGOs, UN and IDPs, including translation of meeting proceedings and provision of meeting minutes
    Site management
    • Establish & train representative and inclusive community-based site management committees at sites
    • Support site planning in order to ensure that IDP site residents are able to live in dignified conditions
    • Monitor sites to identify needs, gaps in service provision, and duplication of efforts at IDP sites
    • Plan, support, and organize social cohesion building activities at IDP sites
    • Support other teams in conducting multi-sectorial assessments of IDP needs
    Capacity building
    • Support the CCCM team in organizing capacity building trainings for local authorities and partners
    • Train site committees in site monitoring and use of YARD monitoring tools
    • Actively participate in development and implementation of protection and gender mainstreaming
    Information management
    • Establish, maintain, and actively utilize networks of key informants at IDP sites
    • Ensure the timely registration of IDPs, including identification of protection related needs
    • Maintain a comprehensive database of service and needs related information for each site
    • Draft weekly situation reports and provide other relevant information on site conditions and services
    • Analyze site related and contextual information to support YARD MEAL project evaluations
    • Provide, document, and track timely referrals and service requests to key partners
    Other duties:
    • Assist other YARD teams with conducting assessments, distributions, and sectorial activities
    • Perform any other duties assigned by the CCCM Coordinator in order to advance YARD's interventions
    Occupant specifications:
    1. University degree in civil engineering, social studies, architecture, urban planning, or engineering
    2. Minimum two years of experience in international and/or local NGO; ideally involved in the direct implementation of field level humanitarian assistance to IDPs
    3. Proven leadership skills and related experience in building, establishing, and negotiating relationships and social networks with various stakeholders at the community, local, and national levels.
    4. Good conceptual understanding of gender, protection, and human rights
    5. Excellent representation, negotiation, interpersonal, and communication skills
    6. Strong team spirit and ability to work comfortably in multi-cultural contexts
    7. Good skills with basic software, such as MS Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
    8. Ability to write reports and situational briefings in English
    9. Ability to spend extended periods of time in field conditions
    10. Ability to come up with innovative solutions to unexpected and challenging problems
    Required languages:
    • English
    • Arabic
    The proposed employment conditions are based on YARD policy and Yemeni labour law. The selected candidate shall perform his/her duties in compliance with the YARD Code of Conduct and procedures at all times
    How to Apply
    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with a cover letter to hr@yard-yemen.org with the job title as the email subject. The code reference must be indicated in the email.

  • CCCM Coordinator (10)

    الموعد النهائي: الإثنين, 14 أكتوبر, 2019

    The Job
    CCCM Coordinator 10
    Location: AL-jawf
    Duration: 3 Months
    Deadline: 14/10/2019
    Reference code: CCCM Ass# 19 CCCM –UNHCR
    About YARD foundation:
    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development foundation -(YARD)
    Yemen AlKhair for relief and development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation that was established in 2013, It is mainly working in field of Education, Wash & Sanitation, Food Security, Nutrition, Health, Protection, Shelter and social empowerment in all the Governorates of Yemen. We are seeking a national, highly qualified individual, to fill in The Civil Engineer position to lead the foundation and implement its vision and strategy
    The aim from the job
    In response to the critical and constantly evolving humanitarian situation in Yemen, YARD has assumed a leading role in the development and implementation of camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) sector activities. Working in the CCCM sector involves working at IDP hosting sites and working together with other international and local organizations to coordinate implementation of humanitarian activities, support community-based site management mechanisms, and monitor IDP hosting sites for international standards as well as service related needs and gaps.
    The Role
    To support the program manager in effective and efficient program coordination, implementation, monitoring, reporting, and supporting program operations to effectively deliver the projects within the required performance and standards.
    Functions and duties of the job:
    • Provide guidance to the YARD CCCM team, including staff and volunteers.
    • working on operational issues related to the implementation of activities;
    • Planning and coordinating with the team for all activities.
    • Conducting frequent monitoring field visits to closely supervise the YARD CCCM team and ensure proper implementation of project activities;
    • Monthly reporting and per request, to CCCM Officer, authorized managers and donor, on the implementation progress, and providing recommendations foractivities quality.
    • Improvement and project sustainability
    • Ensuring that the CCCM activities are run smoothly.
    • Assisting the CCCM Officer in any (other) issues related to the project.
    • Coordinating and supervising YARD’ project-related activities, including performance indicator/target tracking, internal and external capacity building and awareness raising activities.
    • Ensuring high quality of YARD’ services/outputs and related records and overall due project implementation in conformity with local laws, organizational regulations, donor agreement and the thereby stipulated goals, objectives and deadlines.
    • Ensuring synergy with other YARD programme activities in the area of responsibility;
    • Ensuring that all administrative and financial issues related to the area of responsibility are conducted in accordance with YARD’ guidelines and requirements.
    • Reporting, on a regular/periodic and ad hoc basis, on CCCM activities and events in the area of responsibility, in accordance with the YARD’ and UNHCR requirements.
    • Performs other duties as assigned.
    Job Requirement (Qualification and Experience):
    1. University degree in management, education, psychology, social sciences or other related discipline. Advanced university degree would be an advantage;
    2. Relevant professional experience in protection of not less than three (1) years, preferably at a coordinator or management level and/or in humanitarian context;
    3. Prior experience with an international NGO;
    4. Knowledge of and experience in project planning, project cycle management and logical framework;
    5. Prior experience with persons of concern (including internally displaced persons, conflict-affected host communities, extremely vulnerable individuals);
    6. Familiarity with overall protection and protection concepts and principlesGood written communication skills;
    7. Good computer literacy, including use of smartphones and MS Office (Word and Excel);
    8. Good verbal and written English skills are of benefit;
    9. Knowledge of multi-sectoral humanitarian response, including Protection, WASH, Shelter, and emergency distribution is of benefit;
    10. Experience in CCCM or Protection programming is of benefit.
    Required languages:
    • English
    • Arabic
    The proposed employment conditions are based on YARD policy and Yemeni labour law. The selected candidate shall perform his/her duties in compliance with the YARD Code of Conduct and procedures at all times.
    How to Apply
    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with a cover letter to hr@yard-yemen.org with the job title as the email subject. The code reference must be indicated in the email.

  • CCCM Assistant

    الموعد النهائي: الإثنين, 14 أكتوبر, 2019

    The Job
    CCCM Assistant
    Location: AL-jawf
    Duration: 3 Months
    Deadline :14/10/2019
    Reference code : CCCM Ass# 19 CCCM -UNHCR
    About YARD foundation:
    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development foundation -(YARD)
    Yemen AlKhair for relief and development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation that was established in 2013, It is mainly working in field of Education, Wash & Sanitation, Food Security, Nutrition, Health, Protection, Shelter and social empowerment in all the Governorates of Yemen. We are seeking a national, highly qualified individual, to fill in The Civil Engineer position to lead the foundation and implement its vision and strategy
    The aim from the job
    In response to the critical and constantly evolving humanitarian situation in Yemen, YARD has assumed a leading role in the development and implementation of
    Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) sector activities. Working in the CCCM sector involves working at IDP hosting sites and working together with other international and local organizations to coordinate implementation of humanitarian activities, support community-based site management mechanisms, and monitor IDP hosting sites for international standards as well as service related needs and gaps.
    The CCCM Officer is responsible for district level coordination, IDP hosting site management, local stakeholder capacity building, information management, and assisting other YARD field teams with project implementation. This is a field-based position and may require spending extended periods of time in the field.
    Functions and duties:
    Project implementation

    Partner coordination and service monitoring
    • Support coordination with all humanitarian partners and stakeholders working in the sites, on a day-to-day basis
    • Monitor service provision at site level using agreed tools, including through observation, conducting assessment, and collecting input from community members.
    • Record and report data in a timely and accurate manner.
    Community participation and representation
    • Organize regular meetings with community groups and committees, ensuring participation of women, youth, and marginalized groups, taking minutes of meetings and attendance sheets
    • Support organization of trainings to community committees, humanitarian agencies, and community members, on topics including on protection, fire response, and CCCM
    Communication with communities and accountability
    • Conduct Communications with Communities (CwC) activities in the sites, including regular outreach to the community and information campaigns, supported bydaily workers as needed
    • Support community mobilization efforts or information campaigns of community representatives or other humanitarian agencies as needed
    • Implement Complaints and Response Mechanisms (CRM) activities in each of the sites: receive complaints, make referrals and ensure feedback is received,and ensure good data management
    Information Management
    • Conduct regular data collection, including on service availability and standards in the sites
    • Submit timely and accurate reports and data
    • Participate in assessment and data collection exercises as needed
    • Ensure information is shared back with partners and communities
    Protection mainstreaming
    • Consider gender, protection, and GBV concerns in all aspects of activities
    • Promote participation and representation of women, youth, people with specific needs, and marginalized groups in all SMC and partner activities
    • Support vulnerable persons including through referral to protection partners, and support vulnerable persons at specific events (e.g. distributions, registration)
    • Ensure confidentiality is respected in all activities
    • Support site assessment / committee formation / training to community by YARD Shelter/Infrastructure and WASH teams, as needed
    • Timely reporting of problems and challenges in the sites to CCCM Officer
    • Timely reporting of security and safety incidents or risks to CCCM Officer
    • Any additional task as requested by the line manager
     Job Requirement (Qualification and Experience)
    1. Preferable experience in a project implementation position in an NGO.
    2. Excellent verbal communication skills
    3. Excellent team-working skills
    4. Flexible, with the ability to cope with stressful situations
    5. Good written communication skills
    6. Good computer literacy, including use of smartphones and MS Office (Word and Excel)
    7. Good verbal and written English skills are of benefit
    8. Knowledge of multi-sectoral humanitarian response including            
      Experience in CCCM or Protection programming is of benefit

    Required Languages:
    • English.
    • Arabic
    The proposed employment conditions are based on YARD policy and Yemeni labor law. The selected candidate shall perform his/her duties in in compliance with the YARD Code of Conduct and procedures at all times.
    How to Apply
    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with a cover letter to hr@yard-yemen.org with the job title as the email subject. The code reference must be indicated in the email.

  • CCCM Information Management(10)

    الموعد النهائي: الإثنين, 14 أكتوبر, 2019

    The Job
    CCCM Information Management (10)
    : AL-jawf
    Duration: 3 Months
    Deadline :14/10/2019
    Reference code : CCCM INF-Managent# 19 CCCM -UNHCR

    About YARD foundation:
    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development foundation -(YARD)
    Yemen AlKhair for relief and development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation that was established in 2013, It is mainly working in fields of Education, Wash & Sanitation, Food Security, Nutrition, Health, Protection, Shelter and social empowerment in all the Governorates of Yemen. We are seeking a national, highly qualified individual, to fill in The Civil Engineer position to lead the foundation and implement its vision and strategy

    The aim of the job:
    In response to the critical and constantly evolving humanitarian situation in Yemen, YARD has assumed a leading role in the development and implementation of camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) sector activities. Working in the CCCM sector involves working at IDP hosting sites and working together with other international and local organizations to coordinate implementation of humanitarian activities, support community-based site management mechanisms, and monitor IDP hosting sites for international standards as well as service related needs and gaps.
    Working under the overall supervision of the CCCM Officer the incumbent will be responsible for implementing the activities related to information management and reporting required by YARD programs. Specifically, the incumbent is expected to perform the following functions:

    Functions and duties:
    Data quality and management
    • Support CCCM teams’ day-to-day management of data and processes, ensuring consistency and quality of data from regular information collection (e.g. partner
      reporting, service mapping, service indicator monitoring/site monitoring, CRM)
    • Compile data received from field teams, conducting data cleaning as necessary.
    • Update and maintain databases.
    • Collaborate with CCCM Officer and field teams to design and improve tools and processes for regular and periodic IM activities, as needed
    • Build tools using ODK/Kobo, or on paper forms, as required

    Analysis, reporting, and communication:
    • Conduct analysis on data as needed, and work with CCCM Officer and CCCM field teams to ensure information is used inform programming
    • Produce regular outputs and reports for programs teams and submit regular reporting to the Shelter/NFI/CCCM Cluster and/or the donor
    • Design and produce products for internal and external use
      Ensure mechanisms are in place for information flow back to residents of the sites (e.g. through accessible information products, verbal communication from
      CCCM teams)
    • Ensure regular and consistent data flow from Programs teams according to the processes in place

    Accountability and IM support
    • Ensure Complaints and Response Mechanism (CRM) databases are regularly updated by field teams, conduct cleaning and analysis of databases as needed, ensure targets for CRM response time are tracked
    • Work closely with program Department on the CRM, to ensure the mechanism for case transferal between Programs and CCCM dept. is functional and confidentiality is respected.
    • Collaborate with field team on assessment or monitoring exercises, as needed
    • Provide support to YARD WASH and Shelter teams working in the IDP sites alongside the CCCM teams, as necessary. This might include support to build
      assessment or monitoring tools in ODK/Kobo, clean and maintain databases, or ensure IM processes are in place for regular monitoring of site infrastructure.
    • Collaborate with YARD program dept. on creation of products and maps, as requested by CCCM Officer.

    Quality & capacity-building
    • Conduct capacity-building of CCCM teams in data collection and data management, as needed.
    • Ensure data confidentiality protocols are in place, and all staff are trained
    • Ensure collection of sex and age disaggregated data
    • Organize translation of information by CCCM teams, or conduct translation, as needed
    • Any additional task as requested

    Occupant specifications:
    1. University degree in a relevant subject is preferred
    2. At least 2 years’ experience in an information management role
    3. At least 1 years’ experience in an NGO is preferred
    4. Proficient in use of ODK/Kobo for mobile data collection
    5. Excellent IM software skills, including Microsoft Excel
    6. Experience in GIS is beneficial
    7. Excellent team-working and communication skills
    8. Excellent written and oral English and Arabic skills
    9. Good capacity to plan, prioritize, and multi-task
    10. Knowledge of multi-sectoral humanitarian response, including CCCM Protection, WASH, Shelter, and emergency distribution is beneficial
    Required languages:
    • English
    • Arabic
    The proposed employment conditions are based on YARD policy and Yemeni labour law. The selected candidate shall perform his/her duties in compliance with the YARD Code of Conduct and procedures at all times.

    How to Apply
    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with a cover letter to hr@yard-yemen.org with the job title as the email subject. The code reference must be indicated in the email.

