YARD Continues its Efforts to Limit the Spread of The Cholera Epidemic
Wednesday, 29 May, 2024

YARD Continues its Efforts to Limit the Spread of The Cholera Epidemic

Access to clean, potable water remains among the most urgent needs in many governorates of the Republic. During the past months, various areas witnessed the spread of the cholera epidemic, including Shabwa Governorate, which has recorded infections in different districts.
In this context, YARD, with the support of the Yemen Humanitarian Fund (YHF), worked to mobilize efforts to combat the epidemic in the affected areas. YARD worked side by side with local communities in the districts of Ataq, Habban, and Rudum to continue responding to the outbreak of the disease by increasing community awareness of proper Hygienic practices and behaviors which contribute in a healthier and disease-free community environment.
The community education and awareness program on promoting sound behaviors in hygiene included implementing community awareness sessions focusing on topics and messages related to cleanliness and personal hygiene. Community awareness campaigns coincided with the distribution of basic hygiene kits (BHKs) as the Foundation worked during the month of May to distribute 2,000 hygiene bags in Ataq, Radum and Haban districts. In addition, YARD ensured the distribution of water sterilization materials to 1,000 families in the affected areas of the Habban and Radum. Moreover, the Foundation worked in coordination with the Cleaning Office of Shabwa Governorate to implement cleaning campaigns with the aim of removing waste and solid materials from the streets and near beneficiaries’ dwellings in order to limit the spread of diseases and epidemics among the targeted communities.
YARD currently works within the framework of the WASH program in Shabwa Governorate to involve targeted communities, improve access to potable water and rehabilitate sanitation systems to limit the spread of the water-borne diseases and in response to cholera outbreak.


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