Internally Displaced Persons sites are locations where displaced families live together aiming to access possible Basic Needs
Saturday, 23 September, 2023

Internally Displaced Persons sites are locations where displaced families live together aiming to access possible Basic Needs

Every year, Yemen AL Khair for Relief and Development Foundation (YARD) conducts an assessment for the basic needs displaced families are in most need for in the IDPs sites under YARD management. 
Within the period from August 16 to September 23,2023, YARD implemented number of maintenance activities in the IDPs sites to help those families access basic services. The maintenance activities included provision of water to four water points and relevant connection works. They also included supply and installation of Solar Power Systems to ensure access of 872 families to potable and safe water in Barat AL Anan district in AL Jawf Governorate.
The activity is implemented in coordination with SCMCHA office within the activities of Protection, Shelter and CCCM project funded by UNHCR . 


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