  • Proposal and Reporting Officer

    الموعد النهائي: السبت, 05 أكتوبر, 2019

    The Job
    Proposal and Reporting Officer
    Location: Sana'a
    Duration: one year renewable
    Deadline 5-10-2019
    Reference code : Proposal and Reporting Officer#2019YARD
    About YARD foundation:
    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development foundation -(YARD)
    Yemen AlKhair for relief and development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation that was established in 2013, It is mainly working in field of Education, Wash & Sanitation, Food Security, Nutrition, Health, Protection, Shelter and social empowerment in all the Governorates of Yemen. We are seeking a national, highly qualified individual, to fill in The Proposal and Reporting Officer position to lead the foundation and implement its vision and strategy
    The aim of the job
    He is envisioned to support the Management Director in the development of proposals, concept notes and on-going documentation of the emergency response programs. The role of the Proposal and Reporting Officer is to ensure that programs are developed and implemented using an integrated, cross-sectoral approach. The post holder will be expected to lead the coordination between technical and operational teams to ensure that proposals are developed in coordination. Along with developing high quality proposals, the post-holder is also expected to work closely with program managers to document project achievements for donor reports. In the event of a major humanitarian emergency, the role holder will be expected to work outside the normal role profile and be able to vary working hours accordingly.
    Functions and duties of job :
    • Writing project proposals (humanitarian and developmental).
    • Establish good working relations with (donors – NGOs) to build a strong relation and partnership towards the approval of the proposed projects.
    • Establishes and manages partnerships both at the central and local level
    • Continuously assesses the context and adapt the programme and team composition as required by the context.
    • Ensures the agreed projects management methods, standards, and processes are maintained throughout the project lifecycle.
    • Works closely with the Program Manager in maintaining a clear and effective project monitoring and evaluation plan against qualitative and quantitative indicators ensuring that accountability and learning is taking place.
    • Keep tracking the progress of the programs with clear milestones ensuring high accuracy of data collected, analyzed and reported.
    • Coordinates and supports other team coordinators in work planning, reporting, partner liaison, networking and communication.
    • Ensures quality filing and reporting systems for projects activities, into reports to donors on implementation progress and achieved results.
    • Coordinates all activities related to projects, including but not limited to planning and following up on the implementation of activities, coordinating with local partners and ensures timely achievement of projects milestones and objectives.
    • Develops and maintains proactive, positive, and professional relationships with partner organizations, other NGOS. donors, clients, and key government officials, local authorities, CSOs, working on relevant issues to the project.
    • Transfers project’s document into a comprehensive work plan outlining main and sub activities and effectively delegate and manage tasks and coordinate with partners.
    • Coordinate with clusters to finalize and report gaps and needs according to the HRP.
    • Oversees the management of project budgets.
    • Formulates appropriate input for various project reports including annual reports and specific reports.
    • Prepares regular reports and documentation of activities conducted.
    • Ensures implementation of activities as per the work plan and all related documents and logistics are prepared and approved.
    • Follows up and documents success stories and lessons learned and share them with the management on a regular basis.
    • Coordinates M&E data, activity results, and documentation with Search Data M&E Coordinator and Project Manager.
    • Keeps Project Manager informed of progress achieved and challenges faced (through regular reports)
    • Actively participate in the implementation of Performance Management. Including objective setting, performance review, upward feedback and personal development plans. Ensuring relevant aspects of YARD.
    • Ensure appropriate and effective performance management of line managed staff.
    • Ensure implementation of YARD operational policies, procedures and guidelines. With support from technical advisors and programmer service staff asneeded.
    • Be a member of YARD team; participating in appropriate staff meetings, planning sessions and on-going liaising as needed.
    • Provide YARD departments with assistance upon the management request.
    • Performs other duties as assigned
    Occupant specifications:
    1. A university degree or equivalent certificate/diploma or similar qualification from a recognized establishment or equivalent experiences.
    2. Skills and Competencies Required for this Role
    3. At least 3 years’ experience of programme management and programme implementation.
    4. Substantial experience of managing budgets, staff and funding of the programme. This includes excellent management skills, with a good understanding of team development and proven financial management skills.
    5. Understanding and application of Project Cycle Management.
    6. Ability to work creatively, innovatively and effectively with limited direct supervision.
    7. Experience of managing restricted donor contracts.
    8. Excellent organizational, problem-solving and negotiation skills. The ability to remain calm whilst deal with conflicting priorities/work under pressure is essential.
    9. Ability to take initiative and work independently as well work as a team player – supporting other departments is essential
    10. Excellent interpersonal and communication skills (written and verbal English and Arabic skills) and the ability to write clear, concise reports. Proven evidence of leadership skills including challenging motivating and developing a team through periods of change.
    11. Ability to work with others to develop vision into strategy and communicating and influencing this to a wider audience.
    12. Experience of working in conflict and complex locations.
    13. Travelling to other governorates if needed.
    14. Working knowledge in financially managing large amounts of funds in conflict-affected areas.
    15. Project Operational Management experience including the ability to handle HR, procurements, information and communication technology, finance, andlogistics.
    16. Fluency in both Arabic and English languages.
    Required languages:
    • English
    • Arabic
    The proposed employment conditions are based on YARD policy and Yemeni labor law. The selected candidate shall perform his/her duties in compliance with the YARD Code of Conduct and procedures at all times.
    How to Apply
    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with a cover letter to:
    hr@yard-yemen.org with the job title as the email subject. The code reference must be indicated in the email.

  • سكرتارية المشروع

    الموعد النهائي: الإثنين, 30 سبتمبر, 2019

    The Job

    Project Secretarial  1

    Location: Sana'a

    Duration: 8 Months

    Dead line :30/9/2019

    Reference code : Project Secretarial  # 19 wash -sch -unicef

     About YARD foundation:

    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development foundation -(YARD)

    Yemen AlKhair for relief and development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation that was established in 2013, It is mainly working in field of Education, Wash & Sanitation, Food Security, Nutrition, Health, Protection, Shelter and social empowerment in all the Governorates of Yemen. We are seeking a national, highly qualified individual, to fill in The Project Secretarial  position to lead the foundation and implement its vision and strategy

    The aim from the job

    The goal is to contribute to the efficiency of the overall business by ensuring all assigned administrative duties are carried on timely and efficiently

    Functions and duties of job :

    • Creating a plan for submitting reports through the project plan, and updating it periodically.
    •  Submit the weekly report
    • Doing all the documentations of the project for every site individually
    • Preparing the reports in both Arabic and English
    • Handling all the administrative tasks including the tendering, receipt and delivery records
    •  following up all the administrative tasks and the field and office needs
    •  Following up the project team to collect the data and be responsible of any postponement.
    • Creating a ToR for all the staff members based on their positions with the email address to facilitate the contact process
    • Performs other duties as assigned.

    Occupant specifications the job:

    1. Business administration or English language bachelor degree
    2. Experience in preparing report in both languages Arabic and English
    3. English proficiency writing and speaking
    4. Experience in preparing timed tables
    5.  Preparing the indicators of the progress to measure the real achievement on the ground
    6. Ability to use the computer professionally including the application programs
    7. The ability to create line of communication among the team members
    8. Experience in using maps and GPS coordinates

    skills and languages:

    • English
    • Arabic

    The proposed employment conditions are based on YARD policy and Yemeni labor law. The selected candidate shall perform his/her duties in compliance with the YARD Code of Conduct and procedures at all times

    How to Apply

    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with a cover letter to

    hr@ yard-yemen.org with the job title as the email subject. The code reference must be indicated in the email.

  • مدير المشروع

    الموعد النهائي: الإثنين, 30 سبتمبر, 2019

    The Job

    Location: Sana'a and AL-jawf

    Duration: 8 Months

    Dead line :30/9/2019

    Reference code : project Manager# 19 wash -sch -unicef

    About YARD foundation:

    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development foundation -(YARD)

    Yemen AlKhair for relief and development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation that was established in 2013, It is mainly working in field of Education, Wash & Sanitation, Food Security, Nutrition, Health, Protection, Shelter and social empowerment in all the Governorates of Yemen. We are seeking a national, highly qualified individual, to fill in The Project Manager  position to lead the foundation and implement its vision and strategy

    The aim from the job

    The Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH) Program Manager (PM) is responsible for running and supervising water, sanitation and hygiene programs at all stages of the project management cycle. He/she is also responsible for accomplishing the program objectives and outcomes within the contextual constraints. The PM ensures the overall success of the program by making sure the WASH team completes the defined activities while adhering to internal standards and contractual obligations; and that the program is completed on time, within budget and with acceptable quality.

    Further objectives for the WASH PM concern the capacity building and mentoring of staff; humanitarian needs identification through monitoring of the evolving situation; context analysis to contribute to the development of future programs; and internal coordination to reinforce the integrated approach. Depending on the size and organizational structure of the mission, the WASH program manager reports to either the WASH Coordinator, Field Coordinator..

    Functions and duties of job :

    • Leading the project staff members and defining the tasks according to the project organogram.
    • submitting implementation plan for the project and bounded with specific time.
    • following up the project technically and administratively and following up the whole team and stakeholders.
    • holding periodical meetings with the team members to evaluate the performance on the ground and solving the problems
    • observing the submitting of the weekly report through the continuous observation.
    • Updating the time table periodically in all the projects aspects and handling any deviations.
    • Maintain open lines of communications with all field staff    
    • Attends coordination meetings
    • Working effectively as team member and solve staff problems whenever occur.
    • Maintain flexibility to take an added responsibility as and when needed

    Occupant specifications the job:

    1. Bachelor degree in administration
    2. 3 years’ experience in designing studies and supervision
    3.  experience in project management
    4.  experience in observing the performance and the indicators to take the right decisions
    5. Experience in preparing the time table for the activities and complete plan of implantation
    6. Using the computer professionally
    7. Experience in preparing reports
    8.  Preparing the time tables and updating them
    9.  Experience in selecting the project indicators and methodology of following up the indicators
    10. Must be Yemeni and have the ability to adapt with the site circumstances
    11. Ability to create line of communication among the team members
    12. Ability to use the electronic maps and GPS coordinates
    13.  Ability to create a line of communication among the team member

    skills and languages:

    • English
    • Arabic

    The proposed employment conditions are based on YARD policy and Yemeni labor law. The selected candidate shall perform his/her duties in compliance with the YARD Code of Conduct and procedures at all times

    How to Apply

    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with a cover letter to

    hr@ yard-yemen.org with the job title as the email subject. The code reference must be indicated in the email.

  • منسق المشروع

    الموعد النهائي: الإثنين, 30 سبتمبر, 2019

    The Job

    Location: Sana'a and AL-jawf

    Duration: 8 Months

    Dead line :30/9/2019

    Reference code : project Coordinator# 19 wash -sch -unicef

     About YARD foundation:

    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development foundation -(YARD)

    Yemen AlKhair for relief and development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation that was established in 2013, It is mainly working in field of Education, Wash & Sanitation, Food Security, Nutrition, Health, Protection, Shelter and social empowerment in all the Governorates of Yemen. We are seeking a national, highly qualified individual, to fill in The Project Coordinator  position to lead the foundation and implement its vision and strategy

    The aim from the job

    Provide support and engineering expertise for the successful, timely completion, assessment and following up of works for Schools before and after the maintenance works, contribute to the implementation of WASH activities in schools and temporary learning classes construction phases in the selected sites within the project areas.

    Functions and duties of job :

    • Provide guidance to the YARD WASH team, including staff and volunteers,
    • working on operational issues related to the implementation of activities;
    • Planning and coordinating with the team for all activities.
    • Conducting frequent monitoring field visits to closely supervise the YARD WASH team and ensure proper implementation of project activities;
    • Monthly reporting and per request, to PM, authorized managers and donor, on the implementation progress, and providing recommendations for activities quality
    • improvement and project sustainability;
    • Ensuring that the WASH activities are run smoothly.
    • Assisting the PM in any (other) issues related to the project.
    • Coordinating and supervising YARD’ project-related activities, including performance indicator/target tracking, internal and external capacity building and awareness raising activities;
    • Ensuring high quality of YARD’ services/outputs and related records and overall due project implementation in conformity with local laws, organizational regulations,
    • donor agreement and the thereby stipulated goals, objectives and deadlines;
    • Ensuring synergy with other YARD programme activities in the area of responsibility;
    • Ensuring that all administrative and financial issues related to the area of responsibility are conducted in accordance with YARD’ guidelines and requirements;
    • Reporting, on a regular/periodic and ad hoc basis, on WASH activities and events in the area of responsibility, in accordance with the YARD’ and UNICEF requirements.
    • Performs other duties as assigned

    Occupant specifications the job:

    1. University degree in management, education, psychology, social sciences or other related discipline. Advanced university degree would be an advantage;
    2. Relevant professional experience in protection of not less than three (1) years, preferably at a coordinator or management level and/or in humanitarian context;
    3. Prior experience with an international NGO;
    4. Knowledge of and experience in project planning, project cycle management and logical framework;
    5. Prior experience with persons of concern (including internally displaced persons, conflict-affected host communities, extremely vulnerable individuals);
    6. Familiarity with overall protection and protection concepts and principles;

    skills and languages:

    • English
    • Arabic

    The proposed employment conditions are based on YARD policy and Yemeni labor law. The selected candidate shall perform his/her duties in compliance with the YARD Code of Conduct and procedures at all times

    How to Apply

    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with a cover letter to

    hr@ yard-yemen.org with the job title as the email subject. The code reference must be indicated in the email.

