Improving Protection Outcomes for Crisis Affected People - 2023

Improving Protection Outcomes for Crisis Affected People - 2023

Amant Al Asema Sanaa - Al-Thawra and Bani Al-Harith districts DRC 833 Nov. - Dec. 2023
About the Project

Legal support services play a vital role in facilitating access of crisis affected persons to basic services, protection and safety. These services enable them access legal rights as well. This activity includes issuing IDs and birth registrations for the persons that are unable to pay for obtaining personnel documentations. Yemen Al-Khair Foundation for Relief and Development (YARD) team works in two districts of the capital, Sana’a, including Al-Thawra and Bani Al-Harith, providing 833 BNFs with legal documents of whom (563   accessed new IDs ,115 IDs for those lost their IDs and, 155 children with birth registration). This activity is funded by Dutch Refugee Council (DRC)
The targeted BNFs will get through the obstacles of accessing humanitarian assistances in all sectors including protection, WASH, health, education etc. BNFs will be having official legal identity that protect them from exploitation and other protection risks.
Having their national IDs, BNFs can freely move from one place to another facing no security threats or constraints.


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