  • محاسب مشروع

    الموعد النهائي: الإثنين, 30 سبتمبر, 2019

    The Job

    Location: Sana'a and AL-jawf

    Duration: 8 Months

    Dead line :30/9/2019

    Reference code : project Accountant# 19 wash -sch -unicef

     About YARD foundation:

    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development foundation -(YARD)

    Yemen AlKhair for relief and development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation that was established in 2013, It is mainly working in field of Education, Wash & Sanitation, Food Security, Nutrition, Health, Protection, Shelter and social empowerment in all the Governorates of Yemen. We are seeking a national, highly qualified individual, to fill in The  Project Accountant to lead the foundation and implement its vision and strategy

    Functions and duties of job :

    • Project Accountant will carry out all the accounting operations related to the project on a daily basis and submit financial invoices
    • Managing and restrict petty expenses and ensure that cash is available in the Fund at all times to carry out activities or any sudden monetary operation
    • Reviewing all approved expenses with the signatures approved before the disbursement process.
    • Preparing all bonds of exchange and checks with the guarantee and accuracy of supporting documents.
    • Following up the bank account and coordination with the head office in Sanaa to know the balance of the bank in local and foreign currency.
    • Responsible for all field expenditures.
    • Monitoring daily petty and bank expenses and ensure access to supporting documents and authorized approval
    • Providing Assistance in preparing and reviewing project budget.
    • Providing Assistance in the preparation of transportation vouchers and all its documents related to transportation and activity expenses
    • Check that the exchange process is subject to all financial and accounting documents.
    • Examination of all contracts and financial documents.
    • Given the nature of the activities of the Program, the above functions are indicative only and are subject to change.
    • Fully comply with all WASH procedures and policy obligation to perform
    •  any other tasks required by the project manager

    Occupant specifications the job:

    1. Advance University Degree in Accounting or Finance.
    2. At least 3 years' experience in , accounting/finance. Preferable with /NGOs .
    3. Understanding of full range of financial processes including management and accounts, and attention to detail.
    4. Familiar with industry-specific software like Yemen Soft, QuickBooks and Focus;
    5. Experience of budget preparations, cash-flow statements & financial plans; Experience of writing financial reports;
    6. Good command of spoken and written English

    skills and languages:

    • English
    • Arabic

    Terms and Conditions

    The proposed employment conditions are based on YARD policy and Yemeni labor law. The selected candidate shall perform his/her duties in compliance with the YARD Code of Conduct and procedures at all times

    How to Apply

    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with a cover letter to

    hr@ yard-yemen.org with the job title as the email subject. The code reference must be indicated in the email.

  • مهندس مدني

    الموعد النهائي: الإثنين, 30 سبتمبر, 2019

    The Job

    Civil Engineer    1       

    Location: Sana'a and AL-jawf

    Duration: 8 Months

    Dead line :30/9/2019

    Reference code : civil engineer# 19 wash -sch -unicef

     About YARD foundation:

    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development foundation -(YARD)

    Yemen AlKhair for relief and development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation that was established in 2013, It is mainly working in field of Education, Wash & Sanitation, Food Security, Nutrition, Health, Protection, Shelter and social empowerment in all the Governorates of Yemen. We are seeking a national, highly qualified individual, to fill in The Civil Engineer  position to lead the foundation and implement its vision and strategy

    The aim from the job

    Provide support and engineering expertise for the successful, timely completion, assessment and following up of works for Schools before and after the maintenance works, contribute to the implementation of WASH activities in schools and temporary learning classes construction phases in the selected sites within the project areas.

    Functions and duties of job :

    •   Re-assessing the rehabilitation works pre the implementation
    •   Providing an implementation plan, bounded with time to with details to implement every activity
    • Handing over the sites and to the constructor in coordination with the stakeholders
    • Supervision of all the project activities in the field and following up the project cycle 
    •  Submitting the financial deliverables in coordination with the stakeholders
    •  Submitting the weekly report with observing the instructor implementation
    • Submit a plan to raise the reports of the visits
    •  Constant coordination with the team supervisor of the project to provide them with the vital info on the project
    •  Updating the time table regularly to avoid any deviation in any of the project aspects 
    • Identify, set the procedures, and check the contractors’ activities to ensure that the constructed works on site meet Quality Control requirements.
    • Identify and control any environmental risks that can affect the site or the neighboring domestic areas around the site.
    • Ensure timely coordination between Contractors and BFD.
    • Check that the agreed work by project team or contractors has been completed satisfactorily and follow up on any deficiencies.
    • Ensure effective implementation and compliance with security procedures, protocols, and controls to maintain the safety of the construction site' users and ensure that all project personnel are well briefed and well informed of the required procedures and protocols
    • Performs other duties as assigned.

    Occupant specifications the job:

    1. Bachelor degree of civil engineering
    2. 4 years’ experience in designing studies and supervision
    3. Experience in project management
    4. Experience in pricing and analyzing the costs of work items
    5. Experience in preparing BoQ and inventory
    6. Experience in writing reports
    7. Experience in preparing the time table to achieve the works and the complete plan to implement the activities
    8. Proficiency in writing and speaking English
    9. Using the computer professionally
    10. Must be Yemeni and able to adapt with the site circumstances
    11. Creating a line of communication among all the project staff
    12. . Ability to use the electronic maps and GPS coordinates
    13. . Experience in analyzing the bids of the constructor and raising the suggestions
    14.  Experience in preparing the specifications for the construction works

    skills and languages:

    • English
    • Arabic

    The proposed employment conditions are based on YARD policy and Yemeni labor law. The selected candidate shall perform his/her duties in compliance with the YARD Code of Conduct and procedures at all times

    How to Apply

    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with a cover letter to

    hr@ yard-yemen.org

    with the job title as the email subject. The code reference must be indicated in the email.

  • فني موقع

    الموعد النهائي: الخميس, 26 سبتمبر, 2019

    The Job

    Location: Al-jawf

    Duration: 8 Months

    Dead line :30/9/2019

    Reference code : Site Technician# 19 wash -sch -unicef

    About YARD foundation:

    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development foundation -(YARD)

    Yemen AlKhair for relief and development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation that was established in 2013, It is mainly working in field of Education, Wash & Sanitation, Food Security, Nutrition, Health, Protection, Shelter and social empowerment in all the Governorates of Yemen. We are seeking a national, highly qualified individual, to fill in The Site Technician position to lead the foundation and implement its vision and strategy

    The aim from the job

    The field engineer will follow up the planning and the implementation of the infrastructure activities planned to be implemented in target areas. The role will specifically be to ensure that the contracted services are implemented following national and international best standards and best practices.

    Functions and duties of job :

    • Reassessing the rehabilitation works pre the implementation
    • Submitting an action plan defined with details and enhanced with time frame for every activity
    •  Participating in handing over the sites to the instructor according to the plan in coordination with all the stakeholders
    • Conducting the technical management in term of the field supervision
    • Submitting the financial deliverables according to the followed instructions in coordination with the stakeholders
    •  submitting the weekly reports and facilitating the constructor works
    • Preparing a plan to raise reports and submitting deliverables
    • Participating in constant coordination with the project staff and providing them with the vital info of the project
    • Ensure quality control on implementation and ensure that the provided materials are met the specifications and quality standards.
    • Documenting all implemented works and take notes/comments on daily basis.
    • Raising reports or suggestions in case of any breaching in the quality of implementation
    • Receiving/dealing with all the letters/requests that provided by the contractor, and deliver/discuss them with the YARD WASH Engineer.
    • Performs other duties as assigned.

    Occupant specifications the job:

    1. Technical secondary school or technical institute in construction
    2. 4 years’ experience in designing studies and supervision
    3. Experience in supervision process to direct the field team with the instructions according to the plan
    4. Experience in pricing and analyzing the works items costs
    5. Experience in BoQs and field inventory
    6. Experience in writing and preparing reports
    7. Preparing the time table of activities and complete plan for implementation
    8. Proficiency in speaking and writing in English
    9. Using the computer professionally
    10. . Creating a line of communication among all the staff members

    skills and languages:

    • English
    • Arabic

    The proposed employment conditions are based on YARD policy and Yemeni labor law. The selected candidate shall perform his/her duties in compliance with the YARD Code of Conduct and procedures at all times

    How to Apply

    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with a cover letter to

    hr@ yard-yemen.org with the job title as the email subject. The code reference must be indicated in the email.

  • مساعد المستشار القانوني

    الموعد النهائي: الثلاثاء, 20 أغسطس, 2019

    The Job
    Legal Counselor Assistant
    Location: Al-jawf
    Duration: 5 Months
    Deadline: 20-8-2019
    Reference Code : legal A#19jaw-UNHCR
    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development-(YARD)
    Yemen AlKhair for relief and development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation that was established in 2013, It is mainly
    working in field of Education, Wash & Sanitation, Food Security, Nutrition, Health, Protection, Shelter and social empowerment in all the Governorates of Yemen We
    are seeking a national, highly qualified individual, to fill in legal officer position to lead the foundation and implement its vision and strategy.
    Key responsibilities
    Provide legal support to the target population through legal counselling and providing legal information sessions.
    Assure the protection monitoring of human rights violations and refugees’ rights.
    Providing legal needs periodically with personal IDs and family cards and birth certificate in coordination with SRA.
    In coordination with the supervisor, support and lead the implementation of project’s activities, including protection monitoring, provision of cash transfer, NFIs
    distribution, provision of legal and psychosocial assistance as per the project work plan;
    Working closely with the IDPs community, to identify particularly vulnerable individuals and together with the supervisor develop strategies and means to assist
    Ensure that there is a wide dissemination of the risks faced by IDPs in Yemen and together with members of the community, define possible solutions to these
    Conduct field visits to assess the protection needs and concerns of the target population, with particular attention to especially vulnerable persons;
    Regularly send reports on protection trends and incidents faced by IDPs and local communities;
    Maintain an excel database to ensure that statistics and other reports are produced on a timely basis;
    Compile weekly, monthly narratives and data reports on the risks faced by IDPs in Yemen.
    Perform other tasks as assigned by the supervisor(s).
    AOB as requested by the supervisor.
    Personal Specifications
    University Degree in Law, Human Rights, International Law or related field.
    2 years working experience in this field.
    Experience in supervising staff in challenging situations, carrying out interviews and focus group discussions, analyzing information provided and drafting
    Ability to work effectively as part of a team; supporting a team in coordinating complex projects.
    Ability to communicate professionally and effectively with diverse members and groups including IDPs, members of the host communities, local council
    members etc.
    Strong writing and editing skills.
    Ability to collect and monitor data and generate relevant and accurate reports for a range of audiences
    Excellent knowledge of Microsoft Office applications (particularly Word, Excel and PowerPoint), web based communication systems.
    Excellent written and spoken English is an asset.
    English and Arabic language proficiency (speaking, reading, writing)
    Terms and Conditions
    The proposed employment conditions are based on YARD policy and Yemeni labor law. The selected candidate shall perform his/her duties in compliance with the
    YARD Code of Conduct and procedures at all times
    How to Apply
    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with a cover letter to: hr@ yard-yemen.org with the job title as the email subject. The code reference
    must be indicated in the email.

  • Project Manager

    الموعد النهائي: الأحد, 30 يونيو, 2019

    The Job

    Project Manager( Location: Al-jawf-Sana'a) Duration: 7 Months

    Dead line :30/6/2019

    About YARD foundation:

    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development-(YARD)

    Yemen AlKhair for relief and development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation that was established in 2013, It is mainly working   in field of Education, Wash & Sanitation, Food Security, Nutrition, Health, Protection, Shelter and social empowerment in all the Governorates of Yemen. We are seeking     a national, highly qualified individual, to fill in Project Manager lead the   foundation and implement its vision and strategy

    The Activity Coordinator is responsible for overall coordination, under the supervision of the Project Manager (PM), in accordance with YARD’ mandate, priorities and donor agreement.

    Key Working Relationships:

    Position Reports to: CFS Coordinator, Al-Jawf Technical Focal Point: CFS Coordinator Position directly supervises: CFS Officers (x9)

    Job Overview/Summary: The CFS Manager will manage implementation of programming, assure quality of programming, and will work closely with the CFS Coordinator in providing support to CFS staff.

    Major Responsibilities:

    Project Startup

    • Work with HR to conduct and finalize recruitment of all open CFS positions in AL-Jawf and Sana’s governorates.
    • In collaboration with CFS Coordinator, ensure all new staff locations are security approved and have adequate procurement plans in place
    • Ensure all new staff have 90-day action plans and orientations.
    • In collaboration with Officers and CFS Coordinator, and Field Manager, develop project work plans, spending plans, and procurement plans for Al-Jawf governorate.
    • Ensure all team members are oriented to the project outcomes and activities, and clearly know their roles and responsibilities.
    • Liaise with CFS Coordinator to ensure all staff are trained on their core responsibilities.
    • Work with Field Manager and CFS Coordinator to ensure that all governorate-level approvals are obtained prior to start of project implementation.

    Program Management and Implementation

    • Oversee implementation of CFS programs, management of budgets and reporting in accordance with YARD and donor regulations.
    • Provide project implementation guidance for CFS, in collaboration with the CFS Coordinator.
    • Ensure team members have individual monthly work plans prepared in advance of that month, and update as necessary.
    • Promptly identify and recommend solutions to technical issues.
    • Ensure that all interventions are in compliance with the YARD’s program strategy, national policies, CFS Minimum Standards, and SPHERE Protection standards.
    • Work closely with operations and grants to coordinate to ensure quality, timely, implementation and development of programs, including providing oversight over the budget versus actual, indicator tracking tools, and other grant management tools used by the YARD; participation in monthly grant review meetings; and regular monitoring of internal program purchase request tools.
    • Work with team to ensure projects are implemented in conformity with the YARD program framework promoting and protecting rights, participation, capacity building, partnership, and holistic planning.
    • Ensure donor compliance in program implementation and procurement.
    • Undertake regular field monitoring visits to assess progress and identify technical quality issues and/or other implementation issues, provide solutions and implement modifications as required.
    • Attending any related meetings or clusters or sub-cluster in Sana’a hub and Saada hub.

    Grant Monitoring and Reporting

    • Ensure that monitoring and evaluation systems are developed (including indicator tracking sheets) and implemented in the governorate in collaboration with the M&E team, that activity, output and outcomes data are captured in an accurate and efficient manner, and that programs are continually tailored to optimize quality.
    • Work with M&E team and CFS Coordinator to design robust monitoring tools for remote monitoring and ensure program quality.
    • Ensure all monitoring activities are fully documented, including systematic and timely data collection and reporting as required under the grant and for YARD M&E purposes.
    • Contribute to YARD and donor reports as per set schedules (monthly, quarterly and annually) on grant activities, indicators and achievements, as requested by the CFS Coordinator.

    Staff Management and Development

    • Coach, train, and mentor staff with the aim of strengthening their technical capacity, exchanging knowledge within the team and providing professional development guidance
    • Supervise and mentor direct-report staff, including communicating clear expectations, setting performance objectives, providing regular and timely performance feedback, and providing documented semi-annual performance reviews.
    • As part of succession plan and nationalization goals, identify, train and develop capability and capacity of a national staff by end of assignment
    • Provide constructive feedback and promote staff care and well-being; approve and manage all leave requests to ensure adequate coverage.

    Representation and Coordination

    • Build strong relationships with relevant ministries, other government actors as appropriate, and other stakeholders, establishing YARD as a key factor in CFS.

    Job Requirements:

    • Advanced university degree in social work, or a related field.
    • At least three – six years of international experience in CFS, including experience in emergency or post-conflict project management.
    • Strong project management, staff management and capacity building skills.
    • Strong strategic thinking and writing skills.
    • Excellent communication skills, cultural sensitivity, flexibility, ability to improvise, team player.
    • Ability to live and productively work under stress and in insecure and harsh environments while maintaining a sense of humor.

    How to Apply

    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with cover letter to: hr@ yard-yemen.org

    Please mention the job title and location in the email subject to be considered.

  • Protection Officer

    الموعد النهائي: الأحد, 30 يونيو, 2019

    The Job

    Protection officer

    Location: Sana'a

    Duration: 7 Months

    Dead line :30/6/2019

    About YARD foundation:

    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development-(YARD)

    Yemen AlKhair for relief and development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation that was established in 2013, It is mainly working   in field of Education, Wash & Sanitation, Food Security, Nutrition, Health, Protection, Shelter and social empowerment in all the Governorates of Yemen. We are seeking     a national, highly qualified individual, to fill in Protection officer and position            to lead the foundation and implement its vision and strategy

    Job duties and responsibilities:

    • ensure effective implementation of case management services for children harmed or at risk of being harmed through appropriate assignment of cases, monitoring and guidance to caseworkers
    • To provide guidance to the case management team individually and through group meetings
    • Ensure that each caseworker is effectively implementing the case management Activities according to Standard Operating Procedures through regular weekly and monthly and meetings and reviews with caseworkers.
    • Monitor timelines for response, services follow-up which are provided in CFSs.
    • Ensure cases are receiving appropriate support and an individual psychosocial support and provide regular monitoring of all aspects of case management services, when needed.
    • Report all technical needs and capacity building requirements to the Project Manager.
    • review caseworker’s caseload to ensure that they are manageable.
    • Conduct regular field visits to all program sites to support, evaluate and implement the program, identify any concerns and obtain beneficiary feedback.
    • Submit monthly performance reports and success stories to the Project manager.
    • share the challenges and the difficulties with the Project Manager.
    • Conduct interviews with child and family in order to evaluate the quality and impact of case management by the case workers.
    • Maintain open and professional relations with team members, promoting a strong team spirit and providing oversight and guidance to enable staff to successfully perform in their positions.
    • Assist with the recruitment of case workers when needed, working closely with HR Manager and project Manager.
    • Monitoring and analyzing child protection data collected by the Case Management (disaggregated by sex, age, risk level, etc.)
    • Provide briefings on child safeguarding and appropriate behavior with children to all case management staff.
    • Document feedback of all the activities implemented at the field step by step.
    • Discuss lessons learned with the team and the Project Manager
    • Other duties as assigned by the Project Manager.

    -Required Qualifications and Experience

    -Bachelor’s degree in social work, sociology, community development, law or related fields.

    -2+ years of experience working in protection sector.

    -Demonstrated practical experience in child protection, community-based approaches and case management.

    -Demonstrating practical experience in humanitarian principles and protection principles.

    -Ability to travel and work will with communities and government counterparts.

    -Languages: (indicate fluency level)

    -Good English language (written and spoken)

    -Excellent report writing skills including editing the work of others

    -Fluency in Arabic language (written and spoken)

    How to Apply

    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with cover letter to: hr@ yard-yemen.org

    Please mention the job title and location in the email subject to be considered.

  • Logistics and Procurement Assistant

    الموعد النهائي: الأحد, 30 يونيو, 2019

    The Job

    The Logistics and Procurement Assistant

    Location: Sana'a

    Duration: 7 Months

    Dead line :30/6/2019

    About YARD foundation:

    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development-(YARD)

    Yemen AlKhair for relief and development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation that was established in 2013, It is mainly working   in field of Education, Wash & Sanitation, Food Security, Nutrition, Health, Protection, Shelter and social empowerment in all the Governorates of Yemen. We are seeking     a national, highly qualified individual, to fill in The Logistics and Procurement Assistant position to lead the foundation and implement its vision and strategy

    Job purpose:

    The Logistics and Procurement Assistant reports administratively to the Logistics and Procurement Officer. The Logistics and Procurement Assistant is an integral member of the YARD team and provide support to YARD staff through Procurement and Logistics Officer in respect of following distinct areas:

    1. Logistics and procurement Including warehouse and fleet management;
    2. Capacity Development in respect of logistics and procurement.

    The assistant will be based in Sana’a and he/she will travel to YARD branches to provide support as and when needed.

    Job duties and responsibilities:

    Assist Procurement and Logistics Officer undertake the Logistics & Procurement tasks:

    • Assist Procurement and Logistics Officer to ensure efficient and effective delivery of logistics, procurement, and administration services.
    • Initiate annual and periodic procurement plan, including budget in coordination with the Programme teams.
    • Support and maintain a well-functioning YARD logistics and procurement operation.
    • Support and follow-up procurement processes with (international and local) suppliers; and document the procurements accordingly.
    • Update tracking record of the procurement items/materials and transportation of the same.
    • Support the timely transport of relief goods to the respective branches in coordination with the YARD.
    • Support local procurement processes for YARD in close coordination with YARD team.
    • Ensure proper maintenance and services of equipment, vehicles, guest houses, warehouses and other essential installation.
    • Maintain proper record of drivers’ performance, fuel consumption and report monthly vehicles use.
    • Maintain records of all procurements related documents and keep an inventory and post in appropriate locations and update regularly.
    • Maintain records of all outstanding purchase orders with external vendors, and arrange transportation and forwarding services for all orders to ensure delivery on schedule.
    • Maintain records of YARD stock at YARD warehouses and reporting on stock levels to the YARD Head of Office.
    • Prepare reports on personnel and material movement and ensure that reporting requirements are fulfilled in an accurate and timely manner.
    • Ensure compliance with YARD movement logistics standards and regulations.
    • Support Procurement and Logistics Officer to develop and update the logistics and procurement guidelines and also support YARD staff to develop relevant essential guidelines.
    • Assist Procurement and Logistics Officer (P&LO) to develop warehouse and fleet management guidelines.

    Capacity Development:

    • Assist P&LO to identify procurement and logistics capacity development needs and subsequently suggest, design and assist YARD in building the logistics and procurement capacity of YARD, where applicable.
    • Initiate management of relevant training and support P& LO to conduct training to build capacity of YARD staff and volunteers on logistics and procurement.
    • Visit YARD branches to supervise and provide on-site support for procurement and logistics capacity development and, support Supervisor to orient the YARD Teams as appropriate.


    • Assist in ensure compliance with YARD procedures (SOPs) and procurement guidelines.
    • Stay abreast of new YARD and/or partner procurement guidelines and inform the YARD Teams accordingly.
    • Participate in relevant internal YARD meetings, development forums, workshops, courses or external meetings,
    • Take acting responsibility when P&LO is absent
    • Provide backup for other YARD staff, as required.
    • Perform any other tasks assigned by the YARD management.

    Duties applicable to all staff:

    • Actively work towards the achievement of the YARD goals.
    • Abide by and work in accordance with the YARD principles.
    • Perform any other work related duties and responsibilities that may be assigned by the line manager.

    Required Qualifications and Experience

    • Degree or Equivalent in related   field;
    • Minimum 2 years relevant work experience; Experience in the Humanitarian Field will be an advantage;

    Languages English and Arabic

    How to Apply

    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with cover letter to: hr@ yard-yemen.org

    Please mention the job title and location in the email subject to be considered.

  • M&E Assistant

    الموعد النهائي: الأحد, 30 يونيو, 2019

    The Job

    M&E assistant

    Location: Sana'a

    Duration: 7 Months

    Dead line :30/6/2019

    About YARD foundation:

    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development-(YARD)

    Yemen AlKhair for relief and development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation that was established in 2013, It is mainly working   in field of Education, Wash & Sanitation, Food Security, Nutrition, Health, Protection, Shelter and social empowerment in all the Governorates of Yemen. We are seeking     a national, highly qualified individual, to fill in M&E assistant position to               lead the foundation and implement its vision and strategy

    Job duties and responsibilities:

    • Day to day follow-up of projects activities according to the projects ‘works plans.
    • Design daily/monthly tracking sheets for the projects’ activities.
    • Develop MEAL tools, records and forms to report project activities in accordance to logical framework, indicators, outputs, outcomes and goals.
    • Support monitoring of the project in liaison with management, partners, Project Manager.
    • Design success stories after communicating with the field team.
    • Holding the field staff meetings and / follow up on action providing positive and timely feedback.
    • Set up complaints, feedback mechanism to ensure that all stakeholder have equal opportunities to give notes and comments on the project.
    • Follow up using different complaint mechanism and ensure the correct use of complaints mechanism.
    • Undertake regular visits to field sites to support on monitoring the activities implementation.
    • As requested, provide building capacity of field staff in reporting, monitoring and applying of humanitarian standards;
    • Suggest ways to facilitate data collection and the flow of data within the field staff.
    • Conduct monthly monitoring visits to monitor the quality of implementation and update projects database with relevant information and data.
    • Ensure that all project staff understand and adhere to the project logical frame work, indicators and goals.
    • Promote accountability to beneficiaries though accountability assessments and supporting field staff to develop information sharing mechanism.
    • Supervise and oversee the design and implementation of baseline studies and evaluations in coordination with field team.
    • Design M&E plans for the projects and timelines to conduct and follow up M&E assessments, surveys.
    • Record lessons learned and share them to field team.
    • Ensure continuous follow up of project’s activities and keep regular contact with project supervisors for updates and to provide support.
    • Weekly & Monthly reports about the achievements & challenges to the project manager.
    • Any other tasks as requested by the project Manager

    Required Qualifications and Experience

    • A university degree ( Social science- Statistics - IT ) or relevant field.
    • 2 years Experience working within an NGO is preferred.
    • Advanced computer skills in MS Office programs, particularly Excel, SPSS.
    • Strong oral and written English skills.

    How to Apply

    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with cover letter to: hr@ yard-yemen.org

    Please mention the job title and location in the email subject to be considered.

  • Project Accountant

    الموعد النهائي: الأحد, 30 يونيو, 2019

    The Job

    Project Accountant

    Location: Sana'a

    Duration: 7 Months

    Dead line :30/6/2019

    About YARD foundation:

    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development-(YARD)

    Yemen AlKhair for relief and development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation that was established in 2013, It is mainly working   in field of Education, Wash & Sanitation, Food Security, Nutrition, Health, Protection, Shelter and social empowerment in all the Governorates of Yemen. We are seeking     a national, highly qualified individual, to fill in Project Accountant)position to        lead the foundation and implement its vision and strategy

    Job duties and responsibilities:

    • Project Accountant will carry out all the accounting operations related to the project on a daily basis and submit financial invoices
    • Managing and restrict petty expenses and ensure that cash is available in the Fund at all times to carry out activities or any sudden monetary operation
    • Reviewing all approved expenses with the signatures approved before the disbursement process. Preparing all bonds of exchange and checks with the guarantee and accuracy of supporting documents.
    • Following up the bank account and coordination with the head office in Sanaa to know the balance of the bank in local and foreign currency.
    • Responsible for all field expenditures.
    • Monitoring daily petty and bank expenses and ensure access to supporting documents and authorized approval
    • Providing Assistance in preparing and reviewing project budget.
    • Providing Assistance in the preparation of transportation vouchers and all its documents related to transportation and activity expenses
    • Check that the exchange process is subject to all financial and accounting documents. Examination of all contracts and financial documents.
    • Given the nature of the activities of the Program, the above functions are indicative only and are subject to change. Others may be delegated / Additional tasks to meet the objectives of the program.
    • Fully comply with all child protection procedures and policy obligation to perform any other tasks required by the project manager

    Required Qualifications and Experience

    • Advance University Degree in Accounting or Finance.
    • At least 3 years' experience in , accounting/finance. Preferable with /NGOs .
    • Understanding of full range of financial processes including management and accounts, and attention to detail.
    • Familiar with industry-specific software like Yemen Soft, QuickBooks and Focus;
    • Experience of budget preparations, cash-flow statements & financial plans; Experience of writing financial reports;
    • Good command of spoken and written English;

    How to Apply

    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with cover letter to: hr@ yard-yemen.org

    Please mention the job title and location in the email subject to be considered.

  • Project Field Coordinator (2)

    الموعد النهائي: الأحد, 30 يونيو, 2019

    The Job

    Project Field Coordinator(2) Location: Al-Jawf

    Duration: 7 Months

    Dead line :30/6/2019

    About YARD foundation:

    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development-(YARD)

    Yemen AlKhair for relief and development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation that was established in 2013, It is mainly working   in field of Education, Wash & Sanitation, Food Security, Nutrition, Health, Protection, Shelter and social empowerment in all the Governorates of Yemen. We are seeking a national, highly qualified individual, to fill in Coordinator lead the              foundation and implement its vision and strategy
    The Activity Coordinator is responsible for overall coordination, under the supervision of the Project Manager (PM), in accordance with YARD’ mandate, priorities and donor agreement.


    • Provide guidance to the YARD child protection team, including staff and volunteers,
    • working on operational issues related to the implementation of activities;
    • Planning and coordinating with the team for all activities, including assessments, referrals, awareness-raising, and others.
    • Conducting frequent monitoring field visits to closely supervise the YARD protection team and ensure proper implementation of project activities;
    • Monthly reporting and per request, to PM, authorized managers and donor, on the implementation progress, and providing recommendations for activities quality
    • improvement and project sustainability;
    • Ensuring that the CFSs are run conforming to universal protection principles;
    • Assisting the PM in any (other) issues related to the project.

    Responsibilities Management:

    • Coordinating and supervising YARD’ project-related activities, including performance indicator/target tracking, case management, internal and external capacity building and awareness raising activities;
    • Ensuring high quality of YARD’ services/outputs and related records and overall due project implementation in conformity with local laws, organizational regulations,
    • donor agreement and the thereby stipulated goals, objectives and deadlines;
    • Cooperating and coordinating activities between CFSs and with other YARD’ offices, when requested, at the South Yemen programme level;
    • Ensuring synergy with other YARD programme activities in the area of responsibility;
    • Ensuring that all administrative and financial issues related to the area of responsibility are conducted in accordance with YARD’ guidelines and requirements;
    • Reporting, on a regular/periodic and ad hoc basis, on CFS activities and events in the area of responsibility, in accordance with the YARD’ and UNICEF requirements.

    Education and experience:

    • University degree in management, education, psychology, social sciences or other related discipline. Advanced university degree would be an advantage;
    • Relevant professional experience in protection of not less than three (1) years, preferably at a coordinator or management level and/or in humanitarian context;
    • Prior experience with an international NGO;
    • Knowledge of and experience in project planning, project cycle management and logical framework;
    • Prior experience with persons of concern (including internally displaced persons, conflict-affected host communities, extremely vulnerable individuals);
    • Familiarity with overall protection and protection concepts and principles;


    • Excellent command of (written and spoken) Arabic and English;
    • Computer/IT literacy (Windows, MS Office, Internet etc.);
    • Strong communication and organizational skills;
    • Punctuality and respect for applicable rules and procedures;
    • Independence, i.e. conducting tasks with minimal supervision, and stress resilience;

    How to Apply

    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with cover letter to: hr@ yard-yemen.org

    Please mention the job title and location in the email subject to be considered.

  • Project Reporting Officer

    الموعد النهائي: الأحد, 30 يونيو, 2019

    The Job

    Project Reporting Officer( Location: Sana'a) Duration: 7 Months

    Dead line :30/6/2019

    About YARD foundation:

    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development-(YARD)

    Yemen AlKhair for relief and development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation that was established in 2013, It is mainly working   in field of Education, Wash & Sanitation, Food Security, Nutrition, Health, Protection, Shelter and social empowerment in all the Governorates of Yemen. We are seeking     a national, highly qualified individual, to fill in Reporting Officer(lead the foundation and implement its vision and strategy

    Purpose /Objectives

    The reporting officer is responsible for reporting, processing and analysis of data concerning the CFSs attendance, case (Identification, PSS, Referrals) and all the other activities implemented entitled: “Provision of protection and life-saving services to conflict-affected children and their families in Al-Jawf", funded by UNICEF.


    1. Verification of the intake forms and standard formats on completeness of documentation before inserting in relevant data bases.
    2. Check the receive reports for PSS/CFS activities, case management and specialized services and liaise with case management team to make the necessary corrections.
    3. Collate and managed databases professionally: data collection, insertion, data processing and analysis which sent by activities coordinators and data entry for 9 locations and merge them in one data file;
    4. Fill the weekly report with the data concerning case management and activities implemented in the local associations and community based protection networks.
    5. Collaborate with the activities coordinators and PM in the elaboration of the monthly and quarterly reports;
    6. Update on a weekly basis the internal databases for CFSs attendance, case (identify, PSS, referral), Awareness sessions, trainings and share it with the activities coordinators, PM assistant and PM;
    7. Revise when requested by the Activity Coordinator, any documents related to case management (Referral forms etc.)
    8. Prepare/update monthly overview of cases (gender, age, typology, referral, follow-up and cash assistance info to be included) using database for CP and ensure a regular analysis of this data;
    9. Collaborate with the activities coordinators, PM assistant and PM in reporting and in any other analysis requested;
    10. Translate any documents related to the activities implementation when requested;
    11. Support the Activities Coordinator and PM in the preparation of various reports and matrixes to be sent in English to the Program Manager and Protection Coordinator;
    12. Ensure the respect of the principle of confidentially and do not disclose any information related to work other than to discuss case management teams and their own cases or with the supervisors outlined on any cases
    13. Accomplish any other tasks requested by the PM assistant and PM.

    Monitoring and Reporting

    1. Collect all data send by the legal, case management and outreach team;
    2. Ensure the effective use of the Child Protection IMS on a monthly basis, under the supervision of the PM and PM Assistant and Activities Coordinators.

    Minimum requirements

    • Hold an BA in social sciences or related fields
    • At least 1 years of professional experience working in data entry and reporting
    • Demonstrated familiarity with child protection principles, standards and procedures, terminology for CP
    • Native Arabic – EXCELLENT written and spoken English
    • Good interpersonal skills
    • Excellent computer skills (proven computer literacy), especially in excell and other data base soft-wares
    • Readiness to commit and adhere to the values, mission and vision of YARD

    Other requirements:

    • Strong team spirit, comfortable in a multi-cultural environment
    • Excellent analytical skills, observation and analysis capacity
    • Attention to detail and structured way of approaching tasks
    • Ability to plan ahead and output oriented
    • Able to ensure quick quality delivery in stressful environment
    • Ability to adhere to deadlines and respect line management
    • Very strong interpersonal skills: strong communication and diplomatic skills
    • Practical and problem-solver
    • Ability to deal with heavy work pressure

    How to Apply

    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with cover letter to: hr@ yard-yemen.org

    putting the job title as the email subject to be considered.

  • ضابط المساءلة

    الموعد النهائي: الأحد, 26 مايو, 2019

    The Job

    Accountability Officer

    Location: Al-Jowf

    Duration: 8 Months

    Dead line :25/5/2019

    About YARD foundation:

    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development-(YARD)

    Yemen AlKhair  for relief and development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation that was established in 2013, It is mainly working in field of Education, Wash & Sanitation, Food Security, Nutrition, Health, Protection, Shelter and social empowerment in all the Governorates of Yemen. We are seeking a national, highly qualified individual, to fill in  Accountability Officer. position to lead the foundation and implement its vision and strategy.

    Scope of duties:

    Under supervision of Project Manager, the Accountability Officer is responsible for implementation of activities related to accountability to affected population and mainly in its aspects related to transparency, complaint and feedback mechanisms and participation across his area of intervention. Accountability Officer will also contribute to the definition of Accountability plan and activities for all project in her/his area, such as beneficiaries’ satisfaction survey, community consultation, and ensure its implementation supported by M&E team for field activities.

    Key of Responsibilities: -

    • Ensure functioning complaints and response mechanism, through effective collection of complaints including field visits, management of beneficiaries’ hotline and complaints boxes.
    • Ensure constant contact with affected population in intervention area and contribute to improve community participation in programming.
    • Contribute to the definition of accountability strategy for each project following accountability plan and guidance provided by Project Manager.
    • Contribute to the monitoring of beneficiaries' satisfaction, by leading in the conduction of follow ups around satisfaction of beneficiaries with the responses of project managers in the field.
    • Support and follow-up program team for the application of the recommendations done based on the findings of any accountability activities
    • Any other activities delegated by YARD Management.

    Job Requirement (Qualification and Experience)

    • Bachelor’s degree in social science, business, development or any related field
    • Fluency in both Arabic and English (written and spoken) required.
    • Experience with monitoring and evaluation of humanitarian programs in Yemen.
    • Experience drafting tools for qualitative and quantitative data collection (e.g. focus group discussions, household surveys, market surveys)
    • Experience coordinating data collection in the field.
    • Experience analyzing qualitative and quantitative data.
    • Experience in team and project management. Strong communication skills necessary (written and spoken).
    • Ability to travel to field locations as necessary.
    • Competence in Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. Experience using other statistical software Kobo Toolbox or Open Data Kit preferred.
    • Ability to operate in challenging environments requiring flexibility.

    How to Apply

    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with cover letter to: hr@ yard-yemen.org

    putting the job title as the email subject to be considered.

  • نقطة اتصال النقدية

    الموعد النهائي: الأحد, 26 مايو, 2019

    The Job

    Job Title: Cash Based Intervention CBI Focal Point

    Location: Al-Jowf

    Duration: 8 Months

    Dead line :25/5/2019

    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development-(YARD)

    Yemen AlKhair  for relief and development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation that was established in 2013, It is mainly working in field of Education, Wash & Sanitation, Food Security, Nutrition, Health, Protection, Shelter and social empowerment in all the Governorates of Yemen. We are seeking a national, highly qualified individual, to fill in Cash Based

    Intervention position to lead the foundation and implement its vision and strategy.

    Responsibility: (process and functions undertaken to achieve results)

    • Manage the use, maintenance and technical support of databases used in the cash based interventions.
    • Generate statistical reports based on the standard reporting formats and ad-hoc reports, charts and tables as required by the management.
    • Prepare and administer accurate lists of beneficiaries for the regular assistance through bank system in line with the procedures established by the office.
    • Assist in developing and administering UNHCR Regular Cash based Intervention database.
    • Assist in the monthly reconciliation and refund process for the cash assistance project.
    • Cross-check databases to ensure that all beneficiaries are active cases.
    • Keep cash lists updated and free of duplications and ensure delivery of cash assistance to beneficiaries in a timely manner.
    • Troubleshoot issues with the database and work with internal teams to provide technical fixes,
    • Inform and act on the reports and messages that are received from various units on different vulnerable cases in respect to financial assistance.
    • Support in the co-ordination with different IPs, Ops and focal points on lists of beneficiaries reflecting situation of cash assistance.
    • Undertake missions and field visits to bank service provider to monitor the cash project.
    • Make sure to sign and Stamp all the beneficiaries list from all relevant authorities.
    • Undertake other relevant duties as required.

    Authority: (decisions made in executing responsibilities and to achieve results)

    • Represent YARD at the cash-assistance related meetings.
    • Liaise with internal stakeholders and partners.
    • Develop improvements to the database and related workflows.
    • Direct incidents and problems to the supervisor when they cannot be resolved at their level.


    Essential minimum qualifications, professional experience and required competencies:

    • Completion of secondary education with certificate/training in Information Technology & Database Management.
    • Minimum years of previous data management experience, preferable in CBI context.
    • Excellent knowledge of computer software and database applications.
    • Fluency in English and working knowledge of another relevant UN language or local language.

    Required Competencies

    • Analytical Thinking
    • Technological Awareness
    • Planning and organizing

    Desirable qualifications and competencies:

    • Experience in cash-based interventions
    • University level course in Computer Science or related fields with components related directly to data management.

    How to Apply

    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with cover letter to: hr@ yard-yemen.org

    putting the job title as the email subject to be considered.

  • عامل نظافة

    الموعد النهائي: الأحد, 26 مايو, 2019

    The Job

    Vacancy Announcement – Cleaner-Sana’a,Al-Jawf YARD Organization Summary:

    Position: Cleaner Department: Administration Location: Sana’a, Al-Jawf

    Contract Duration: 8 months, renewable Dead line :25/5/2019

    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development-(YARD)

    Yemen AlKhair  for relief and development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation that was established in 2013, It is mainly working in field of Education, Wash & Sanitation, Food Security, Nutrition, Health, Protection, Shelter and social empowerment in all the Governorates of Yemen. We are seeking a national, highly qualified individual, to fill in Cleaner Position .


    • Wear proper clothes to appear in a good manner
    • Ensure a good YARD representation, and as such be always polite, professional and resourceful
    • keep offices and corridors tidy
    • Keep the hygiene and tidiness of kitchen and make sure the refrigerator is clean all the time;
    • Clean the kitchen after each time of meals every day;
    • Clean toilets 3 times a day
    • Clean the carpets with Vacuum cleaner at least twice a week
    • Take garbage from the rooms twice and ensure the garbage is collected by collector regularly
    • Clean window glasses twice a month
    • Clean the doors monthly
    • Prepare coffee/tea during the day for guests
    • Ensure good condition of the meeting rooms before and after and assist in prior refreshment preparation
    • Wash towels daily
    • Keep the yard and the roof clean once a month
    • Supervise and accompany the procurement of refreshments
    • Respond quickly and effectively to any sanitation-related emergencies
    • Report to supervisors ahead in case of absence
    • Extend other assistance to the department when required.

    Job Requirement (Qualification and Experience):

    • Education: Literate
    • Minimum working experience: 1/2 Years in the same field
    • Good in both English and Arabic
    • Reliability, Punctuality and Commitment
    • Good awareness of hygiene and safety

    How to Apply

    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with cover letter to: hr@ yard-yemen.org

    putting the job title as the email subject to be considered.

  • حارس

    الموعد النهائي: الأحد, 26 مايو, 2019

    The Job

    Location: Al-Jowf Duration: 8 Months Dead line :25/5/2019

    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development-(YARD)

    Yemen AlKhair  for relief and development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation that was established in 2013, It is mainly working in field of Education, Wash & Sanitation, Food Security, Nutrition, Health, Protection, Shelter and social empowerment in all the Governorates of Yemen. We are seeking a national, highly qualified individual, to fill in Guard Position .


    Under the supervision of the Logistics Officer, the guard is in charge of ensure the safety of the YARD staff (and their guests), the security of the goods, the quietly and the global hygiene of the building according to YARD rules.


    Security and Control:

    • Perform regular rounds around the enclosure YARD premises to prevent any external intrusion.
    • Informed as quickly as those in danger in case of intrusion and contacted his supervisor as soon as possible with the available means of communication.
    • Open and close the gate for inputs / outputs of individuals or vehicles.
    • Check the entry and exit of visitors in the secure area according to YARD rules (permission from YARD responsible, filling entry/Exit book).
    • Make sure that nobody enters the enclosure without permission and respect YARD rules (no weapon, registration…).
    • Check that the access doors are closed during non- working hours.
    • Ensure that no YARD material comes out of the compound without permission from logistician.
    • Report any incident occurring during the shift and, in general, report any information relating to the safety of the mission.
    • In the end guard for awarding shift, carries a relief information by a physical inspection of the base to be note on notebook. Do not leave the base if the succession not arrived.
    • Always wait for the next shift guard before leaving and never leave workplace and the premises unattended for any reason .
    • Performs a safety device control so that it is firmly in place (closed doors, lights, fire extinguishers, radios, flashlights, generators, fuel reserves, water ...), and if not, notify the line supervisor.


    • Ensure compound maintenance (eg compound cleaning, garden maintenance, garbage management, etc ...)
    • Manage the start-up and stop of generator (diesel refuel before each start, check the oil level and record hours of start and stop the generator in the logbook).
    • Ensure proper functioning of lighting (replacing defective light) and the portal

    Logistic support

    • Assist the driver and the team for loading / unloading vehicle.
    • Support for various small -time logistics work (arrangement / moving chairs, small furniture or boxes, repairing).


    • Be flexible in performing his duties
    • Inform immediately the security focal point in case of any security problem
    • Perform other additional duties on request of the Admin/Log Officer PROFIL REQUIRED:

    Qualification Required:

    • High School Diploma.

    Skills required:

    • Minimum 2 years’ experience in similar position.

    Other skills required:

    • Excellent Communication Skills.
    • Ability to work under pressure.
    • Excellent English Skills.
    • Diligent attention to detail and safety.
    How to Apply

    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with cover letter to: hr@ yard-yemen.org

    putting the job title as the email subject to be considered.

  • معاون

    الموعد النهائي: الأحد, 26 مايو, 2019

    The Job


    Location: Al-Jowf Duration: 8 Months Dead line :25/5/2019

    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development-(YARD)

    Yemen AlKhair  for relief and development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation that was established in 2013, It is mainly working in field of Education, Wash & Sanitation, Food Security, Nutrition, Health, Protection, Shelter and social empowerment in all the Governorates of Yemen. We are seeking a national, highly qualified individual, to fill in Helper position .

    Purpose: The Helper provides help and support by carrying out simple tasks requiring no qualifications.

    Accountabilities & Responsibilities

    Functional Responsibilities:

    • Ensure the warehouse facilities are according to YARD warehousing standards:
    • Take part in monthly inventory counts
    • Report to storekeeper any maintenance needs in the warehouse infrastructure (pallets, shelving, electricity and water supply, lighting, air-conditioning)
    • Ensure the warehouse and stocks are tidy and clean at all times
    • Take part in inspection of received and dispatched items to ensure correct count, expiry dates and consignment details.
    • Compare the number of parcels to the delivery form/Waybill.
    • Report to the storekeeper any reception discrepancies immediately
    • Picking and packing consignments according to stock requisition (or equivalent) as issued by storekeeper.
    • Pack cold chain items in appropriate cold boxes with sufficient ice packs according to the equipment instructions
    • Ensure protective packing for breakable items
    • Ensure that all consignments are packed and weighed appropriately
    • Mark parcels with consignee, destination, order number and parcel number
    • Ensure safe and clean loading of consignment.

    Certifications/Education Required

    • Primary school education.
    • Basic knowledge of English or French.

    Professional Experience Required

    • 2 years' work experience in a similar field.


    • Leadership
    • Accountability
    • People management
    • Team work & Collaboration
    • Representing the YARD
    • Beneficiary & Client focused
    How to Apply

    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with cover letter to: hr@ yard-yemen.org

    putting the job title as the email subject to be considered.

  • ضابط الموارد البشرية والإدارية

    الموعد النهائي: الأحد, 26 مايو, 2019

    The Job

    Job Title: HR and Admin Officer No of position: 1 Position Deadline: May 25th, 2019

    Duration: 8 Months renewable based on funding availability

    Duty Station: Based in Sana’a with regular field visits to YARD’s field offices.

    Department: HR department

    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development-(YARD)

    Yemen AlKhair  for relief and development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation that was established in 2013, It is mainly working in field of Education, Wash & Sanitation, Food Security, Nutrition, Health, Protection, Shelter and social empowerment in all the Governorates of Yemen. We are seeking a national, highly qualified individual, to fill in HR and Admin Officer . position to lead the foundation and implement its vision and strategy.

    Duties and responsibilities:

    • Respond to staff requests and maintain the confidentiality of HR operations.
    • Administer day-to-day activities for employee leaves, field visit/mission permit requests, administration, compensation, staff clearance upon exits.
    • Maintain personnel files ensuring that all required documents are collected upon recruitment.
    • Ensure the implementation of YARD’s HR and Admin manual and sharing policies with staff on a regular basis.
    • Handel the onboarding process including performing the HR and Admin inductions to new hires and distributing handbooks.
    • Carry out all required tasks relating to employee recruitment/onboarding and off boarding.
    • Perform tasks related to the preparation of Payroll including verifying staff attendance, collecting and reviewing timesheets and forwarding them to the HR and Finance.
    • Administer the process of assets control including tagging them and inserting them in the designated system.
    • Participate in the annual physical count of assets along with maintain and archiving all assets’ supporting documents and be responsible of maintaining documents regarding receiving assets.
    • Handel all paper work regarding handing sim/cards, phones and 3G devices to staff and updating records related to that.
    • Process the monthly bill of phone carrier service and 3G devices on a monthly basis.
    • Keep track of records of office supplies needed on a regular basis.
    • Be in charge of all paper work related to office supplies purchases in close coordination with Logistics and Finance department making sure that all polices are followed and requirements are fulfilled.
    • Be in charge of the overall administration of lease agreements including arranging  for rent payments, maintenance of YRAD’s head and field offices and filing all paper work related to those.
    • Arrange for travel authorization submissions and travel bookings for staff.
    • Mange conferences, workshops, meetings and travel efficiently and as required.
    • Supervise the admin support staff including but not limited to receptionists, Office Boys, Cleaners, Security Staff, Janitors and Gardeners.
    • Ensure that the office complies with safety and security regulations.
    • Arrange for and administer the furnishing of offices and providing them with all required supplies and required services.
    • Provide assistance to staff in compliance issues and problem resolutions.
    • Comply with YARD policies and procedures with respect to code of conduct, equal opportunities, security and safety, and other relevant policies and procedures.
    • Commit to the humanitarian principles of strict neutrality, religious and political impartiality and non-discrimination.
    • Perform other related duties as required and assigned by direct supervisor.


    • A bachelor’s degree in Human Resources, or related field or related combination of education and experience.
    • Minimum of (1) years of full life cycle experience.
    • Prior experience in a non-profit organization NGO.
    • Knowledge of Human Resources and general HR/ practice including recruitment.
    • Knowledge of labor laws, government regulations.
    • Excellent interpersonal skills. Ability to interact with all levels of staff in a professional way.
    • Fluency in English required (written and verbal).
    • Excellent planning, organizational and analytical skills. Attention to details is a must.
    • Excellent computer skills.
    • Key flexibility for a roving role in a demanding, complex and insecure environment.
    • Ability to meet deadlines and manage time effectively under pressure.
    • High sense of ethics and responsibility.
    How to Apply

    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with cover letter to: hr@ yard-yemen.org

    putting the job title as the email subject to be considered.

  • ضابط قانوني

    الموعد النهائي: الأحد, 26 مايو, 2019

    The Job

    Location: Al-Jowf Duration: 8 Months Dead line :25/5/2019

    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development-(YARD)

    Yemen AlKhair  for relief and development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation that was established in 2013, It is mainly working in field of Education, Wash & Sanitation, Food Security, Nutrition, Health, Protection, Shelter and social empowerment in all the Governorates of Yemen. We are seeking a national, highly qualified individual, to fill in legal officer  position to lead the foundation and implement its vision and strategy.


    The legal officer position is critical to YARD humanitarian response to internal displacement in Yemen. It is a key YARD position, with YARD expecting that the post holder with be qualified and possess protection skills, knowledge and attitude to be immediately effective in the field. These include the active involvement and the full participation by all community members, paying special attention to women.

    Key responsibilities

    • Provide legal support to the target population through legal counselling and providing legal information sessions.
    • Assure the protection monitoring of human rights violations and refugees’ rights.
      • Providing legal needs periodically with personal IDs and family cards and birth certificate in coordination with SRA.
    • In coordination with the supervisor, support and lead the implementation of project’s activities, including protection monitoring, provision of cash transfer, NFIs distribution, provision of legal and psychosocial assistance as per the project work plan;
    • Working closely with the IDPs community, to identify particularly vulnerable individuals and together with the supervisor develop strategies and means to assist them.
    • Ensure that there is a wide dissemination of the risks faced by IDPs in Yemen and together with members of the community, define possible solutions to these problems.
    • Conduct field visits to assess the protection needs and concerns of the target population, with particular attention to especially vulnerable persons;
    • Regularly send reports on protection trends and incidents faced by IDPs and local communities;
    • Maintain an excel database to ensure that statistics and other reports are produced on a timely basis;
    • Compile weekly, monthly narratives and data reports on the risks faced by IDPs in Yemen.
    • Perform other tasks as assigned by the supervisor(s).
    • AOB as requested by the supervisor.

    Personal Specifications

    • University Degree in Law, Human Rights, International Law or related field.
    • 2 years working experience in this field.
    • Experience in supervising staff in challenging situations, carrying out interviews and focus group discussions, analyzing information provided and drafting reports.
    • Ability to work effectively as part of a team; supporting a team in coordinating complex projects.
    • Ability to communicate professionally and effectively with diverse members and groups including IDPs, members of the host communities, local council members etc.
    • Strong writing and editing skills.
    • Ability to collect and monitor data and generate relevant and accurate reports for a range of audiences
    • Excellent knowledge of Microsoft Office applications (particularly Word, Excel and PowerPoint), web based communication systems.
    • Excellent written and spoken English is an asset.

    Terms and Conditions

    The proposed employment conditions are based on YARD policy and Yemeni labor law. The selected candidate shall perform his/her duties in compliance with the YARD Code of Conduct and procedures at all times

    How to Apply

    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with cover letter to: hr@ yard-yemen.org

    putting the job title as the email subject to be considered.

  • ضابط التنسيق والاتصال

    الموعد النهائي: الأحد, 26 مايو, 2019

    The Job

    Position: coordination& liaison officer Location: Al-Jowf ,

    Duration: 8 months,

    The Job Description for the Coordination& liaison officer to tackle the following mission

    Deadline :25/5/2019

    About the foundation:

    (YARD) is a non-governmental, humanitarian organization with long of experience in helping to create a safer and more dignified life for internally displaced people (IDPs)

    YARD advocates for the rights of displaced populations and offers assistance within the shelter, protection, legal assistance, water, sanitation and hygiene sectors.

    YARD has approximately committed and competent employees involved in projects. In addition, YARD runs one of the largest IDPs projects (NFIs & ESKs, IDP community Center “protection”) over the governorate funded by UNHCR.

    Main Tasks and Responsibilities

    • Conducting activities related coordination's with NAMCHA and local authorities.
    • Conducting coordination related to the translation and sighing up the agreements with NAMCHA and local authorities.
    • Preparing for the assessments field visits in coordination with NAMCHA.
    • Signing up the cash assistances and getting the approval from NAMCHA to be reported then to the UNHCR.
    • The liaison officer provides a bridge between the YARD, UNHCR, and NAMCHA with regard any urgent cases requires meetings and discussions.
    • Coordination with the directors and representatives of the governorate to ensure the operation of the project unconstrained.
    • Monitor and facilitate the work of any supervisory visit in the district by donors in coordination with the concerned authorities and NAMCHA.
    • Archiving all documents and permits related to the project in special files, a copy of which is kept in the organization.
    • Maintain permanent contact with the people involved in the project.
    • Punctuality with the concerned authorities and presence in place of project implementation activities.
    • Conducting coordination with NAMCHA and local authorities with regard to NFIs and ESKs assistances distribution sites.
    • Any other tasks might be delegated by YARD management.

    Personal Specifications

    • University degree in social sciences, business administration, public relations or logistics.
    • 1 years’ experience in working with humanitarian organizations.
    • 2 years’ experience of liaison and representation with senior level authorities.
    • Demonstrated diplomatic communication skills with ability to build a strong network with a variety of stakeholders.
    • Previous work experience in unstable and conflict-affected environments; high level of security awareness
    • Willing to travel regularly within designated areas of work in Al-Jowf, may also require travel outside the area, thus flexibility is required when needed.
    • Strong interpersonal skills and ability to effectively advocate on behalf of YARD.
    • Native Arabic speaker and advanced English language skills
    • Knowledge of humanitarian principles, standards and other humanitarian related issues.
    • Demonstrated high attention to detail.
    • Demonstrated competencies in drafting official letters in Arabic and English.
    How to Apply

    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with cover letter to: hr@ yard-yemen.org

    putting the job title as the email subject to be considered.

  • موظف الإستقبال

    الموعد النهائي: الأحد, 26 مايو, 2019

    The Job


    Location: Al-Jowf Duration: 8 Months Dead line :25/5/2019

    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development-(YARD)


    Yemen AlKhair  for relief and development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation that was established in 2013, It is mainly working in field of Education, Wash & Sanitation, Food Security, Nutrition, Health, Protection, Shelter and social empowerment in all the Governorates of Yemen. We are seeking a national, highly qualified individual, to fill Receptionist position .
    Receptionist to provide personal administrative support to management and the organization through conducting and organizing administrative duties and activities including receiving and handling information.
    • Produces information by transcribing, formatting inputting, editing, retrieving, copying, and transmitting text, data, and graphics.
    • Organizes work by reading and routing correspondence; collecting information; initiating telecommunications.
    • Maintains department schedule by maintaining calendars for department personal; arrangement meeting, conferences, teleconferences, and travel.
    • Maintains office supplies inventory by checking stock to determine inventory level; anticipating needed supplies; placing and expediting orders for supplies; verifying receipt of supplies.
    • Keeps equipment operational by following manufacturer instructions and establish procedures.
    • Secure information by completing database backups.
    • Provides historical reference by utilizing filing and retrieval systems.
    • Answering calls, taking messages and handling correspondence.
    • Implementing new procedures and administrative systems.
    • Liaising with relevant organizations.
    • Coordinating mail-shots and similar tasks.
    • Logging or processing bills or expenses.
    • Recruiting, training and supervising junior staff.
    • Maintains technical knowledge by attending educational workshops; reading secretarial publications.
    • Contributes to team effort by accomplishing related results as needed.
    • Greeting guests in a professional and friendly manner.
    • Any other relevant tasks requested by the office management.


    • High School degree; additional qualification as an Administrative or Receptionist will be a plus.
    • Proven organizational skills to adapt to changing.
    • Proven experience as an administrative assistant.
    • Proficiency in MS Office (MS Excel and MS PowerPoint, in particular).
    • Diary management.
    • Report compilation – know and understand the business and its practices in how it likes to present information.
    • Knowledge of office management systems and procedures.
    • Working knowledge of office equipment, like printers and fax machines.
    • Ability to priorities work and manage time effectively.
    • Excellent written and verbal communication skills (English and Arabic).
    How to Apply

    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with cover letter to: hr@ yard-yemen.org

    putting the job title as the email subject to be considered.

  • ضابط مستشار اجتماعي عدد (2)

    الموعد النهائي: الأحد, 26 مايو, 2019

    The Job

    Social counselor

    Location: Al-Jowf Duration: 8 Months Dead line :25/5/2019

    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development-(YARD)

    Yemen AlKhair  for relief and development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation that was established in 2013, It is mainly working in field of Education, Wash & Sanitation, Food Security, Nutrition, Health, Protection, Shelter and social empowerment in all the Governorates of Yemen. We are seeking a national, highly qualified individual, to fill in Social Counselor officer position to lead the foundation and implement its vision and strategy.

    Main Tasks and Responsibilities: -

    • Conducting interviews and social counseling for the displaced who come to the IDPs community center daily basis.
    • Conduct frequent social counseling field visits for IDPs who cannot go to the IDPs Community center.
    • Maintain the documentation of all social consultations in a well-organized archiving system.
    • Make follow-up calls / visits to IDPs who need ongoing support.
    • Identify the needs of the displaced through interaction with them.
    • Write urgent and immediate reports on any situation for any specific needs using channels of communication, telephone calls, emails and writing documents / documents as necessary.
    • Be familiar with all the terms related to the protection of IDPs.
    • Promoting good knowledge of donor issues for IDPs to deal with humanitarian laws, IDP laws, rules for dealing with IDP issues, standards for humanitarian interventions, etc.
    • Immediate response to special needs, including domestic violence, gender- based violence, medical emergencies, children with special needs, people with physical and mental disabilities, and so forth.
    • Pay particular attention to the most vulnerable cases, such as unaccompanied children, women at risk and the elderly.
    • Awareness sessions on social issues related to displaced persons.
    • Prepare weekly updates and monthly reports on progress made in the work, challenges and recommendations, including disaggregated by type, age and directorate of assisted cases.
    • Carry out any other relevant functions and responsibilities required by YARD Management.

    Other Duties: -

    • Understanding and adhering to YARD human resources policies.
    • Build team spirit with other colleagues for the purpose of increasing the quality of work.
    • Build strong relationships with government officials and respect city council laws.
    • Build strong relationships with NGOs and local organizations working with IDPs.
    • Respect the culture of the displaced and their cultural backgrounds in order to promote the goals of the project.

    Qualifications and Skills:

    • a Bachelor's Degree in Social Sciences.
    • At least 2 years’ experience in the field of social consultations.
    • Experience in establishing and / or managing social consultation systems, preferably in NGOs.
    • Ability to use Microsoft Office applications such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint and others.
    • Ability to provide complex information in a concise and convincing manner.
    • Fluent in English.
    How to Apply

    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with cover letter to: hr@ yard-yemen.org

    putting the job title as the email subject to be considered.

  • PSS Officer Assistant

    الموعد النهائي: الاربعاء, 15 مايو, 2019

    The Job

    PSS officer assistant.

    Deadline:  15th May,2019
    Duration:8 months renewable based on funding availability
    Location: AlJowf
    Reporting to: PSS officer/CC Manager

    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development-(YARD)

    Yemen AlKhair  for relief and development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation that was established in 2013, to implement various projects in relief and development. Currently YARD in partnership with UNHCR is implementing a protection project in AlJowf governorate. The objective of the project is to offer protection assistance for IDPs and hosting community through the Community center in AlJowf governorate. The community center will offer multi protection assistance including PSS (psychosocial support) activities, legal assistance and referral cases and shelter assistance as well. Thus, the foundation announces the need to hire PSS officer assistant.

    PSS assistant Duties and Responsibilities:

    • Provide counseling and psychological support to the displaced and vulnerable from the host community when knowing their needs and provide full protection for them.
    • Open a file and record the data at the center.
    • Entering data of the cases received and transmitted in the database and sent to the data entry on a daily basis.
    • Provide the needs of children and psychological families transferred from the members of the project or are monitored through field visits.
    • Assisting PSS Officer in Evaluating of mental abilities according to the need of the situation using the necessary measurements and tests.
    • Preparation of individual reports and observations on cases.
    • Working with PSS Officer on education and provide support and guidance to the family and raise awareness of parents of the problems they suffer and work to improve how to manage the problems they suffer with their children.
    • Keep data privacy of the case when writing notes and reports.
    • Writing weekly / monthly reports, documenting cases and progressing.
    • Working closely with PSS officer on referral of health cases that are detected during the implementation of the meetings of the case specialist and in coordination with the management of the Center on how to implement these cases.
    • Carry out any other tasks requested by PSS officer/ CC manager.

    Job Requirement (Qualification and Experience)

    • BSc social science or equivalent; also qualified and experienced personnel will also be considered.
    • Relevant work experience may be considered as advantage
    • At least 2 years’ experience in a humanitarian work context with INGO
    • At least 1-year experience working as a psychological supporter
    • Computer literate MS office
    • Excellent interpersonal, communication and presentation skills
    • Fluency in written & spoken Arabic; able to communicate and write in English is essential.

    How to Apply

    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with cover letter to

    putting the job title as the email subject to be considered.

    hr@ yard-yemen.org  not later than May 15, 2019

  • مساعد المستشار الاجتماعي

    الموعد النهائي: الاربعاء, 15 مايو, 2019

    The Job

    Social counselor assistant.

    Deadline:  15th May,2019
    Duration:8 months renewable based on funding availability
    Location: AlJowf
    Reporting to: Social Counselor officer /CC Manager.

    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development-(YARD)

    Yemen AlKhair for relief and development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation that was established in 2013, to implement various projects in relief and development. Currently YARD in partnership with UNHCR is implementing a protection project in AlJowf governorate. The objective of the project is to offer protection assistance for IDPs and hosting community through the Community center in AlJowf governorate. The community center will offer multi protection assistance including PSS activities, legal assistance and referral cases and shelter assistance as well. Thus, the foundation announces the need to hire Social counselor assistant.

    Social counselor Duties and Responsibilities:

    • Identifying vulnerable social cases among targeted beneficiaries and conduct in-depth household case assessment and referred the most vulnerable cases to other services needed and provided by the center.
    • Responsible for receipt referred cases who need social consultancy from the IDPs or Host Community.
    • Identify people with special needs (PWSNs) and ensure assistance through direct interventions or referral mechanism.
    • Provide counseling to IDPs lacking identification documents and refer them to the Legal specialist for issuance of document Conduct educational and recreational activities.
    • Follow up cash, livelihoods and legal referred cases after getting benefits from the Social Community Center (SCC) services.
    • With the Monitoring and evaluation accountability learning MEAL Person, design the data entry forms and ensure the cases information are fully and correctly registered.
    • Any other tasks assigned by social counselor officer /CC manager.

    Qualifications and Experience:

    1. Bachelor degree relevant to social or educational fields.
    2. Proven experience of at least 3 years in depth case managements.
    3. Has time planning skills, inter personal and communication skills.
    4. Ability to work under pressure.
    5. Holder of Yemeni nationality.

    How to Apply

    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with cover letter to

    putting the job title as the email subject to be considered.

    hr@ yard-yemen.org  not later than May 15, 2019

  • مراقب حماية

    الموعد النهائي: الاربعاء, 15 مايو, 2019

    The Job

    Protection Monitor

    Deadline:  15th May,2019
    Duration:8 months renewable based on funding availability
    Location: AlJowf
    Reporting to: Protection Officer

    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development-(YARD)

    Yemen  AlKhair  for relief and development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation that was established in 2013, to implement various projects in relief and development. Currently YARD in partnership with UNHCR is implementing a protection project in AlJowf governorate. The objective of the project is to offer protection assistance for IDPs and hosting community through the Community center in AlJowf governorate. The community center will offer multi protection assistance including PSS activities, legal assistance and referral cases and shelter assistance as well. Thus, the foundation announces the need to hire 3 Protection Monitor.

    Protection Monitor Duties and Responsibilities:

    • Follow-up and evaluate the cases recorded in the community center for the IDPs and know whether the cases match the criteria or not. Also make sure to document the cases and make success stories.
    • Ensure and verify that cases referred to protection and shelter services meet the criteria of vulnerability and deserve to be serviced. For example, emergencies.
    • Determine the final list of eligible beneficiaries for Protection services and shelters and those involved in cash assistance in cooperation with CBPNs and approved by the manager of the CC and delivered to data entry in daily basis.
    • Writing the data in the initial needs assessment forms and then be unloaded into Kobo system through electronic devices.
    • Follow-up, documenting and archiving all documents for cases to be delivered to protection and shelter services.
    • Submit monthly performance reports to the CC manager.
    • Conduct regular field visits to all program sites to support, evaluate and implement the program, identify any concerns and obtain beneficiary feedback.
    • Get to IDP sites to conduct comprehensive and participatory events to identify needs.
    • arranged and prepare all the distribution requirement and take the responsibility for all the distribution activities in the field.
    • Any other tasks assigned by the Protection Officer and the CC manager.

    Job Requirement (Qualification and Experience)

    • Work experience in data management for humanitarian programming in Yemen is required. Experience in this field.
    • Experience using KOBO, VB.Net, SQL server, Access, excel for data management and analysis is required.
    • Excellent communication skills in written and spoken Arabic and English required. Comfortable with using virtual forms of communication including messaging and video applications.
    • Strong inter-personal skills and the ability to build trust and develop and maintain effective work relationships with sensitivity and respect for diversity and inclusive participation.
    • Demonstrated ability to coordinate multiple activities and work with teams across several different locations.
    • Ability to travel as necessary throughout Yemen, including to insecure areas.
    • Excellent analytical skills and demonstrated ability to identify problems and propose and implement solutions in challenging implementation environments.
    • Conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and achieving results.

    How to Apply

    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with cover letter to

    putting the job title as the email subject to be considered.

    hr@ yard-yemen.org  not later than May 15, 2019

  • متطوعو مراقب الحماية

    الموعد النهائي: الاربعاء, 15 مايو, 2019

    The Job

    Protection Monitor volunteers.

    Deadline:  15th May,2019
    Duration:8 months renewable based on funding availability
    Location: AlJowf
    Reporting to: Protection Officer/Protection Monitors

    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development-(YARD)

    Yemen AlKhair  for relief and development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation that was established in 2013, to implement various projects in relief and development. Currently YARD in partnership with UNHCR is implementing a protection project in AlJowf governorate. The objective of the project is to offer protection assistance for IDPs and hosting community through the Community center in AlJowf governorate. The community center will offer multi protection assistance including PSS activities, legal assistance and referral cases and shelter assistance as well. Thus, the foundation announces the need to hire 4 Protection Monitor volunteers.

    Protection Monitor Volunteers Duties and Responsibilities:

    • Follow-up, documenting and archiving all documents for cases to be delivered to protection and shelter services.
    • Receive the assessment forms that were conducted by the protection monitoring and fill them in the initial assessment tool forms.
    • Field visits with protection monitoring team if necessary, to carry out field assessment
    • Follow the instructions from the protection monitoring team and receive tasks directly from them.
    • Communicate with the IDPs in order to inquire or ascertain the information needed by the protection monitoring team.
    • Maintain accurate records of program implementation and provide weekly updates to the Protection Officer.
    • participate in NFIs and ESKs distribution.
    • Any other tasks assigned by the CC manager.

    Job Requirement (Qualification and Experience)

    • Work experience in data management for humanitarian programming in Yemen is required. Experience in this field.
    • Experience using ,KOBO,server, Access, excel for data management and analysis is required.
    • Strong inter-personal skills and the ability to build trust and develop and maintain effective work relationships with sensitivity and respect for diversity and inclusive participation.
    • Demonstrated ability to coordinate multiple activities and work with teams across several different locations.
    • Ability to travel as necessary throughout Yemen, including to insecure areas.
    • Excellent analytical skills and demonstrated ability to identify problems and propose and implement solutions in challenging implementation environments.
    • Conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and achieving results.

    How to Apply

    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with cover letter to

    putting the job title as the email subject to be considered.

    hr@ yard-yemen.org  not later than May 15, 2019

  • ضابط مقترحات مشاريع و تقارير

    الموعد النهائي: الجمعة, 15 فبراير, 2019

    Proposal & Reporting Officer

    The Job

    Deadline: Feb 15, 2019
    Duration: six months
    Location: Sana’a.
    REPORTS TOProgram Unit.
    Contract Type: Full time.
    Estimated Start Date: ASAP.

    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development-(YARD)

    Yemen AlKhair relief and development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation that was established in 2013, It is mainly working in field of Education, Wash & Sanitation, Food Security, Nutrition, Health, Protection, Shelter and social empowerment in all the Governorates of Yemen.
    We are seeking a national, highly qualified individual, to fill in the position of the executive director to lead the foundation and implement its vision and strategy throughout the upcoming phase.

    Position Objectives:

    He is envisioned to support the Management Director in the development of proposals, concept notes and on-going documentation of the emergency response programs. The role of the Proposal and Reporting Coordinator is to ensure that programs are developed and implemented using an integrated, cross-sectoral approach.  The post holder will be expected to lead the coordination between technical and operational teams to ensure that proposals are developed in coordination. Along with developing high quality proposals, the post-holder is also expected to work closely with program managers to document project achievements for donor reports.
    In the event of a major humanitarian emergency, the role holder will be expected to work outside the normal role profile and be able to vary working hours accordingly:


    •   Writing project proposals (humanitarian and developmental).

    • Establish good working relations with (donors – NGOs) to build a strong relation and partnership towards the approval of the proposed projects.

    • Establishes and manages partnerships both at the central and local level

    • Continuously assesses the context and adapt the programme and team composition as required by the context.

    • Ensures the agreed projects management methods, standards, and processes are maintained throughout the project lifecycle.

    • Works closely with the Program  Manager in maintaining a clear and effective project monitoring and evaluation plan against qualitative and quantitative indicators ensuring that accountability and learning is taking place.

    • Keep tracking the progress of the programs with clear milestones ensuring high accuracy of data collected, analyzed and reported.

    • Coordinates and supports other team coordinators in work planning, reporting, partner liaison, networking and communication.

    • Ensures quality filing and reporting systems for projects activities, into reports to donors on implementation progress and achieved results.

    • Coordinates all activities related to projects, including but not limited to planning and following up on the implementation of activities, coordinating with local partners and ensures timely achievement of projects milestones and objectives.

    • Develops and maintains proactive, positive, and professional relationships with partner organizations, other NGOS. donors, clients, and key government officials, local authorities, CSOs, working on relevant issues to the project.

    • Transfers project’s document into a comprehensive work plan outlining main and sub activities and effectively delegate and manage tasks and coordinate with partners.

    • Oversees the management of project budgets.

    • Formulates appropriate input for various project reports including annual reports and specific reports.

    • Prepares regular reports and documentation of activities conducted.

    • Ensures implementation of activities as per the work plan and all related documents and logistics are prepared and approved.

    • Follows up and documents success stories and lessons learned and share them with the management on a regular basis.

    • Coordinates M&E data, activity results, and documentation with Search DM&E Coordinator and Project Manager.

    • Keeps Project Manager informed of progress achieved and challenges faced (through regular reports)


    • Actively participate in the implementation of Performance Management. Including objective setting, performance review, upward feedback and personal development plans. Ensuring relevant aspects of YARD.

    • Ensure appropriate and effective performance management of line managed staff.

    • Ensure implementation of YARD operational policies, procedures and guidelines.  With support from technical advisors and programmer service staff as needed.

    • Be a member of YARD team; participating in appropriate staff meetings, planning sessions and on-going liaising as needed.

    • Provide YARD departments with assistance upon the management request.

    • Performs other duties as assigned.

    • A university degree or equivalent certificate/diploma or similar qualification from a recognized establishment or equivalent experiences.
    • Skills and Competencies Required for this Role
    • At least 3 years’ experience of programme management and programme implementation.
    • Substantial experience of managing budgets, staff and funding of the programme. This includes excellent management skills, with a good understanding of team development and proven financial management skills.
    • Understanding and application of Project Cycle Management.
    • Ability to work creatively, innovatively and effectively with limited direct supervision.
    • Experience of managing restricted donor contracts .
    • Excellent organizational, problem-solving and negotiation skills. The ability to remain calm whilst deal with conflicting priorities/work under pressure is essential.
    • Ability to take initiative and work independently as well work as a team player – supporting other departments is essential
    • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills (written and verbal English and Arabic skills) and the ability to write clear, concise reports. Proven evidence of leadership skills including challenging motivating and developing a team through periods of change.
    • Ability to work with others to develop vision into strategy and communicating and influencing this to a wider audience.
    • Experience of working in conflict and complex locations.
    • Travelling to other governorates if needed. .
    • Working knowledge in financially managing large amounts of funds in conflict-affected areas.
    • Project Operational Management experience including the ability to handle HR, procurements, information and communication technology, finance, and logistics.
    • Fluency in both Arabic and English languages.

    How to Apply

    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with cover letter to hr@yard-yemen.org  not later than Feb 15, 2019 putting the job title as the email subject to be considered.

  • مساعد متابعة وتقييم

    الموعد النهائي: الخميس, 20 ديسمبر, 2018

    M&E Assistant

    The Job


    Deadline: December 20, 2018
    Location: Al-Jawf Governorate

    Stating Date: As Soon as Possible

    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development-(YARD)

    Yemen AlKhair relief and development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation that was established in 2013, to implement various projects in relief and development. Currently YARD in partnership with BFD is implementing a Urgent Life-saving emergency shelter/NFIs and CCCM support to conflict and displacement affected populations. Thus, the foundation announces the need to hire a Monitoring and Evaluation Assistant.


    General Job Description
    Main Purpose:

    The Monitoring & Evaluation assistant also ensures supporting MEAL officer for effective coordination with all local stakeholders and establishes transparent systems to ensure information flow to donors, partners and community members.


    Duties & Responsibilities
    Main Responsibilities:
    • Day to day follow-up of projects activities according to the projects’ plans.
    • Design daily/monthly tracking sheets for the projects’ activities.
    • Develop MEAL tools, records and forms to capture and report project activities in accordance to logical framework, indicators, outputs, outcomes and goals.
    • Support monitoring of the project in liaison with management, partners, Project Managers and Technical Advisors
    • Ensure timely and accurate reporting against the monthly indicator performance tracking sheet.
    • Design success stories after communicating with the officers of the project and the field coordinators
    • Supporting the field team meetings and compile/ follow up on action providing positive and timely feedback.
    • Set up complaints, feedback mechanism to ensure that all stakeholder have equal opportunities to give feedback on the project.
    • Follow up using different complaint channels and ensure the correct use of complaints mechanism.
    • Undertake regular visits to field sites to support on monitoring the activities implementation.
    • As requested, build capacity of field staff in reporting, monitoring and application of humanitarian standards;
    • Suggest ways to facilitate data collection and the flow of data within Program field teams.
    • Using quality checklists conduct monthly monitoring visits to monitor the quality of implementation and update projects database with relevant information and data.
    • Ensure that all project staff understand and adhere to the project logical frame work, indicators and goals.
    • Promote accountability to beneficiaries though accountability assessments and supporting field staff to develop information sharing materials.
    • Supervise and oversee the design and implementation of baseline studies and evaluations in coordination with field team.
    • Design M&E plans for the projects and timelines to conduct and follow up M&E assessments, surveys, and baselines for programs.
    • Record lessons learned and good practice case studies from reviews and evaluations and communicate them to field team.
    • Ensure continuous follow up of project’s activities and keep regular contact with project supervisors for updates and to provide support.
    • As required work alongside the M&E Officer to provide support on the smooth running of MEAL system.
    • Be available and willing to support staff on aspect of MEAL, specifically on baselines, evaluations, monitoring quality and outcome, and overall assessment of progress against targets.
    • Weekly & Monthly reports about the achievements & challenges to the project manager.
    • Any other tasks as requested by the project Manager

    Education and Training

    • Information Technology with at least 2 years' experience after college graduation.
    • Advance use of Excel, word and e-mail
    • Previous NGO experience.
    • Will have excellent communications skills, both oral and written.
    • Will have excellent self-motivation skills.
    • Ability to exercise sound judgment and make decisions independently.
    • Extremely flexible, and have the ability to cope with stressful situations and frustrations.
    • Ability to relate to and motivate local staff effectively.
    • Creativity and the ability to work with limited resources.
    • Must work independently under difficult conditions   
    How to Apply

    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with cover letter to hr@yard-yemen.org  not later than Dec 20, 2018 putting the job title as the email subject to be considered.

  • قائد الفريق الميداني

    الموعد النهائي: الخميس, 20 ديسمبر, 2018

    Team Leader

    The Job


    Deadline: December 20, 2018
    Location: Al-Jawf Governorate

    Stating Date: As Soon as Possible

    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development-(YARD)

    Yemen AlKhair relief and development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation that was established in 2013, to implement various projects in relief and development. Currently YARD in partnership with BFD is implementing a Urgent Life-saving emergency shelter/NFIs and CCCM support to conflict and displacement affected populations. Thus, the foundation announces the need to hire a Team Leader.

    Team Leader Duties and Responsibilities:

    • Supervise and accountable for the process of data collection performed by the enumerator field staff in Aljawf governorate throughout the districts of responsibility.
    • Supervise YARD field staff adherence to agreed SOPs on data collection and deadlines as per YARD guidelines per governorate of responsibility;
    • Ensure quality control and necessary correction of data collected in close coordination with the governorate enumerator staff.
    • Utilize established mobile data collection tools and other tools that may be developed in the future.
    • Visit IDPs and returnee locations and gather information on their number, location, demographic, and other basic data as requested;
    • Collect information on the humanitarian situation and needs through close coordination with counterparts and key informants at the governorate, district and location level;
    • Examine and process data into simple forms in accordance with instructions and guidelines received;
    • Report on priority areas and needed interventions to the Governorate Focal Point based on ground realities to inform future activities;
    • Assist in the implementation of the Emergency Unit activities, such as shelter/NFI, hygiene and dignity kits distribution, WASH and food security activities;
    • Support CCCM site monitoring in target governorates;
    • Identify and maintain relationships with partners on the ground;
    • Perform any other related duties assigned by direct supervisor.

    YARD specific:

    • Accountability – accepts and gives constructive criticism; follows all relevant procedures, processes, and policies; meets deadline, cost, and quality requirements for outputs.
    • Client Orientation – establishes and maintains effective working relationships with clients.
    • Continuous Learning – demonstrates interest in acquiring skills relevant to other functional areas.
    • Communication – listens effectively and communicates clearly, adapting delivery to the audience.
    • Creativity and Initiative – proactively develops new ways to resolve problems.
    • Leadership and Negotiation – presents goals as shared interests; convinces others to share resources.
    • Performance Management – provides constructive feedback to colleagues; provides fair, accurate, timely, and constructive staff evaluations.
    • Planning and Organizing - identifies priority activities and assignments for self and others.
    • Professionalism - treats all colleagues with respect and dignity; works effectively with people from different cultures by adapting to relevant cultural contexts
    • Teamwork – actively contributes to an effectively collegial and agreeable team environment; actively supports and implements final group decisions
    • Technological Awareness - proactively identifies and advocates for cost-efficient technology solutions; understands applicability and limitation of technology and seeks to apply it to appropriate work.

    Job Requirement (Qualification and Experience)

    • A Degree in relevant qualification.    
    • Previous experience on assessments/data collection activities is an advantage.
    • Experience in working with NGOs.
    How to Apply

    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with cover letter to hr@yard-yemen.org  not later than Dec 20, 2018 putting the job title as the email subject to be considered.

  • مساعد مشتريات

    الموعد النهائي: الخميس, 20 ديسمبر, 2018

    Logistics Assistant

    The Job


    Deadline: December 20, 2018



    Location: Al-Jawf Governorate

    Stating Date: As Soon as Possible

    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development-(YARD)

    Yemen AlKhair relief and development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation that was established in 2013, to implement various projects in relief and development. Currently YARD in partnership with BFD is implementing a Urgent Life-saving emergency shelter/NFIs and CCCM support to conflict and displacement affected populations. Thus, the foundation announces the need to hire a Logistics Assistant. The employee can be stationed in either in field office or in head office as needed.

    Logistics Assistant Duties and Responsibilities:

    • Organize logistics processes, including communications and transport, as well as the related administrative procedures, for YARD operations in line with YARD policies and procedures.
    • Reports monthly on all vehicle, communications, incident reports, and related logistics activities to the line manager and/or the overview manager.
    • Review and ensure completeness of all requisitions and communicates with programmer team for validation and inclusion.
    • Communicate with budget holders and requesters on approvals and clarifications on their Request Orders.
    • Convert Supply Plans into Procurement Schedules.
    • Ensure that records/files of all purchases are documented with relevant information
    • Ensure that order tracking and purchase database are maintained and communicated on a weekly basis.
    • Prepare requests for quotations to potential suppliers and ensure compliance to YARD Procurement Policies
    • Coordinate all reporting and information dissemination and ensure respective staff maintain proper maintain filing system on purchases.
    • Engage in partnership logistics assessments
    • Closely follow-up liaison and clearing officer on the clearing and delivery of imported goods to the respective requester.
    • Prepare and implement supply plan for all vehicles (includes spare parts, fuel, regular servicing, maintenance, insurance, annual road worthiness inspection, etc.)
    • To liaise closely with line manager, as well as field-based logistics team, on local procurement of the above-mentioned vehicle expenses
    • To keep clean and accurate records of vehicle history (which includes, but not limited to fuel consumption records, maintenance history, regular servicing schedules and history, oil and lubricants, spare part usage, etc.)
    • Closely monitors the performance of vehicles across YARD and communicates gaps with line manager, overview manager and field logicians.
    • Refuels vehicles on a weekly and monthly basis
    • Monitors the proper use of log books by drivers and authorized drivers on a weekly basis, and provides feedback to line manager and drivers
    • Prepares a cut-off date for each vehicle log book on a monthly basis, and detaches log books for review, compilation of the monthly vehicle report and safe documentation.
    • Compiles vehicle and generator running costs.
    • Supervises and plans vehicle allocation in order to optimally serve the needs of the programs.
    • Prepares/processes supplier payments which include but are not limited to taxi payments, rented vehicle payments, spare part procurement payments, insurance payments, vehicle maintenance payments and the like, in a timely, well organized and effective manner.   
    • Provides support in the dispatching and distribution of items to field offices or in town.

    Communication and Safety:

    • Maintains close communication relationship with all field logisticians on the movement of vehicles between cities/field site.

    YARD specific:

    • Actively participate in the implementation of Performance Management. Including objective setting, performance review, upward feedback and personal development plans. Ensuring relevant aspects of YARD.
    • Ensure appropriate and effective performance management of line managed staff
    • Ensure implementation of YARD operational policies, procedures and guidelines.  With support from technical advisors and programmer service staff as needed.
    • Be a member of YARD team; participating in appropriate staff meetings, planning sessions and on-going liaising as needed.
    • Provide procurement management support to all field offices including support and training as required.
    • Performs other duties as assigned

    Job Requirement (Qualification and Experience)

    • A Degree in relevant qualification.   
    • In-depth experience in procurement and purchasing
    • Good knowledge of purchasing systems
    • Knowledge of Donor funding regulations
    • Licenses/certifications/registrations:
    • Identify preferred requirements:
    • Experience in working with NGOs.
    How to Apply

    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with cover letter to hr@yard-yemen.org  not later than Dec 20, 2018 putting the job title as the email subject to be considered.

  • مدير الموارد البشرية

    الموعد النهائي: الاربعاء, 10 أكتوبر, 2018

    Human Resources Officer
    Deadline: Oct 10, 2018
    Duration: Fixed Term
    Location: Sana’a.
    Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development-(YARD)
    Yemen AlKhair relief and development foundation known as (YARD) is a national and nongovernmental foundation that was established in 2013, It is mainly working in field of Education, Wash & Sanitation, Food Security, Nutrition, Health, Protection, Shelter and social empowerment in all the Governorates of Yemen.
    • Ensure that all new employees received their mandatory trainings and have set performance objectives for their probation period and receive the confirmation letter to file it.
    • Work with field office HR to ensure that HR related policies and procedures are shared across the Foundation in an effective manner. Prepare shortlist and long lists according to standard criteria.
    • Assistant the Operation Manager to manage the periodic reporting needs of YARD in a timely and efficient manner (headcount, over hours, turnover, absenteeism, salary cost, and salary structure)
    • Ensure sharing updated Human Resources Information System (HRIS) to main office to ensure adding new joiners in the Effort Reporting system.
    • Ensure that field related HR record and data (recruitment and advertisement) are submitted on monthly basis to the Operation Manager.
    • Responsible to Update National leave tracker and maintain the leave balance.
    • Prepare monthly action payroll sheet and ensure that salaries match YARD Scale.
    • Ensure that confidentiality related to staff issues and HR matters is upheld according to the best practices of YARD.
    • Perform other related duties as required.

    Job Requirement (Qualification and Experience)
    • University degree in Human Resources, Business Administration or relevant field.
    • At least 3 years in Human Resources Management field.
    • Strong communication skills – Good command of the English language (spoken and written)
    • Well presented, friendly manner
    • Good interpersonal communication and the ability to deal with a wide range of people.
    • Accurate and Precise
    • Writing skills and Organized Filing system
    • Flexibility and ability to work under pressure
    • Works well on own initiative while maintaining strong rapport with colleagues
    • Establishes and maintains credibility with wide range of staff from junior colleagues to senior management
    How to Apply
    Interested candidates should send their CVs in English with cover letter to hr@yard-yemen.org  not later than OCT 10, 2018 putting the job title as the email subject to be considered.